3528 lines
119 KiB
3528 lines
119 KiB
use {
self::reg::{RET_ADDR, STACK_PTR, ZERO},
ident::{self, Ident},
instrs::{self, *},
lexer::{self, TokenKind},
parser::{self, find_symbol, idfl, CtorField, Expr, ExprRef, FileId, Pos},
std::{ops::Range, rc::Rc, u32},
type Offset = u32;
type Size = u32;
type ArrayLen = u32;
fn load_value(ptr: *const u8, size: u32) -> u64 {
let mut dst = [0u8; 8];
dst[..size as usize].copy_from_slice(unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr, size as usize) });
fn ensure_loaded(value: CtValue, derefed: bool, size: u32) -> u64 {
if derefed {
load_value(value.0 as *const u8, size)
} else {
mod stack {
use {
super::{Offset, Size},
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Id(NonZeroU32);
impl Id {
fn index(&self) -> usize {
(self.0.get() as usize - 1) & !(1 << 31)
pub fn repr(&self) -> u32 {
pub fn as_ref(&self) -> Self {
Self(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked(self.0.get() | 1 << 31) })
pub fn is_ref(&self) -> bool {
self.0.get() & (1 << 31) != 0
impl Drop for Id {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if !std::thread::panicking() && !self.is_ref() {
unreachable!("stack id leaked: {:?}", self.0);
struct Meta {
size: Size,
offset: Offset,
rc: u32,
pub struct Alloc {
height: Size,
pub max_height: Size,
meta: Vec<Meta>,
impl Alloc {
pub fn allocate(&mut self, size: Size) -> Id {
self.meta.push(Meta { size, offset: 0, rc: 1 });
self.height += size;
self.max_height = self.max_height.max(self.height);
Id(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked(self.meta.len() as u32) })
pub fn free(&mut self, id: Id) {
if id.is_ref() {
let meta = &mut self.meta[id.index()];
meta.rc -= 1;
if meta.rc != 0 {
meta.offset = self.height;
self.height -= meta.size;
pub fn dup_id(&mut self, id: &Id) -> Id {
if id.is_ref() {
return id.as_ref();
self.meta[id.index()].rc += 1;
pub fn finalize_leaked(&mut self) {
for meta in self.meta.iter_mut().filter(|m| m.rc > 0) {
meta.offset = self.height;
self.height -= meta.size;
pub fn clear(&mut self) {
self.height = 0;
self.max_height = 0;
pub fn final_offset(&self, id: u32, extra_offset: Offset) -> Offset {
debug_assert_ne!(id, 0);
(self.max_height - self.meta[(id as usize - 1) & !(1 << 31)].offset) + extra_offset
mod reg {
pub const STACK_PTR: Reg = 254;
pub const ZERO: Reg = 0;
pub const RET: Reg = 1;
pub const RET_ADDR: Reg = 31;
type Reg = u8;
#[derive(Default, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Id(Reg, bool);
impl Id {
pub const RET: Self = Id(RET, false);
pub fn get(&self) -> Reg {
pub fn as_ref(&self) -> Self {
Self(self.0, false)
pub fn is_ref(&self) -> bool {
impl From<u8> for Id {
fn from(value: u8) -> Self {
Self(value, false)
impl Drop for Id {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if !std::thread::panicking() && self.1 {
unreachable!("reg id leaked: {:?}", self.0);
#[derive(Default, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct Alloc {
free: Vec<Reg>,
max_used: Reg,
impl Alloc {
pub fn init(&mut self) {
self.max_used = RET_ADDR;
pub fn allocate(&mut self) -> Id {
let reg = self.free.pop().expect("TODO: we need to spill");
self.max_used = self.max_used.max(reg);
Id(reg, true)
pub fn free(&mut self, reg: Id) {
if reg.1 {
pub fn pushed_size(&self) -> usize {
((self.max_used as usize).saturating_sub(RET_ADDR as usize) + 1) * 8
pub mod ty {
use {
parser::{self, Expr},
std::{num::NonZeroU32, ops::Range},
pub type Builtin = u32;
pub type Struct = u32;
pub type Ptr = u32;
pub type Func = u32;
pub type Global = u32;
pub type Module = u32;
pub type Param = u32;
pub type Slice = u32;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct Tuple(pub u32);
impl Tuple {
const LEN_BITS: u32 = 5;
const LEN_MASK: usize = Self::MAX_LEN - 1;
const MAX_LEN: usize = 1 << Self::LEN_BITS;
pub fn new(pos: usize, len: usize) -> Option<Self> {
if len >= Self::MAX_LEN {
return None;
Some(Self((pos << Self::LEN_BITS | len) as u32))
pub fn view(self, slice: &[Id]) -> &[Id] {
&slice[self.0 as usize >> Self::LEN_BITS..][..self.len()]
pub fn range(self) -> Range<usize> {
let start = self.0 as usize >> Self::LEN_BITS;
start..start + self.len()
pub fn len(self) -> usize {
self.0 as usize & Self::LEN_MASK
pub fn is_empty(self) -> bool {
self.0 == 0
pub fn empty() -> Self {
pub fn repr(&self) -> u32 {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Debug)]
pub struct Id(NonZeroU32);
impl Default for Id {
fn default() -> Self {
Self(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked(UNDECLARED) })
impl Id {
pub const fn from_bt(bt: u32) -> Self {
Self(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked(bt) })
pub fn is_signed(self) -> bool {
pub fn is_unsigned(self) -> bool {
pub fn is_integer(self) -> bool {
pub fn strip_pointer(self) -> Self {
match self.expand() {
Kind::Ptr(_) => Kind::Builtin(UINT).compress(),
_ => self,
pub fn is_pointer(self) -> bool {
matches!(Kind::from_ty(self), Kind::Ptr(_))
pub fn try_upcast(self, ob: Self) -> Option<Self> {
let (oa, ob) = (Self(self.0.min(ob.0)), Self(self.0.max(ob.0)));
let (a, b) = (oa.strip_pointer(), ob.strip_pointer());
Some(match () {
_ if oa == ob => oa,
_ if oa.is_pointer() && ob.is_pointer() => return None,
_ if a.is_signed() && b.is_signed() || a.is_unsigned() && b.is_unsigned() => ob,
_ if a.is_unsigned() && b.is_signed() && a.repr() - U8 < b.repr() - I8 => ob,
_ if oa.is_integer() && ob.is_pointer() => ob,
