vfs: move operations into trait StorageDevice, hold StorageDevices in KERNEL_STATE

TheOddGarlic 2022-08-03 15:45:49 +03:00
parent 330c3cc7c2
commit a1f6bae9df
8 changed files with 350 additions and 250 deletions

View File

@ -6,4 +6,21 @@
pub enum FsError {
impl Into<FsError> for ext2::error::Error {
fn into(self) -> FsError {
match self {
ext2::error::Error::Other(_) => todo!(),
ext2::error::Error::BadMagic { magic: _ } => todo!(),
ext2::error::Error::OutOfBounds { index: _ } => todo!(),
ext2::error::Error::AddressOutOfBounds { sector: _, offset: _, size: _ } => todo!(),
ext2::error::Error::BadBlockGroupCount { by_blocks: _, by_inodes: _ } => todo!(),
ext2::error::Error::InodeNotFound { inode: _ } => todo!(),
ext2::error::Error::NotADirectory { inode: _, name: _ } => todo!(),
ext2::error::Error::NotAbsolute { name: _ } => todo!(),
ext2::error::Error::NotFound { name: _ } => todo!(),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
use ext2::fs::Ext2;
use ext2::sector::SectorSize;
use ext2::volume::Volume;
use super::{FsResult as Result, StorageDevice};
pub struct Ext2StorageDevice<S, V>
S: SectorSize,
V: Volume<u8, S>,
fs: Ext2<S, V>,
impl<S, V> Ext2StorageDevice<S, V>
S: SectorSize,
V: Volume<u8, S>,
pub fn new(volume: V) -> Result<Self> {
Ok(Self {
fs: Ext2::new(volume).map_err(|e| e.into())?,
impl<S, V> StorageDevice for Ext2StorageDevice<S, V>
S: SectorSize + Send,
V: Volume<u8, S> + Send,
fn open(&self, node: &super::FsNode /* TODO: flags */) -> Result<crate::handle::Handle> {
fn close(&self, node: &super::FsNode) -> Result<()> {
fn read(&self, node: &super::FsNode, offset: u32, size: u32) -> Result<Box<[u8]>> {
fn write(&self, node: &super::FsNode, offset: u32, buffer: Box<[u8]>) -> Result<()> {
fn read_dir(&self, node: &super::FsNode, index: u32) -> Result<super::DirectoryEntry> {
fn find_dir(&self, node: &super::FsNode, name: &str) -> Result<super::FsNode> {
// fn load_fs() -> Arc<Mutex<Ext2<Size1024, Vec<u8>>>> {
// let mut volume = Vec::new();
// volume.extend_from_slice(include_bytes!("../../../userland/root_fs/ext2.img"));
// Arc::<Ext2<Size1024, _>>::new(volume).unwrap()
// }
// pub fn walk<S: SectorSize, V: Volume<u8, S>>(
// fs: &Synced<Ext2<S, V>>,
// inode: Inode<S, V>,
// name: String,
// ) {
// if let Some(dir) = inode.directory() {
// for entry in dir {
// assert!(entry.is_ok());
// let entry = entry.unwrap();
// let entry_name = String::from_utf8_lossy(&entry.name);
// println!("{}/{} => {}", name, entry_name, entry.inode,);
// if entry_name != "." && entry_name != ".." {
// walk(
// fs,
// fs.inode_nth(entry.inode).unwrap(),
// format!("{}/{}", name, entry_name),
// );
// }
// }
// }
// }

