/// @ts-check /** @return {never} */ function never() { throw new Error() } /**@type{WebAssembly.Instance}*/ let hbcInstance; /**@type{Promise}*/ let hbcInstaceFuture; async function getHbcInstance() { hbcInstaceFuture ??= WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("/hbc.wasm"), {}); return hbcInstance ??= (await hbcInstaceFuture).instance; } const stack_pointer_offset = 1 << 20; /** @param {WebAssembly.Instance} instance @param {Post[]} packages @param {number} fuel * @returns {string} */ function compileCode(instance, packages, fuel) { let { INPUT, INPUT_LEN, LOG_MESSAGES, LOG_MESSAGES_LEN, memory, compile_and_run, } = instance.exports; if (!(true && memory instanceof WebAssembly.Memory && INPUT instanceof WebAssembly.Global && INPUT_LEN instanceof WebAssembly.Global && LOG_MESSAGES instanceof WebAssembly.Global && LOG_MESSAGES_LEN instanceof WebAssembly.Global && typeof compile_and_run === "function" )) never(); const codeLength = packPosts(packages, new DataView(memory.buffer, INPUT.value)); new DataView(memory.buffer).setUint32(INPUT_LEN.value, codeLength, true); runWasmFunction(instance, compile_and_run, fuel); return bufToString(memory, LOG_MESSAGES, LOG_MESSAGES_LEN); } /**@type{WebAssembly.Instance}*/ let fmtInstance; /**@type{Promise}*/ let fmtInstaceFuture; async function getFmtInstance() { fmtInstaceFuture ??= WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(fetch("/hbfmt.wasm"), {}); return fmtInstance ??= (await fmtInstaceFuture).instance; } /** @param {WebAssembly.Instance} instance @param {string} code @param {"fmt" | "minify"} action * @returns {string | undefined} */ function modifyCode(instance, code, action) { let { INPUT, INPUT_LEN, OUTPUT, OUTPUT_LEN, memory, fmt, tok, minify } = instance.exports; let funs = { fmt, tok, minify }; if (!(true && memory instanceof WebAssembly.Memory && INPUT instanceof WebAssembly.Global && INPUT_LEN instanceof WebAssembly.Global && OUTPUT instanceof WebAssembly.Global && OUTPUT_LEN instanceof WebAssembly.Global && funs.hasOwnProperty(action) && typeof funs[action] === "function" )) never(); let fun = funs[action]; if (action !== "fmt") { INPUT = OUTPUT; INPUT_LEN = OUTPUT_LEN; } let dw = new DataView(memory.buffer); dw.setUint32(INPUT_LEN.value, code.length, true); new Uint8Array(memory.buffer, INPUT.value).set(new TextEncoder().encode(code)); if (!runWasmFunction(instance, fun)) { return undefined; } if (action === "tok") { return bufSlice(memory, OUTPUT, OUTPUT_LEN); } else { return bufToString(memory, OUTPUT, OUTPUT_LEN); } } /** @param {WebAssembly.Instance} instance @param {CallableFunction} func @param {any[]} args * @returns {boolean} */ function runWasmFunction(instance, func, ...args) { const { PANIC_MESSAGE, PANIC_MESSAGE_LEN, memory, stack_pointer } = instance.exports; if (!(true && memory instanceof WebAssembly.Memory && stack_pointer instanceof WebAssembly.Global )) never(); const ptr = stack_pointer.value; try { func(...args); return true; } catch (error) { if (error instanceof WebAssembly.RuntimeError && error.message == "unreachable" && PANIC_MESSAGE instanceof WebAssembly.Global && PANIC_MESSAGE_LEN instanceof WebAssembly.Global) { console.error(bufToString(memory, PANIC_MESSAGE, PANIC_MESSAGE_LEN), error); } else { console.error(error); } stack_pointer.value = ptr; return false; } } /** @typedef {Object} Post * @property {string} path * @property {string} code */ /** @param {Post[]} posts @param {DataView} view @returns {number} */ function packPosts(posts, view) { const enc = new TextEncoder(), buf = new Uint8Array(view.buffer, view.byteOffset); let len = 0; for (const post of posts) { view.setUint16(len, post.path.length, true); len += 2; buf.set(enc.encode(post.path), len); len += post.path.length; view.setUint16(len, post.code.length, true); len += 2; buf.set(enc.encode(post.code), len); len += post.code.length; } return len; } /** @param {WebAssembly.Memory} mem * @param {WebAssembly.Global} ptr * @param {WebAssembly.Global} len * @return {Uint8Array} */ function bufSlice(mem, ptr, len) { return new Uint8Array(mem.buffer, ptr.value, new DataView(mem.buffer).getUint32(len.value, true)); } /** @param {WebAssembly.Memory} mem * @param {WebAssembly.Global} ptr * @param {WebAssembly.Global} len * @return {string} */ function bufToString(mem, ptr, len) { const res = new TextDecoder() .decode(new Uint8Array(mem.buffer, ptr.value, new DataView(mem.buffer).getUint32(len.value, true))); new DataView(mem.buffer).setUint32(len.value, 0, true); return res; } /** @param {HTMLElement} target */ function wireUp(target) { execApply(target); cacheInputs(target); bindCodeEdit(target); bindTextareaAutoResize(target); } const importRe = /@use\s*\(\s*"(([^"]|\\")+)"\s*\)/g; /** @param {string} code * @param {string[]} roots * @param {Post[]} buf * @param {Set} prevRoots * @returns {void} */ function loadCachedPackages(code, roots, buf, prevRoots) { buf[0].code = code; roots.length = 0; let changed = false; for (const match of code.matchAll(importRe)) { changed ||= !prevRoots.has(match[1]); roots.push(match[1]); } if (!changed) return; buf.length = 1; prevRoots.clear(); for (let imp = roots.pop(); imp !