2022-04-12 00:23:11 +02:00

291 lines
8.6 KiB

mod abstractions;
mod small_types;
mod traits;
pub use abstractions::*;
pub use small_types::*;
pub use traits::*;
const EXTENDED_KEY_CODE: u8 = 0xE0;
const KEYCODE_BITS: u8 = 11;
const KEY_RELEASE_CODE: u8 = 0xF0;
pub struct Keyboard<T, S>
T: KeyboardLayout,
S: ScancodeSet,
register: u16,
num_bits: u8,
decode_state: DecodeState,
handle_ctrl: HandleControl,
modifiers: Modifiers,
layout: T,
set: S,
impl<T, S> Keyboard<T, S>
T: KeyboardLayout + Default,
S: ScancodeSet + Default,
/// Make a new Keyboard object with the given layout.
pub fn new(_layout: T, _set: S, handle_ctrl: HandleControl) -> Keyboard<T, S> {
Keyboard {
register: 0,
num_bits: 0,
decode_state: DecodeState::Start,
modifiers: Modifiers {
lshift: false,
rshift: false,
lctrl: false,
rctrl: false,
numlock: true,
capslock: false,
alt_gr: false,
layout: T::default(),
set: S::default(),
/// Change the Ctrl key mapping.
pub fn set_ctrl_handling(&mut self, new_value: HandleControl) {
self.handle_ctrl = new_value;
/// Get the current Ctrl key mapping.
pub fn get_ctrl_handling(&self) -> HandleControl {
/// Clears the bit register.
/// Call this when there is a timeout reading data from the keyboard.
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
self.register = 0;
self.num_bits = 0;
self.decode_state = DecodeState::Start;
/// Processes a 16-bit word from the keyboard.
/// * The start bit (0) must be in bit 0.
/// * The data octet must be in bits 1..8, with the LSB in bit 1 and the
/// MSB in bit 8.
/// * The parity bit must be in bit 9.
/// * The stop bit (1) must be in bit 10.
pub fn add_word(&mut self, word: u16) -> Result<Option<KeyEvent>, Error> {
let byte = self.check_word(word)?;
/// Processes an 8-bit byte from the keyboard.
/// We assume the start, stop and parity bits have been processed and
/// verified.
pub fn add_byte(&mut self, byte: u8) -> Result<Option<KeyEvent>, Error> {
self.set.advance_state(&mut self.decode_state, byte)
/// Shift a bit into the register.
/// Call this /or/ call `add_word` - don't call both.
/// Until the last bit is added you get Ok(None) returned.
pub fn add_bit(&mut self, bit: bool) -> Result<Option<KeyEvent>, Error> {
self.register |= (bit as u16) << self.num_bits;
self.num_bits += 1;
if self.num_bits == KEYCODE_BITS {
let word = self.register;
self.register = 0;
self.num_bits = 0;
} else {
/// Processes a `KeyEvent` returned from `add_bit`, `add_byte` or `add_word`
/// and produces a decoded key.
/// For example, the KeyEvent for pressing the '5' key on your keyboard
/// gives a DecodedKey of unicode character '5', unless the shift key is
/// held in which case you get the unicode character '%'.
pub fn process_keyevent(&mut self, ev: KeyEvent) -> Option<DecodedKey> {
match ev {
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::ShiftLeft,
state: KeyState::Down,
} => {
self.modifiers.lshift = true;
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::ShiftRight,
state: KeyState::Down,
} => {
self.modifiers.rshift = true;
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::ShiftLeft,
state: KeyState::Up,
} => {
self.modifiers.lshift = false;
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::ShiftRight,
state: KeyState::Up,
} => {
self.modifiers.rshift = false;
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::CapsLock,
state: KeyState::Down,
} => {
self.modifiers.capslock = !self.modifiers.capslock;
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::NumpadLock,
state: KeyState::Down,
} => {
self.modifiers.numlock = !self.modifiers.numlock;
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::ControlLeft,
state: KeyState::Down,
} => {
self.modifiers.lctrl = true;
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::ControlLeft,
state: KeyState::Up,
} => {
self.modifiers.lctrl = false;
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::ControlRight,
state: KeyState::Down,
} => {
self.modifiers.rctrl = true;
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::ControlRight,
state: KeyState::Up,
} => {
self.modifiers.rctrl = false;
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::AltRight,
state: KeyState::Down,
} => {
self.modifiers.alt_gr = true;
KeyEvent {
code: KeyCode::AltRight,
state: KeyState::Up,
} => {
self.modifiers.alt_gr = false;
KeyEvent {
code: c,
state: KeyState::Down,
} => Some(
.map_keycode(c, &self.modifiers, self.handle_ctrl),
_ => None,
fn get_bit(&self, word: u16, offset: usize) -> bool {
((word >> offset) & 0x0001) != 0
fn has_even_number_bits(&self, data: u8) -> bool {
(data.count_ones() % 2) == 0
/// Check 11-bit word has 1 start bit, 1 stop bit and an odd parity bit.
fn check_word(&self, word: u16) -> Result<u8, Error> {
let start_bit = self.get_bit(word, 0);
let parity_bit = self.get_bit(word, 9);
let stop_bit = self.get_bit(word, 10);
let data = ((word >> 1) & 0xFF) as u8;
if start_bit {
return Err(Error::BadStartBit);
if !stop_bit {
return Err(Error::BadStopBit);
let need_parity = self.has_even_number_bits(data);
// Odd parity, so these must not match
if need_parity != parity_bit {
return Err(Error::ParityError);
pub fn parse_format() {
let test = include_str!("../../keymaps/qwerty.keymap").lines();
// r#"0-NONE\n1-HI#Says HI"#
for x in test {
for y in x.split('-') {
if y.parse::<u64>().is_ok() {
// NOTE: this unwrap is ok bcause of the above check
// println!("NUM: {:?}", y.parse::<u64>().unwrap());
// serial_println!("NUM: {:?}", y.parse::<u64>().unwrap());
} else if y.starts_with('#') {
// ignore all # delimeted lines
} else {
// println!("STR: {:?}", y);
// serial_println!("STR: {:?}", y);
match y.trim() {
"NONE" => {}
"TAB" => {}
"SHIFT" => {}
"FUNCTION_1" => {}
"FUNCTION_2" => {}
"FUNCTION_3" => {}
"FUNCTION_4" => {}
"FUNCTION_5" => {}
"FUNCTION_6" => {}
"FUNCTION_7" => {}
"FUNCTION_8" => {}
"FUNCTION_9" => {}
"FUNCTION_10" => {}
"FUNCTION_11" => {}
"FUNCTION_12" => {}
"COMMA" => {}
"PERIOD" => {}
"GRAVE" => {}
"BACK_SLASH" => {}
"QUOTE" => {}
_ => {}