Fork 0

arrays work i guess

This commit is contained in:
mlokr 2024-07-08 18:08:58 +02:00
parent 179b78bd07
commit c990429786
4 changed files with 275 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -312,6 +312,18 @@ fib_iter := fn(n: int): int {
#### arrays
main := fn(): int {
arr := [int].(1, 2, 4);
return pass(&arr);
pass := fn(arr: ^[int; 3]): int {
return arr[0] + arr[1] + arr[arr[1]];
### Incomplete Examples
#### generic_types

View file

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ use {
type Offset = u32;
type Size = u32;
type ArrayLen = u32;
mod stack {
use {
@ -192,6 +193,7 @@ mod reg {
pub mod ty {
use {
parser::{self, Expr},
@ -205,6 +207,7 @@ pub mod ty {
pub type Global = u32;
pub type Module = u32;
pub type Param = u32;
pub type Slice = u32;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Tuple(pub u32);
@ -416,6 +419,7 @@ pub mod ty {
@ -454,7 +458,7 @@ pub mod ty {
.find(|(sym, &ty)| sym.file != u32::MAX && ty == self.ty)
.find(|(sym, &ty)| sym.file < self.files.len() as u32 && ty == self.ty)
&& let Some(name) = self.files[key.file as usize].exprs().iter().find_map(
|expr| match expr {
Expr::BinOp {
@ -481,6 +485,13 @@ pub mod ty {
TK::Func(idx) => write!(f, "fn{idx}"),
TK::Global(idx) => write!(f, "global{idx}"),
TK::Slice(idx) => {
let array = self.tys.arrays[idx as usize];
match array.len {
ArrayLen::MAX => write!(f, "[{}]", self.rety(array.ty)),
len => write!(f, "[{}; {len}]", self.rety(array.ty)),
@ -852,6 +863,12 @@ impl ParamAlloc {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Array {
ty: ty::Id,
len: ArrayLen,
struct Types {
syms: HashMap<SymKey, ty::Id>,
@ -861,6 +878,7 @@ struct Types {
globals: Vec<Global>,
structs: Vec<Struct>,
ptrs: Vec<Ptr>,
arrays: Vec<Array>,
impl Types {
@ -896,6 +914,29 @@ impl Types {
fn make_array(&mut self, ty: ty::Id, len: ArrayLen) -> ty::Id {
ty::Kind::Slice(self.make_array_low(ty, len)).compress()
fn make_array_low(&mut self, ty: ty::Id, len: ArrayLen) -> ty::Slice {
let id = SymKey {
file: match len {
ArrayLen::MAX => ArrayLen::MAX - 1,
len => ArrayLen::MAX - len - 2,
ident: ty.repr(),
.or_insert_with(|| {
self.arrays.push(Array { ty, len });
ty::Kind::Slice(self.arrays.len() as u32 - 1).compress()
fn align_up(value: Size, align: Size) -> Size {
(value + align - 1) & !(align - 1)
@ -909,9 +950,17 @@ impl Types {
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::I32 | ty::U32 | ty::TYPE) => 4,
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::I16 | ty::U16) => 2,
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::I8 | ty::U8 | ty::BOOL) => 1,
ty::Kind::Struct(ty) => {
ty::Kind::Slice(arr) => {
let arr = &self.arrays[arr as usize];
match arr.len {
0 => 0,
ArrayLen::MAX => 16,
len => self.size_of(arr.ty) * len,
ty::Kind::Struct(stru) => {
let mut offset = 0u32;
let record = &self.structs[ty as usize];
let record = &self.structs[stru as usize];
for &Field { ty, .. } in record.fields.iter() {
let align = self.align_of(ty);
offset = Self::align_up(offset, align);
@ -925,12 +974,19 @@ impl Types {
fn align_of(&self, ty: ty::Id) -> Size {
match ty.expand() {
ty::Kind::Struct(t) => self.structs[t as usize]
ty::Kind::Struct(stru) => self.structs[stru as usize]
.map(|&Field { ty, .. }| self.align_of(ty))
ty::Kind::Slice(arr) => {
let arr = &self.arrays[arr as usize];
match arr.len {
ArrayLen::MAX => 8,
_ => self.align_of(arr.ty),
_ => self.size_of(ty).max(1),
@ -1275,6 +1331,60 @@ impl Codegen {
E::Slice { size, item, .. } => {
let ty = self.ty(item);
let len = size.map_or(ArrayLen::MAX, |expr| self.eval_const(expr, ty::U32) as _);
Some(Value::ty(self.tys.make_array(ty, len)))
E::Index { base, index } => {
// TODO: we need to check if index is in bounds on debug builds
let mut base_val = self.expr(base)?;
base_val.loc = self.make_loc_owned(base_val.loc, base_val.ty);
let index_val = self.expr(index)?;
_ = self.assert_ty(index.pos(), index_val.ty, ty::INT.into());
if let ty::Kind::Ptr(ty) = base_val.ty.expand() {
base_val.ty = self.tys.ptrs[ty as usize].base;
base_val.loc = base_val.loc.into_derefed();
match base_val.ty.expand() {
ty::Kind::Slice(arr) => {
let ty = self.tys.arrays[arr as usize].ty;
let item_size = self.tys.size_of(ty);
let Loc::Rt { derefed: true, ref mut reg, ref stack, offset } =
else {
if reg.is_ref() {
let new_reg = self.ci.regs.allocate();
self.stack_offset(new_reg.get(), reg.get(), stack.as_ref(), offset);
*reg = new_reg;
} else {
self.stack_offset(reg.get(), reg.get(), stack.as_ref(), offset);
let idx = self.loc_to_reg(index_val.loc, 8);
self.output.emit(muli64(idx.get(), idx.get(), item_size as _));
self.output.emit(add64(reg.get(), reg.get(), idx.get()));
Some(Value::new(ty, base_val.loc))
_ => self.report(
"compiler did not (yet) learn how to index into '{}'",
E::UnOp { op: T::Xor, val, .. } => {
let val = self.ty(val);
@ -1448,33 +1558,61 @@ impl Codegen {
Some(Value::new(self.tys.make_ptr(ty::U8.into()), reg))
E::Ctor { pos, ty, fields, .. } => {
let (stuct, loc) = self.prepare_struct_ctor(pos, ctx, ty, fields.len());
