Fork 0

adding bfn to ast nodes

This commit is contained in:
mlokr 2024-09-03 17:51:28 +02:00
parent c760e9bcab
commit 467eff7440
8 changed files with 658 additions and 97 deletions

View file

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Holey-Bytes-Language (hblang for short) (*.hb) is the only true language targeti
hblang knows what it isn't, because it knows what it is, hblang computes this by sub...
## Examples
Examples are also used in tests. To add an example that runs during testing add:
@ -627,6 +628,16 @@ min := fn(a: int, b: int): int {
### Just Testing Optimizations
#### const_folding_with_arg
main := fn(arg: int): int {
// reduces to 0
return arg + 0 - arg * 1 + arg + 1 + arg + 2 + arg + 3 - arg * 3 - 6
#### inline_test
Point := struct {x: int, y: int}

View file

@ -2006,7 +2006,7 @@ impl Codegen {
E::Number { value, .. } => Some(Value {
ty: ctx.ty.map(ty::Id::strip_pointer).unwrap_or(ty::INT.into()),
loc: Loc::ct(value),
loc: Loc::ct(value as u64),
E::If { cond, then, else_, .. } => {

View file

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ macro_rules! gen_token_kind {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum TokenKind {
Not = b'!',
@ -169,6 +169,22 @@ impl TokenKind {
Some(unsafe { std::mem::transmute::<u8, Self>(id) })
pub fn is_comutative(self) -> bool {
use TokenKind as S;
matches!(self, S::Eq | S::Ne | S::Bor | S::Xor | S::Band | S::Add | S::Mul)
pub fn apply(self, a: i64, b: i64) -> i64 {
match self {
TokenKind::Add => a.wrapping_add(b),
TokenKind::Sub => a.wrapping_sub(b),
TokenKind::Mul => a.wrapping_mul(b),
TokenKind::Div => a.wrapping_div(b),
TokenKind::Shl => a.wrapping_shl(b as _),
s => todo!("{s}"),
gen_token_kind! {
@ -192,8 +208,10 @@ gen_token_kind! {
Ctor = ".{",
Tupl = ".(",
// #define OP: each `#[prec]` delimeters a level of precedence from lowest to highest
// this also includess all `<op>=` tokens
Decl = ":=",
Assign = "=",

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#![allow(internal_features, clippy::format_collect)]
use {

