
798 lines
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2023-04-11 20:38:39 +00:00
// Generated by scripts/generate.js.
* Copyright 2016 Shape Security, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
exports.ArrayAssignmentTarget = class {
constructor({ elements, rest }) {
this.type = 'ArrayAssignmentTarget';
this.elements = elements; = rest;
exports.ArrayBinding = class {
constructor({ elements, rest }) {
this.type = 'ArrayBinding';
this.elements = elements; = rest;
exports.ArrayExpression = class {
constructor({ elements }) {
this.type = 'ArrayExpression';
this.elements = elements;
exports.ArrowExpression = class {
constructor({ isAsync, params, body }) {
this.type = 'ArrowExpression';
this.isAsync = isAsync;
this.params = params;
this.body = body;
exports.AssignmentExpression = class {
constructor({ binding, expression }) {
this.type = 'AssignmentExpression';
this.binding = binding;
this.expression = expression;
exports.AssignmentTargetIdentifier = class {
constructor({ name }) {
this.type = 'AssignmentTargetIdentifier'; = name;
exports.AssignmentTargetPropertyIdentifier = class {
constructor({ binding, init }) {
this.type = 'AssignmentTargetPropertyIdentifier';
this.binding = binding;
this.init = init;
exports.AssignmentTargetPropertyProperty = class {
constructor({ name, binding }) {
this.type = 'AssignmentTargetPropertyProperty'; = name;
this.binding = binding;
exports.AssignmentTargetWithDefault = class {
constructor({ binding, init }) {
this.type = 'AssignmentTargetWithDefault';
this.binding = binding;
this.init = init;
exports.AwaitExpression = class {
constructor({ expression }) {
this.type = 'AwaitExpression';
this.expression = expression;
exports.BinaryExpression = class {
constructor({ left, operator, right }) {
this.type = 'BinaryExpression';
this.left = left;
this.operator = operator;
this.right = right;
exports.BindingIdentifier = class {
constructor({ name }) {
this.type = 'BindingIdentifier'; = name;
exports.BindingPropertyIdentifier = class {
constructor({ binding, init }) {
this.type = 'BindingPropertyIdentifier';
this.binding = binding;
this.init = init;
exports.BindingPropertyProperty = class {
constructor({ name, binding }) {
this.type = 'BindingPropertyProperty'; = name;
this.binding = binding;
exports.BindingWithDefault = class {
constructor({ binding, init }) {
this.type = 'BindingWithDefault';
this.binding = binding;
this.init = init;
exports.Block = class {
constructor({ statements }) {
this.type = 'Block';
this.statements = statements;
exports.BlockStatement = class {
constructor({ block }) {
this.type = 'BlockStatement';
this.block = block;
exports.BreakStatement = class {
constructor({ label }) {
this.type = 'BreakStatement';
this.label = label;
exports.CallExpression = class {
constructor({ callee, arguments: _arguments }) {
this.type = 'CallExpression';
this.callee = callee;
this.arguments = _arguments;
exports.CatchClause = class {
constructor({ binding, body }) {
this.type = 'CatchClause';
this.binding = binding;
this.body = body;
exports.ClassDeclaration = class {
constructor({ name, super: _super, elements }) {
this.type = 'ClassDeclaration'; = name;
this.super = _super;
this.elements = elements;
exports.ClassElement = class {
constructor({ isStatic, method }) {
this.type = 'ClassElement';
this.isStatic = isStatic;
this.method = method;
exports.ClassExpression = class {
constructor({ name, super: _super, elements }) {
this.type = 'ClassExpression'; = name;
this.super = _super;
this.elements = elements;
exports.CompoundAssignmentExpression = class {
constructor({ binding, operator, expression }) {
this.type = 'CompoundAssignmentExpression';
this.binding = binding;
this.operator = operator;
this.expression = expression;
exports.ComputedMemberAssignmentTarget = class {
constructor({ object, expression }) {
this.type = 'ComputedMemberAssignmentTarget';
this.object = object;
this.expression = expression;
exports.ComputedMemberExpression = class {
constructor({ object, expression }) {
this.type = 'ComputedMemberExpression';
this.object = object;
this.expression = expression;
exports.ComputedPropertyName = class {
constructor({ expression }) {
this.type = 'ComputedPropertyName';
this.expression = expression;
exports.ConditionalExpression = class {
constructor({ test, consequent, alternate }) {
this.type = 'ConditionalExpression';
this.test = test;
this.consequent = consequent;
this.alternate = alternate;
exports.ContinueStatement = class {
constructor({ label }) {
this.type = 'ContinueStatement';
this.label = label;
exports.DataProperty = class {
constructor({ name, expression }) {
this.type = 'DataProperty'; = name;
this.expression = expression;
exports.DebuggerStatement = class {
constructor() {
this.type = 'DebuggerStatement';
exports.Directive = class {
constructor({ rawValue }) {
this.type = 'Directive';
this.rawValue = rawValue;
exports.DoWhileStatement = class {