_ => return None,
pub fn expand(self) -> Kind {
pub const fn repr(self) -> u32 {
impl From<u64> for Id {
fn from(id: u64) -> Self {
Self(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked(id as _) })
impl From<u32> for Id {
fn from(id: u32) -> Self {
const fn array_to_lower_case<const N: usize>(array: [u8; N]) -> [u8; N] {
let mut result = [0; N];
let mut i = 0;
while i < N {
result[i] = array[i].to_ascii_lowercase();
i += 1;
// const string to lower case
macro_rules! builtin_type {
($($name:ident;)*) => {
$(pub const $name: Builtin = ${index(0)} + 1;)*
mod __lc_names {
use super::*;
$(pub const $name: &[u8] = &array_to_lower_case(unsafe {
*(stringify!($name).as_ptr() as *const [u8; stringify!($name).len()]) });)*
pub fn from_str(name: &str) -> Option<Builtin> {
match name.as_bytes() {
$(__lc_names::$name => Some($name),)*
_ => None,
pub fn to_str(ty: Builtin) -> &'static str {
match ty {
$($name => unsafe { std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(__lc_names::$name) },)*
v => unreachable!("invalid type: {}", v),
builtin_type! {
macro_rules! type_kind {
($(#[$meta:meta])* $vis:vis enum $name:ident {$( $variant:ident, )*}) => {
$vis enum $name {
impl $name {
const FLAG_BITS: u32 = (${count($variant)} as u32).next_power_of_two().ilog2();
const FLAG_OFFSET: u32 = std::mem::size_of::<Id>() as u32 * 8 - Self::FLAG_BITS;
const INDEX_MASK: u32 = (1 << (32 - Self::FLAG_BITS)) - 1;
$vis fn from_ty(ty: Id) -> Self {
let (flag, index) = (ty.repr() >> Self::FLAG_OFFSET, ty.repr() & Self::INDEX_MASK);
match flag {
$(${index(0)} => Self::$variant(index),)*
i => unreachable!("{i}"),
$vis const fn compress(self) -> Id {
let (index, flag) = match self {
$(Self::$variant(index) => (index, ${index(0)}),)*
Id(unsafe { NonZeroU32::new_unchecked((flag << Self::FLAG_OFFSET) | index) })
$vis const fn inner(self) -> u32 {
match self {
$(Self::$variant(index) => index,)*
type_kind! {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Kind {
impl Default for Kind {
fn default() -> Self {
pub struct Display<'a> {
tys: &'a super::Types,
files: &'a [parser::Ast],
ty: Id,
impl<'a> Display<'a> {
pub(super) fn new(tys: &'a super::Types, files: &'a [parser::Ast], ty: Id) -> Self {
Self { tys, files, ty }
fn rety(&self, ty: Id) -> Self {
Self::new(self.tys, self.files, ty)
impl<'a> std::fmt::Display for Display<'a> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
use Kind as TK;
match TK::from_ty(self.ty) {
TK::Module(idx) => write!(f, "module{}", idx),
TK::Builtin(ty) => write!(f, "{}", to_str(ty)),
TK::Ptr(ty) => {
write!(f, "^{}", self.rety(self.tys.ptrs[ty as usize].base))
_ if let Some((key, _)) = self
.find(|(sym, &ty)| sym.file < self.files.len() as u32 && ty == self.ty)
&& let Some(name) = self.files[key.file as usize].exprs().iter().find_map(
|expr| match expr {
Expr::BinOp {
left: &Expr::Ident { name, id, .. },
op: TokenKind::Decl,
} if id == key.ident => Some(name),
_ => None,
) =>
write!(f, "{name}")
TK::Struct(idx) => {
let record = &self.tys.structs[idx as usize];
write!(f, "{{")?;
for (i, &super::Field { ref name, ty }) in record.fields.iter().enumerate() {
if i != 0 {
write!(f, ", ")?;
write!(f, "{name}: {}", self.rety(ty))?;
write!(f, "}}")
TK::Func(idx) => write!(f, "fn{idx}"),
TK::Global(idx) => write!(f, "global{idx}"),
TK::Slice(idx) => {
let array = self.tys.arrays[idx as usize];
match array.len {
ArrayLen::MAX => write!(f, "[{}]", self.rety(array.ty)),
len => write!(f, "[{}; {len}]", self.rety(array.ty)),
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
struct Reloc {
offset: Offset,
sub_offset: u8,
width: u8,
impl Reloc {
fn new(offset: u32, sub_offset: u8, width: u8) -> Self {
Self { offset, sub_offset, width }
fn apply_stack_offset(&self, code: &mut [u8], stack: &stack::Alloc) {
let bytes = &code[self.offset as usize + self.sub_offset as usize..][..self.width as usize];
let (id, off) = Self::unpack_srel(u64::from_ne_bytes(bytes.try_into().unwrap()));
self.write_offset(code, stack.final_offset(id, off) as i64);
fn pack_srel(id: &stack::Id, off: u32) -> u64 {
((id.repr() as u64) << 32) | (off as u64)
fn unpack_srel(id: u64) -> (u32, u32) {
((id >> 32) as u32, id as u32)
fn apply_jump(mut self, code: &mut [u8], to: u32, from: u32) -> i64 {
self.offset += from;
let offset = to as i64 - self.offset as i64;
self.write_offset(code, offset);
fn write_offset(&self, code: &mut [u8], offset: i64) {
let bytes = offset.to_ne_bytes();
let slice = &mut code[self.offset as usize + self.sub_offset as usize..];
slice[..self.width as usize].copy_from_slice(&bytes[..self.width as usize]);
struct Value {
ty: ty::Id,
loc: Loc,
impl Value {
fn new(ty: impl Into<ty::Id>, loc: impl Into<Loc>) -> Self {
Self { ty: ty.into(), loc: loc.into() }
fn void() -> Self {
Self { ty: ty::VOID.into(), loc: Loc::ct(0) }
fn imm(value: u64) -> Self {
Self { ty: ty::UINT.into(), loc: Loc::ct(value) }
fn ty(ty: ty::Id) -> Self {
Self { ty: ty::TYPE.into(), loc: Loc::ct(ty.repr() as u64) }
enum LocCow<'a> {
Ref(&'a Loc),
impl<'a> LocCow<'a> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &Loc {
match self {
Self::Ref(value) => value,
Self::Owned(value) => value,
impl<'a> From<&'a Loc> for LocCow<'a> {
fn from(value: &'a Loc) -> Self {
impl<'a> From<Loc> for LocCow<'a> {
fn from(value: Loc) -> Self {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
struct CtValue(u64);
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Loc {
