mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 15:48:21 -06:00
Compare commits
No commits in common. "911d6e844bd2198abd17abe2f5aea14cb7658ff3" and "03055b819dfef4044e8fee45a2eb195b2e6fb476" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
use hashbrown::HashMap;
pub struct IoBus {
handlers: HashMap<u16, *mut dyn IoHandler>,
impl IoBus {
pub fn read<const N: usize>(&mut self, address: u16) -> [u8; N] {
let mut buffer = [0; N];
for i in 0..N {
buffer[i] = unsafe { (*self.handler(address + i as u16)).read(address + i as u16) };
pub fn write<const N: usize>(&mut self, address: u16, value: [u8; N]) {
for i in 0..N {
unsafe {
(*self.handler(address + i as u16)).write(address + i as u16, value[i]);
pub fn read_u8(&mut self, address: u16) -> u8 {
pub fn write_u8(&mut self, address: u16, value: u8) {
self.write::<1>(address, [value]);
pub fn read_u16(&mut self, address: u16) -> u16 {
pub fn write_u16(&mut self, address: u16, value: u16) {
self.write::<2>(address, value.to_le_bytes());
pub fn handler(&self, address: u16) -> *mut dyn IoHandler {
static mut DEFAULT_IO_HANDLER: DefaultIoHandler = DefaultIoHandler;
.unwrap_or(unsafe { &mut DEFAULT_IO_HANDLER })
pub fn set_handler(&mut self, address: u16, size: u16, handler: *mut dyn IoHandler) {
for i in address..address + size {
self.handlers.insert(address + i, handler);
struct DefaultIoHandler;
impl IoHandler for DefaultIoHandler {}
pub trait IoHandler {
fn read(&mut self, address: u16) -> u8 {
fn write(&mut self, address: u16, value: u8) {
// ignored
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
pub mod io;
pub mod machine;
pub mod memory;
pub mod processor;
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
use copycat::memory::{Memory, KiB};
use copycat::processor::{Instruction, Processor};
use copycat::io::IoBus;
static BIOS_ROM: &[u8; 8 * KiB as usize] = include_bytes!("../roms/BIOS_IBM5150_24APR81_5700051_U33.BIN");
@ -15,14 +14,13 @@ fn main() {
mem.add_tlb_entry(0xfe, BIOS_ROM.as_ptr().cast_mut().cast());
mem.add_tlb_entry(0xff, unsafe { BIOS_ROM.as_ptr().add(4 * KiB as usize) }.cast_mut().cast());
// mem.write(0xffff0, [0x90, 0x04, 0x69, 0xF4]);
let mut io = IoBus::default();
let mut cpu = Processor::default();
while !cpu.halted {
let instr = Instruction::decode(&mem, &mut cpu.registers);
cpu.exec(&mut mem, &mut io, &instr);
cpu.exec(&mut mem, &instr);
@ -22,9 +22,6 @@ pub struct Instruction {
impl Instruction {
pub fn decode(memory: &Memory, registers: &mut Registers) -> Instruction {
use Mnemonic::*;
use OperandFormat::*;
let address = ((registers.cs() as u64) << 4) + registers.ip() as u64;
let mut opcode = memory.read_u8(address);
let mut size: u8 = 1;
@ -46,153 +43,126 @@ impl Instruction {
let (mnemonic, op1ty, op2ty) = match opcode {
0x00 => (Add, RM8, Reg8),
0x01 => (Add, RM16, Reg16),
0x02 => (Add, Reg8, RM8),
0x03 => (Add, Reg16, RM16),
0x04 => (Add, AL, Imm8),
0x05 => (Add, AX, Imm16),
0x08 => (Or, RM8, Reg8),
0x09 => (Or, RM16, Reg16),
0x0A => (Or, Reg8, RM8),
0x0B => (Or, Reg16, RM16),
0x0C => (Or, AL, Imm8),
0x0D => (Or, AX, Imm16),
0x10 => (Adc, RM8, Reg8),
0x11 => (Adc, RM16, Reg16),
0x12 => (Adc, Reg8, RM8),
0x13 => (Adc, Reg16, RM16),
0x14 => (Adc, AL, Imm8),
0x15 => (Adc, AX, Imm16),
0x18 => (Sbb, RM8, Reg8),
0x19 => (Sbb, RM16, Reg16),
0x1A => (Sbb, Reg8, RM8),
0x1B => (Sbb, Reg16, RM16),
0x1C => (Sbb, AL, Imm8),
0x1D => (Sbb, AX, Imm16),
0x28 => (Sub, RM8, Reg8),
0x29 => (Sub, RM16, Reg16),
0x2A => (Sub, Reg8, RM8),
0x2B => (Sub, Reg16, RM16),
0x2C => (Sub, AL, Imm8),
0x2D => (Sub, AX, Imm16),
0x30 => (Xor, RM8, Reg8),
0x31 => (Xor, RM16, Reg16),
0x32 => (Xor, Reg8, RM8),
0x33 => (Xor, Reg16, RM16),
0x34 => (Xor, AL, Imm8),
0x35 => (Xor, AX, Imm16),
0x40 => (Inc, AX, NoOperand),
0x41 => (Inc, CX, NoOperand),
0x42 => (Inc, DX, NoOperand),
0x43 => (Inc, BX, NoOperand),
0x44 => (Inc, SP, NoOperand),
0x45 => (Inc, BP, NoOperand),
0x46 => (Inc, SI, NoOperand),
0x47 => (Inc, DI, NoOperand),
0x48 => (Dec, AX, NoOperand),
0x49 => (Dec, CX, NoOperand),
0x4A => (Dec, DX, NoOperand),
0x4B => (Dec, BX, NoOperand),
0x4C => (Dec, SP, NoOperand),
0x4D => (Dec, BP, NoOperand),
0x4E => (Dec, SI, NoOperand),
0x4F => (Dec, DI, NoOperand),
0x70 => (Jo, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x71 => (Jno, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x72 => (Jc, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x73 => (Jnc, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x74 => (Jz, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x75 => (Jnz, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x76 => (Jna, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x77 => (Ja, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x78 => (Js, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x79 => (Jns, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x7A => (Jp, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x7B => (Jnp, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x7C => (Jl, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x7D => (Jnl, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x7E => (Jng, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x7F => (Jg, Imm8, NoOperand),
