
445 lines
12 KiB

// Generated by generate-monoidal-reducer.js
* Copyright 2018 Shape Security, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
const Shift = require('shift-ast');
module.exports = class MonoidalReducer {
constructor(monoid) {
let identity = monoid.empty();
this.identity = identity;
let concatThunk;
if (monoid.prototype && typeof monoid.prototype.concatThunk === 'function') {
concatThunk =;
} else if (typeof monoid.concatThunk === 'function') {
concatThunk = monoid.concatThunk;
} else {
let concat;
if (monoid.prototype && typeof monoid.prototype.concat === 'function') {
concat =;
} else if (typeof monoid.concat === 'function') {
concat = monoid.concat;
} else {
throw new TypeError('Monoid must provide a `concatThunk` or `concat` method');
if (typeof monoid.isAbsorbing === 'function') {
let isAbsorbing = monoid.isAbsorbing;
concatThunk = (a, b) => isAbsorbing(a) ? a : concat(a, b());
} else {
concatThunk = (a, b) => concat(a, b());
this.append = (...args) => args.reduce(concatThunk, identity);
reduceArrayAssignmentTarget(node, { elements, rest }) {
return this.append(...elements.filter(n => n != null), rest == null ? () => this.identity : rest);
reduceArrayBinding(node, { elements, rest }) {
return this.append(...elements.filter(n => n != null), rest == null ? () => this.identity : rest);
reduceArrayExpression(node, { elements }) {
return this.append(...elements.filter(n => n != null));
reduceArrowExpression(node, { params, body }) {
return this.append(params, body);
reduceAssignmentExpression(node, { binding, expression }) {
return this.append(binding, expression);
reduceAssignmentTargetIdentifier(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceAssignmentTargetPropertyIdentifier(node, { binding, init }) {
return this.append(binding, init == null ? () => this.identity : init);
reduceAssignmentTargetPropertyProperty(node, { name, binding }) {
return this.append(name, binding);
reduceAssignmentTargetWithDefault(node, { binding, init }) {
return this.append(binding, init);
reduceAwaitExpression(node, { expression }) {
return expression();
reduceBinaryExpression(node, { left, right }) {
return this.append(left, right);
reduceBindingIdentifier(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceBindingPropertyIdentifier(node, { binding, init }) {
return this.append(binding, init == null ? () => this.identity : init);
reduceBindingPropertyProperty(node, { name, binding }) {
return this.append(name, binding);
reduceBindingWithDefault(node, { binding, init }) {
return this.append(binding, init);
reduceBlock(node, { statements }) {
return this.append(...statements);
reduceBlockStatement(node, { block }) {
return block();
reduceBreakStatement(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceCallExpression(node, { callee, arguments: _arguments }) {
return this.append(callee, ..._arguments);
reduceCatchClause(node, { binding, body }) {
return this.append(binding == null ? () => this.identity : binding, body);
reduceClassDeclaration(node, { name, super: _super, elements }) {
return this.append(name, _super == null ? () => this.identity : _super, ...elements);
reduceClassElement(node, { method }) {
return method();
reduceClassExpression(node, { name, super: _super, elements }) {
return this.append(name == null ? () => this.identity : name, _super == null ? () => this.identity : _super, ...elements);
reduceCompoundAssignmentExpression(node, { binding, expression }) {
return this.append(binding, expression);
reduceComputedMemberAssignmentTarget(node, { object, expression }) {
return this.append(object, expression);
reduceComputedMemberExpression(node, { object, expression }) {
return this.append(object, expression);
reduceComputedPropertyName(node, { expression }) {
return expression();
reduceConditionalExpression(node, { test, consequent, alternate }) {
return this.append(test, consequent, alternate);
reduceContinueStatement(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceDataProperty(node, { name, expression }) {
return this.append(name, expression);
reduceDebuggerStatement(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceDirective(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceDoWhileStatement(node, { body, test }) {
return this.append(body, test);
reduceEmptyStatement(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceExport(node, { declaration }) {
return declaration();
reduceExportAllFrom(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceExportDefault(node, { body }) {
return body();
reduceExportFrom(node, { namedExports }) {
return this.append(...namedExports);
reduceExportFromSpecifier(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceExportLocalSpecifier(node, { name }) {
return name();
reduceExportLocals(node, { namedExports }) {
return this.append(...namedExports);
reduceExpressionStatement(node, { expression }) {
return expression();
reduceForAwaitStatement(node, { left, right, body }) {
return this.append(left, right, body);
reduceForInStatement(node, { left, right, body }) {
return this.append(left, right, body);
reduceForOfStatement(node, { left, right, body }) {