let (ty, loc) = self.prepare_struct_ctor(pos, ctx, ty, fields.len());
let ty::Kind::Struct(stru) = ty.expand() else {
"our current technology does not (yet) allow\
us to construct '{}' with struct constructor",
for &CtorField { pos, name, ref value, .. } in fields {
let Some((offset, ty)) = self.tys.offset_of(stuct, name) else {
let Some((offset, ty)) = self.tys.offset_of(stru, name) else {
self.report(pos, format_args!("field not found: {name:?}"));
let loc = loc.as_ref().offset(offset);
let value = self.expr_ctx(value, Ctx::default().with_loc(loc).with_ty(ty))?;
let ty = ty::Kind::Struct(stuct).compress();
return Some(Value { ty, loc });
E::Tupl { pos, ty, fields, .. } => {
let (stuct, loc) = self.prepare_struct_ctor(pos, ctx, ty, fields.len());
let mut offset = 0;
let sfields = self.tys.structs[stuct as usize].fields.clone();
for (sfield, field) in sfields.iter().zip(fields) {
let loc = loc.as_ref().offset(offset);
let ctx = Ctx::default().with_loc(loc).with_ty(sfield.ty);
let value = self.expr_ctx(field, ctx)?;
offset += self.tys.size_of(sfield.ty);
offset = Types::align_up(offset, self.tys.align_of(sfield.ty));
let (ty, loc) = self.prepare_struct_ctor(pos, ctx, ty, fields.len());
match ty.expand() {
ty::Kind::Struct(stru) => {
let mut offset = 0;
let sfields = self.tys.structs[stru as usize].fields.clone();
for (sfield, field) in sfields.iter().zip(fields) {
let loc = loc.as_ref().offset(offset);
let ctx = Ctx::default().with_loc(loc).with_ty(sfield.ty);
let value = self.expr_ctx(field, ctx)?;
offset += self.tys.size_of(sfield.ty);
offset = Types::align_up(offset, self.tys.align_of(sfield.ty));
ty::Kind::Slice(arr) => {
let arr = &self.tys.arrays[arr as usize];
let item_size = self.tys.size_of(arr.ty);
for (i, value) in fields.iter().enumerate() {
let loc = loc.as_ref().offset(i as u32 * item_size);
let value =
self.expr_ctx(value, Ctx::default().with_loc(loc).with_ty(ty))?;
_ => self.report(
"compiler does not (yet) know how to initialize\
'{}' with tuple constructor",
let ty = ty::Kind::Struct(stuct).compress();
return Some(Value { ty, loc });
E::Field { target, name: field } => {
@ -1932,6 +2070,45 @@ impl Codegen {
fn eval_const(&mut self, expr: &Expr, ty: impl Into<ty::Id>) -> u64 {
let mut ci = ItemCtx {
file: self.ci.file,
id: self.ci.id,
ret: ty.into(),
ci.vars.append(&mut self.ci.vars);
let loc = self.ct_eval(ci, |s, prev| {
if s.expr_ctx(
&Expr::Return { pos: 0, val: Some(expr) },
s.report(expr.pos(), "we fucked up");
let stash = s.complete_call_graph();
prev.vars.append(&mut s.ci.vars);
s.ci.finalize(&mut s.output);
match loc {
Ok(i) | Err(i) => self.ct.vm.read_reg(i).cast::<u64>(),
fn assign_pattern(&mut self, pat: &Expr, right: Value) -> Option<Value> {
match *pat {
Expr::Ident { id, .. } => {
@ -1977,23 +2154,41 @@ impl Codegen {
ctx: Ctx,
ty: Option<&Expr>,
field_len: usize,
) -> (ty::Struct, Loc) {
let Some(ty) = ty.map(|ty| self.ty(ty)).or(ctx.ty) else {
) -> (ty::Id, Loc) {
let Some(mut ty) = ty.map(|ty| self.ty(ty)).or(ctx.ty) else {
self.report(pos, "expected type, (it cannot be inferred)");
let size = self.tys.size_of(ty);
let loc = ctx.loc.unwrap_or_else(|| Loc::stack(self.ci.stack.allocate(size)));
let ty::Kind::Struct(stuct) = ty.expand() else {
self.report(pos, "expected expression to evaluate to struct")
let field_count = self.tys.structs[stuct as usize].fields.len();
if field_count != field_len {
self.report(pos, format_args!("expected {field_count} fields, got {field_len}"));
match ty.expand() {
ty::Kind::Struct(stru) => {
let field_count = self.tys.structs[stru as usize].fields.len();
if field_count != field_len {
format_args!("expected {field_count} fields, got {field_len}"),
ty::Kind::Slice(arr) => {
let arr = &self.tys.arrays[arr as usize];
if arr.len == ArrayLen::MAX {
ty = self.tys.make_array(arr.ty, field_len as _);
} else if arr.len != field_len as u32 {
"literal has {} elements, but explicit array type has {} elements",
arr.len, field_len
_ => self.report(pos, "expected expression to evaluate to struct (or array maybe)"),
(stuct, loc)
let size = self.tys.size_of(ty);
let loc = ctx.loc.unwrap_or_else(|| Loc::stack(self.ci.stack.allocate(size)));
(ty, loc)
fn struct_op(
@ -2505,42 +2700,7 @@ impl Codegen {
// TODO: sometimes its better to do this in bulk
fn ty(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> ty::Id {
let mut ci = ItemCtx {
file: self.ci.file,
id: self.ci.id,
ret: ty::TYPE.into(),
ci.vars.append(&mut self.ci.vars);
let loc = self.ct_eval(ci, |s, prev| {
if s.expr_ctx(
&Expr::Return { pos: 0, val: Some(expr) },
s.report(expr.pos(), "we fucked up");
let stash = s.complete_call_graph();
prev.vars.append(&mut s.ci.vars);
s.ci.finalize(&mut s.output);
ty::Id::from(match loc {
Ok(reg) | Err(reg) => self.ct.vm.read_reg(reg).cast::<u64>().to_ne_bytes(),
ty::Id::from(self.eval_const(expr, ty::TYPE).to_ne_bytes())
fn handle_ecall(&mut self) {
@ -2970,5 +3130,6 @@ mod tests {
generic_functions => README;
c_strings => README;
struct_patterns => README;
arrays => README;