== undefined; imp = roots.pop()) { if (prevRoots.has(imp)) continue; prevRoots.add(imp); buf.push({ path: imp, code: localStorage.getItem("package-" + imp) ?? never() }); for (const match of buf[buf.length - 1].code.matchAll(importRe)) { roots.push(match[1]); } } } /**@type{Set}*/ const prevRoots = new Set(); /** @param {HTMLElement} target */ async function bindCodeEdit(target) { const edit = target.querySelector("#code-edit"); if (!(edit instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement)) return; const codeSize = target.querySelector("#code-size"); const errors = target.querySelector("#compiler-output"); if (!(true && codeSize instanceof HTMLSpanElement && errors instanceof HTMLPreElement )) never(); const MAX_CODE_SIZE = parseInt(codeSize.innerHTML); if (Number.isNaN(MAX_CODE_SIZE)) never(); const hbc = await getHbcInstance(), fmt = await getFmtInstance(); let importDiff = new Set(); const keyBuf = []; /**@type{Post[]}*/ const packages = [{ path: "local.hb", code: "" }]; const debounce = 100; /**@type{AbortController|undefined}*/ let cancelation = undefined; let timeout = 0; prevRoots.clear(); const onInput = () => { importDiff.clear(); for (const match of edit.value.matchAll(importRe)) { if (localStorage["package-" + match[1]]) continue; importDiff.add(match[1]); } if (importDiff.size !== 0) { if (cancelation) cancelation.abort(); cancelation = new AbortController(); keyBuf.length = 0; keyBuf.push(...importDiff.keys()); errors.textContent = "fetching: " + keyBuf.join(", "); fetch(`/code`, { method: "POST", signal: cancelation.signal, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify(keyBuf), }).then(async e => { try { const json = await e.json(); if (e.status == 200) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(json)) { localStorage["package-" + key] = value; } const missing = keyBuf.filter(i => json[i] === undefined); if (missing.length !== 0) { errors.textContent = "deps not found: " + missing.join(", "); } else { cancelation = undefined; edit.dispatchEvent(new InputEvent("input")); } } } catch (er) { errors.textContent = "completely failed to fetch (" + e.status + "): " + keyBuf.join(", "); console.error(e, er); } }); } if (cancelation && importDiff.size !== 0) { return; } loadCachedPackages(edit.value, keyBuf, packages, prevRoots); errors.textContent = compileCode(hbc, packages, 1); const minified_size = modifyCode(fmt, edit.value, "minify")?.length; if (minified_size) { codeSize.textContent = (MAX_CODE_SIZE - minified_size) + ""; const perc = Math.min(100, Math.floor(100 * (minified_size / MAX_CODE_SIZE))); codeSize.style.color = `color-mix(in srgb, white, var(--error) ${perc}%)`; } timeout = 0; }; edit.addEventListener("input", () => { if (timeout) clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(onInput, debounce) }); edit.dispatchEvent(new InputEvent("input")); } /** * @type {{ Array }} * to be synched with `enum TokenGroup` in bytecode/src/fmt.rs */ const TOK_CLASSES = [ 'Blank', 'Comment', 'Keyword', 'Identifier', 'Directive', 'Number', 'String', 'Op', 'Assign', 'Paren', 'Bracket', 'Colon', 'Comma', 'Dot', 'Ctor', ]; /** @type {{ [key: string]: (el: HTMLElement) => undefined | Promise }} */ const applyFns = { timestamp: (el) => { const timestamp = el.innerText; const date = new Date(parseInt(timestamp) * 1000); el.innerText = date.toLocaleString(); }, fmt, }; /** * @param {HTMLElement} target * @param {string} code */ async function fmt(target) { const code = target.innerText; const instance = await getFmtInstance(); const decoder = new TextDecoder('utf-8'); const fmt = modifyCode(instance, code, 'fmt'); const codeBytes = new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode(fmt); const tok = modifyCode(instance, fmt, 'tok'); target.innerHTML = ''; let start = 0; let kind = tok[0]; for (let ii = 1; ii <= tok.length; ii += 1) { // split over same tokens and buffer end if (tok[ii] === kind && ii < tok.length) { continue; } const text = decoder.decode(codeBytes.subarray(start, ii)); const textNode = document.createTextNode(text);; if (kind === 0) { target.appendChild(textNode); } else { const el = document.createElement('span'); el.classList.add('syn'); el.classList.add(TOK_CLASSES[kind]); el.appendChild(textNode); target.appendChild(el); } if (ii == tok.length) { break; } start = ii; kind = tok[ii]; } } /** @param {HTMLElement} target */ async function execApply(target) { for (const elem of target.querySelectorAll('[apply]')) { if (!