View file

@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b> Parser<'a, 'b> {
E::Number {
pos: token.start,
value: match u64::from_str_radix(slice, radix as u32) {
value: match i64::from_str_radix(slice, radix as u32) {
Ok(value) => value,
Err(e) => self.report(format_args!("invalid number: {e}")),
@ -592,11 +592,13 @@ macro_rules! generate_expr {
($(#[$meta:meta])* $vis:vis enum $name:ident<$lt:lifetime> {$(
$variant:ident {
$($field:ident: $ty:ty,)*
)*}) => {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
$vis enum $name<$lt> {$(
$variant {
$($field: $ty,)*
@ -639,43 +641,54 @@ pub enum Radix {
Decimal = 10,
// it would be real nice if we could use relative pointers and still pattern match easily
generate_expr! {
/// `LIST(start, sep, end, elem) => start { elem sep } [elem] end`
/// `OP := grep for `#define OP:`
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Expr<'a> {
/// `'ct' Expr`
Ct {
pos: Pos,
value: &'a Self,
/// `'"([^"]|\\")"'`
String {
pos: Pos,
literal: &'a str,
/// `'//[^\n]' | '/*' { '([^/*]|*/)*' | Comment } '*/'
Comment {
pos: Pos,
literal: &'a str,
/// `'break'`
Break {
pos: Pos,
/// `'continue'`
Continue {
pos: Pos,
/// `'fn' LIST('(', ',', ')', Ident ':' Expr) ':' Expr Expr`
Closure {
pos: Pos,
args: &'a [Arg<'a>],
ret: &'a Self,
body: &'a Self,
/// `Expr LIST('(', ',', ')', Expr)`
Call {
func: &'a Self,
args: &'a [Self],
trailing_comma: bool,
/// `'return' [Expr]`
Return {
pos: Pos,
val: Option<&'a Self>,
/// note: ':unicode:' is any utf-8 character except ascii
/// `'[a-zA-Z_:unicode:][a-zA-Z0-9_:unicode:]*'`
Ident {
pos: Pos,
is_ct: bool,
@ -683,75 +696,91 @@ generate_expr! {
name: &'a str,
index: IdentIndex,
/// `LIST('{', [';'], '}', Expr)`
Block {
pos: Pos,
stmts: &'a [Self],
/// `'0b[01]+' | '0o[0-7]+' | '[0-9]+' | '0b[01]+'`
Number {
pos: Pos,
value: u64,
value: i64,
radix: Radix,
/// node: precedence defined in `OP` applies
/// `Expr OP Expr`
BinOp {
left: &'a Self,
op: TokenKind,
right: &'a Self,
/// `'if' Expr Expr [else Expr]`
If {
pos: Pos,
cond: &'a Self,
then: &'a Self,
else_: Option<&'a Self>,
/// `'loop' Expr`
Loop {
pos: Pos,
body: &'a Self,
/// `('&' | '*' | '^') Expr`
UnOp {
pos: Pos,
op: TokenKind,
val: &'a Self,
/// `'struct' LIST('{', ',', '}', Ident ':' Expr)`
Struct {
pos: Pos,
fields: &'a [(&'a str, Self)],
captured: &'a [Ident],
trailing_comma: bool,
/// `[Expr] LIST('.{', ',', '}', Ident [':' Expr])`
Ctor {
pos: Pos,
ty: Option<&'a Self>,
fields: &'a [CtorField<'a>],
trailing_comma: bool,
/// `[Expr] LIST('.(', ',', ')', Ident [':' Expr])`
Tupl {
pos: Pos,
ty: Option<&'a Self>,
fields: &'a [Self],
trailing_comma: bool,
/// `'[' Expr [';' Expr] ']'`
Slice {
pos: Pos,
size: Option<&'a Self>,
item: &'a Self,
/// `Expr '[' Expr ']'`
Index {
base: &'a Self,
index: &'a Self,
/// `Expr '.' Ident`
Field {
target: &'a Self,
name: &'a str,
/// `'true' | 'false'`
Bool {
pos: Pos,
value: bool,
/// `'@' Ident List('(', ',', ')', Expr)`
Directive {
pos: u32,
name: &'a str,
args: &'a [Self],
/// `'@use' '(' String ')'`
Mod {
pos: Pos,
id: FileId,
@ -1155,6 +1184,10 @@ impl Ast {
_ => None,
pub fn ident_str(&self, ident: Ident) -> &str {
impl std::fmt::Display for Ast {