Rt { derefed: bool, reg: reg::Id, stack: Option<stack::Id>, offset: Offset },
Ct { derefed: bool, value: CtValue },
impl Loc {
fn stack(stack: stack::Id) -> Self {
Self::Rt { stack: Some(stack), reg: reg::STACK_PTR.into(), derefed: true, offset: 0 }
fn reg(reg: impl Into<reg::Id>) -> Self {
let reg = reg.into();
assert!(reg.get() != 0);
Self::Rt { derefed: false, reg, stack: None, offset: 0 }
fn ct(value: u64) -> Self {
Self::Ct { value: CtValue(value), derefed: false }
fn ct_ptr(value: u64) -> Self {
Self::Ct { value: CtValue(value), derefed: true }
fn ty(ty: ty::Id) -> Self {
Self::ct(ty.repr() as _)
fn offset(mut self, offset: u32) -> Self {
match &mut self {
Self::Rt { offset: off, .. } => *off += offset,
Self::Ct { derefed: false, value } => value.0 += offset as u64,
_ => unreachable!("offseting constant"),
fn as_ref(&self) -> Self {
match *self {
Loc::Rt { derefed, ref reg, ref stack, offset } => Loc::Rt {
reg: reg.as_ref(),
stack: stack.as_ref().map(stack::Id::as_ref),
Loc::Ct { value, derefed } => Self::Ct { derefed, value },
fn into_derefed(mut self) -> Self {
match &mut self {
Self::Rt { derefed, .. } => *derefed = true,
val => unreachable!("{val:?}"),
fn assert_valid(&self) {
assert!(!matches!(self, Self::Rt { reg, .. } if reg.get() == 0));
fn take_owned(&mut self) -> Option<Self> {
if self.is_ref() {
return None;
Some(std::mem::replace(self, self.as_ref()))
fn is_ref(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Rt { reg, stack, .. } if reg.is_ref() && stack.as_ref().map_or(true, stack::Id::is_ref))
fn to_ty(&self) -> Option<ty::Id> {
match *self {
Self::Ct { derefed: false, value } => Some(ty::Id::from(value.0)),
Self::Ct { derefed: true, value } => {
Some(unsafe { std::ptr::read(value.0 as *const u8 as _) })
Self::Rt { .. } => None,
impl From<reg::Id> for Loc {
fn from(reg: reg::Id) -> Self {
impl Default for Loc {
fn default() -> Self {
struct Loop {
var_count: u32,
offset: u32,
reloc_base: u32,
struct Variable {
id: Ident,
value: Value,
struct ItemCtx {
file: FileId,
id: ty::Kind,
ret: Option<ty::Id>,
ret_reg: reg::Id,
inline_ret_loc: Loc,
task_base: usize,
snap: Snapshot,
stack: stack::Alloc,
regs: reg::Alloc,
stack_relocs: Vec<Reloc>,
ret_relocs: Vec<Reloc>,
loop_relocs: Vec<Reloc>,
loops: Vec<Loop>,
vars: Vec<Variable>,
impl ItemCtx {
pub fn dup_loc(&mut self, loc: &Loc) -> Loc {
match *loc {
Loc::Rt { derefed, ref reg, ref stack, offset } => Loc::Rt {
reg: reg.as_ref(),
stack: stack.as_ref().map(|s| self.stack.dup_id(s)),
ref loc => loc.as_ref(),
fn finalize(&mut self, output: &mut Output) {
let base = self.snap.code as Offset;
if let Some(last_ret) = self.ret_relocs.last()
&& (last_ret.offset + base) as usize == output.code.len() - 5
output.code.truncate(output.code.len() - 5);
let len = output.code.len() as Offset;
for rel in self.stack_relocs.drain(..) {
rel.apply_stack_offset(&mut output.code[base as usize..], &self.stack)
for rel in self.ret_relocs.drain(..) {
let off = rel.apply_jump(&mut output.code, len, base);
debug_assert!(off > 0);
fn finalize_frame(&mut self, output: &mut Output) {
let mut cursor = self.snap.code;
let mut allocate = |size| (cursor += size, cursor).1;
let pushed = self.regs.pushed_size() as i64;
let stack = self.stack.max_height as i64;
let mut exmpl = Output::default();
debug_assert_eq!(exmpl.code.as_slice(), &output.code[self.snap.code..][..exmpl.code.len()],);
write_reloc(&mut output.code, allocate(3), -(pushed + stack), 8);
write_reloc(&mut output.code, allocate(8 + 3), stack, 8);
write_reloc(&mut output.code, allocate(8), pushed, 2);
output.emit(ld(RET_ADDR, STACK_PTR, stack as _, pushed as _));
output.emit(addi64(STACK_PTR, STACK_PTR, (pushed + stack) as _));
fn free_loc(&mut self, src: impl Into<LocCow>) {
if let LocCow::Owned(Loc::Rt { reg, stack, .. }) = src.into() {
if let Some(stack) = stack {
fn write_reloc(doce: &mut [u8], offset: usize, value: i64, size: u16) {
let value = value.to_ne_bytes();
doce[offset..offset + size as usize].copy_from_slice(&value[..size as usize]);
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct SymKey {
file: u32,
ident: u32,
impl SymKey {
pub fn pointer_to(ty: ty::Id) -> Self {
Self { file: u32::MAX, ident: ty.repr() }
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Sig {
args: ty::Tuple,
ret: ty::Id,
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Func {
file: FileId,
expr: ExprRef,
sig: Option<Sig>,
runtime: bool,
offset: Offset,
size: Size,
struct Global {
offset: Offset,
ty: ty::Id,
runtime: bool,
_file: FileId,
_name: Ident,
struct Field {
name: Rc<str>,
ty: ty::Id,
struct Struct {
fields: Rc<[Field]>,
struct Ptr {
base: ty::Id,
struct ParamAlloc(Range<u8>);
impl ParamAlloc {
pub fn next(&mut self) -> u8 {
self.0.next().expect("too many paramteters")
fn next_wide(&mut self) -> u8 {
(self.next(), self.next()).0
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Array {
ty: ty::Id,
len: ArrayLen,
struct Types {
syms: HashMap<SymKey, ty::Id>,
funcs: Vec<Func>,
args: Vec<ty::Id>,
globals: Vec<Global>,
structs: Vec<Struct>,
ptrs: Vec<Ptr>,
arrays: Vec<Array>,
impl Types {
pub fn offset_of_item(&self, item: ty::Kind, ct_hint: Option<u32>) -> Option<Offset> {
task::unpack(match item {
ty::Kind::Func(f) => self.funcs[f as usize].offset,
ty::Kind::Global(g) => self.globals[g as usize].offset,
ty::Kind::Builtin(u32::MAX) => ct_hint?,
