use vga::{ colors::Color16, writers::{Graphics640x480x16, GraphicsWriter}, }; pub static VGAE_BUFF_OFFSET_X: spin::Mutex = spin::Mutex::new(0); pub static VGAE_BUFF_OFFSET_Y: spin::Mutex = spin::Mutex::new(0); pub static VGAE: spin::Mutex = { let xyz = Graphics640x480x16::new(); // xyz.set_mode(); spin::Mutex::new(xyz) }; /// Converts a number to ... i forgor 💀 pub const fn num_to_vga16(num: u8) -> Color16 { use Color16::*; match num { 0 => Black, 1 => Blue, 2 => Green, 3 => Cyan, 4 => Red, 5 => Magenta, 6 => Brown, 7 => LightGrey, 8 => DarkGrey, 9 => LightBlue, 10 => LightGreen, 11 => LightCyan, 12 => LightRed, 13 => Pink, 14 => Yellow, 15 => White, // NOTE: Leasve the in _ => Color16::Pink, } }