
589 lines
20 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use chumsky::span::SimpleSpan;
use syntax::{
Lit, UnaryOp, BinaryOp,
use super::typed::TExpr;
macro_rules! unbox {
($e:expr) => {
(*$e.0, $e.1)
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Infer<'src> {
env: HashMap<&'src str, Type>,
subst: Vec<Type>,
constraints: Vec<(Type, Type, SimpleSpan)>,
impl<'src> Infer<'src> {
fn new() -> Self {
Infer {
env: HashMap::new(),
subst: Vec::new(),
constraints: Vec::new(),
/// Generate a fresh type variable
fn fresh(&mut self) -> Type {
let i = self.subst.len();
/// Get a substitution for a type variable
fn subst(&self, i: usize) -> Option<Type> {
/// Add new constraint
fn add_constraint(&mut self, t1: Type, t2: Type, span: SimpleSpan) {
self.constraints.push((t1, t2, span));
/// Check if a type variable occurs in a type
fn occurs(&self, i: usize, t: Type) -> bool {
use Type::*;
match t {
Unit | Bool | Num | Str => false,
Var(j) => {
if let Some(t) = self.subst(j) {
if t != Var(j) {
return self.occurs(i, t);
i == j
Func(args, ret) => {
args.into_iter().any(|t| self.occurs(i, t)) || self.occurs(i, *ret)
Tuple(tys) => tys.into_iter().any(|t| self.occurs(i, t)),
Array(ty) => self.occurs(i, *ty),
/// Unify two types
fn unify(&mut self, t1: Type, t2: Type) -> Result<(), String> {
use Type::*;
match (t1, t2) {
// Literal types
(Unit, Unit)
| (Bool, Bool)
| (Num, Num)
| (Str, Str) => Ok(()),
// Variable
(Var(i), Var(j)) if i == j => Ok(()), // Same variables can be unified
(Var(i), t2) => {
// If the substitution is not the variable itself,
// unify the substitution with t2
if let Some(t) = self.subst(i) {
if t != Var(i) {
return self.unify(t, t2);
// If the variable occurs in t2
if self.occurs(i, t2.clone()) {
return Err(format!("Infinite type: '{} = {}", itoa(i), t2));
// Set the substitution
self.subst[i] = t2;
(t1, Var(i)) => {
if let Some(t) = self.subst(i) {
if t != Var(i) {
return self.unify(t1, t);
if self.occurs(i, t1.clone()) {
return Err(format!("Infinite type: '{} = {}", itoa(i), t1));
self.subst[i] = t1;
// Function
(Func(a1, r1), Func(a2, r2)) => {
// Check the number of arguments
if a1.len() != a2.len() {
return Err(format!("Function argument mismatch: {} != {}", a1.len(), a2.len()));
// Unify the arguments
for (a1, a2) in a1.into_iter().zip(a2.into_iter()) {
self.unify(a1, a2)?;
// Unify the return types
self.unify(*r1, *r2)
// Tuple
(Tuple(t1), Tuple(t2)) => {
// Check the number of elements
if t1.len() != t2.len() {
return Err(format!("Tuple element mismatch: {} != {}", t1.len(), t2.len()));
// Unify the elements
for (t1, t2) in t1.into_iter().zip(t2.into_iter()) {
self.unify(t1, t2)?;
// Array
(Array(t1), Array(t2)) => self.unify(*t1, *t2),
// The rest will be type mismatch
(t1, t2) => Err(format!("Type mismatch: {} != {}", t1, t2)),
/// Solve the constraints by unifying them
fn solve(&mut self) -> Result<(), String> {
for (t1, t2, _span) in self.constraints.clone().into_iter() {
self.unify(t1, t2)?;
/// Substitute the type variables with the substitutions
fn substitute(&mut self, t: Type) -> Type {
use Type::*;
match t {
// Only match any type that can contain type variables
Var(i) => {
if let Some(t) = self.subst(i) {
if t != Var(i) {
return self.substitute(t);
Func(args, ret) => {
args.into_iter().map(|t| self.substitute(t)).collect(),
Tuple(tys) => Tuple(tys.into_iter().map(|t| self.substitute(t)).collect()),
Array(ty) => Array(Box::new(self.substitute(*ty))),
// The rest will be returned as is
_ => t,
/// Find a type variable in (typed) expression and substitute them
fn substitute_texp(&mut self, e: TExpr<'src>) -> TExpr<'src> {
use TExpr::*;
match e {
Lit(_) | Ident(_) => e,
Unary { op, expr: (e, lspan), ret_ty } => {
Unary {
expr: (Box::new(self.substitute_texp(*e)), lspan),
Binary { op, lhs: (lhs, lspan), rhs: (rhs, rspan), ret_ty } => {
let lhst = self.substitute_texp(*lhs);
let rhst = self.substitute_texp(*rhs);
Binary {
lhs: (Box::new(lhst), lspan),
rhs: (Box::new(rhst), rspan),
ret_ty: self.substitute(ret_ty),
