Fork 0

some organization

This commit is contained in:
mlokr 2024-09-03 00:07:20 +02:00
parent 29d7a6f964
commit 9d7ab01ea3
3 changed files with 930 additions and 8 deletions

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use {
parser::{self, find_symbol, idfl, CtorField, Expr, ExprRef, FileId, Pos},
std::{ops::Range, rc::Rc, u32, usize},
std::{ops::Range, rc::Rc},
type Offset = u32;
@ -634,13 +634,6 @@ impl Loc {
Self::Rt { stack: Some(stack), reg: reg::STACK_PTR.into(), derefed: true, offset: 0 }
fn get_reg(&self) -> reg::Id {
match self {
Self::Rt { reg, .. } => reg.as_ref(),
_ => reg::Id::from(0),
fn reg(reg: impl Into<reg::Id>) -> Self {
let reg = reg.into();
assert!(reg.get() != 0);

View file

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ macro_rules! run_tests {
pub mod codegen;
pub mod parser;
pub mod son;
mod instrs;
mod lexer;

hblang/src/son.rs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,928 @@
use {
ident::{self, Ident},
instrs::{self, *},
lexer::{self, TokenKind},
parser::{self, find_symbol, idfl, CtorField, Expr, ExprRef, FileId, Pos},
ops::{self, Range},
type Nid = u32;
pub struct PoolVec<T> {
values: Vec<PoolSlot<T>>,
free: u32,
impl<T> Default for PoolVec<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { values: Default::default(), free: u32::MAX }
impl<T> PoolVec<T> {
pub fn add(&mut self, value: T) -> u32 {
if self.free == u32::MAX {
self.free = self.values.len() as _;
let free = self.free;
self.free = match mem::replace(&mut self.values[free as usize], PoolSlot::Value(value)) {
PoolSlot::Value(_) => unreachable!(),
PoolSlot::Next(free) => free,
pub fn remove(&mut self, id: u32) -> T {
let value = match mem::replace(&mut self.values[id as usize], PoolSlot::Next(self.free)) {
PoolSlot::Value(value) => value,
PoolSlot::Next(_) => unreachable!(),
self.free = id;
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
self.free = u32::MAX;
impl<T> ops::Index<u32> for PoolVec<T> {
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, index: u32) -> &Self::Output {
match &self.values[index as usize] {
PoolSlot::Value(value) => value,
PoolSlot::Next(_) => unreachable!(),
impl<T> ops::IndexMut<u32> for PoolVec<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: u32) -> &mut Self::Output {
match &mut self.values[index as usize] {
PoolSlot::Value(value) => value,
PoolSlot::Next(_) => unreachable!(),
enum PoolSlot<T> {
pub enum Inputs {
BinOp { op: lexer::TokenKind, lhs: Nid, rhs: Nid },
Return { value: Nid, cfg: Nid },
Tuple { on: Nid, index: Nid },
ConstInt { value: i64 },
pub struct Node {
pub inputs: Inputs,
pub depth: u32,
pub ty: ty::Id,
pub outputs: Vec<Nid>,
pub type Nodes = PoolVec<Node>;
type Offset = u32;
type Size = u32;
type ArrayLen = u32;
mod ty {
use {
parser::{self, Expr},
std::{num::NonZeroU32, ops::Range},
pub type Builtin = u32;
pub type Struct = u32;
pub type Ptr = u32;
pub type Func = u32;
pub type Global = u32;
pub type Module = u32;
pub type Param = u32;
pub type Slice = u32;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Tuple(pub u32);
impl Tuple {
const LEN_BITS: u32 = 5;
const LEN_MASK: usize = Self::MAX_LEN - 1;
const MAX_LEN: usize = 1 << Self::LEN_BITS;
pub fn new(pos: usize, len: usize) -> Option<Self> {
if len >= Self::MAX_LEN {
return None;
Some(Self((pos << Self::LEN_BITS | len) as u32))
pub fn view(self, slice: &[Id]) -> &[Id] {
&slice[self.0 as usize >> Self::LEN_BITS..][..self.len()]
pub fn range(self) -> Range<usize> {
let start = self.0 as usize >> Self::LEN_BITS;
start..start + self.len()
pub fn len(self) -> usize {