(elem instanceof HTMLElement)) continue; const funcname = elem.getAttribute('apply') ?? never(); applyFns[funcname](elem); } } /** @param {HTMLElement} target */ function bindTextareaAutoResize(target) { for (const textarea of target.querySelectorAll("textarea")) { if (!(textarea instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement)) never(); const taCssMap = window.getComputedStyle(textarea); const padding = parseInt(taCssMap.getPropertyValue('padding-top') ?? "0") + parseInt(taCssMap.getPropertyValue('padding-top') ?? "0"); textarea.style.height = "auto"; textarea.style.height = (textarea.scrollHeight - padding) + "px"; textarea.style.overflowY = "hidden"; textarea.addEventListener("input", function() { let top = window.scrollY; textarea.style.height = "auto"; textarea.style.height = (textarea.scrollHeight - padding) + "px"; window.scrollTo({ top }); }); textarea.onkeydown = (ev) => { if (ev.key === "Tab") { ev.preventDefault(); document.execCommand('insertText', false, "\t"); } } } } /** @param {HTMLElement} target */ function cacheInputs(target) { /**@type {HTMLFormElement}*/ let form; for (form of target.querySelectorAll('form')) { const path = form.getAttribute('hx-post') || form.getAttribute('hx-delete'); if (!path) { console.warn('form does not have a hx-post or hx-delete attribute', form); continue; } for (const input of form.elements) { if (input instanceof HTMLInputElement || input instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) { if ('password submit button'.includes(input.type)) continue; const key = path + input.name; input.value = localStorage.getItem(key) ?? ''; input.addEventListener("input", () => localStorage.setItem(key, input.value)); } else { console.warn("unhandled form element: ", input); } } } } /** @param {string} [path] */ function updaetTab(path) { for (const elem of document.querySelectorAll("button[hx-push-url]")) { if (elem instanceof HTMLButtonElement) elem.disabled = elem.getAttribute("hx-push-url") === (path ?? window.location.pathname); } } if (window.location.hostname === 'localhost') { let id; setInterval(async () => { let new_id = await fetch('/hot-reload').then(reps => reps.text()); id ??= new_id; if (id !== new_id) window.location.reload(); }, 300); (async function test() { { const code = "main:=fn():void{return}"; const inst = await getFmtInstance() const fmtd = modifyCode(inst, code, "fmt") ?? never(); const prev = modifyCode(inst, fmtd, "minify") ?? never(); if (code != prev) console.error(code, prev); } { const posts = [{ path: "foo.hb", code: "main:=fn():int{return 42}", }]; const res = compileCode(await getHbcInstance(), posts, 1) ?? never(); const expected = "exit code: 42\n"; if (expected != res) console.error(expected, res); } })() } document.body.addEventListener('htmx:afterSwap', (ev) => { if (!(ev.target instanceof HTMLElement)) never(); wireUp(ev.target); if (ev.target.tagName == "MAIN" || ev.target.tagName == "BODY") updaetTab(ev['detail'].pathInfo.finalRequestPath); console.log(ev); }); getFmtInstance().then(inst => { document.body.addEventListener('htmx:configRequest', (ev) => { const details = ev['detail']; if (details.path === "/post" && details.verb === "post") { details.parameters['code'] = modifyCode(inst, details.parameters['code'], "minify"); } }); /** @param {string} query @param {string} target @returns {number} */ function fuzzyCost(query, target) { let qi = 0, bi = 0, cost = 0, matched = false; while (qi < query.length) { if (query.charAt(qi) === target.charAt(bi++)) { matched = true; qi++; } else { cost++; } if (bi === target.length) (bi = 0, qi++); } return cost + (matched ? 0 : 100 * target.length); } let deps = undefined; /** @param {HTMLInputElement} input @returns {void} */ function filterCodeDeps(input) { deps ??= document.getElementById("deps"); if (!(deps instanceof HTMLElement)) never(); if (input.value === "") { deps.textContent = "results show here..."; return; } deps.innerHTML = ""; for (const root of [...prevRoots.keys()] .sort((a, b) => fuzzyCost(input.value, a) - fuzzyCost(input.value, b))) { const pane = document.createElement("div"); const code = modifyCode(inst, localStorage["package-" + root], "fmt"); pane.innerHTML = `
`; deps.appendChild(pane); } if (deps.innerHTML === "") { deps.textContent = "no results"; } } Object.assign(window, { filterCodeDeps }); }); updaetTab(); wireUp(document.body);