#![allow(clippy::empty_loop)] use crate::{ arch::{ drivers::graphics::GraphicsBuffer, init, memory::{self, translate_addr}, sloop, }, driver_traits::{graphics::Graphics, serial::Serial}, relib::math::rand::{linearshift::LinearShiftRegister, prand::PRand, RAND_HANDLE, RNG}, serial_print, serial_println, }; use bootloader::{entry_point, BootInfo}; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use x86_64::{VirtAddr, structures::paging::Page}; #[no_mangle] #[allow(unconditional_recursion)] pub extern "C" fn stack_overflow() -> u8 { stack_overflow(); // meme number 69 // NOTE: Any specific reason for this number asside from memes? } use crate::keyboard::DecodedKey; lazy_static! { pub static ref KEY_BUFFER: [DecodedKey; 256] = [DecodedKey::RawKey(123); 256]; pub static ref KEY_BUFFER_POINTER: u8 = 0; } // Defines the entry point entry_point![kernel_main]; #[no_mangle] pub fn kernel_main(boot_info: &'static BootInfo) -> ! { init::init(); GraphicsBuffer::draw(); GraphicsBuffer::hide_cursor(); GraphicsBuffer::show_cursor(); seed_rng(); /* If AES is present then AES init rng as well // Maybe via a cfg AES::init_rng(); */ #[cfg(not(target_arch = "riscv64"))] println!("init"); { use crate::experiments::mail::MailBoxes; let mut x = MailBoxes::new(); x.set_flag(1); x.set_flag(2); // x.dump_flags(); } let phys_mem_offset = VirtAddr::new(boot_info.physical_memory_offset); let mut mapper = unsafe { memory::init(phys_mem_offset) }; let mut frame_allocator = unsafe { memory::BootInfoFrameAllocator::init(&boot_info.memory_map) }; let page = Page::containing_address(VirtAddr::new(0xdeadbeaf000)); memory::create_example_mapping(page, &mut mapper, &mut frame_allocator); let page_ptr: *mut u64 = page.start_address().as_mut_ptr(); unsafe { page_ptr.offset(400).write_volatile(0xf021_f077_f065_804e) }; // stack_overflow(); // crate::arch::shutdown(); sloop() } // TODO: reimplement for the random handler pub fn seed_rng() -> PRand { println!("Seeding PRNG"); let data = TICK.lock(); let mut rand = PRand::new(); let seed = rand.rand(); println!("{:?}", seed); rand.seed(*data); println!("Seeded PRNG"); rand } lazy_static! { // TODO: should have a sin wave influence contribution to entropy pub static ref TICK: spin::Mutex = spin::Mutex::new(0); } /// called by arch specific timers to tick up all kernel related functions pub fn tick() { let mut data = TICK.lock(); *data += 1; // serial_println!("{}", *data); RAND_HANDLE.lock().seed_entropy_timer(*data); } pub fn key_entropy(key: u8) { RAND_HANDLE.lock().seed_entropy_keyboard(key); }