constructor({ body, test }) {
this.type = 'DoWhileStatement';
this.body = body;
this.test = test;
exports.EmptyStatement = class {
constructor() {
this.type = 'EmptyStatement';
exports.Export = class {
constructor({ declaration }) {
this.type = 'Export';
this.declaration = declaration;
exports.ExportAllFrom = class {
constructor({ moduleSpecifier }) {
this.type = 'ExportAllFrom';
this.moduleSpecifier = moduleSpecifier;
exports.ExportDefault = class {
constructor({ body }) {
this.type = 'ExportDefault';
this.body = body;
exports.ExportFrom = class {
constructor({ namedExports, moduleSpecifier }) {
this.type = 'ExportFrom';
this.namedExports = namedExports;
this.moduleSpecifier = moduleSpecifier;
exports.ExportFromSpecifier = class {
constructor({ name, exportedName }) {
this.type = 'ExportFromSpecifier'; = name;
this.exportedName = exportedName;
exports.ExportLocalSpecifier = class {
constructor({ name, exportedName }) {
this.type = 'ExportLocalSpecifier'; = name;
this.exportedName = exportedName;
exports.ExportLocals = class {
constructor({ namedExports }) {
this.type = 'ExportLocals';
this.namedExports = namedExports;
exports.ExpressionStatement = class {
constructor({ expression }) {
this.type = 'ExpressionStatement';
this.expression = expression;
exports.ForAwaitStatement = class {
constructor({ left, right, body }) {
this.type = 'ForAwaitStatement';
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.body = body;
exports.ForInStatement = class {
constructor({ left, right, body }) {
this.type = 'ForInStatement';
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.body = body;
exports.ForOfStatement = class {
constructor({ left, right, body }) {
this.type = 'ForOfStatement';
this.left = left;
this.right = right;
this.body = body;
exports.ForStatement = class {
constructor({ init, test, update, body }) {
this.type = 'ForStatement';
this.init = init;
this.test = test;
this.update = update;
this.body = body;
exports.FormalParameters = class {
constructor({ items, rest }) {
this.type = 'FormalParameters';
this.items = items; = rest;
exports.FunctionBody = class {
constructor({ directives, statements }) {
this.type = 'FunctionBody';
this.directives = directives;
this.statements = statements;
exports.FunctionDeclaration = class {
constructor({ isAsync, isGenerator, name, params, body }) {
this.type = 'FunctionDeclaration';
this.isAsync = isAsync;
this.isGenerator = isGenerator; = name;
this.params = params;
this.body = body;
exports.FunctionExpression = class {
constructor({ isAsync, isGenerator, name, params, body }) {
this.type = 'FunctionExpression';
this.isAsync = isAsync;
this.isGenerator = isGenerator; = name;
this.params = params;
this.body = body;
exports.Getter = class {
constructor({ name, body }) {
this.type = 'Getter'; = name;
this.body = body;
exports.IdentifierExpression = class {
constructor({ name }) {
this.type = 'IdentifierExpression'; = name;
exports.IfStatement = class {
constructor({ test, consequent, alternate }) {
this.type = 'IfStatement';
this.test = test;
this.consequent = consequent;
this.alternate = alternate;
exports.Import = class {
constructor({ defaultBinding, namedImports, moduleSpecifier }) {
this.type = 'Import';
this.defaultBinding = defaultBinding;
this.namedImports = namedImports;
this.moduleSpecifier = moduleSpecifier;
exports.ImportNamespace = class {
constructor({ defaultBinding, namespaceBinding, moduleSpecifier }) {
this.type = 'ImportNamespace';
this.defaultBinding = defaultBinding;
this.namespaceBinding = namespaceBinding;
this.moduleSpecifier = moduleSpecifier;
exports.ImportSpecifier = class {
constructor({ name, binding }) {
this.type = 'ImportSpecifier'; = name;
this.binding = binding;
exports.LabeledStatement = class {
constructor({ label, body }) {
this.type = 'LabeledStatement';
this.label = label;
this.body = body;
exports.LiteralBooleanExpression = class {
constructor({ value }) {
this.type = 'LiteralBooleanExpression';
this.value = value;
exports.LiteralInfinityExpression = class {
constructor() {
this.type = 'LiteralInfinityExpression';
exports.LiteralNullExpression = class {
constructor() {
this.type = 'LiteralNullExpression';
exports.LiteralNumericExpression = class {
constructor({ value }) {
this.type = 'LiteralNumericExpression';
this.value = value;
exports.LiteralRegExpExpression = class {
constructor({ pattern, global, ignoreCase, multiLine, dotAll, unicode, sticky }) {
this.type = 'LiteralRegExpExpression';
this.pattern = pattern; = global;
this.ignoreCase = ignoreCase;
this.multiLine = multiLine;
this.dotAll = dotAll;
this.unicode = unicode;
this.sticky = sticky;
exports.LiteralStringExpression = class {
constructor({ value }) {
this.type = 'LiteralStringExpression';
this.value = value;
exports.Method = class {
constructor({ isAsync, isGenerator, name, params, body }) {
this.type = 'Method';
this.isAsync = isAsync;
this.isGenerator = isGenerator; = name;