self.0 as usize & Self::LEN_MASK
pub fn is_empty(self) -> bool {
self.0 == 0
pub fn empty() -> Self {
pub fn repr(&self) -> u32 {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)]
pub struct Id(NonZeroU32);
impl Default for Id {
fn default() -> Self {
Self(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked(UNDECLARED) })
impl Id {
pub const fn from_bt(bt: u32) -> Self {
Self(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked(bt) })
pub fn is_signed(self) -> bool {
pub fn is_unsigned(self) -> bool {
pub fn is_integer(self) -> bool {
pub fn strip_pointer(self) -> Self {
match self.expand() {
Kind::Ptr(_) => Kind::Builtin(UINT).compress(),
_ => self,
pub fn is_pointer(self) -> bool {
matches!(Kind::from_ty(self), Kind::Ptr(_))
pub fn try_upcast(self, ob: Self) -> Option<Self> {
let (oa, ob) = (Self(self.0.min(ob.0)), Self(self.0.max(ob.0)));
let (a, b) = (oa.strip_pointer(), ob.strip_pointer());
Some(match () {
_ if oa == ob => oa,
_ if oa.is_pointer() && ob.is_pointer() => return None,
_ if a.is_signed() && b.is_signed() || a.is_unsigned() && b.is_unsigned() => ob,
_ if a.is_unsigned() && b.is_signed() && a.repr() - U8 < b.repr() - I8 => ob,
_ if oa.is_integer() && ob.is_pointer() => ob,
_ => return None,
pub fn expand(self) -> Kind {
pub const fn repr(self) -> u32 {
impl From<u64> for Id {
fn from(id: u64) -> Self {
Self(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked(id as _) })
impl From<u32> for Id {
fn from(id: u32) -> Self {
const fn array_to_lower_case<const N: usize>(array: [u8; N]) -> [u8; N] {
let mut result = [0; N];
let mut i = 0;
while i < N {
result[i] = array[i].to_ascii_lowercase();
i += 1;
// const string to lower case
macro_rules! builtin_type {
($($name:ident;)*) => {
$(pub const $name: Builtin = ${index(0)} + 1;)*
mod __lc_names {
use super::*;
$(pub const $name: &[u8] = &array_to_lower_case(unsafe {
*(stringify!($name).as_ptr() as *const [u8; stringify!($name).len()]) });)*
pub fn from_str(name: &str) -> Option<Builtin> {
match name.as_bytes() {
$(__lc_names::$name => Some($name),)*
_ => None,
pub fn to_str(ty: Builtin) -> &'static str {
match ty {
$($name => unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(__lc_names::$name) },)*
v => unreachable!("invalid type: {}", v),
builtin_type! {
macro_rules! type_kind {
($(#[$meta:meta])* $vis:vis enum $name:ident {$( $variant:ident, )*}) => {
$vis enum $name {
impl $name {
const FLAG_BITS: u32 = (${count($variant)} as u32).next_power_of_two().ilog2();
const FLAG_OFFSET: u32 = std::mem::size_of::<Id>() as u32 * 8 - Self::FLAG_BITS;
const INDEX_MASK: u32 = (1 << (32 - Self::FLAG_BITS)) - 1;
$vis fn from_ty(ty: Id) -> Self {
let (flag, index) = (ty.repr() >> Self::FLAG_OFFSET, ty.repr() & Self::INDEX_MASK);
match flag {
$(${index(0)} => Self::$variant(index),)*
i => unreachable!("{i}"),
$vis const fn compress(self) -> Id {
let (index, flag) = match self {
$(Self::$variant(index) => (index, ${index(0)}),)*
Id(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked((flag << Self::FLAG_OFFSET) | index) })
$vis const fn inner(self) -> u32 {
match self {
$(Self::$variant(index) => index,)*
type_kind! {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Kind {
impl Default for Kind {
fn default() -> Self {
pub struct Display<'a> {
tys: &'a super::Types,
files: &'a [parser::Ast],
ty: Id,
impl<'a> Display<'a> {
pub(super) fn new(tys: &'a super::Types, files: &'a [parser::Ast], ty: Id) -> Self {
Self { tys, files, ty }
fn rety(&self, ty: Id) -> Self {
Self::new(self.tys, self.files, ty)