0x88 => (Mov, RM8, Reg8),
0x89 => (Mov, RM16, Reg16),
0x8A => (Mov, Reg8, RM8),
0x8B => (Mov, Reg16, RM16),
0x8C => (Mov, RM16, Sreg),
0x8E => (Mov, Sreg, RM16),
0x90 => (Nop, NoOperand, NoOperand),
0x9E => (Sahf, NoOperand, NoOperand),
0x9F => (Lahf, NoOperand, NoOperand),
0xB0 => (Mov, AL, Imm8),
0xB1 => (Mov, CL, Imm8),
0xB2 => (Mov, DL, Imm8),
0xB3 => (Mov, BL, Imm8),
0xB4 => (Mov, AH, Imm8),
0xB5 => (Mov, CH, Imm8),
0xB6 => (Mov, DH, Imm8),
0xB7 => (Mov, BH, Imm8),
0xB8 => (Mov, AX, Imm16),
0xB9 => (Mov, CX, Imm16),
0xBA => (Mov, DX, Imm16),
0xBB => (Mov, BX, Imm16),
0xBC => (Mov, SP, Imm16),
0xBD => (Mov, BP, Imm16),
0xBE => (Mov, SI, Imm16),
0xBF => (Mov, DI, Imm16),
0x00 => (Mnemonic::Add, OperandFormat::RM8, OperandFormat::Reg8),
0x01 => (Mnemonic::Add, OperandFormat::RM16, OperandFormat::Reg16),
0x02 => (Mnemonic::Add, OperandFormat::Reg8, OperandFormat::RM8),
0x03 => (Mnemonic::Add, OperandFormat::Reg16, OperandFormat::RM16),
0x04 => (Mnemonic::Add, OperandFormat::AL, OperandFormat::Imm8),
0x05 => (Mnemonic::Add, OperandFormat::AX, OperandFormat::Imm16),
0x08 => (Mnemonic::Or, OperandFormat::RM8, OperandFormat::Reg8),
0x09 => (Mnemonic::Or, OperandFormat::RM16, OperandFormat::Reg16),
0x0A => (Mnemonic::Or, OperandFormat::Reg8, OperandFormat::RM8),
0x0B => (Mnemonic::Or, OperandFormat::Reg16, OperandFormat::RM16),
0x0C => (Mnemonic::Or, OperandFormat::AL, OperandFormat::Imm8),
0x0D => (Mnemonic::Or, OperandFormat::AX, OperandFormat::Imm16),
0x10 => (Mnemonic::Adc, OperandFormat::RM8, OperandFormat::Reg8),
0x11 => (Mnemonic::Adc, OperandFormat::RM16, OperandFormat::Reg16),
0x12 => (Mnemonic::Adc, OperandFormat::Reg8, OperandFormat::RM8),
0x13 => (Mnemonic::Adc, OperandFormat::Reg16, OperandFormat::RM16),
0x14 => (Mnemonic::Adc, OperandFormat::AL, OperandFormat::Imm8),
0x15 => (Mnemonic::Adc, OperandFormat::AX, OperandFormat::Imm16),
0x18 => (Mnemonic::Sbb, OperandFormat::RM8, OperandFormat::Reg8),
0x19 => (Mnemonic::Sbb, OperandFormat::RM16, OperandFormat::Reg16),
0x1A => (Mnemonic::Sbb, OperandFormat::Reg8, OperandFormat::RM8),
0x1B => (Mnemonic::Sbb, OperandFormat::Reg16, OperandFormat::RM16),
0x1C => (Mnemonic::Sbb, OperandFormat::AL, OperandFormat::Imm8),
0x1D => (Mnemonic::Sbb, OperandFormat::AX, OperandFormat::Imm16),
0x28 => (Mnemonic::Sub, OperandFormat::RM8, OperandFormat::Reg8),
0x29 => (Mnemonic::Sub, OperandFormat::RM16, OperandFormat::Reg16),
0x2A => (Mnemonic::Sub, OperandFormat::Reg8, OperandFormat::RM8),
0x2B => (Mnemonic::Sub, OperandFormat::Reg16, OperandFormat::RM16),
0x2C => (Mnemonic::Sub, OperandFormat::AL, OperandFormat::Imm8),
0x2D => (Mnemonic::Sub, OperandFormat::AX, OperandFormat::Imm16),
0x30 => (Mnemonic::Xor, OperandFormat::RM8, OperandFormat::Reg8),
0x31 => (Mnemonic::Xor, OperandFormat::RM16, OperandFormat::Reg16),
0x32 => (Mnemonic::Xor, OperandFormat::Reg8, OperandFormat::RM8),
0x33 => (Mnemonic::Xor, OperandFormat::Reg16, OperandFormat::RM16),
0x34 => (Mnemonic::Xor, OperandFormat::AL, OperandFormat::Imm8),
0x35 => (Mnemonic::Xor, OperandFormat::AX, OperandFormat::Imm16),
0x40 => (Mnemonic::Inc, OperandFormat::AX, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x41 => (Mnemonic::Inc, OperandFormat::CX, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x42 => (Mnemonic::Inc, OperandFormat::DX, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x43 => (Mnemonic::Inc, OperandFormat::BX, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x44 => (Mnemonic::Inc, OperandFormat::SP, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x45 => (Mnemonic::Inc, OperandFormat::BP, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x46 => (Mnemonic::Inc, OperandFormat::SI, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x47 => (Mnemonic::Inc, OperandFormat::DI, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x48 => (Mnemonic::Dec, OperandFormat::AX, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x49 => (Mnemonic::Dec, OperandFormat::CX, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x4A => (Mnemonic::Dec, OperandFormat::DX, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x4B => (Mnemonic::Dec, OperandFormat::BX, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x4C => (Mnemonic::Dec, OperandFormat::SP, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x4D => (Mnemonic::Dec, OperandFormat::BP, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x4E => (Mnemonic::Dec, OperandFormat::SI, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x4F => (Mnemonic::Dec, OperandFormat::DI, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x70 => (Mnemonic::Jo, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x71 => (Mnemonic::Jno, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x72 => (Mnemonic::Jc, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x73 => (Mnemonic::Jnc, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x74 => (Mnemonic::Jz, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x75 => (Mnemonic::Jnz, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x76 => (Mnemonic::Jna, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x77 => (Mnemonic::Ja, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x78 => (Mnemonic::Js, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x79 => (Mnemonic::Jns, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x7A => (Mnemonic::Jp, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x7B => (Mnemonic::Jnp, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x7C => (Mnemonic::Jl, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x7D => (Mnemonic::Jnl, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x7E => (Mnemonic::Jng, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x7F => (Mnemonic::Jg, OperandFormat::Imm8, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x88 => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::RM8, OperandFormat::Reg8),
0x89 => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::RM16, OperandFormat::Reg16),
0x8A => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::Reg8, OperandFormat::RM8),
0x8B => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::Reg16, OperandFormat::RM16),
0x8C => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::RM16, OperandFormat::Sreg),
0x8E => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::Sreg, OperandFormat::RM16),
0x90 => (Mnemonic::Nop, OperandFormat::NoOperand, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x9E => (Mnemonic::Sahf, OperandFormat::NoOperand, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0x9F => (Mnemonic::Lahf, OperandFormat::NoOperand, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0xB0 => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::AL, OperandFormat::Imm8),
0xB1 => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::CL, OperandFormat::Imm8),
0xB2 => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::DL, OperandFormat::Imm8),
0xB3 => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::BL, OperandFormat::Imm8),
0xB4 => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::AH, OperandFormat::Imm8),
0xB5 => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::CH, OperandFormat::Imm8),
0xB6 => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::DH, OperandFormat::Imm8),
0xB7 => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::BH, OperandFormat::Imm8),
0xB8 => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::AX, OperandFormat::Imm16),
0xB9 => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::CX, OperandFormat::Imm16),
0xBA => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::DX, OperandFormat::Imm16),
0xBB => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::BX, OperandFormat::Imm16),
0xBC => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::SP, OperandFormat::Imm16),
0xBD => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::BP, OperandFormat::Imm16),
0xBE => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::SI, OperandFormat::Imm16),
0xBF => (Mnemonic::Mov, OperandFormat::DI, OperandFormat::Imm16),
0xD0 => {
modrm = ModRM::from_bits(memory.read_u8(address + size as u64));
size += 1;
match modrm.unwrap() & ModRM::REG_MASK {
ModRM::REG_4 => (Shl, RM8, One),
ModRM::REG_5 => (Shr, RM8, One),
ModRM::REG_4 => (Mnemonic::Shl, OperandFormat::RM8, OperandFormat::One),
ModRM::REG_5 => (Mnemonic::Shr, OperandFormat::RM8, OperandFormat::One),
_ => unimplemented!(),
0xD2 => {
modrm = ModRM::from_bits(memory.read_u8(address + size as u64));
size += 1;
match modrm.unwrap() & ModRM::REG_MASK {
ModRM::REG_4 => (Shl, RM8, CL),
ModRM::REG_5 => (Shr, RM8, CL),
ModRM::REG_4 => (Mnemonic::Shl, OperandFormat::RM8, OperandFormat::CL),
ModRM::REG_5 => (Mnemonic::Shr, OperandFormat::RM8, OperandFormat::CL),
_ => unimplemented!(),
0xE0 => (Loopne, Imm8, NoOperand),
0xE1 => (Loope, Imm8, NoOperand),
0xE2 => (Loop, Imm8, NoOperand),
0xE6 => (Out, Imm8, AL),
0xE7 => (Out, Imm8, AX),
0xE9 => (Jmp, Imm16, NoOperand),
0xEA => (Jmp, Ptr16_16, NoOperand),