View file

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
use {
ident::{self, Ident},
lexer::{self, TokenKind},
parser::{self, Expr, ExprRef, FileId, Pos},
parser::{self, idfl, Expr, ExprRef, FileId, Pos},
ops::{self, Range},
@ -16,20 +16,22 @@ use {
type Nid = u32;
const NILL: u32 = u32::MAX;
pub struct PoolVec<T> {
values: Vec<PoolSlot<T>>,
pub struct Nodes {
values: Vec<PoolSlot>,
free: u32,
lookup: HashMap<(Kind, [Nid; MAX_INPUTS]), Nid>,
impl<T> Default for PoolVec<T> {
impl Default for Nodes {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { values: Default::default(), free: u32::MAX }
Self { values: Default::default(), free: u32::MAX, lookup: Default::default() }
impl<T> PoolVec<T> {
pub fn add(&mut self, value: T) -> u32 {
impl Nodes {
pub fn add(&mut self, value: Node) -> u32 {
if self.free == u32::MAX {
self.free = self.values.len() as _;
@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ impl<T> PoolVec<T> {
pub fn remove(&mut self, id: u32) -> T {
pub fn remove_low(&mut self, id: u32) -> Node {
let value = match mem::replace(&mut self.values[id as usize], PoolSlot::Next(self.free)) {
PoolSlot::Value(value) => value,
PoolSlot::Next(_) => unreachable!(),
@ -56,10 +58,287 @@ impl<T> PoolVec<T> {
self.free = u32::MAX;
fn new_node<const SIZE: usize>(
&mut self,
ty: impl Into<ty::Id>,
kind: Kind,
inps: [Nid; SIZE],
) -> Nid {
let mut inputs = [NILL; MAX_INPUTS];
if let Some(&id) = self.lookup.get(&(kind, inputs)) {
debug_assert_eq!(self[id].kind, kind);
debug_assert_eq!(self[id].inputs, inputs);
return id;
let id = self.add(Node {
depth: u32::MAX,
lock_rc: 0,
ty: ty.into(),
outputs: vec![],
let prev = self.lookup.insert((kind, inputs), id);
debug_assert_eq!(prev, None);
self.add_deps(id, &inps);
if let Some(opt) = self.peephole(id) {
debug_assert_ne!(opt, id);
} else {
fn lock(&mut self, target: Nid) {
self[target].lock_rc += 1;
fn unlock(&mut self, target: Nid) {
self[target].lock_rc -= 1;
fn remove(&mut self, target: Nid) {
if !self[target].is_dangling() {
for i in 0..self[target].inputs().len() {
let inp = self[target].inputs[i];
let index = self[inp].outputs.iter().position(|&p| p == target).unwrap();
let res = self.lookup.remove(&(self[target].kind, self[target].inputs));
debug_assert_eq!(res, Some(target));
fn peephole(&mut self, target: Nid) -> Option<Nid> {
match self[target].kind {
Kind::Start => {}
Kind::End => {}
Kind::BinOp { op } => return self.peephole_binop(target, op),
Kind::Return => {}
Kind::Tuple { index } => {}
Kind::ConstInt { value } => {}
fn peephole_binop(&mut self, target: Nid, op: TokenKind) -> Option<Nid> {
use TokenKind as T;
let [mut lhs, mut rhs, ..] = self[target].inputs;
if lhs == rhs {
match op {
T::Sub => {
return Some(self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::ConstInt { value: 0 }, []));
T::Add => {
let rhs = self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::ConstInt { value: 2 }, []);
return Some(
self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::BinOp { op: T::Mul }, [lhs, rhs]),
_ => {}
if let (Kind::ConstInt { value: a }, Kind::ConstInt { value: b }) =
(self[lhs].kind, self[rhs].kind)
return Some(self.new_node(
Kind::ConstInt { value: op.apply(a, b) },
let mut changed = false;
if op.is_comutative() && self[lhs].kind < self[rhs].kind {
std::mem::swap(&mut lhs, &mut rhs);
changed = true;
if let Kind::ConstInt { value } = self[rhs].kind {
match (op, value) {
(T::Add | T::Sub | T::Shl, 0) | (T::Mul | T::Div, 1) => return Some(lhs),