impl<'a> std::fmt::Display for Display<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
use Kind as TK;
match TK::from_ty(self.ty) {
TK::Module(idx) => write!(f, "module{}", idx),
TK::Builtin(ty) => write!(f, "{}", to_str(ty)),
TK::Ptr(ty) => {
write!(f, "^{}", self.rety(self.tys.ptrs[ty as usize].base))
_ if let Some((key, _)) = self
.find(|(sym, &ty)| sym.file < self.files.len() as u32 && ty == self.ty)
&& let Some(name) = self.files[key.file as usize].exprs().iter().find_map(
|expr| match expr {
Expr::BinOp {
left: &Expr::Ident { name, id, .. },
op: TokenKind::Decl,
} if id == key.ident => Some(name),
_ => None,
) =>
write!(f, "{name}")
TK::Struct(idx) => {
let record = &self.tys.structs[idx as usize];
write!(f, "{{")?;
for (i, &super::Field { ref name, ty }) in record.fields.iter().enumerate() {
if i != 0 {
write!(f, ", ")?;
write!(f, "{name}: {}", self.rety(ty))?;
write!(f, "}}")
TK::Func(idx) => write!(f, "fn{idx}"),
TK::Global(idx) => write!(f, "global{idx}"),
TK::Slice(idx) => {
let array = self.tys.arrays[idx as usize];
match array.len {
ArrayLen::MAX => write!(f, "[{}]", self.rety(array.ty)),
len => write!(f, "[{}; {len}]", self.rety(array.ty)),
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct Loop {
var_count: u32,
offset: u32,
reloc_base: u32,
struct Variable {
id: Ident,
value: Nid,
struct ItemCtx {
file: FileId,
id: ty::Kind,
ret: Option<ty::Id>,
task_base: usize,
snap: Snapshot,
loops: Vec<Loop>,
vars: Vec<Variable>,
impl ItemCtx {}
fn write_reloc(doce: &mut [u8], offset: usize, value: i64, size: u16) {
let value = value.to_ne_bytes();
doce[offset..offset + size as usize].copy_from_slice(&value[..size as usize]);
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct SymKey {
file: u32,
ident: u32,
impl SymKey {
pub fn pointer_to(ty: ty::Id) -> Self {
Self { file: u32::MAX, ident: ty.repr() }
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Sig {
args: ty::Tuple,
ret: ty::Id,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Func {
file: FileId,
expr: ExprRef,
sig: Option<Sig>,
offset: Offset,
struct Global {
offset: Offset,
ty: ty::Id,
struct Field {
name: Rc<str>,
ty: ty::Id,
struct Struct {
fields: Rc<[Field]>,
struct Ptr {
base: ty::Id,
struct ParamAlloc(Range<u8>);
impl ParamAlloc {
pub fn next(&mut self) -> u8 {
self.0.next().expect("too many paramteters")
fn next_wide(&mut self) -> u8 {
(self.next(), self.next()).0
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Array {
ty: ty::Id,
len: ArrayLen,
struct Types {
syms: HashMap<SymKey, ty::Id>,
funcs: Vec<Func>,
args: Vec<ty::Id>,
globals: Vec<Global>,
structs: Vec<Struct>,
ptrs: Vec<Ptr>,
arrays: Vec<Array>,
impl Types {
fn parama(&self, ret: impl Into<ty::Id>) -> ParamAlloc {
ParamAlloc(2 + (9..=16).contains(&self.size_of(ret.into())) as u8..12)
fn offset_of(&self, idx: ty::Struct, field: &str) -> Option<(Offset, ty::Id)> {
let record = &self.structs[idx as usize];
let until = record.fields.iter().position(|f| f.name.as_ref() == field)?;
let mut offset = 0;
for &Field { ty, .. } in &record.fields[..until] {
offset = Self::align_up(offset, self.align_of(ty));
offset += self.size_of(ty);
Some((offset, record.fields[until].ty))
fn make_ptr(&mut self, base: ty::Id) -> ty::Id {
fn make_ptr_low(&mut self, base: ty::Id) -> ty::Ptr {
let id = SymKey::pointer_to(base);
.or_insert_with(|| {
self.ptrs.push(Ptr { base });
ty::Kind::Ptr(self.ptrs.len() as u32 - 1).compress()
fn make_array(&mut self, ty: ty::Id, len: ArrayLen) -> ty::Id {
ty::Kind::Slice(self.make_array_low(ty, len)).compress()