return this.append(left, right, body);
reduceForStatement(node, { init, test, update, body }) {
return this.append(init == null ? () => this.identity : init, test == null ? () => this.identity : test, update == null ? () => this.identity : update, body);
reduceFormalParameters(node, { items, rest }) {
return this.append(...items, rest == null ? () => this.identity : rest);
reduceFunctionBody(node, { directives, statements }) {
return this.append(...directives, ...statements);
reduceFunctionDeclaration(node, { name, params, body }) {
return this.append(name, params, body);
reduceFunctionExpression(node, { name, params, body }) {
return this.append(name == null ? () => this.identity : name, params, body);
reduceGetter(node, { name, body }) {
return this.append(name, body);
reduceIdentifierExpression(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceIfStatement(node, { test, consequent, alternate }) {
return this.append(test, consequent, alternate == null ? () => this.identity : alternate);
reduceImport(node, { defaultBinding, namedImports }) {
return this.append(defaultBinding == null ? () => this.identity : defaultBinding, ...namedImports);
reduceImportNamespace(node, { defaultBinding, namespaceBinding }) {
return this.append(defaultBinding == null ? () => this.identity : defaultBinding, namespaceBinding);
reduceImportSpecifier(node, { binding }) {
return binding();
reduceLabeledStatement(node, { body }) {
return body();
reduceLiteralBooleanExpression(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceLiteralInfinityExpression(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceLiteralNullExpression(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceLiteralNumericExpression(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceLiteralRegExpExpression(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceLiteralStringExpression(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceMethod(node, { name, params, body }) {
return this.append(name, params, body);
reduceModule(node, { directives, items }) {
return this.append(...directives, ...items);
reduceNewExpression(node, { callee, arguments: _arguments }) {
return this.append(callee, ..._arguments);
reduceNewTargetExpression(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceObjectAssignmentTarget(node, { properties, rest }) {
return this.append(, rest == null ? () => this.identity : rest);
reduceObjectBinding(node, { properties, rest }) {
return this.append(, rest == null ? () => this.identity : rest);
reduceObjectExpression(node, { properties }) {
return this.append(;
reduceReturnStatement(node, { expression }) {
return expression == null ? this.identity : expression();
reduceScript(node, { directives, statements }) {
return this.append(...directives, ...statements);
reduceSetter(node, { name, param, body }) {
return this.append(name, param, body);
reduceShorthandProperty(node, { name }) {
return name();
reduceSpreadElement(node, { expression }) {
return expression();
reduceSpreadProperty(node, { expression }) {
return expression();
reduceStaticMemberAssignmentTarget(node, { object }) {
return object();
reduceStaticMemberExpression(node, { object }) {
return object();
reduceStaticPropertyName(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceSuper(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceSwitchCase(node, { test, consequent }) {
return this.append(test, ...consequent);
reduceSwitchDefault(node, { consequent }) {
return this.append(...consequent);
reduceSwitchStatement(node, { discriminant, cases }) {
return this.append(discriminant, ...cases);
reduceSwitchStatementWithDefault(node, { discriminant, preDefaultCases, defaultCase, postDefaultCases }) {
return this.append(discriminant, ...preDefaultCases, defaultCase, ...postDefaultCases);
reduceTemplateElement(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceTemplateExpression(node, { tag, elements }) {
return this.append(tag == null ? () => this.identity : tag, ...elements);
reduceThisExpression(node) {
return this.identity;
reduceThrowStatement(node, { expression }) {
return expression();
reduceTryCatchStatement(node, { body, catchClause }) {
return this.append(body, catchClause);
reduceTryFinallyStatement(node, { body, catchClause, finalizer }) {
return this.append(body, catchClause == null ? () => this.identity : catchClause, finalizer);
reduceUnaryExpression(node, { operand }) {
return operand();
reduceUpdateExpression(node, { operand }) {
return operand();
reduceVariableDeclaration(node, { declarators }) {
return this.append(...declarators);
reduceVariableDeclarationStatement(node, { declaration }) {
return declaration();
reduceVariableDeclarator(node, { binding, init }) {
return this.append(binding, init == null ? () => this.identity : init);
reduceWhileStatement(node, { test, body }) {
return this.append(test, body);
reduceWithStatement(node, { object, body }) {
return this.append(object, body);
reduceYieldExpression(node, { expression }) {
return expression == null ? this.identity : expression();
reduceYieldGeneratorExpression(node, { expression }) {
return expression();