Lambda { params, body: (body, bspan), ret_ty } => {
let bodyt = self.substitute_texp(*body);
let paramst = params.into_iter()
.map(|(name, ty)| (name, self.substitute(ty)))
Lambda {
params: paramst,
body: (Box::new(bodyt), bspan),
ret_ty: self.substitute(ret_ty),
Call { func: (func, fspan), args } => {
let funct = self.substitute_texp(*func);
let argst = args.into_iter()
.map(|(arg, span)| (self.substitute_texp(arg), span))
Call {
func: (Box::new(funct), fspan),
args: argst,
If { cond: (cond, cspan), t: (t, tspan), f: (f, fspan), br_ty } => {
let condt = self.substitute_texp(*cond);
let tt = self.substitute_texp(*t);
let ft = self.substitute_texp(*f);
If {
cond: (Box::new(condt), cspan),
t: (Box::new(tt), tspan),
f: (Box::new(ft), fspan),
Let { name, ty, value: (v, vspan), body: (b, bspan) } => {
let vt = self.substitute_texp(*v);
let bt = self.substitute_texp(*b);
Let {
ty: self.substitute(ty),
value: (Box::new(vt), vspan),
body: (Box::new(bt), bspan),
Define { name, ty, value: (v, vspan) } => {
let vt = self.substitute_texp(*v);
Define {
ty: self.substitute(ty),
value: (Box::new(vt), vspan),
Block { exprs, void, ret_ty } => {
let exprst = exprs.into_iter()
.map(|(e, span)| (self.substitute_texp(e), span))
Block {
exprs: exprst,
ret_ty: self.substitute(ret_ty),
/// Infer the type of an expression
fn infer(&mut self, e: (Expr<'src>, SimpleSpan), expected: Type) -> Result<TExpr<'src>, String> {
let (e, span) = e;
match e {
// Literal values
// Push the constraint (expected type to be the literal type) and
// return the typed expression
Expr::Lit(l) => {
let t = match l {
Lit::Unit => Type::Unit,
Lit::Bool(_) => Type::Bool,
Lit::Num(_) => Type::Num,
Lit::Str(_) => Type::Str,
self.add_constraint(expected, t, span);
// Identifiers
// The same as literals but the type is looked up in the environment
Expr::Ident(ref x) => {
let t = self.env.get(x)
.ok_or(format!("Unbound variable: {}", x))?;
self.add_constraint(expected, t.clone(), span);
// Unary & binary operators
// The type of the left and right hand side are inferred and
// the expected type is determined by the operator
Expr::Unary(op, e) => match op {
// Numeric operators (Num -> Num)
UnaryOp::Neg => {
let et = self.infer(unbox!(e), Type::Num)?;
self.add_constraint(expected, Type::Num, span);
Ok(TExpr::Unary {
expr: (Box::new(et), e.1),
ret_ty: Type::Num,
// Boolean operators (Bool -> Bool)
UnaryOp::Not => {
let et = self.infer(unbox!(e), Type::Bool)?;
self.add_constraint(expected, Type::Bool, span);
Ok(TExpr::Unary {
expr: (Box::new(et), e.1),
ret_ty: Type::Bool,
Expr::Binary(op, lhs, rhs) => match op {
// Numeric operators (Num -> Num -> Num)
| BinaryOp::Sub
| BinaryOp::Mul
| BinaryOp::Div
| BinaryOp::Rem
=> {
let lt = self.infer(unbox!(lhs), Type::Num)?;
let rt = self.infer(unbox!(rhs), Type::Num)?;
self.add_constraint(expected, Type::Num, span);
Ok(TExpr::Binary {
lhs: (Box::new(lt), lhs.1),
rhs: (Box::new(rt), rhs.1),
ret_ty: Type::Num,
// Boolean operators (Bool -> Bool -> Bool)
| BinaryOp::Or
=> {
let lt = self.infer(unbox!(lhs), Type::Bool)?;
let rt = self.infer(unbox!(rhs), Type::Bool)?;
self.add_constraint(expected, Type::Bool, span);
Ok(TExpr::Binary {
lhs: (Box::new(lt), lhs.1),
rhs: (Box::new(rt), rhs.1),
ret_ty: Type::Bool,
// Comparison operators ('a -> 'a -> Bool)
| BinaryOp::Ne
| BinaryOp::Lt
| BinaryOp::Le
| BinaryOp::Gt
| BinaryOp::Ge
=> {
// Create a fresh type variable and then use it as the
// expected type for both the left and right hand side
// so the type on both side have to be the same
let t = self.fresh();
let lt = self.infer(unbox!(lhs), t.clone())?;
let rt = self.infer(unbox!(rhs), t)?;
self.add_constraint(expected, Type::Bool, span);
Ok(TExpr::Binary {
lhs: (Box::new(lt), lhs.1),
rhs: (Box::new(rt), rhs.1),
ret_ty: Type::Bool,
// Lambda
Expr::Lambda(args, ret, b) => {
// Get the return type or create a fresh type variable
let rt = ret.unwrap_or(self.fresh());
// Fill in the type of the arguments with a fresh type
let xs = args.into_iter()
.map(|(x, t)| (x, t.unwrap_or(self.fresh())))