0xEB => (Jmp, Imm8, NoOperand),
0xEE => (Out, DX, AL),
0xEF => (Out, DX, AX),
0xF4 => (Hlt, NoOperand, NoOperand),
0xF8 => (Clc, NoOperand, NoOperand),
0xF9 => (Stc, NoOperand, NoOperand),
0xFA => (Cli, NoOperand, NoOperand),
0xFB => (Sti, NoOperand, NoOperand),
0xFC => (Cld, NoOperand, NoOperand),
0xFD => (Std, NoOperand, NoOperand),
0xFE => {
modrm = ModRM::from_bits(memory.read_u8(address + size as u64));
size += 1;
match modrm.unwrap() & ModRM::REG_MASK {
ModRM::REG_0 => (Inc, RM8, NoOperand),
ModRM::REG_1 => (Dec, RM8, NoOperand),
_ => unimplemented!(),
0xFF => {
modrm = ModRM::from_bits(memory.read_u8(address + size as u64));
size += 1;
match modrm.unwrap() & ModRM::REG_MASK {
ModRM::REG_0 => (Inc, RM16, NoOperand),
ModRM::REG_1 => (Dec, RM16, NoOperand),
_ => unimplemented!(),
_ => (Invalid, NoOperand, NoOperand),
0xEA => (Mnemonic::Jmp, OperandFormat::Ptr16_16, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0xF4 => (Mnemonic::Hlt, OperandFormat::NoOperand, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0xF8 => (Mnemonic::Clc, OperandFormat::NoOperand, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0xF9 => (Mnemonic::Stc, OperandFormat::NoOperand, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0xFA => (Mnemonic::Cli, OperandFormat::NoOperand, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0xFB => (Mnemonic::Sti, OperandFormat::NoOperand, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0xFC => (Mnemonic::Cld, OperandFormat::NoOperand, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
0xFD => (Mnemonic::Std, OperandFormat::NoOperand, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
_ => (Mnemonic::Invalid, OperandFormat::NoOperand, OperandFormat::NoOperand),
if modrm.is_none() &&
@ -441,13 +411,9 @@ pub enum Mnemonic {
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ pub use instruction::*;
pub use register::Registers;
use crate::memory::Memory;
use crate::io::IoBus;
pub struct Processor {
@ -20,12 +19,10 @@ pub struct Processor {
impl Processor {
pub fn exec(&mut self, memory: &mut Memory, io: &mut IoBus, instruction: &Instruction) {
pub fn exec(&mut self, memory: &mut Memory, instruction: &Instruction) {
use Mnemonic::*;
use OperandType::*;
use OperandSize::*;
match (instruction.mnemonic, instruction.op1, instruction.op2) {
(Add, Operand(op1, Byte), Operand(op2, Byte)) => {
(Add, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Byte), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Byte)) => {
let dst = self.operand8(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let src = self.operand8(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override);
let (value, carry) = dst.overflowing_add(src);
@ -37,7 +34,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.set_operand8(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Add, Operand(op1, Word), Operand(op2, Word)) => {
(Add, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Word), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Word)) => {
let dst = self.operand16(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let src = self.operand16(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override);
let (value, carry) = dst.overflowing_add(src);
@ -49,7 +46,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.set_operand16(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Or, Operand(op1, Byte), Operand(op2, Byte)) => {
(Or, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Byte), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Byte)) => {
let dst = self.operand8(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let src = self.operand8(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override);
let value = dst | src;
@ -62,7 +59,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.set_operand8(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Or, Operand(op1, Word), Operand(op2, Word)) => {
(Or, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Word), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Word)) => {
let dst = self.operand16(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let src = self.operand16(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override);
let value = dst | src;
@ -75,7 +72,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.set_operand16(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Adc, Operand(op1, Byte), Operand(op2, Byte)) => {
(Adc, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Byte), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Byte)) => {
let dst = self.operand8(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let src = self.operand8(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override);