(T::Mul, 0) => return Some(rhs),
_ => {}
if op.is_comutative() && self[lhs].kind == (Kind::BinOp { op }) {
if let Kind::ConstInt { value: a } = self[self[lhs].inputs[1]].kind
&& let Kind::ConstInt { value: b } = self[rhs].kind
let new_rhs =
self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::ConstInt { value: op.apply(a, b) }, []);
return Some(self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::BinOp { op }, [
if self.is_const(self[lhs].inputs[1]) {
let new_lhs =
self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::BinOp { op }, [self[lhs].inputs[0], rhs]);
return Some(self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::BinOp { op }, [
if op == T::Add
&& self[lhs].kind == (Kind::BinOp { op: T::Mul })
&& self[lhs].inputs[0] == rhs
&& let Kind::ConstInt { value } = self[self[lhs].inputs[1]].kind
let new_rhs = self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::ConstInt { value: value + 1 }, []);
return Some(
self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::BinOp { op: T::Mul }, [rhs, new_rhs]),
if op == T::Sub && self[lhs].kind == (Kind::BinOp { op }) {
// (a - b) - c => a - (b + c)
let [a, b, ..] = self[lhs].inputs;
let c = rhs;
let new_rhs = self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::BinOp { op: T::Add }, [b, c]);
return Some(self.new_node(self[target].ty, Kind::BinOp { op }, [a, new_rhs]));
if changed {
return Some(self.new_node(self[target].ty, self[target].kind, [lhs, rhs]));
fn is_const(&self, id: Nid) -> bool {
matches!(self[id].kind, Kind::ConstInt { .. })
fn replace(&mut self, target: Nid, with: Nid) {
//for i in 0..self[target].inputs().len() {
// let inp = self[target].inputs[i];
// let index = self[inp].outputs.iter().position(|&p| p == target).unwrap();
// self[inp].outputs[index] = with;
for i in 0..self[target].outputs.len() {
let out = self[target].outputs[i];
let index = self[out].inputs().iter().position(|&p| p == target).unwrap();
let rpl = self.modify_input(out, index, with);
fn modify_input(&mut self, target: Nid, inp_index: usize, with: Nid) -> Nid {
let out = self.lookup.remove(&(self[target].kind, self[target].inputs));
debug_assert!(out == Some(target));
debug_assert_ne!(self[target].inputs[inp_index], with);
self[target].inputs[inp_index] = with;
if let Err(other) = self.lookup.try_insert((self[target].kind, self[target].inputs), target)
let rpl = *other.entry.get();
self.replace(target, rpl);
return rpl;
fn add_deps(&mut self, id: Nid, deps: &[Nid]) {
for &d in deps {
debug_assert_ne!(d, id);
fn unlock_free(&mut self, id: Nid) {
self[id].lock_rc -= 1;
if self[id].is_dangling() {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter, node: Nid, rcs: &mut [usize]) -> fmt::Result {
let mut is_ready = || {
if rcs[node as usize] == 0 {
return false;
rcs[node as usize] = rcs[node as usize].saturating_sub(1);
rcs[node as usize] == 0
match self[node].kind {
Kind::BinOp { op } => {
write!(f, "(")?;
self.fmt(f, self[node].inputs[0], rcs)?;
write!(f, " {op} ")?;
self.fmt(f, self[node].inputs[1], rcs)?;
write!(f, ")")?;
Kind::Return => {
write!(f, "{}: return [{:?}] ", node, self[node].inputs[0])?;
self.fmt(f, self[node].inputs[1], rcs)?;
self.fmt(f, self[node].inputs[2], rcs)?;
Kind::ConstInt { value } => write!(f, "{}", value)?,
Kind::End => {
if is_ready() {
writeln!(f, "{}: {:?}", node, self[node].kind)?;
Kind::Tuple { index } => {
if index != 0 && self[self[node].inputs[0]].kind == Kind::Start {
