use regex::Regex; use std::rc::Rc; use crate::{ lexer::{Token, here}, token::{ Type::{self, *}, Return, Error::{self, ErrorString}, }, list, vector, }; const INT_REGEX: &str = r#"^-?[0-9]+$"#; const STRING_REGEX: &str = r#""(?:\\.|[^\\"])*""#; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum Expr { Literal(Type), List(Vec), Vector(Vec), Identifier(String), Assign(String, Box), Binary(Box, BinaryOp, Box), If(Box, Vec, Vec), While(Box, Vec), Call(String, Vec), Function(String, Vec, Vec), NoOperation, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum BinaryOp { Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Mod, Eq, Ne, Lt, Le, Gt, Ge, } struct Reader { src: String, tokens: Vec, position: usize, } impl Reader { fn new(tokens: Vec, src: String) -> Reader { Reader { src, tokens, position: 0, } } fn next(&mut self) -> Result<&Token, Error> { self.position += 1; Ok(self.tokens.get(self.position - 1).ok_or(ErrorString("Underflow".to_string()))?) } fn peek(&mut self) -> Result<&Token, Error> { Ok(self.tokens.get(self.position).ok_or(ErrorString("Underflow".to_string()))?) } } fn read_atom(reader: &mut Reader) -> Return { let int_regex = Regex::new(INT_REGEX).unwrap(); let string_regex = Regex::new(STRING_REGEX).unwrap(); let token =; match &token.value[..] { "null" => Ok(Type::Null), "true" => Ok(Type::Bool(true)), "false" => Ok(Type::Bool(false)), _ => { if int_regex.is_match(&token.value) { Ok(Type::Number(token.value.parse().unwrap())) } else if string_regex.is_match(&token.value) { Ok(Type::Str(token.value[1..token.value.len() - 1].to_string())) } else { Ok(Type::Symbol(token.value.to_string())) } } } } fn read_sequence(reader: &mut Reader, end: &str) -> Return { let mut sequence: Vec = Vec::new(); let _current_token_ =; loop { let token = match reader.peek() { Ok(token) => token, Err(_) => return Err(ErrorString( format!("{} Unexpected end of input, expected '{}'", here(&reader.src, &reader.tokens[reader.position - 1]), end) )), }; if token.value == end { break; } sequence.push(read_form(reader)?) } let _match_token_ =; match end { ")" => Ok(list!(sequence)), "]" => Ok(vector!(sequence)), _ => return Err(ErrorString(format!("Unknown sequence end value: '{}'", end))), } } fn read_form(reader: &mut Reader) -> Return { let token = reader.peek()?; match &token.value[..] { ")" => Err(ErrorString("Unexpected ')'".to_string())), "(" => read_sequence(reader, ")"), "]" => Err(ErrorString("Unexpected ']'".to_string())), "[" => read_sequence(reader, "]"), _ => read_atom(reader), } } pub fn parse(tokens: Vec, src: &str) -> Return { if tokens.len() == 0 { return Ok(Null); } read_form(&mut Reader::new(tokens, src.to_string())) } pub fn translate_expr(ast: Type) -> Result { let result: Result; result = match ast { Type::Null => Ok(Expr::Literal(Null)), Type::Bool(b) => Ok(Expr::Literal(Bool(b))), Type::Number(n) => Ok(Expr::Literal(Number(n))), Type::Str(s) => Ok(Expr::Literal(Str(s))), Type::Symbol(s) => Ok(Expr::Identifier(s)), Type::List(list, _) => { if list.len() == 0 { Ok(Expr::NoOperation) } else { match &list[0] { Type::Symbol(s) => { match s.as_str() { "def" => { let value = translate_expr(list[1].clone())?; Ok(Expr::Assign(s.clone(), Box::new(value))) } "if" => { let cond = translate_expr(list[1].clone())?; let then = translate_expr(list[2].clone())?; let else_ = translate_expr(list[3].clone())?; Ok(Expr::If(Box::new(cond), vec![then], vec![else_])) } "while" => { let cond = translate_expr(list[1].clone())?; let body = translate_expr(list[2].clone())?; Ok(Expr::While(Box::new(cond), vec![body])) } // (fn [args] body) "fun" => { let function_name = match list[1].clone() { Type::Symbol(s) => s, _ => return Err(format!("Expected symbol as function name, got: {:?}", list[1])) }; let args = match list[2].clone() { Type::Vector(v, _) => { let mut args: Vec = Vec::new(); for arg in v.iter() { match arg { Type::Symbol(s) => { args.push(s.clone()); } _ => return Err(format!("Unexpected type in function arguments")), } } args }, _ => return Err(format!("Expected vector of args, got: {:?}", list[1])), }; let body = translate_expr(list[3].clone())?; Ok(Expr::Function(function_name, args, vec![body])) } "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "=" | "!=" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" => { let left = translate_expr(list[1].clone())?; let right = translate_expr(list[2].clone())?; let op = match s.as_str() { "+" => BinaryOp::Add, "-" => BinaryOp::Sub, "*" => BinaryOp::Mul, "/" => BinaryOp::Div, "%" => BinaryOp::Mod, "=" => BinaryOp::Eq, "!=" => BinaryOp::Ne, "<" => BinaryOp::Lt, "<=" => BinaryOp::Le, ">" => BinaryOp::Gt, ">=" => BinaryOp::Ge, _ => return Err(format!("Unknown binary operator: '{}'", s)), }; Ok(Expr::Binary(Box::new(left), op, Box::new(right))) } _ => { let mut args: Vec = Vec::new(); for arg in list.iter().skip(1) { args.push(translate_expr(arg.clone())?); } Ok(Expr::Call(s.clone(), args)) } } }, _ => { let mut args: Vec = Vec::new(); for arg in list.iter() { args.push(translate_expr(arg.clone())?); } Ok(Expr::List(args)) }, } } }, Type::Vector(vector, _) => { let mut vec: Vec = Vec::new(); for item in vector.iter() { vec.push(translate_expr(item.clone())?); } return Ok(Expr::Vector(vec)); } }; result }