// Create a new environment, and add the arguments to it
// and use the new environment to infer the body
let mut env = self.env.clone();
xs.clone().into_iter().for_each(|(x, t)| { env.insert(x, t); });
let mut inf = self.clone();
inf.env = env;
let bt = inf.infer(unbox!(b), rt.clone())?;
// Add the substitutions & constraints from the body
// if it doesn't already exist
for s in inf.subst {
if !self.subst.contains(&s) {
for c in inf.constraints {
if !self.constraints.contains(&c) {
// Push the constraints
self.add_constraint(expected, Type::Func(
.map(|x| x.1)
), span);
Ok(TExpr::Lambda {
params: xs,
body: (Box::new(bt), b.1),
ret_ty: rt,
// Call
Expr::Call(f, args) => {
// Generate fresh types for the arguments
let freshes = args.clone().into_iter()
.map(|_| self.fresh())
// Create a function type
let fsig = Type::Func(
// Expect the function to have the function type
let ft = self.infer(unbox!(f), fsig)?;
// Infer the arguments
let xs = args.into_iter()
.map(|(x, t)| Ok((self.infer(x, t)?, span)))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, String>>()?;
Ok(TExpr::Call {
func: (Box::new(ft), f.1),
args: xs,
// If
Expr::If { cond, t, f } => {
// Condition has to be a boolean
let ct = self.infer(unbox!(cond), Type::Bool)?;
// The type of the if expression is the same as the
// expected type
let tt = self.infer(unbox!(t), expected.clone())?;
let et = self.infer(unbox!(f), expected.clone())?;
Ok(TExpr::If {
cond: (Box::new(ct), cond.1),
t: (Box::new(tt), t.1),
f: (Box::new(et), f.1),
br_ty: expected,
// Let & define
Expr::Let { name, ty, value, body } => {
// Infer the type of the value
let ty = ty.unwrap_or(self.fresh());
let vt = self.infer(unbox!(value), ty.clone())?;
// Create a new environment and add the binding to it
// and then use the new environment to infer the body
let mut env = self.env.clone();
env.insert(name.clone(), ty.clone());
let mut inf = Infer::new();
inf.env = env;
let bt = inf.infer(unbox!(body), expected.clone())?;
Ok(TExpr::Let {
name, ty,
value: (Box::new(vt), value.1),
body: (Box::new(bt), body.1),
Expr::Define { name, ty, value } => {
let ty = ty.unwrap_or(self.fresh());
let vt = self.infer(unbox!(value), ty.clone())?;
self.env.insert(name.clone(), ty.clone());
Ok(TExpr::Define {
name, ty,
value: (Box::new(vt), value.1),
// Block
Expr::Block { exprs, void } => {
// Infer the type of each expression
let mut last = None;
let len = exprs.len();
let xs = exprs.into_iter()
.map(|(i, x)| {
let t = self.fresh();
let xt = self.infer(unbox!(x), t.clone())?;
// Save the type of the last expression
if i == len - 1 {
last = Some(t);
Ok((xt, x.1))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, String>>()?;
let rt = if void || last.is_none() {
// If the block is void or there is no expression,
// the return type is unit
self.add_constraint(expected, Type::Unit, span);
} else {
// Otherwise, the return type is the same as the expected type
self.add_constraint(expected.clone(), last.unwrap(), span);
Ok(TExpr::Block {
exprs: xs,
ret_ty: rt,
/// Infer a list of expressions
pub fn infer_exprs(es: Vec<(Expr, SimpleSpan)>) -> (Vec<(TExpr, SimpleSpan)>, String) {
let mut inf = Infer::new();
// Typed expressions
let mut tes = vec![];
// Typed expressions without substitutions
let mut tes_nosub = vec![];
// Errors
let mut errs = vec![];
for (e, s) in es {
let f = inf.fresh();
let t = inf.infer((e, s), f).unwrap();
tes.push(Some((t.clone(), s)));
tes_nosub.push((t, s));
match inf.solve() {
Ok(_) => {
// Substitute the type variables for the solved expressions
tes = tes.into_iter()
.map(|te| match te {
Some((t, s)) => {
Some((inf.substitute_texp(t), s))
None => None,
Err(e) => {
// Replace the expression with None
// Union typed expressions, replacing None with the typed expression without substitutions
// None means that the expression has an error
let mut tes_union = vec![];
for (te, te_nosub) in tes.into_iter().zip(tes_nosub.into_iter()) {
match te {
Some(t) => {
None => {
// Renamer::new().process(tes_union),