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn is_runtime_item(&self, item: ty::Kind) -> bool {
match item {
ty::Kind::Func(f) => self.funcs[f as usize].runtime,
ty::Kind::Global(f) => self.globals[f as usize].runtime,
ty::Kind::Builtin(u32::MAX) => false,
_ => unreachable!(),
fn parama(&self, ret: impl Into<ty::Id>) -> ParamAlloc {
ParamAlloc(2 + (9..=16).contains(&self.size_of(ret.into())) as u8..12)
fn offset_of(&self, idx: ty::Struct, field: &str) -> Option<(Offset, ty::Id)> {
let record = &self.structs[idx as usize];
let until = record.fields.iter().position(|f| f.name.as_ref() == field)?;
let mut offset = 0;
for &Field { ty, .. } in &record.fields[..until] {
offset = Self::align_up(offset, self.align_of(ty));
offset += self.size_of(ty);
Some((offset, record.fields[until].ty))
fn make_ptr(&mut self, base: ty::Id) -> ty::Id {
fn make_ptr_low(&mut self, base: ty::Id) -> ty::Ptr {
let id = SymKey::pointer_to(base);
.or_insert_with(|| {
self.ptrs.push(Ptr { base });
ty::Kind::Ptr(self.ptrs.len() as u32 - 1).compress()
fn make_array(&mut self, ty: ty::Id, len: ArrayLen) -> ty::Id {
ty::Kind::Slice(self.make_array_low(ty, len)).compress()
fn make_array_low(&mut self, ty: ty::Id, len: ArrayLen) -> ty::Slice {
let id = SymKey {
file: match len {
ArrayLen::MAX => ArrayLen::MAX - 1,
len => ArrayLen::MAX - len - 2,
ident: ty.repr(),
.or_insert_with(|| {
self.arrays.push(Array { ty, len });
ty::Kind::Slice(self.arrays.len() as u32 - 1).compress()
fn align_up(value: Size, align: Size) -> Size {
(value + align - 1) & !(align - 1)
fn size_of(&self, ty: ty::Id) -> Size {
match ty.expand() {
ty::Kind::Ptr(_) => 8,
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::VOID) => 0,
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::NEVER) => unreachable!(),
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::INT | ty::UINT) => 8,
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::I32 | ty::U32 | ty::TYPE) => 4,
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::I16 | ty::U16) => 2,
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::I8 | ty::U8 | ty::BOOL) => 1,
ty::Kind::Slice(arr) => {
let arr = &self.arrays[arr as usize];
match arr.len {
0 => 0,
ArrayLen::MAX => 16,
len => self.size_of(arr.ty) * len,
ty::Kind::Struct(stru) => {
let mut offset = 0u32;
let record = &self.structs[stru as usize];
for &Field { ty, .. } in record.fields.iter() {
let align = self.align_of(ty);
offset = Self::align_up(offset, align);
offset += self.size_of(ty);
ty => unimplemented!("size_of: {:?}", ty),
fn align_of(&self, ty: ty::Id) -> Size {
match ty.expand() {
ty::Kind::Struct(stru) => self.structs[stru as usize]
.map(|&Field { ty, .. }| self.align_of(ty))
ty::Kind::Slice(arr) => {
let arr = &self.arrays[arr as usize];
match arr.len {
ArrayLen::MAX => 8,
_ => self.align_of(arr.ty),
_ => self.size_of(ty).max(1),
mod task {
use super::Offset;
pub fn unpack(offset: Offset) -> Result<Offset, usize> {
if offset >> 31 != 0 {
Err((offset & !(1 << 31)) as usize)
} else {
pub fn id(index: usize) -> Offset {
1 << 31 | index as u32
struct FTask {
file: FileId,
id: ty::Func,
#[derive(Default, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct Snapshot {
code: usize,
string_data: usize,
relocs: usize,
strings: usize,
impl Snapshot {
fn _sub(&mut self, other: &Self) {
self.code -= other.code;
self.string_data -= other.string_data;
self.relocs -= other.relocs;
self.strings -= other.strings;
fn _add(&mut self, other: &Self) {
self.code += other.code;
self.string_data += other.string_data;
self.relocs += other.relocs;
self.strings += other.strings;
struct OutReloc {
from: ty::Kind,
to: ty::Kind,
rel: Reloc,
struct Output {
code: Vec<u8>,
string_data: Vec<u8>,
relocs: Vec<OutReloc>,
strings: Vec<StringReloc>,
impl Output {
fn emit_addi(&mut self, dest: u8, op: u8, delta: u64) {
if delta == 0 {
if dest != op {
self.emit(cp(dest, op));
self.emit(addi64(dest, op, delta));
fn emit(&mut self, (len, instr): (usize, [u8; instrs::MAX_SIZE])) {
let name = instrs::NAMES[instr[0] as usize];
"{:08x}: {}: {}",
instr.iter().take(len).skip(1).map(|b| format!("{:02x}", b)).collect::<String>()
fn emit_prelude(&mut self) {
self.emit(instrs::addi64(STACK_PTR, STACK_PTR, 0));
self.emit(instrs::st(RET_ADDR, STACK_PTR, 0, 0));
fn emit_entry_prelude(&mut self) {
self.emit(jal(RET_ADDR, reg::ZERO, 0));
fn append(&mut self, val: &mut Self) {
val.pop(self, &Snapshot::default());
fn pop(&mut self, stash: &mut Self, snap: &Snapshot) {
let init_code = stash.code.len();
stash.strings.extend(self.strings.drain(snap.strings..).inspect(|str| {
debug_assert!(str.reloc.offset as usize + init_code < stash.code.len())
fn trunc(&mut self, snap: &Snapshot) {
fn write_trap(&mut self, kind: trap::Trap) {
fn snap(&mut self) -> Snapshot {
Snapshot {
code: self.code.len(),
string_data: self.string_data.len(),
relocs: self.relocs.len(),
strings: self.strings.len(),
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct Ctx {
loc: Option<Loc>,
ty: Option<ty::Id>,
impl Ctx {
pub fn with_loc(self, loc: Loc) -> Self {
Self { loc: Some(loc), ..self }
pub fn with_ty(self, ty: impl Into<ty::Id>) -> Self {
Self { ty: Some(ty.into()), ..self }
fn into_value(self) -> Option<Value> {
Some(Value { ty: self.ty.unwrap(), loc: self.loc? })
impl From<Value> for Ctx {
fn from(value: Value) -> Self {
Self { loc: Some(value.loc), ty: Some(value.ty) }
struct Pool {
cis: Vec<ItemCtx>,
outputs: Vec<Output>,