let (value, carry) = dst.carrying_add(src, self.registers.cf());
@ -87,7 +84,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.set_operand8(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Adc, Operand(op1, Word), Operand(op2, Word)) => {
(Adc, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Word), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Word)) => {
let dst = self.operand16(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let src = self.operand16(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override);
let (value, carry) = dst.carrying_add(src, self.registers.cf());
@ -99,7 +96,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.set_operand16(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Sbb, Operand(op1, Byte), Operand(op2, Byte)) => {
(Sbb, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Byte), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Byte)) => {
let dst = self.operand8(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let src = self.operand8(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override);
let (value, borrow) = dst.borrowing_sub(src, self.registers.cf());
@ -111,7 +108,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.set_operand8(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Sbb, Operand(op1, Word), Operand(op2, Word)) => {
(Sbb, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Word), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Word)) => {
let dst = self.operand16(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let src = self.operand16(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override);
let (value, borrow) = dst.borrowing_sub(src, self.registers.cf());
@ -123,7 +120,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.set_operand16(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Sub, Operand(op1, Byte), Operand(op2, Byte)) => {
(Sub, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Byte), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Byte)) => {
let dst = self.operand8(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let src = self.operand8(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override);
let (value, borrow) = dst.overflowing_sub(src);
@ -135,7 +132,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.set_operand8(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Sub, Operand(op1, Word), Operand(op2, Word)) => {
(Sub, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Word), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Word)) => {
let dst = self.operand16(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let src = self.operand16(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override);
let (value, borrow) = dst.overflowing_sub(src);
@ -147,7 +144,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.set_operand16(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Xor, Operand(op1, Byte), Operand(op2, Byte)) => {
(Xor, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Byte), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Byte)) => {
let dst = self.operand8(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let src = self.operand8(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override);
let value = dst ^ src;
@ -160,7 +157,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.set_operand8(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Xor, Operand(op1, Word), Operand(op2, Word)) => {
(Xor, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Word), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Word)) => {
let dst = self.operand16(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let src = self.operand16(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override);
let value = dst ^ src;
@ -173,7 +170,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.set_operand16(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Inc, Operand(op1, Word), _) => {
(Inc, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Word), _) => {
let dst = self.operand16(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let value = dst.wrapping_add(1);
@ -184,7 +181,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.set_operand16(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Dec, Operand(op1, Word), _) => {
(Dec, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Word), _) => {
let dst = self.operand16(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let value = dst.wrapping_sub(1);
@ -195,50 +192,50 @@ impl Processor {
self.set_operand16(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Jo, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Jo, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if self.registers.of() { self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16) },