View File

@ -5,34 +5,29 @@
pub mod errors;
pub mod ext2;
use alloc::rc::Weak;
use bitflags::bitflags;
use ext2::{
sync::{Inode, Synced},
sector::{SectorSize, Size1024},
use spin::Lazy;
use crate::handle::Handle;
use crate::{handle::Handle, KERNEL_STATE};
use self::errors::FsError;
use FsResult as Result;
pub type FsResult<T> = core::result::Result<T, FsError>;
pub type FsOpenOperation = fn(node: &FsNode /* TODO: flags */) -> Result<Handle>;
pub type FsCloseOperation = fn(node: &FsNode) -> Result<()>;
pub type FsReadOperation = fn(node: &FsNode, offset: u32, size: u32)
-> Result<Box<[u8]>>;
pub type FsWriteOperation = fn(node: &FsNode, offset: u32, buffer: Box<[u8]>)
-> Result<()>;
pub type FsReaddirOperation = fn(node: &FsNode, index: u32) -> Result<DirectoryEntry>;
pub type FsFinddirOperation = fn(node: &FsNode, name: &str) -> Result<FsNode>;
pub trait StorageDevice
Self: Send,
fn open(&self, node: &FsNode /* TODO: flags */) -> Result<Handle>;
fn close(&self, node: &FsNode) -> Result<()>;
fn read(&self, node: &FsNode, offset: u32, size: u32) -> Result<Box<[u8]>>;
fn write(&self, node: &FsNode, offset: u32, buffer: Box<[u8]>) -> Result<()>;
fn read_dir(&self, node: &FsNode, index: u32) -> Result<DirectoryEntry>;
fn find_dir(&self, node: &FsNode, name: &str) -> Result<FsNode>;
/// A VFS node, that can either be a file or a directory.
pub struct FsNode {
@ -44,12 +39,6 @@ pub struct FsNode {
inode: u32, // implementation specific identifier for the node
device_handle: Handle, // uniquely assigned device handle
ptr: Weak<FsNode>, // used by mountpoints and symlinks
open: Option<FsOpenOperation>,
close: Option<FsCloseOperation>,
read: Option<FsReadOperation>,
write: Option<FsWriteOperation>,
readdir: Option<FsReaddirOperation>,
finddir: Option<FsFinddirOperation>,
// todo: permissions mask
// todo: owning user/group
@ -57,51 +46,57 @@ pub struct FsNode {
impl FsNode {
// TODO: make this take flags
fn open(&self) -> Result<Handle> {
if let Some(open) = self.open {
} else {
let state = KERNEL_STATE.lock();
let device = state
.ok_or_else(|| FsError::InvalidDevice)?;
fn close(&self) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(close) = self.close {
} else {
let state = KERNEL_STATE.lock();
let device = state
.ok_or_else(|| FsError::InvalidDevice)?;
fn read(&self, offset: u32, size: u32) -> Result<Box<[u8]>> {
if let Some(read) = self.read {
read(self, offset, size)
} else {
let state = KERNEL_STATE.lock();
let device = state
.ok_or_else(|| FsError::InvalidDevice)?;
device.read(self, offset, size)
fn write(&self, offset: u32, buffer: Box<[u8]>) -> Result<()> {
if let Some(write) = self.write {
write(self, offset, buffer)
} else {
let state = KERNEL_STATE.lock();
let device = state
.ok_or_else(|| FsError::InvalidDevice)?;
device.write(self, offset, buffer)
fn readdir(&self, index: u32) -> Result<DirectoryEntry> {
if let Some(readdir) = self.readdir {
readdir(self, index)
} else {
fn read_dir(&self, index: u32) -> Result<DirectoryEntry> {
let state = KERNEL_STATE.lock();
let device = state
.ok_or_else(|| FsError::InvalidDevice)?;
device.read_dir(self, index)
fn finddir(&self, name: &str) -> Result<FsNode> {
if let Some(finddir) = self.finddir {
finddir(self, name)
} else {
fn find_dir(&self, name: &str) -> Result<FsNode> {
let state = KERNEL_STATE.lock();
let device = state
.ok_or_else(|| FsError::InvalidDevice)?;
device.find_dir(self, name)
@ -124,36 +119,3 @@ pub struct DirectoryEntry {
name: String,
inode: u32,
pub static FILE_SYSTEM: Lazy<spin::Mutex<Synced<Ext2<Size1024, Vec<u8>>>>> =
Lazy::new(|| spin::Mutex::new(load_fs()));
pub fn walk<S: SectorSize, V: Volume<u8, S>>(
fs: &Synced<Ext2<S, V>>,
inode: Inode<S, V>,
name: String,
) {
if let Some(dir) = inode.directory() {
for entry in dir {
let entry = entry.unwrap();
let entry_name = String::from_utf8_lossy(&entry.name);
println!("{}/{} => {}", name, entry_name, entry.inode,);
if entry_name != "." && entry_name != ".." {
format!("{}/{}", name, entry_name),
fn load_fs() -> Synced<Ext2<Size1024, Vec<u8>>> {
let mut volume = Vec::new();
Synced::<Ext2<Size1024, _>>::new(volume).unwrap()