arg_locs: Vec<Loc>,
pub struct LoggedMem {
pub mem: hbvm::mem::HostMemory,
impl hbvm::mem::Memory for LoggedMem {
unsafe fn load(
&mut self,
addr: hbvm::mem::Address,
target: *mut u8,
count: usize,
) -> Result<(), hbvm::mem::LoadError> {
"load: {:x} {:?}",
core::slice::from_raw_parts(addr.get() as *const u8, count)
.map(|&b| format!("{b:02x}"))
self.mem.load(addr, target, count)
unsafe fn store(
&mut self,
addr: hbvm::mem::Address,
source: *const u8,
count: usize,
) -> Result<(), hbvm::mem::StoreError> {
"store: {:x} {:?}",
core::slice::from_raw_parts(source, count)
.map(|&b| format!("{b:02x}"))
self.mem.store(addr, source, count)
unsafe fn prog_read<T: Copy>(&mut self, addr: hbvm::mem::Address) -> T {
"read-typed: {:x} {} {:?}",
if core::mem::size_of::<T>() == 1
&& let Some(nm) =
instrs::NAMES.get(std::ptr::read(addr.get() as *const u8) as usize)
} else {
core::slice::from_raw_parts(addr.get() as *const u8, core::mem::size_of::<T>())
.map(|&b| format!("{:02x}", b))
const VM_STACK_SIZE: usize = 1024 * 1024 * 2;
struct Comptime {
vm: hbvm::Vm<LoggedMem, { 1024 * 10 }>,
depth: usize,
_stack: Box<[u8; VM_STACK_SIZE]>,
impl Default for Comptime {
fn default() -> Self {
let mut stack = Box::<[u8; VM_STACK_SIZE]>::new_uninit();
let mut vm = hbvm::Vm::default();
let ptr = unsafe { stack.as_mut_ptr().cast::<u8>().add(VM_STACK_SIZE) as u64 };
vm.write_reg(STACK_PTR, ptr);
Self { vm, depth: 0, _stack: unsafe { stack.assume_init() } }
impl Comptime {
fn active(&self) -> bool {
self.depth != 0
fn enter(&mut self) {
self.depth += 1;
fn exit(&mut self) {
self.depth -= 1;
mod trap {
use {
crate::parser::{ExprRef, FileId},
macro_rules! gen_trap {
$vis:vis enum $name:ident {
$($variant:ident {
$($fname:ident: $fty:ty,)*
) => {
$vis enum $name {
impl $name {
$vis fn size(&self) -> usize {
1 + match self {
$(Self::$variant(_) => std::mem::size_of::<$variant>(),)*
$vis struct $variant {
$($vis $fname: $fty,)*
gen_trap! {
pub enum Trap {
MakeStruct {
file: FileId,
struct_expr: ExprRef,
MomizedCall {
func: ty::Func,
impl Trap {
pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] {
unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(self as *const _ as _, self.size()) }
struct StringReloc {
// TODO: change to ty::Id
from: ty::Kind,
reloc: Reloc,
range: std::ops::Range<u32>,
pub struct Codegen {
pub files: Vec<parser::Ast>,
tasks: Vec<Option<FTask>>,
tys: Types,
ci: ItemCtx,
output: Output,
pool: Pool,
ct: Comptime,
impl Codegen {
pub fn generate(&mut self) {
self.find_or_declare(0, 0, Err("main"), "");
pub fn dump(&mut self, out: &mut impl std::io::Write) -> std::io::Result<()> {
Reloc::new(0, 3, 4).apply_jump(&mut self.output.code, self.tys.funcs[0].offset, 0);
fn expr(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> Option<Value> {
self.expr_ctx(expr, Ctx::default())
fn build_struct(&mut self, fields: &[(&str, Expr)]) -> ty::Struct {
let fields = fields
.map(|&(name, ty)| Field { name: name.into(), ty: self.ty(&ty) })
self.tys.structs.push(Struct { fields });
self.tys.structs.len() as u32 - 1
fn expr_ctx(&mut self, expr: &Expr, mut ctx: Ctx) -> Option<Value> {
use {Expr as E, TokenKind as T};
let value = match *expr {
E::Mod { id, .. } => Some(Value::ty(ty::Kind::Module(id).compress())),
E::Struct { fields, captured, .. } => {
if captured.is_empty() {
} else {
let values = captured
.map(|&id| E::Ident {
pos: 0,
is_ct: false,
name: "booodab",
index: u16::MAX,
.map(|expr| self.expr(&expr))
let values_size =
values.iter().map(|value| 4 + self.tys.size_of(value.ty)).sum::<Size>();
let stack = self.ci.stack.allocate(values_size);
let mut ptr = Loc::stack(stack.as_ref());
for value in values {
self.store_sized(Loc::ty(value.ty), &ptr, 4);
ptr = ptr.offset(4);
let size = self.tys.size_of(value.ty);
self.store_sized(value.loc, &ptr, size);
ptr = ptr.offset(size);
self.stack_offset(2, STACK_PTR, Some(&stack), 0);
let val = self.eca(
trap::Trap::MakeStruct(trap::MakeStruct {
file: self.ci.file,
struct_expr: ExprRef::new(expr),
E::Slice { size, item, .. } => {
let ty = self.ty(item);
let len = size.map_or(ArrayLen::MAX, |expr| self.eval_const(expr, ty::U32) as _);
Some(Value::ty(self.tys.make_array(ty, len)))
E::Index { base, index } => {
// TODO: we need to check if index is in bounds on debug builds
let mut base_val = self.expr(base)?;
base_val.loc = self.make_loc_owned(base_val.loc, base_val.ty);
let index_val = self.expr(index)?;
_ = self.assert_ty(index.pos(), index_val.ty, ty::INT.into());
if let ty::Kind::Ptr(ty) = base_val.ty.expand() {
base_val.ty = self.tys.ptrs[ty as usize].base;
base_val.loc = base_val.loc.into_derefed();
match base_val.ty.expand() {
ty::Kind::Slice(arr) => {
let ty = self.tys.arrays[arr as usize].ty;
let item_size = self.tys.size_of(ty);
let Loc::Rt { derefed: true, ref mut reg, ref stack, offset } =
else {
if reg.is_ref() {
let new_reg = self.ci.regs.allocate();
self.stack_offset(new_reg.get(), reg.get(), stack.as_ref(), offset);
*reg = new_reg;
} else {
self.stack_offset(reg.get(), reg.get(), stack.as_ref(), offset);
let idx = self.loc_to_reg(index_val.loc, 8);
self.output.emit(muli64(idx.get(), idx.get(), item_size as _));
self.output.emit(add64(reg.get(), reg.get(), idx.get()));
Some(Value::new(ty, base_val.loc))
_ => self.report(
"compiler did not (yet) learn how to index into '{}'",
E::UnOp { op: T::Xor, val, .. } => {
let val = self.ty(val);