(Jno, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Jno, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if !self.registers.of() { self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16) },
(Jc, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Jc, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if self.registers.cf() { self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16) },
(Jnc, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Jnc, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if !self.registers.cf() { self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16) },
(Jz, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Jz, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if self.registers.zf() { self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16) },
(Jnz, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Jnz, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if !self.registers.zf() { self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16) },
(Jna, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Jna, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if self.registers.cf() || self.registers.zf() { self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16) },
(Ja, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Ja, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if !(self.registers.cf() || self.registers.zf()) { self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16) },
(Js, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Js, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if self.registers.sf() { self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16) },
(Jns, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Jns, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if !self.registers.sf() { self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16) },
(Jp, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Jp, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if self.registers.pf() { self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16) },
(Jnp, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Jnp, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if !self.registers.pf() { self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16) },
(Jl, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Jl, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if self.registers.sf() != self.registers.of() { self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16) },
(Jnl, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Jnl, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if self.registers.sf() == self.registers.of() { self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16) },
(Jng, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Jng, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if self.registers.zf() || (self.registers.sf() != self.registers.of()) {
self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16)
(Jg, Operand(Imm8(op1), Byte), _) =>
(Jg, Operand(OperandType::Imm8(op1), OperandSize::Byte), _) =>
if !self.registers.zf() && (self.registers.sf() == self.registers.of()) {
self.registers.add_ip(op1 as i8 as i16)
(Nop, _, _) => {},
(Sahf, _, _) => self.registers.set_flags(self.registers.ah().into()),
(Lahf, _, _) => self.registers.set_ah(self.registers.flags() as u8),
(Mov, Operand(op1, Byte), Operand(op2, Byte)) =>
(Mov, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Byte), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Byte)) =>
self.set_operand8(self.operand8(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override), memory, op1, instruction.segment_override),
(Mov, Operand(op1, Word), Operand(op2, Word)) =>
(Mov, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Word), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Word)) =>
self.set_operand16(self.operand16(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override), memory, op1, instruction.segment_override),
(Shl, Operand(op1, Byte), Operand(op2, Byte)) => 'shl: {
(Shl, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Byte), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Byte)) => 'shl: {
let dst = self.operand8(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let shift = self.operand8(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override);
let shift = shift & 0b11111;
@ -267,7 +264,7 @@ impl Processor {
self.registers.set_sf(result >> 7 != 0);
self.registers.set_zf(result == 0);
(Shr, Operand(op1, Byte), Operand(op2, Byte)) => 'shr: {
(Shr, Operand(op1, OperandSize::Byte), Operand(op2, OperandSize::Byte)) => 'shr: {