write!(f, "{:?}.{}", self[self[node].inputs[0]].kind, index)?;
} else if is_ready() {
writeln!(f, "{}: {:?}", node, self[node].kind)?;
for &o in &self[node].outputs {
if self.is_cfg(o) {
self.fmt(f, o, rcs)?;
Kind::Start => 'b: {
if !is_ready() {
break 'b;
writeln!(f, "{}: {:?}", node, self[node].kind)?;
for &o in &self[node].outputs {
self.fmt(f, o, rcs)?;
fn is_cfg(&self, o: Nid) -> bool {
matches!(self[o].kind, Kind::Start | Kind::End | Kind::Return | Kind::Tuple { .. })
impl<T> ops::Index<u32> for PoolVec<T> {
type Output = T;
impl ops::Index<u32> for Nodes {
type Output = Node;
fn index(&self, index: u32) -> &Self::Output {
match &self.values[index as usize] {
@ -69,7 +348,7 @@ impl<T> ops::Index<u32> for PoolVec<T> {
impl<T> ops::IndexMut<u32> for PoolVec<T> {
impl ops::IndexMut<u32> for Nodes {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: u32) -> &mut Self::Output {
match &mut self.values[index as usize] {
PoolSlot::Value(value) => value,
@ -78,28 +357,75 @@ impl<T> ops::IndexMut<u32> for PoolVec<T> {
enum PoolSlot<T> {
enum PoolSlot {
pub enum Inputs {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub enum Kind {
BinOp { op: lexer::TokenKind, lhs: Nid, rhs: Nid },
Return { value: Nid, cfg: Nid },
Tuple { on: Nid, index: Nid },
ConstInt { value: i64 },
Tuple { index: u32 },
BinOp { op: lexer::TokenKind },
impl Kind {
fn disc(&self) -> u8 {
unsafe { *(self as *const _ as *const u8) }
const MAX_INPUTS: usize = 3;
pub struct Node {
pub inputs: Inputs,
pub inputs: [Nid; MAX_INPUTS],
pub kind: Kind,
pub depth: u32,
pub lock_rc: u32,
pub ty: ty::Id,
pub outputs: Vec<Nid>,
pub type Nodes = PoolVec<Node>;
impl Node {
fn is_dangling(&self) -> bool {
self.outputs.len() + self.lock_rc as usize == 0
fn inputs(&self) -> &[Nid] {
let len = self.inputs.iter().position(|&n| n == NILL).unwrap_or(MAX_INPUTS);
fn inputs_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Nid] {
let len = self.inputs.iter().position(|&n| n == NILL).unwrap_or(MAX_INPUTS);
&mut self.inputs[..len]
impl fmt::Display for Nodes {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
&mut self
.map(|s| match s {
PoolSlot::Value(Node { kind: Kind::Start, .. }) => 1,
PoolSlot::Value(Node { kind: Kind::End, ref outputs, .. }) => outputs.len(),
PoolSlot::Value(val) => val.inputs().len(),
PoolSlot::Next(_) => 0,
type Offset = u32;
type Size = u32;
@ -411,6 +737,14 @@ mod ty {
pub fn bin_ret(ty: Id, op: TokenKind) -> Id {
use TokenKind as T;
match op {
T::Lt | T::Gt | T::Le | T::Ge | T::Ne | T::Eq => BOOL.into(),
_ => ty,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
@ -430,10 +764,14 @@ struct ItemCtx {
file: FileId,
id: ty::Kind,
ret: Option<ty::Id>,
start: Nid,
end: Nid,
cfg: Nid,
task_base: usize,
snap: Snapshot,
nodes: Nodes,
loops: Vec<Loop>,
vars: Vec<Variable>,
@ -685,7 +1023,7 @@ struct Ctx {
impl Ctx {
pub fn with_ty(self, ty: impl Into<ty::Id>) -> Self {
Self { ty: Some(ty.into()), ..self }
Self { ty: Some(ty.into()) }
@ -694,69 +1032,6 @@ struct Pool {
cis: Vec<ItemCtx>,
pub struct LoggedMem {
pub mem: hbvm::mem::HostMemory,
impl hbvm::mem::Memory for LoggedMem {
unsafe fn load(
&mut self,
addr: hbvm::mem::Address,
target: *mut u8,
count: usize,
) -> Result<(), hbvm::mem::LoadError> {
"load: {:x} {:?}",
core::slice::from_raw_parts(addr.get() as *const u8, count)
.map(|&b| format!("{b:02x}"))
self.mem.load(addr, target, count)
unsafe fn store(
&mut self,
addr: hbvm::mem::Address,