E::Directive { name: "inline", args: [func_ast, args @ ..], .. } => {
let ty::Kind::Func(mut func) = self.ty(func_ast).expand() else {
self.report(func_ast.pos(), "first argument of inline needs to be a function");
let fuc = self.tys.funcs[func as usize];
let fast = self.files[fuc.file as usize].clone();
let E::BinOp { right: &E::Closure { args: cargs, body, .. }, .. } =
else {
let scope = self.ci.vars.len();
let sig = self.compute_signature(&mut func, func_ast.pos(), args)?;
if scope == self.ci.vars.len() {
for ((arg, ty), carg) in
let loc = self.expr_ctx(arg, Ctx::default().with_ty(ty))?.loc;
self.ci.vars.push(Variable { id: carg.id, value: Value { ty, loc } });
let ret_reloc_base = self.ci.ret_relocs.len();
let loc = self.alloc_ret(sig.ret, ctx, true);
let prev_ret_reg = std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci.inline_ret_loc, loc);
let prev_file = std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci.file, fuc.file);
let prev_ret = std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci.ret, Some(sig.ret));
let loc = std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci.inline_ret_loc, prev_ret_reg);
self.ci.file = prev_file;
self.ci.ret = prev_ret;
for var in self.ci.vars.drain(scope..).collect::<Vec<_>>() {
if let Some(last_ret) = self.ci.ret_relocs.last()
&& last_ret.offset as usize + self.ci.snap.code == self.output.code.len() - 5
self.output.code.truncate(self.output.code.len() - 5);
let len = self.output.code.len() as u32;
for rel in self.ci.ret_relocs.drain(ret_reloc_base..) {
rel.apply_jump(&mut self.output.code, len, self.ci.snap.code as u32);
return Some(Value { ty: sig.ret, loc });
E::Directive { name: "TypeOf", args: [expr], .. } => {
let snap = self.output.snap();
let value = self.expr(expr).unwrap();
E::Directive { name: "eca", args: [ret_ty, args @ ..], .. } => {
let ty = self.ty(ret_ty);
let mut parama = self.tys.parama(ty);
let base = self.pool.arg_locs.len();
for arg in args {
let arg = self.expr(arg)?;
self.pass_arg(&arg, &mut parama);
for value in self.pool.arg_locs.drain(base..) {
let loc = self.alloc_ret(ty, ctx, false);
self.load_ret(ty, &loc);
return Some(Value { ty, loc });
E::Directive { name: "sizeof", args: [ty], .. } => {
let ty = self.ty(ty);
return Some(Value::imm(self.tys.size_of(ty) as _));
E::Directive { name: "alignof", args: [ty], .. } => {
let ty = self.ty(ty);
return Some(Value::imm(self.tys.align_of(ty) as _));
E::Directive { name: "intcast", args: [val], .. } => {
let Some(ty) = ctx.ty else {
"type to cast to is unknown, use `@as(<type>, <expr>)`",
let mut val = self.expr(val)?;
let from_size = self.tys.size_of(val.ty);
let to_size = self.tys.size_of(ty);
if from_size < to_size && val.ty.is_signed() {
let reg = self.loc_to_reg(val.loc, from_size);
let op = [sxt8, sxt16, sxt32][from_size.ilog2() as usize];
self.output.emit(op(reg.get(), reg.get()));
val.loc = Loc::reg(reg);
Some(Value { ty, loc: val.loc })
E::Directive { name: "bitcast", args: [val], .. } => {
let Some(ty) = ctx.ty else {
"type to cast to is unknown, use `@as(<type>, <expr>)`",
let size = self.tys.size_of(ty);
ctx.ty = None;
let val = self.expr_ctx(val, ctx)?;
if self.tys.size_of(val.ty) != size {
"cannot bitcast {} to {} (different sizes: {} != {size})",
"TODO: might need stack relocation"
return Some(Value { ty, loc: val.loc });
E::Directive { name: "as", args: [ty, val], .. } => {
let ty = self.ty(ty);
ctx.ty = Some(ty);
return self.expr_ctx(val, ctx);
E::Bool { value, .. } => {
Some(Value { ty: ty::BOOL.into(), loc: Loc::ct(value as u64) })
E::String { pos, mut literal } => {
literal = literal.trim_matches('"');
if !literal.ends_with("\\0") {
self.report(pos, "string literal must end with null byte (for now)");
let report = |s: &Codegen, bytes: &std::str::Bytes, message| {
s.report(pos + (literal.len() - bytes.len()) as u32 - 1, message)
let start = self.output.string_data.len();
let decode_braces = |s: &mut Codegen, bytes: &mut std::str::Bytes| {
while let Some(b) = bytes.next()
&& b != b'}'
let c = bytes
.unwrap_or_else(|| report(s, bytes, "incomplete escape sequence"));
let decode = |s: &Codegen, b: u8| match b {
b'0'..=b'9' => b - b'0',
b'a'..=b'f' => b - b'a' + 10,
b'A'..=b'F' => b - b'A' + 10,
_ => report(s, bytes, "expected hex digit or '}'"),
s.output.string_data.push(decode(s, b) << 4 | decode(s, c));
let mut bytes = literal.bytes();
while let Some(b) = bytes.next() {
if b != b'\\' {
let b = match bytes
.unwrap_or_else(|| report(self, &bytes, "incomplete escape sequence"))
b'n' => b'\n',
b'r' => b'\r',
b't' => b'\t',
b'\\' => b'\\',
b'\'' => b'\'',
b'"' => b'"',
b'0' => b'\0',
b'{' => {
decode_braces(self, &mut bytes);
_ => report(self, &bytes, "unknown escape sequence, expected [nrt\\\"'{0]"),
let range = start as _..self.output.string_data.len() as _;
let reloc = Reloc::new(self.local_offset() as _, 3, 4);
self.output.strings.push(StringReloc { from: self.ci.id, reloc, range });
let reg = self.ci.regs.allocate();
self.output.emit(instrs::lra(reg.get(), 0, 0));
Some(Value::new(self.tys.make_ptr(ty::U8.into()), reg))
E::Ctor { pos, ty, fields, .. } => {
let (ty, loc) = self.prepare_struct_ctor(pos, ctx, ty, fields.len());
let ty::Kind::Struct(stru) = ty.expand() else {
"our current technology does not (yet) allow\
us to construct '{}' with struct constructor",
for &CtorField { pos, name, ref value, .. } in fields {
let Some((offset, ty)) = self.tys.offset_of(stru, name) else {