let dst = self.operand8(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let shift = self.operand8(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override);
let shift = shift & 0b11111;
@ -292,58 +289,10 @@ impl Processor {
self.registers.set_sf(result >> 7 != 0);
self.registers.set_zf(result == 0);
(Loopne, Operand(Imm8(offset), _), _) => {
if !self.registers.zf() && self.registers.cx() != 0 {
self.registers.add_ip(offset as i8 as i16);
(Loope, Operand(Imm8(offset), _), _) => {
if self.registers.zf() && self.registers.cx() != 0 {
self.registers.add_ip(offset as i8 as i16);
(Loop, Operand(Imm8(offset), _), _) => {
if self.registers.cx() != 0 {
self.registers.add_ip(offset as i8 as i16);
(Out, Operand(op1, Byte), Operand(op2, Byte)) => {
self.operand8(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override) as u16,
self.operand8(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override),
(Out, Operand(op1, Byte), Operand(op2, Word)) => {
self.operand8(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override) as u16,
self.operand16(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override),
(Out, Operand(op1, Word), Operand(op2, Byte)) => {
self.operand16(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override),
self.operand8(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override),
(Out, Operand(op1, Word), Operand(op2, Word)) => {
self.operand16(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override),
self.operand16(memory, op2, instruction.segment_override),
(Jmp, Operand(Imm16(offset), _), _) => {
self.registers.add_ip(offset as i16);
(Jmp, Operand(Ptr16_16(base, offset), _), _) => {
(Jmp, Operand(OperandType::Ptr16_16(base, offset), _), _) => {
(Jmp, Operand(Imm8(offset), _), _) => {
self.registers.add_ip(offset as i8 as i16);
(Hlt, _, _) => self.halted = true,
(Clc, _, _) => self.registers.set_cf(false),
(Stc, _, _) => self.registers.set_cf(true),
@ -352,29 +301,6 @@ impl Processor {
(Sti, _, _) => self.registers.set_if(true),
(Cld, _, _) => self.registers.set_df(false),
(Std, _, _) => self.registers.set_df(true),
(Inc, Operand(op1, Byte), _) => {
let dst = self.operand8(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let value = dst.wrapping_add(1);
// preserves CF
self.registers.set_sf(value >> 7 != 0);
self.registers.set_zf(value == 0);
self.set_operand8(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
(Dec, Operand(op1, Byte), _) => {
let dst = self.operand8(memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
let value = dst.wrapping_sub(1);
// preserves CF
self.registers.set_sf(value >> 7 != 0);
self.registers.set_zf(value == 0);
self.set_operand8(value, memory, op1, instruction.segment_override);
_ => unimplemented!("instruction {instruction:?} not implemented"),
@ -493,11 +419,45 @@ impl Processor {
BP_Disp16(disp) => self.registers.bp().wrapping_add_signed(disp),
BX_Disp16(disp) => self.registers.bx().wrapping_add_signed(disp),
((match segment {
(match segment {
SegmentOverride::ES => self.registers.es(),
SegmentOverride::CS => self.registers.cs(),
SegmentOverride::SS => self.registers.ss(),
SegmentOverride::DS | SegmentOverride::None => self.registers.ds(),
} as u64) << 4) + offset as u64
} as u64) << 4 + offset as u64
// fn rm8(&self, memory: &mut Memory, modrm: ModRM, displacement: u16) -> u8 {
// match modrm & ModRM::MOD_MASK {
// ModRM::MOD_DIRECT => self.registers.rm8_gp(modrm),
// ModRM::MOD_0 => memory.read_u8(match modrm & ModRM::RM_REG_MASK {
// ModRM::RM_REG_0 => self.registers.bx() + self.registers.si(),
// ModRM::RM_REG_1 => self.registers.bx() + self.registers.di(),
// ModRM::RM_REG_2 => self.registers.bp() + self.registers.si(),
// ModRM::RM_REG_3 => self.registers.bp() + self.registers.di(),
// ModRM::RM_REG_4 => self.registers.si(),
// ModRM::RM_REG_5 => self.registers.di(),
// ModRM::RM_REG_7 => self.registers.bx(),
// _ => unreachable!(),
// }.into()),
// _ => unimplemented!("register-indirect addressing modes are not implemented"),
// }
// }
// fn r8(&self, memory: &mut Memory, modrm: ModRM) -> u8 {
// match modrm & ModRM::MOD_MASK {
// ModRM::MOD_DIRECT => self.registers.r8_gp(modrm),
// ModRM::MOD_0 => memory.read_u8(match modrm & ModRM::REG_MASK {
// ModRM::REG_0 => self.registers.bx() + self.registers.si(),
// ModRM::REG_1 => self.registers.bx() + self.registers.di(),
// ModRM::REG_2 => self.registers.bp() + self.registers.si(),
// ModRM::REG_3 => self.registers.bp() + self.registers.di(),
// ModRM::REG_4 => self.registers.si(),
// ModRM::REG_5 => self.registers.di(),
// ModRM::REG_7 => self.registers.bx(),
// _ => unreachable!(),
// }.into()),
// _ => unimplemented!("register-indirect addressing modes are not implemented"),
// }
// }
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