source: *const u8,
count: usize,
) -> Result<(), hbvm::mem::StoreError> {
"store: {:x} {:?}",
core::slice::from_raw_parts(source, count)
.map(|&b| format!("{b:02x}"))
self.mem.store(addr, source, count)
unsafe fn prog_read<T: Copy>(&mut self, addr: hbvm::mem::Address) -> T {
"read-typed: {:x} {} {:?}",
if core::mem::size_of::<T>() == 1
&& let Some(nm) =
instrs::NAMES.get(std::ptr::read(addr.get() as *const u8) as usize)
} else {
core::slice::from_raw_parts(addr.get() as *const u8, core::mem::size_of::<T>())
.map(|&b| format!("{:02x}", b))
pub struct Codegen {
pub files: Vec<parser::Ast>,
@ -770,9 +1045,18 @@ pub struct Codegen {
impl Codegen {
pub fn generate(&mut self) {
self.find_or_declare(0, 0, None, "main");
fn make_func_reachable(&mut self, func: ty::Func) {
let fuc = &mut self.tys.funcs[func as usize];
if fuc.offset == u32::MAX {
fuc.offset = task::id(self.tasks.len() as _);
self.tasks.push(Some(FTask { file: fuc.file, id: func }));
fn expr(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> Option<Nid> {
self.expr_ctx(expr, Ctx::default())
@ -787,7 +1071,80 @@ impl Codegen {
fn expr_ctx(&mut self, expr: &Expr, ctx: Ctx) -> Option<Nid> {
self.report_unhandled_ast(expr, "bruh");
match *expr {
Expr::Comment { .. } => Some(NILL),
Expr::Ident { pos, id, .. } => {
let msg = "i know nothing about this name gal which is vired\
because we parsed succesfully";
.find(|v| v.id == id)
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.report(pos, msg))
Expr::BinOp { left, op, right } => {
let lhs = self.expr_ctx(left, ctx)?;
let rhs = self.expr_ctx(right, Ctx::default().with_ty(self.tof(lhs)));
let rhs = rhs?;
let ty = self.assert_ty(left.pos(), self.tof(rhs), self.tof(lhs), false);
let id =
self.ci.nodes.new_node(ty::bin_ret(ty, op), Kind::BinOp { op }, [lhs, rhs]);
Expr::Return { pos, val } => {
let ty = if let Some(val) = val {
let value = self.expr_ctx(val, Ctx { ty: self.ci.ret })?;
let inps = [self.ci.cfg, value, self.ci.end];
self.ci.cfg = self.ci.nodes.new_node(ty::VOID, Kind::Return, inps);
} else {
let expected = *self.ci.ret.get_or_insert(ty);
_ = self.assert_ty(pos, ty, expected, true);
Expr::Block { stmts, .. } => {
let base = self.ci.vars.len();
let mut ret = Some(NILL);
for stmt in stmts {
ret = ret.and(self.expr(stmt));
if let Some(id) = ret {
_ = self.assert_ty(stmt.pos(), self.tof(id), ty::VOID.into(), true);
} else {
for var in self.ci.vars.drain(base..) {
Expr::Number { value, .. } => Some(self.ci.nodes.new_node(
Kind::ConstInt { value },
ref e => self.report_unhandled_ast(e, "bruh"),
fn tof(&self, id: Nid) -> ty::Id {
if id == NILL {
return ty::VOID.into();
@ -805,12 +1162,60 @@ impl Codegen {
fn handle_task(&mut self, FTask { file, id }: FTask) {
let func = self.tys.funcs[id as usize];
debug_assert!(func.file == file);
let sig = func.sig.unwrap();
let ast = self.files[file as usize].clone();
let expr = func.expr.get(&ast).unwrap();
let repl = ItemCtx {
id: ty::Kind::Func(id),
ret: Some(sig.ret),
let prev_ci = std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci, repl);
self.ci.start = self.ci.nodes.new_node(ty::VOID, Kind::Start, []);
self.ci.end = self.ci.nodes.new_node(ty::VOID, Kind::End, []);
self.ci.cfg = self.ci.nodes.new_node(ty::VOID, Kind::Tuple { index: 0 }, [self.ci.start]);
let Expr::BinOp {
left: Expr::Ident { .. },
op: TokenKind::Decl,
right: &Expr::Closure { body, args, .. },
} = expr
else {
let mut sig_args = sig.args.range();