self.report(pos, format_args!("field not found: {name:?}"));
let loc = loc.as_ref().offset(offset);
let value = self.expr_ctx(value, Ctx::default().with_loc(loc).with_ty(ty))?;
return Some(Value { ty, loc });
E::Tupl { pos, ty, fields, .. } => {
let (ty, loc) = self.prepare_struct_ctor(pos, ctx, ty, fields.len());
match ty.expand() {
ty::Kind::Struct(stru) => {
let mut offset = 0;
let sfields = self.tys.structs[stru as usize].fields.clone();
for (sfield, field) in sfields.iter().zip(fields) {
let loc = loc.as_ref().offset(offset);
let ctx = Ctx::default().with_loc(loc).with_ty(sfield.ty);
let value = self.expr_ctx(field, ctx)?;
offset += self.tys.size_of(sfield.ty);
offset = Types::align_up(offset, self.tys.align_of(sfield.ty));
ty::Kind::Slice(arr) => {
let arr = &self.tys.arrays[arr as usize];
let item_size = self.tys.size_of(arr.ty);
for (i, value) in fields.iter().enumerate() {
let loc = loc.as_ref().offset(i as u32 * item_size);
let value =
self.expr_ctx(value, Ctx::default().with_loc(loc).with_ty(ty))?;
_ => self.report(
"compiler does not (yet) know how to initialize\
'{}' with tuple constructor",
return Some(Value { ty, loc });
E::Field { target, name: field } => {
let checkpoint = self.local_snap();
let mut tal = self.expr(target)?;
if let ty::Kind::Ptr(ty) = tal.ty.expand() {
tal.ty = self.tys.ptrs[ty as usize].base;
tal.loc = tal.loc.into_derefed();
match tal.ty.expand() {
ty::Kind::Struct(idx) => {
let Some((offset, ty)) = self.tys.offset_of(idx, field) else {
self.report(target.pos(), format_args!("field not found: {field:?}"));
Some(Value { ty, loc: tal.loc.offset(offset) })
ty::Kind::Builtin(ty::TYPE) => {
match ty::Kind::from_ty(self.ty(target)) {
ty::Kind::Module(idx) => {
match self.find_or_declare(target.pos(), idx, Err(field), "") {
ty::Kind::Global(idx) => self.handle_global(idx),
e => Some(Value::ty(e.compress())),
ty::Kind::Global(idx) => self.handle_global(idx),
e => unimplemented!("{e:?}"),
smh => self.report(
format_args!("the field operation is not supported: {smh:?}"),
E::UnOp { op: T::Band, val, pos } => {
let mut val = self.expr(val)?;
let Loc::Rt { derefed: drfd @ true, reg, stack, offset } = &mut val.loc else {
"cant take pointer of {} ({:?})",
*drfd = false;
let offset = std::mem::take(offset) as _;
if reg.is_ref() {
let new_reg = self.ci.regs.allocate();
self.stack_offset(new_reg.get(), reg.get(), stack.as_ref(), offset);
*reg = new_reg;
} else {
self.stack_offset(reg.get(), reg.get(), stack.as_ref(), offset);
// FIXME: we might be able to track this but it will be pain
Some(Value { ty: self.tys.make_ptr(val.ty), loc: val.loc })
E::UnOp { op: T::Mul, val, pos } => {
let val = self.expr(val)?;
match val.ty.expand() {
ty::Kind::Ptr(ty) => Some(Value {
ty: self.tys.ptrs[ty as usize].base,
loc: Loc::reg(self.loc_to_reg(val.loc, self.tys.size_of(val.ty)))
_ => self.report(
format_args!("expected pointer, got {}", self.ty_display(val.ty)),
E::BinOp { left, op: T::Decl, right } if self.has_ct(left) => {
let slot_base = self.ct.vm.read_reg(reg::STACK_PTR).0;
let (cnt, ty) = self.eval_const_low(right, None);
if self.assign_ct_pattern(left, ty, cnt as _) {
self.ct.vm.write_reg(reg::STACK_PTR, slot_base);
E::BinOp { left, op: T::Decl, right } => {
let value = self.expr(right)?;
self.assign_pattern(left, value)
E::Call { func: fast, args, .. } => {
log::dbg!("call {fast}");
let func_ty = self.ty(fast);
let ty::Kind::Func(mut func) = func_ty.expand() else {
self.report(fast.pos(), "can't call this, maybe in the future");
// TODO: this will be usefull but not now
let scope = self.ci.vars.len();
//let mut snap = self.output.snap();
//let prev_stack_rel = self.ci.stack_relocs.len();
//let prev_ret_rel = self.ci.ret_relocs.len();
let sig = self.compute_signature(&mut func, expr.pos(), args)?;
let fuc = self.tys.funcs[func as usize];
let ast = self.files[fuc.file as usize].clone();
let E::BinOp { right: &E::Closure { args: cargs, .. }, .. } =
else {
let mut parama = self.tys.parama(sig.ret);
let mut values = Vec::with_capacity(args.len());
let mut sig_args = sig.args.range();
let mut should_momize = !args.is_empty() && sig.ret == ty::Id::from(ty::TYPE);
for (arg, carg) in args.iter().zip(cargs) {
let ty = self.tys.args[sig_args.next().unwrap()];
let sym = parser::find_symbol(&ast.symbols, carg.id);
if sym.flags & idfl::COMPTIME != 0 {
// TODO: pass the arg as dest
let varg = self.expr_ctx(arg, Ctx::default().with_ty(ty))?;
self.pass_arg(&varg, &mut parama);
should_momize = false;
for value in values {
let loc = self.alloc_ret(sig.ret, ctx, false);
if should_momize {
self.output.write_trap(trap::Trap::MomizedCall(trap::MomizedCall { func }));
let rel = Reloc::new(self.local_offset(), 3, 4);
self.output.relocs.push(OutReloc {
from: self.ci.id,
to: ty::Kind::Func(func),
self.output.emit(jal(RET_ADDR, ZERO, 0));
if should_momize {
self.load_ret(sig.ret, &loc);
return Some(Value { ty: sig.ret, loc });
E::Ident { id, .. } if ident::is_null(id) => Some(Value::ty(id.into())),
E::Ident { id, index, .. }
if let Some((var_index, var)) =
self.ci.vars.iter_mut().enumerate().find(|(_, v)| v.id == id) =>
let sym = parser::find_symbol(&self.files[self.ci.file as usize].symbols, id);
let loc = match idfl::index(sym.flags) == index
&& !self.ci.loops.last().is_some_and(|l| l.var_count > var_index as u32)
true => std::mem::take(&mut var.value.loc),
false => var.value.loc.as_ref(),
