Jakub Doka 58479deca1
polishing the compiler cli (cheating with clap)
also adding the raylib example

Signed-off-by: Jakub Doka <jakub.doka2@gmail.com>
2024-12-30 13:26:38 +01:00

48 lines
1.1 KiB

InitWindow := fn(w: uint, h: uint, name: ^u8): uint @import()
WindowShouldClose := fn(): bool @import()
BeginDrawing := fn(): void @import()
EndDrawing := fn(): void @import()
DrawRectangleV := fn(pos: Vec2, size: Vec2, color: Color): void @import()
DrawRectangle := fn(a: uint, b: uint, c: uint, d: uint, color: Color): void @import()
ClearBackground := fn(color: Color): void @import()
SetTargetFPS := fn(target: uint): void @import()
GetFrameTime := fn(): f32 @import()
Vec2 := struct {x: f32, y: f32}
Color := struct {r: u8, g: u8, b: u8, a: u8}
$W := 800
$H := 600
main := fn(): uint {
_ = InitWindow(W, H, "whawee\0".ptr)
pos := Vec2.(100, 100)
vel := Vec2.(300, 300)
size := Vec2.(100, 100)
color := Color.(17, 255, 17, 255)
loop if WindowShouldClose() break else {
ClearBackground(.(0, 0, 0, 255))
DrawRectangleV(pos, size, color)
pos += vel * .(GetFrameTime(), GetFrameTime())
if pos.x < 0 | pos.x + size.x > W {
vel.x *= -1
color += .(32, 11, 20, 0)
if pos.y < 0 | pos.y + size.y > H {
vel.y *= -1
color += .(32, 11, 20, 0)
return 0