for (arg, index) in args.iter().zip(1u32..) {
let ty = self.tys.args[sig_args.next().unwrap()];
let value = self.ci.nodes.new_node(ty, Kind::Tuple { index }, [self.ci.start]);
let sym = parser::find_symbol(&ast.symbols, arg.id);
assert!(sym.flags & idfl::COMPTIME == 0, "TODO");
self.ci.vars.push(Variable { id: arg.id, value });
if self.expr(body).is_some() {
self.report(body.pos(), "expected all paths in the fucntion to return");
for var in self.ci.vars.drain(..) {
//self.pool.cis.push(std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci, prev_ci));
// TODO: sometimes its better to do this in bulk
fn ty(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> ty::Id {
match *expr {
Expr::Ident { id, .. } if ident::is_null(id) => id.into(),
ref e => self.report_unhandled_ast(e, "type"),
fn find_or_declare(
@ -820,7 +1225,89 @@ impl Codegen {
name: Option<Ident>,
lit_name: &str,
) -> ty::Kind {
log::dbg!("find_or_declare: {lit_name} {file}");
let f = self.files[file as usize].clone();
let Some((expr, ident)) = f.find_decl(name.ok_or(lit_name)) else {
match name.ok_or(lit_name) {
Ok(name) => {
let name = self.cfile().ident_str(name);
self.report(pos, format_args!("undefined indentifier: {name}"))
Err("main") => self.report(
"missing main function in '{}', compiler can't \
emmit libraries since such concept is not defined",
Err(name) => self.report(pos, format_args!("undefined indentifier: {name}")),
if let Some(existing) = self.tys.syms.get(&SymKey { file, ident }) {
if let ty::Kind::Func(id) = existing.expand()
&& let func = &mut self.tys.funcs[id as usize]
&& func.offset != u32::MAX
&& let Err(idx) = task::unpack(func.offset)
func.offset = task::id(self.tasks.len());
let task = self.tasks[idx].take();
return existing.expand();
let prev_file = std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci.file, file);
let sym = match expr {
Expr::BinOp {
left: &Expr::Ident { .. },
op: TokenKind::Decl,
right: &Expr::Closure { pos, args, ret, .. },
} => {
let func = Func {
sig: '_b: {
let arg_base = self.tys.args.len();
for arg in args {
let sym = parser::find_symbol(&f.symbols, arg.id);
assert!(sym.flags & idfl::COMPTIME == 0, "TODO");
let ty = self.ty(&arg.ty);
let args = self.pack_args(pos, arg_base);
let ret = self.ty(ret);
Some(Sig { args, ret })
expr: {
let refr = ExprRef::new(expr);
offset: u32::MAX,
let id = self.tys.funcs.len() as _;
Expr::BinOp {
left: &Expr::Ident { .. },
op: TokenKind::Decl,
right: Expr::Struct { fields, .. },
} => ty::Kind::Struct(self.build_struct(fields)),
Expr::BinOp { .. } => {
e => unimplemented!("{e:#?}"),
self.ci.file = prev_file;
self.tys.syms.insert(SymKey { ident, file }, sym.compress());
fn ty_display(&self, ty: ty::Id) -> ty::Display {
@ -829,8 +1316,10 @@ impl Codegen {
fn assert_ty(&self, pos: Pos, ty: ty::Id, expected: ty::Id) -> ty::Id {
if let Some(res) = ty.try_upcast(expected) {
fn assert_ty(&self, pos: Pos, ty: ty::Id, expected: ty::Id, preserve_expected: bool) -> ty::Id {
if let Some(res) = ty.try_upcast(expected)
&& (!preserve_expected || res == expected)
} else {
let ty = self.ty_display(ty);
@ -947,10 +1436,15 @@ mod tests {
use std::fmt::Write;
write!(output, "{}", codegen.ci.nodes).unwrap();
crate::run_tests! { generate:
arithmetic => README;
const_folding_with_arg => README;
//variables => README;
//functions => README;
//comments => README;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
0: Start
2: Tuple { index: 0 }
4: return [2] 1
1: End