this.params = params;
this.body = body;
exports.Module = class {
constructor({ directives, items }) {
this.type = 'Module';
this.directives = directives;
this.items = items;
exports.NewExpression = class {
constructor({ callee, arguments: _arguments }) {
this.type = 'NewExpression';
this.callee = callee;
this.arguments = _arguments;
exports.NewTargetExpression = class {
constructor() {
this.type = 'NewTargetExpression';
exports.ObjectAssignmentTarget = class {
constructor({ properties, rest }) {
this.type = 'ObjectAssignmentTarget'; = properties; = rest;
exports.ObjectBinding = class {
constructor({ properties, rest }) {
this.type = 'ObjectBinding'; = properties; = rest;
exports.ObjectExpression = class {
constructor({ properties }) {
this.type = 'ObjectExpression'; = properties;
exports.ReturnStatement = class {
constructor({ expression }) {
this.type = 'ReturnStatement';
this.expression = expression;
exports.Script = class {
constructor({ directives, statements }) {
this.type = 'Script';
this.directives = directives;
this.statements = statements;
exports.Setter = class {
constructor({ name, param, body }) {
this.type = 'Setter'; = name;
this.param = param;
this.body = body;
exports.ShorthandProperty = class {
constructor({ name }) {
this.type = 'ShorthandProperty'; = name;
exports.SpreadElement = class {
constructor({ expression }) {
this.type = 'SpreadElement';
this.expression = expression;
exports.SpreadProperty = class {
constructor({ expression }) {
this.type = 'SpreadProperty';
this.expression = expression;
exports.StaticMemberAssignmentTarget = class {
constructor({ object, property }) {
this.type = 'StaticMemberAssignmentTarget';
this.object = object; = property;
exports.StaticMemberExpression = class {
constructor({ object, property }) {
this.type = 'StaticMemberExpression';
this.object = object; = property;
exports.StaticPropertyName = class {
constructor({ value }) {
this.type = 'StaticPropertyName';
this.value = value;
exports.Super = class {
constructor() {
this.type = 'Super';
exports.SwitchCase = class {
constructor({ test, consequent }) {
this.type = 'SwitchCase';
this.test = test;
this.consequent = consequent;
exports.SwitchDefault = class {
constructor({ consequent }) {
this.type = 'SwitchDefault';
this.consequent = consequent;
exports.SwitchStatement = class {
constructor({ discriminant, cases }) {
this.type = 'SwitchStatement';
this.discriminant = discriminant;
this.cases = cases;
exports.SwitchStatementWithDefault = class {
constructor({ discriminant, preDefaultCases, defaultCase, postDefaultCases }) {
this.type = 'SwitchStatementWithDefault';
this.discriminant = discriminant;
this.preDefaultCases = preDefaultCases;
this.defaultCase = defaultCase;
this.postDefaultCases = postDefaultCases;
exports.TemplateElement = class {
constructor({ rawValue }) {
this.type = 'TemplateElement';
this.rawValue = rawValue;
exports.TemplateExpression = class {
constructor({ tag, elements }) {
this.type = 'TemplateExpression';
this.tag = tag;
this.elements = elements;
exports.ThisExpression = class {
constructor() {
this.type = 'ThisExpression';
exports.ThrowStatement = class {
constructor({ expression }) {
this.type = 'ThrowStatement';
this.expression = expression;
exports.TryCatchStatement = class {
constructor({ body, catchClause }) {
this.type = 'TryCatchStatement';
this.body = body;
this.catchClause = catchClause;
exports.TryFinallyStatement = class {
constructor({ body, catchClause, finalizer }) {
this.type = 'TryFinallyStatement';
this.body = body;
this.catchClause = catchClause;
this.finalizer = finalizer;
exports.UnaryExpression = class {
constructor({ operator, operand }) {
this.type = 'UnaryExpression';
this.operator = operator;
this.operand = operand;
exports.UpdateExpression = class {
constructor({ isPrefix, operator, operand }) {
this.type = 'UpdateExpression';
this.isPrefix = isPrefix;
this.operator = operator;
this.operand = operand;
exports.VariableDeclaration = class {
constructor({ kind, declarators }) {
this.type = 'VariableDeclaration';
this.kind = kind;
this.declarators = declarators;
exports.VariableDeclarationStatement = class {
constructor({ declaration }) {
this.type = 'VariableDeclarationStatement';
this.declaration = declaration;
exports.VariableDeclarator = class {
constructor({ binding, init }) {
this.type = 'VariableDeclarator';
this.binding = binding;
this.init = init;
exports.WhileStatement = class {
constructor({ test, body }) {
this.type = 'WhileStatement';
this.test = test;
this.body = body;
exports.WithStatement = class {
constructor({ object, body }) {
this.type = 'WithStatement';
this.object = object;
this.body = body;
exports.YieldExpression = class {
constructor({ expression }) {
this.type = 'YieldExpression';
this.expression = expression;
exports.YieldGeneratorExpression = class {
constructor({ expression }) {
this.type = 'YieldGeneratorExpression';
this.expression = expression;