fn make_array_low(&mut self, ty: ty::Id, len: ArrayLen) -> ty::Slice {
let id = SymKey {
file: match len {
ArrayLen::MAX => ArrayLen::MAX - 1,
len => ArrayLen::MAX - len - 2,
ident: ty.repr(),
.or_insert_with(|| {
self.arrays.push(Array { ty, len });
ty::Kind::Slice(self.arrays.len() as u32 - 1).compress()
fn align_up(value: Size, align: Size) -> Size {
(value + align - 1) & !(align - 1)
fn size_of(&self, ty: ty::Id) -> Size {
match ty.expand() {
ty::Kind::Ptr(_) => 8,
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::VOID) => 0,
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::NEVER) => unreachable!(),
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::INT | ty::UINT) => 8,
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::I32 | ty::U32 | ty::TYPE) => 4,
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::I16 | ty::U16) => 2,
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::I8 | ty::U8 | ty::BOOL) => 1,
ty::Kind::Slice(arr) => {
let arr = &self.arrays[arr as usize];
match arr.len {
0 => 0,
ArrayLen::MAX => 16,
len => self.size_of(arr.ty) * len,
ty::Kind::Struct(stru) => {
let mut offset = 0u32;
let record = &self.structs[stru as usize];
for &Field { ty, .. } in record.fields.iter() {
let align = self.align_of(ty);
offset = Self::align_up(offset, align);
offset += self.size_of(ty);
ty => unimplemented!("size_of: {:?}", ty),
fn align_of(&self, ty: ty::Id) -> Size {
match ty.expand() {
ty::Kind::Struct(stru) => self.structs[stru as usize]
.map(|&Field { ty, .. }| self.align_of(ty))
ty::Kind::Slice(arr) => {
let arr = &self.arrays[arr as usize];
match arr.len {
ArrayLen::MAX => 8,
_ => self.align_of(arr.ty),
_ => self.size_of(ty).max(1),
mod task {
use super::Offset;
pub fn unpack(offset: Offset) -> Result<Offset, usize> {
if offset >> 31 != 0 {
Err((offset & !(1 << 31)) as usize)
} else {
pub fn id(index: usize) -> Offset {
1 << 31 | index as u32
struct FTask {
file: FileId,
id: ty::Func,
#[derive(Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct Snapshot {
code: usize,
string_data: usize,
funcs: usize,
globals: usize,
strings: usize,
impl Snapshot {
fn _sub(&mut self, other: &Self) {
self.code -= other.code;
self.string_data -= other.string_data;
self.funcs -= other.funcs;
self.globals -= other.globals;
self.strings -= other.strings;
fn _add(&mut self, other: &Self) {
self.code += other.code;
self.string_data += other.string_data;
self.funcs += other.funcs;
self.globals += other.globals;
self.strings += other.strings;
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct Ctx {
ty: Option<ty::Id>,
impl Ctx {
pub fn with_ty(self, ty: impl Into<ty::Id>) -> Self {
Self { ty: Some(ty.into()), ..self }
struct Pool {
cis: Vec<ItemCtx>,
pub struct LoggedMem {
pub mem: hbvm::mem::HostMemory,
impl hbvm::mem::Memory for LoggedMem {
unsafe fn load(
&mut self,
addr: hbvm::mem::Address,
target: *mut u8,
count: usize,
) -> Result<(), hbvm::mem::LoadError> {
"load: {:x} {:?}",
core::slice::from_raw_parts(addr.get() as *const u8, count)
.map(|&b| format!("{b:02x}"))
self.mem.load(addr, target, count)
unsafe fn store(
&mut self,
addr: hbvm::mem::Address,
source: *const u8,
count: usize,
) -> Result<(), hbvm::mem::StoreError> {
"store: {:x} {:?}",
core::slice::from_raw_parts(source, count)
.map(|&b| format!("{b:02x}"))
self.mem.store(addr, source, count)
unsafe fn prog_read<T: Copy>(&mut self, addr: hbvm::mem::Address) -> T {
"read-typed: {:x} {} {:?}",
if core::mem::size_of::<T>() == 1
&& let Some(nm) =
instrs::NAMES.get(std::ptr::read(addr.get() as *const u8) as usize)
} else {