View File

@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use spin::Lazy;
use crate::{handle::{Handle, HandleResource}, filesystem::StorageDevice};
pub static KERNEL_STATE: Lazy<spin::Mutex<KernelInternalState>> =
Lazy::new(|| spin::Mutex::new(KernelInternalState::new()));
pub struct KernelInternalState {
pub hostname: String,
storage_devices: HashMap<Handle, Box<dyn StorageDevice>>,
should_shutdown: bool,
@ -12,6 +16,7 @@ impl KernelInternalState {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
should_shutdown: false,
storage_devices: HashMap::new(),
hostname: "".to_string(),
@ -19,9 +24,19 @@ impl KernelInternalState {
pub fn set_hostname(&mut self, hostname: String) {
self.hostname = hostname;
pub fn add_storage_device(&mut self, device: impl StorageDevice + Send + 'static) {
self.storage_devices.insert(Handle::new(HandleResource::StorageDevice), Box::new(device));
pub fn get_storage_device(&self, handle: Handle) -> Option<&dyn StorageDevice> {
self.storage_devices.get(&handle).map(|d| &**d)
pub fn shutdown(&mut self) {
self.should_shutdown = true;
pub fn update_state(&mut self) {
if self.should_shutdown {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use crate::arch::drivers::sysinfo::master;
use crate::systeminfo::{KERNEL_VERSION, RELEASE_TYPE};
use crate::{filesystem::FILE_SYSTEM, time::fetch_time, KERNEL_STATE};
use genfs::{Fs, OpenOptions};
use crate::{time::fetch_time, KERNEL_STATE};
// use genfs::{Fs, OpenOptions};
use kernel::allocator::ALLOCATOR;
// use rhai::Engine;
use spin::Lazy;
@ -103,23 +103,23 @@ pub fn poke_memory(ptr: i64, val: i64) {
pub fn ls() {
let current_dir = CURRENT_DIR.lock();
// pub fn ls() {
// let current_dir = CURRENT_DIR.lock();
let fs = &*FILE_SYSTEM.lock();
// let fs = &*FILE_SYSTEM.lock();
let file = fs
.open(current_dir.as_bytes(), OpenOptions::new().read(true))
// let file = fs
// .open(current_dir.as_bytes(), OpenOptions::new().read(true))
// .unwrap();
let mut files = file.directory().unwrap();
println!("current dir: {}", *current_dir);
while let Some(Ok(entry)) = files.next() {
let inode_name = entry.name;
let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(&inode_name);
println!("{}", s);
// let mut files = file.directory().unwrap();
// println!("current dir: {}", *current_dir);
// while let Some(Ok(entry)) = files.next() {
// let inode_name = entry.name;
// let s = String::from_utf8_lossy(&inode_name);
// println!("{}", s);
// }
// }
pub fn log_dump() {
use crate::network::socket::SimpleSock;
@ -144,55 +144,55 @@ pub fn log_dump() {
pub fn echo_file(path: String) {
let mut current_dir = CURRENT_DIR.lock();
// pub fn echo_file(path: String) {
// let mut current_dir = CURRENT_DIR.lock();
let fs = &*FILE_SYSTEM.lock();
// let fs = &*FILE_SYSTEM.lock();
// current_dir.push_str(&path);
let file = fs
.open(current_dir.as_bytes(), OpenOptions::new().read(true))
// let file = fs
// .open(current_dir.as_bytes(), OpenOptions::new().read(true))
// .unwrap();
if file.is_dir() {
println!("{} is a directory", path);
} else {
let mut file_contents = Vec::new();
// if file.is_dir() {
// println!("{} is a directory", path);
// } else {
// let mut file_contents = Vec::new();
let _ret = file.read_to_end(&mut file_contents).unwrap();
// let _ret = file.read_to_end(&mut file_contents).unwrap();
let file_contents_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(&file_contents);
// let file_contents_str = String::from_utf8_lossy(&file_contents);
println!("{}", file_contents_str);
// println!("{}", file_contents_str);
// }
// }
pub fn change_directory(path: String) {
let mut current_dir = CURRENT_DIR.lock();
// pub fn change_directory(path: String) {
// let mut current_dir = CURRENT_DIR.lock();
let _fs = &*FILE_SYSTEM.lock();
if path == "." || path == ".." {
let mut split_dir = current_dir.split('/').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
let mut new_dir = String::new();
split_dir.remove(split_dir.len() - 1);
println!("{:?}", split_dir);
if split_dir.is_empty() {
new_dir = "/".to_string();
} else {
for x in split_dir {
*current_dir = new_dir;
} else {
if !current_dir.ends_with('/') {
// let _fs = &*FILE_SYSTEM.lock();
// if path == "." || path == ".." {
// let mut split_dir = current_dir.split('/').collect::<Vec<&str>>();
// let mut new_dir = String::new();
// split_dir.remove(split_dir.len() - 1);
// println!("{:?}", split_dir);
// if split_dir.is_empty() {
// new_dir = "/".to_string();
// } else {
// for x in split_dir {
// new_dir.push_str(x);
// new_dir.push('/');
// }
// }
// *current_dir = new_dir;
// } else {
// if !current_dir.ends_with('/') {
// current_dir.push('/');
// }
// current_dir.push_str(&path);
// }
// }
// fn engine_construction() -> Engine {
// let mut engine = rhai::Engine::new();