View file

@ -354,16 +354,19 @@ impl<'a, 'b> Parser<'a, 'b> {
T::Ctor => self.ctor(token.start, None),
T::Tupl => self.tupl(token.start, None),
T::LBrack => E::Slice {
item: self.ptr_unit_expr(),
size: self.advance_if(T::Semi).then(|| self.ptr_expr()),
pos: {
T::Band | T::Mul | T::Xor => E::UnOp {
pos: token.start,
op: token.kind,
val: {
let expr = if token.kind == T::Xor {
let expr = self.expr();
} else {
let expr = self.ptr_unit_expr();
if token.kind == T::Band {
self.flag_idents(*expr, idfl::REFERENCED);
@ -392,7 +395,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b> Parser<'a, 'b> {
loop {
let token = self.token;
if matches!(token.kind, T::LParen | T::Ctor | T::Dot | T::Tupl) {
if matches!(token.kind, T::LParen | T::Ctor | T::Dot | T::Tupl | T::LBrack) {
@ -404,6 +407,14 @@ impl<'a, 'b> Parser<'a, 'b> {
T::Ctor => self.ctor(token.start, Some(expr)),
T::Tupl => self.tupl(token.start, Some(expr)),
T::LBrack => E::Index {
base: self.arena.alloc(expr),
index: {
let index = self.expr();
T::Dot => E::Field {
target: self.arena.alloc(expr),
name: {
@ -682,6 +693,15 @@ generate_expr! {
fields: &'a [Self],
trailing_comma: bool,
Slice {
pos: Pos,
size: Option<&'a Self>,
item: &'a Self,
Index {
base: &'a Self,
index: &'a Self,
Field {
target: &'a Self,
name: &'a str,
@ -888,6 +908,11 @@ impl<'a> std::fmt::Display for Expr<'a> {
write!(f, ".(")?;
fmt_list(f, trailing_comma, ")", fields, std::fmt::Display::fmt)
Self::Slice { item, size, .. } => match size {
Some(size) => write!(f, "[{size}]{item}"),
None => write!(f, "[]{item}"),
Self::Index { base, index } => write!(f, "{base}[{index}]"),
Self::UnOp { op, val, .. } => write!(f, "{op}{}", Unary(val)),
Self::Break { .. } => write!(f, "break"),
Self::Continue { .. } => write!(f, "continue"),

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
code size: 418
ret: 7
status: Ok(())