$ATA_PRIMARY_DATA := @intcast(0x1F0) $ATA_PRIMARY_ERR := @intcast(0x1F1) $ATA_PRIMARY_SECCOUNT := @intcast(0x1F2) $ATA_PRIMARY_LBA_LO := @intcast(0x1F3) $ATA_PRIMARY_LBA_MID := @intcast(0x1F4) $ATA_PRIMARY_LBA_HI := @intcast(0x1F5) $ATA_PRIMARY_DRIVE_HEAD := @intcast(0x1F6) $ATA_PRIMARY_COMM_REGSTAT := @intcast(0x1F7) $ATA_PRIMARY_ALTSTAT_DCR := @intcast(0x3F6) // Indicates an error occurred. Send a new command to clear it STAT_ERR := 1 << 0 // Set when the drive has PIO data to transfer, or is ready to accept PIO data. STAT_DRQ := 1 << 3 // Overlapped Mode Service Request. STAT_SRV := 1 << 4 // Drive Fault Error (does not set ERR). STAT_DF := 1 << 5 // Bit is clear when drive is spun down, or after an error. Set otherwise. STAT_RDY := 1 << 6 // Indicates the drive is preparing to send/receive data (wait for it to clear). // In case of 'hang' (it never clears), do a software reset. STAT_BSY := 1 << 7