View File

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ use crate::systeminfo::{KERNEL_VERSION, RELEASE_TYPE};
use crate::time::fetch_time;
use crate::KERNEL_STATE;
use crate::{
arch::shutdown, filesystem::FILE_SYSTEM, rhai_shell::KEYBUFF, vterm::VTerm,
arch::shutdown, rhai_shell::KEYBUFF, vterm::Term,
// wasm_jumploader::run_program,
use acpi::{AcpiTables, PlatformInfo};
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ pub fn real_shell() {
pub fn command_parser(user: String, command: String) {
let fs = &*FILE_SYSTEM.lock();
// let fs = &*FILE_SYSTEM.lock();
let mut iter = command.split_whitespace();
// TODO: update the open() function to take either a ableOS path or a b"/" type path
@ -225,41 +225,48 @@ pub fn command_parser(user: String, command: String) {
// drop(fs);
// shell();
// }
"list" | "ls" => {
for dir_entry in list_files_in_dir(fs, current_path) {
println!("{}", dir_entry.file_name_string());
// "list" | "ls" => {
// for dir_entry in list_files_in_dir(fs, current_path) {
// println!("{}", dir_entry.file_name_string());
// }
// }
<<<<<<< HEAD
"echo" => match conf_args.1.arguments.get("p") {
Some(path) => echo_file(path.to_string(), fs),
None => println!("No path provided"),
"test" => {}
// "echo" => {
// echo_file(iter.next().unwrap().to_string(), fs);
// }
>>>>>>> 5149f26... vfs: move operations into trait StorageDevice, hold StorageDevices in KERNEL_STATE
"quit" => shutdown(),
_ => {
let mut options = OpenOptions::new();
let file = {
let path = format!("/home/{user}/bins/{bin_name}.wasm");
if let Ok(file) = fs.open(&path.as_bytes(), &options) {
} else {
let path = format!("/shared/bins/{bin_name}.wasm");
if let Ok(file) = fs.open(&path.as_bytes(), &options) {
} else {
let path = format!("/system/bins/{bin_name}.wasm");
match fs.open(&path.as_bytes(), &options) {
Ok(file) => file,
Err(error) => {
trace!("{:?}", error);
// let mut options = OpenOptions::new();
// options.read(true);
// let file = {
// let path = format!("/home/{user}/bins/{bin_name}.wasm");
// if let Ok(file) = fs.open(&path.as_bytes(), &options) {
// file
// } else {
// let path = format!("/shared/bins/{bin_name}.wasm");
// if let Ok(file) = fs.open(&path.as_bytes(), &options) {
// file
// } else {
// let path = format!("/system/bins/{bin_name}.wasm");
// match fs.open(&path.as_bytes(), &options) {
// Ok(file) => file,
// Err(error) => {
// trace!("{:?}", error);
println!("No such binary: {}", bin_name);
error!("No such binary: {}", bin_name);
<<<<<<< HEAD
@ -272,6 +279,20 @@ pub fn command_parser(user: String, command: String) {
// let args = iter.collect::<Vec<&str>>();
// println!("{:?}", args);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// };
// let mut binary = vec![];
// file.read_to_end(&mut binary).unwrap();
// let args = iter.collect::<Vec<&str>>();
// println!("{:?}", args);
// run_program(&binary);
>>>>>>> 5149f26... vfs: move operations into trait StorageDevice, hold StorageDevices in KERNEL_STATE