core::slice::from_raw_parts(addr.get() as *const u8, core::mem::size_of::<T>())
.map(|&b| format!("{:02x}", b))
pub struct Codegen {
pub files: Vec<parser::Ast>,
tasks: Vec<Option<FTask>>,
tys: Types,
ci: ItemCtx,
pool: Pool,
impl Codegen {
pub fn generate(&mut self) {
self.find_or_declare(0, 0, Err("main"), "");
fn expr(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> Option<Nid> {
self.expr_ctx(expr, Ctx::default())
fn build_struct(&mut self, fields: &[(&str, Expr)]) -> ty::Struct {
let fields = fields
.map(|&(name, ty)| Field { name: name.into(), ty: self.ty(&ty) })
self.tys.structs.push(Struct { fields });
self.tys.structs.len() as u32 - 1
fn expr_ctx(&mut self, expr: &Expr, mut ctx: Ctx) -> Option<Nid> {
fn complete_call_graph(&mut self) {
fn complete_call_graph_low(&mut self) {
while self.ci.task_base < self.tasks.len()
&& let Some(task_slot) = self.tasks.pop()
let Some(task) = task_slot else { continue };
fn handle_task(&mut self, FTask { file, id }: FTask) {
// TODO: sometimes its better to do this in bulk
fn ty(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> ty::Id {
fn find_or_declare(
&mut self,
pos: Pos,
file: FileId,
name: Result<Ident, &str>,
lit_name: &str,
) -> ty::Kind {
fn ty_display(&self, ty: ty::Id) -> ty::Display {
ty::Display::new(&self.tys, &self.files, ty)
fn assert_ty(&self, pos: Pos, ty: ty::Id, expected: ty::Id) -> ty::Id {
if let Some(res) = ty.try_upcast(expected) {
} else {
let ty = self.ty_display(ty);
let expected = self.ty_display(expected);
self.report(pos, format_args!("expected {expected}, got {ty}"));
fn report_log(&self, pos: Pos, msg: impl std::fmt::Display) {
let (line, col) = lexer::line_col(self.cfile().file.as_bytes(), pos);
println!("{}:{}:{}: {}", self.cfile().path, line, col, msg);
fn report(&self, pos: Pos, msg: impl std::fmt::Display) -> ! {
self.report_log(pos, msg);
fn report_unhandled_ast(&self, ast: &Expr, hint: &str) -> ! {
"compiler does not (yet) know how to handle ({hint}):\n\
info for weak people:\n\
fn cfile(&self) -> &parser::Ast {
&self.files[self.ci.file as usize]
fn pack_args(&mut self, pos: Pos, arg_base: usize) -> ty::Tuple {
let needle = &self.tys.args[arg_base..];
if needle.is_empty() {
return ty::Tuple::empty();
let len = needle.len();
// FIXME: maybe later when this becomes a bottleneck we use more
// efficient search (SIMD?, indexing?)
let sp = self.tys.args.windows(needle.len()).position(|val| val == needle).unwrap();
self.tys.args.truncate((sp + needle.len()).max(arg_base));
ty::Tuple::new(sp, len)
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.report(pos, "amount of arguments not supported"))
mod tests {
use {
crate::{codegen::LoggedMem, log, parser::FileId},
const README: &str = include_str!("../README.md");
fn generate(ident: &'static str, input: &'static str, output: &mut String) {
crate::run_tests! { generate:
arithmetic => README;
variables => README;
functions => README;
comments => README;
if_statements => README;
loops => README;
fb_driver => README;
pointers => README;
structs => README;
different_types => README;
struct_operators => README;
directives => README;
global_variables => README;
generic_types => README;
generic_functions => README;
c_strings => README;
struct_patterns => README;
arrays => README;
struct_return_from_module_function => README;
//comptime_pointers => README;
sort_something_viredly => README;
hex_octal_binary_literals => README;
comptime_min_reg_leak => README;
// structs_in_registers => README;
comptime_function_from_another_file => README;
inline => README;
inline_test => README;