koniifer 1eee33ce8b fix icky pointer misalignment
move dt_api to stn for ease of use
do away with now redundant strobe example (colour example is basically strobe now)
2024-10-14 18:54:53 +01:00

254 lines
5 KiB

.{math, memory, dt} := @use("../../stn/src/lib.hb");
.{Color, Image} := @use("lib.hb");
.{Vec2} := math
ctx := @as(Context, idk)
Context := struct {
fb: ^Color,
bb: ^Color,
buf: ^Color,
width: int,
height: int,
pixels: int,
double_buffer: bool,
init := fn(): void {
width := dt.get(int, "framebuffer/fb0/width\0")
height := dt.get(int, "framebuffer/fb0/height\0")
pixels := width * height
back_buffer := memory.alloc(Color, pixels * @bitcast(@sizeof(Color)))
ctx = Context.{
fb: dt.get(^Color, "framebuffer/fb0/ptr\0"),
bb: back_buffer,
buf: back_buffer,
double_buffer: true,
doublebuffer := fn(enable: bool): void {
if enable {
ctx.buf =
} else {
ctx.buf = ctx.fb
ctx.double_buffer = enable
clear := fn(color: Color): void {
return @inline(memory.set, Color, &color, ctx.buf, @bitcast(ctx.pixels))
sync := fn(): void {
return @inline(memory.copy, Color, ctx.buf, ctx.fb, @bitcast(ctx.pixels))
width := fn(): int {
return ctx.width
height := fn(): int {
return ctx.height
screenidx := fn(x: int, y: int): int {
return x + ctx.width * y
put_pixel := fn(pos: Vec2(int), color: Color): void {
*(ctx.buf + @inline(screenidx, pos.x, pos.y)) = color
put_filled_rect := fn(pos: Vec2(int), tr: Vec2(int), color: Color): void {
start_idx := @inline(screenidx, pos.x, pos.y)
end_idx := @inline(screenidx, pos.x, pos.y + tr.y)
loop if start_idx >= end_idx break else {
@inline(memory.set, Color, &color, ctx.buf + start_idx, @bitcast(tr.x))
start_idx += ctx.width
put_rect := fn(pos: Vec2(int), tr: Vec2(int), color: Color): void {
start_idx := @inline(screenidx, pos.x, pos.y)
end_idx := @inline(screenidx, pos.x, pos.y + tr.y)
right_start_idx := @inline(screenidx, pos.x + tr.x, pos.y)
loop if start_idx > end_idx break else {
*(ctx.buf + start_idx) = color;
*(ctx.buf + right_start_idx) = color
start_idx += ctx.width
right_start_idx += ctx.width
@inline(memory.set, Color, &color, ctx.buf + @inline(screenidx, pos.x, pos.y), @bitcast(tr.x + 1))
@inline(memory.set, Color, &color, ctx.buf + @inline(screenidx, pos.x, pos.y + tr.y), @bitcast(tr.x + 1))
put_line_low := fn(p0: Vec2(int), p1: Vec2(int), color: Color): void {
dx := p1.x - p0.x
dy := p1.y - p0.y
yi := 1
if dy < 0 {
yi = -1
dy = -dy
D := 2 * dy - dx
y := p0.y
x := p0.x
loop if x == p1.x break else {
*(ctx.buf + @inline(screenidx, x, y)) = color
if D > 0 {
y += yi
D += 2 * (dy - dx)
} else {
D += 2 * dy
x += 1
put_line_high := fn(p0: Vec2(int), p1: Vec2(int), color: Color): void {
dx := p1.x - p0.x
dy := p1.y - p0.y
xi := 1
if dy < 0 {
xi = -1
dx = -dx
D := 2 * dx - dy
x := p0.x
y := p0.y
loop if y == p1.y break else {
*(ctx.buf + @inline(screenidx, x, y)) = color
if D > 0 {
x += xi
D += 2 * (dx - dy)
} else {
D += 2 * dx
y += 1
put_line := fn(p0: Vec2(int), p1: Vec2(int), color: Color): void {
if math.abs(int, p1.y - p0.y) < math.abs(int, p1.x - p0.x) {
if p0.x > p1.x {
@inline(put_line_low, p1, p0, color)
} else {
@inline(put_line_low, p0, p1, color)
} else {
if p0.y > p1.y {
@inline(put_line_high, p1, p0, color)
} else {
@inline(put_line_high, p0, p1, color)
set_height := fn(new: int): void {
set_width := fn(new: int): void {
dimensions := fn(): Vec2(int) {
return .(ctx.width, ctx.height)
set_dimensions := fn(new: Vec2(int)): void {
put_image := fn(image: Image, pos: Vec2(int)): void {
// y := 0
// loop if y == image.height break else {
// @inline(memory.copy, Color, image.buf + y * image.width, ctx.buf + @inline(screenidx, pos.x, pos.y + image.height - y), @intcast(image.width))
// y += 1
// }
// return
start_idx := @inline(screenidx, pos.x, pos.y)
end_idx := @inline(screenidx, pos.x, pos.y + image.height)
cursor := image.width * image.height
loop if start_idx >= end_idx break else {
@inline(memory.copy, Color, image.buf + cursor, ctx.buf + start_idx, @intcast(image.width))
start_idx += ctx.width
cursor -= image.width
// peony-made
put_trirect := fn(pos: Vec2(int), size: Vec2(int), color0: Color, color1: Color): void {
step := Vec2(int).(1, 1)
if size.x < 0 {
step.x = -1
if size.y < 0 {
step.y = size.y / size.x
start_y := pos.y
target := pos + size
loop if pos.x == target.x break else {
put_vline(pos.x, pos.y, target.y, color0)
@inline(put_vline, pos.x, pos.y, start_y, color1)
pos += step
// peony-made
put_vline := fn(x: int, y0: int, y1: int, color: Color): void {
if y1 < y0 {
tmp := y0
y0 = y1
y1 = tmp
y := y0
loop if y == y1 break else {
*(ctx.buf + @inline(screenidx, x, y)) = color
y += 1
// peony-made
put_hline := fn(y: int, x0: int, x1: int, color: Color): void {
if x1 < x0 {
tmp := x0
x0 = x1
x1 = tmp
x := x0
loop if x == x1 break else {
*(ctx.buf + @inline(screenidx, x, y)) = color
x += 1