View File

@ -1,101 +1,101 @@
pub mod host_functions;
use crate::{filesystem::FILE_SYSTEM, wasm_jumploader::host_functions::HostExternals};
use genfs::{Fs, OpenOptions};
use crate::wasm_jumploader::host_functions::HostExternals;
// use genfs::{Fs, OpenOptions};
use wasmi::{ImportsBuilder, ModuleInstance};
pub fn interp() {
let fs = &*FILE_SYSTEM.lock();
trace!("Got filesystem");
let file = fs
// let fs = &*FILE_SYSTEM.lock();
// trace!("Got filesystem");
// let file = fs
// .open(
// b"/home/able/bins/aos_test.wasm",
// OpenOptions::new().read(true),
// )
// .unwrap();
let mut wasm_binary = Vec::new();
// let mut wasm_binary = Vec::new();
let ret = file.read_to_end(&mut wasm_binary).unwrap();
trace!("Binary size {}", ret);
// Load wasm binary and prepare it for instantiation.
let module = wasmi::Module::from_buffer(&wasm_binary).expect("failed to load wasm");
trace!("Loaded wasm binary");
let imports = ImportsBuilder::new().with_resolver("env", &host_functions::HostExternals {});
trace!("Created imports");
// let ret = file.read_to_end(&mut wasm_binary).unwrap();
// trace!("Binary size {}", ret);
// // Load wasm binary and prepare it for instantiation.
// let module = wasmi::Module::from_buffer(&wasm_binary).expect("failed to load wasm");
// trace!("Loaded wasm binary");
// let imports = ImportsBuilder::new().with_resolver("env", &host_functions::HostExternals {});
// trace!("Created imports");
// Instantiate a module with empty imports and
// assert that there is no `start` function.
let instance = ModuleInstance::new(&module, &imports); // .expect("failed to instantiate wasm module")
// // Instantiate a module with empty imports and
// // assert that there is no `start` function.
// let instance = ModuleInstance::new(&module, &imports); // .expect("failed to instantiate wasm module")
match instance {
Ok(inst) => {
let instance = inst.assert_no_start();
let mut is_driver = false;
let _is_program = false;
let mut has_driver_entry = false;
let mut has_driver_exit = false;
let mut has_start = false;
// match instance {
// Ok(inst) => {
// let instance = inst.assert_no_start();
// let mut is_driver = false;
// let _is_program = false;
// let mut has_driver_entry = false;
// let mut has_driver_exit = false;
// let mut has_start = false;
if let Some(_val) = instance.export_by_name("driver_entry") {
has_driver_entry = true;
// if let Some(_val) = instance.export_by_name("driver_entry") {
// has_driver_entry = true;
// }
if let Some(_val) = instance.export_by_name("driver_exit") {
has_driver_exit = true;
// if let Some(_val) = instance.export_by_name("driver_exit") {
// has_driver_exit = true;
// }
match instance.export_by_name("start") {
Some(_val) => {
trace!("Program start function found");
has_start = true;
None => debug!("No start function found"),
// match instance.export_by_name("start") {
// Some(_val) => {
// trace!("Program start function found");
// has_start = true;
// }
// None => debug!("No start function found"),
// }
match instance.export_by_name("main") {
Some(_val) => {
trace!("Program main function found");
has_start = true;
None => debug!("No main function found"),
// match instance.export_by_name("main") {
// Some(_val) => {
// trace!("Program main function found");
// has_start = true;
// }
// None => debug!("No main function found"),
// }
match (has_driver_entry, has_driver_exit) {
(true, true) => {
trace!("Valid driver entry and exit functions found");
is_driver = true;
(true, false) => error!("Driver entry function found but no driver exit function"),
(false, true) => error!("Driver exit function found but no driver entry function"),
(false, false) => {
trace!("No driver entry or exit functions found");
// match (has_driver_entry, has_driver_exit) {
// (true, true) => {
// trace!("Valid driver entry and exit functions found");
// is_driver = true;
// }
// (true, false) => error!("Driver entry function found but no driver exit function"),
// (false, true) => error!("Driver exit function found but no driver entry function"),
// (false, false) => {
// trace!("No driver entry or exit functions found");
// }
// }
if has_start && has_driver_entry {
"A program should not have both a start function and a driver entry function. It Will be treated as a program."
// if has_start && has_driver_entry {
// error!(
// "A program should not have both a start function and a driver entry function. It Will be treated as a program."
// );
// }
if has_start {
let ret = instance
.invoke_export("start", &[], &mut HostExternals {})
.expect("failed to execute export");
// if has_start {
// let ret = instance
// .invoke_export("start", &[], &mut HostExternals {})
// .expect("failed to execute export");
println!("collected wasm return value: {:?}", ret);
} else if is_driver {
let ret = instance
.invoke_export("driver_entry", &[], &mut HostExternals {})
.expect("failed to execute export");
// println!("collected wasm return value: {:?}", ret);
// } else if is_driver {
// let ret = instance
// .invoke_export("driver_entry", &[], &mut HostExternals {})
// .expect("failed to execute export");
println!("collected wasm return value: {:?}", ret);
Err(err) => error!("{}", err),
// println!("collected wasm return value: {:?}", ret);
// }
// }
// Err(err) => error!("{}", err),
// }
pub fn run_program(program: &[u8]) {

View File

@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ pub enum Error {
/// inode name
name: String,
#[cfg(any(test, not(feature = "no_std")))]
Io { inner: io::Error },
// #[cfg(any(test, not(feature = "no_std")))]
// Io { inner: io::Error },
impl Display for Error {