
74 lines
2.3 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2022, Umut İnan Erdoğan <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
pub mod class;
pub mod device;
pub mod vendors;
// MassStorage_IDE (0x0101)
pub mod ide;
use alloc::sync::Arc;
pub use class::*;
pub use device::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use spin::Mutex;
use x86_64::structures::paging::{Mapper, Size4KiB};
use crate::arch::memory::BootInfoFrameAllocator;
// MassStorage_IDE (0x0101)
use self::ide::PciIde;
lazy_static! {
pub static ref PCI_DEVICES: Mutex<Vec<Arc<Mutex<PciDevice>>>> = Default::default();
pub enum PciDevice {
// Variant so that we aren't about irrefutable if-let patterns
// FIXME: remove as soon as we have other variants
/// Enumerate PCI devices and run initialisation routines on ones we support
pub fn init(mapper: &mut impl Mapper<Size4KiB>, frame_allocator: &mut BootInfoFrameAllocator) {
for bus in 0..=255 {
for device in 0..32 {
if let Some(device_info) = device::check_device(bus, device) {
match device_info.device_id {
// FIXME: Unknown class
S3_TRIO64V2 => {}
// MassStorage_IDE (0x0101)
ide_controller if device_info.full_class == PciFullClass::MassStorage_IDE => {
if !matches!(ide_controller, INTEL_PIIX3_IDE | INTEL_PIIX4_IDE) {
// not one of our tested IDE controllers, but
// we shouldn't have any problems
warn!("Unsupported PCI IDE controller device {device} on bus {bus}")
let mut ide = PciIde::new(bus, device).unwrap();
ide.allocate_dma_frame(mapper, frame_allocator).unwrap();
let mut devices = PCI_DEVICES.lock();
// Display_VGA (0x0300)
_ => {
trace!("Unknown PCI device {device} on bus {bus}")