#![allow(clippy::empty_loop)] use alloc::format; use crate::relib::network::socket::Socket; use { crate::{ arch::{drivers::graphics::GraphicsBuffer, init, sloop}, driver_traits::graphics::Graphics, experiments::{ info::master, systeminfo::{KERNEL_VERSION, RELEASE_TYPE}, }, log::LOG_STATE, relib::math::rand::RAND_HANDLE, scheduler::{test_fn, Thread, ThreadList}, vga_e, }, alloc::{ string::{String, ToString}, vec, }, lazy_static::lazy_static, }; #[no_mangle] #[allow(unconditional_recursion)] pub extern "C" fn stack_overflow() -> u8 { stack_overflow(); // meme number 69 // NOTE: Any specific reason for this number aside from memes? } lazy_static! { pub static ref KEY_BUFFER: spin::Mutex = spin::Mutex::new("".to_string()); pub static ref THREAD_LIST: spin::Mutex = spin::Mutex::new(vec![]); pub static ref TICK: spin::Mutex = spin::Mutex::new(0); } #[no_mangle] pub fn kernel_main() -> ! { if false { LOG_STATE.lock().info = false; LOG_STATE.lock().trace = false; LOG_STATE.lock().debug = false; } init::init(); { let mut a_thread = Thread::new(); a_thread.new_task(test_fn); a_thread.new_task(test_fn); THREAD_LIST.lock().push(a_thread); GraphicsBuffer::draw(); GraphicsBuffer::hide_cursor(); } crate::wasm::evaluate(); { info!("{} v{}", RELEASE_TYPE, KERNEL_VERSION); info!( "Brand String: {:?}", master().unwrap().brand_string().unwrap() ); if false { println!("$PINK$Hi$RED$ from$GREEN$ able!$RESET$"); println!("$RED$hi$RESET$"); } } { use crate::relib::network::socket::SimpleSock; use crate::utils::type_of; let mut xyz = SimpleSock::new(); xyz.write(vec![0, 0, 1, 0]); xyz.close(); println!("type of socket: {:?}", type_of(&xyz)); println!("contents: {:?}", &xyz.read()); println!("length: {:?}", xyz.read().len()); drop(xyz); } { use pretty_hex::*; let v = vec![222, 173, 190, 239, 202, 254, 32, 24]; assert_eq!(simple_hex(&v), format!("{}", v.hex_dump())); println!("{}", v.hex_dump()); } // info!("新着情報"); print!("$GREEN$able$RESET$@$LIGHTBLUE$stAble$ $RED$->$RESET$"); vga_e::draw_q(); // stack_overflow(); sloop() } /// called by arch specific timers to tick up all kernel related functions pub fn tick() { let mut data = TICK.lock(); *data += 1; RAND_HANDLE.lock().seed_entropy_timer(*data); // println!("{}", *data); crate::kernel_state::KERNEL_STATE.lock().update_state(); } pub fn key_entropy(key: u8) { RAND_HANDLE.lock().seed_entropy_keyboard(key); }