Some(Value { ty: self.ci.vars[var_index].value.ty, loc })
E::Ident { id, name, .. } => match self
.get(&SymKey { ident: id, file: self.ci.file })
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.find_or_declare(ident::pos(id), self.ci.file, Ok(id), name))
ty::Kind::Global(id) => self.handle_global(id),
tk => Some(Value::ty(tk.compress())),
E::Return { pos, val, .. } => {
let ty = if let Some(val) = val {
let size = self.ci.ret.map_or(17, |ty| self.tys.size_of(ty));
let loc = match size {
_ if self.ci.inline_ret_loc != Loc::default() => {
0 => None,
1..=16 => Some(Loc::reg(1)),
_ => Some(Loc::reg(self.ci.ret_reg.as_ref()).into_derefed()),
self.expr_ctx(val, Ctx { ty: self.ci.ret, loc })?.ty
} else {
match self.ci.ret {
None => self.ci.ret = Some(ty),
Some(ret) => _ = self.assert_ty(pos, ty, ret),
self.ci.ret_relocs.push(Reloc::new(self.local_offset(), 1, 4));
E::Block { stmts, .. } => {
for stmt in stmts {
E::Number { value, .. } => Some(Value {
ty: ctx.ty.map(ty::Id::strip_pointer).unwrap_or(ty::INT.into()),
loc: Loc::ct(value as u64),
E::If { cond, then, else_, .. } => {
let cond = self.expr_ctx(cond, Ctx::default().with_ty(ty::BOOL))?;
let reg = self.loc_to_reg(&cond.loc, 1);
let jump_offset = self.local_offset();
self.output.emit(jeq(reg.get(), 0, 0));
let then_unreachable = self.expr(then).is_none();
let mut else_unreachable = false;
let mut jump = self.local_offset() as i64 - jump_offset as i64;
if let Some(else_) = else_ {
let else_jump_offset = self.local_offset();
if !then_unreachable {
jump = self.local_offset() as i64 - jump_offset as i64;
else_unreachable = self.expr(else_).is_none();
if !then_unreachable {
let jump = self.local_offset() as i64 - else_jump_offset as i64;
write_reloc(self.local_code(), else_jump_offset as usize + 1, jump, 4);
write_reloc(self.local_code(), jump_offset as usize + 3, jump, 2);
(!then_unreachable || !else_unreachable).then_some(Value::void())
E::Loop { body, .. } => 'a: {
let loop_start = self.local_offset();
self.ci.loops.push(Loop {
var_count: self.ci.vars.len() as _,
offset: loop_start,
reloc_base: self.ci.loop_relocs.len() as u32,
let body_unreachable = self.expr(body).is_none();
if !body_unreachable {
let loop_end = self.local_offset();
self.output.emit(jmp(loop_start as i32 - loop_end as i32));
let loop_end = self.output.code.len() as u32;
let loopa = self.ci.loops.pop().unwrap();
let is_unreachable = loopa.reloc_base == self.ci.loop_relocs.len() as u32;
for reloc in self.ci.loop_relocs.drain(loopa.reloc_base as usize..) {
let off =
reloc.apply_jump(&mut self.output.code, loop_end, self.ci.snap.code as _);
debug_assert!(off > 0);
let mut vars = std::mem::take(&mut self.ci.vars);
for var in vars.drain(loopa.var_count as usize..) {
self.ci.vars = vars;
if is_unreachable {
break 'a None;
E::Break { .. } => {
self.ci.loop_relocs.push(Reloc::new(self.local_offset(), 1, 4));
E::Continue { .. } => {
let loop_ = self.ci.loops.last().unwrap();
let offset = self.local_offset();
self.output.emit(jmp(loop_.offset as i32 - offset as i32));
E::BinOp { left, op: op @ (T::And | T::Or), right } => {
let lhs = self.expr_ctx(left, Ctx::default().with_ty(ty::BOOL))?;
let lhs = self.loc_to_reg(lhs.loc, 1);
let jump_offset = self.output.code.len() + 3;
let op = if op == T::And { jeq } else { jne };
self.output.emit(op(lhs.get(), 0, 0));
if let Some(rhs) = self.expr_ctx(right, Ctx::default().with_ty(ty::BOOL)) {
let rhs = self.loc_to_reg(rhs.loc, 1);
self.output.emit(cp(lhs.get(), rhs.get()));
let jump = self.output.code.len() as i64 - jump_offset as i64;
write_reloc(&mut self.output.code, jump_offset, jump, 2);
Some(Value { ty: ty::BOOL.into(), loc: Loc::reg(lhs) })
E::BinOp { left, op, right } if op != T::Decl => 'ops: {
let left = self.expr(left)?;
if op == T::Assign {
let value = self.expr_ctx(right, Ctx::from(left)).unwrap();
return Some(Value::void());
if let ty::Kind::Struct(_) = left.ty.expand() {
let right = self.expr_ctx(right, Ctx::default().with_ty(left.ty))?;
_ = self.assert_ty(expr.pos(), left.ty, right.ty);
return self.struct_op(op, left.ty, ctx, left.loc, right.loc);
let lsize = self.tys.size_of(left.ty);
let lhs = self.loc_to_reg(left.loc, lsize);
let right = self.expr_ctx(right, Ctx::default().with_ty(left.ty))?;
let rsize = self.tys.size_of(right.ty);
let ty = self.assert_ty(expr.pos(), left.ty, right.ty);
let size = self.tys.size_of(ty);
let signed = ty.is_signed();
if let Loc::Ct { value: CtValue(mut imm), derefed } = right.loc
&& let Some(oper) = Self::imm_math_op(op, signed, size)
if derefed {
let mut dst = [0u8; 8];
dst[..size as usize].copy_from_slice(unsafe {
std::slice::from_raw_parts(imm as _, rsize as usize)
imm = u64::from_ne_bytes(dst);
if matches!(op, T::Add | T::Sub)
&& let ty::Kind::Ptr(ty) = ty::Kind::from_ty(ty)
let size = self.tys.size_of(self.tys.ptrs[ty as usize].base);
imm *= size as u64;
self.output.emit(oper(lhs.get(), lhs.get(), imm));
break 'ops Some(Value::new(ty, lhs));
let rhs = self.loc_to_reg(right.loc, rsize);
if matches!(op, T::Add | T::Sub) {
let min_size = lsize.min(rsize);
if ty.is_signed() && min_size < size {
let operand = if lsize < rsize { lhs.get() } else { rhs.get() };
let op = [sxt8, sxt16, sxt32][min_size.ilog2() as usize];
self.output.emit(op(operand, operand));
if left.ty.is_pointer() ^ right.ty.is_pointer() {
let (offset, ty) = if left.ty.is_pointer() {
(rhs.get(), left.ty)
} else {
(lhs.get(), right.ty)
let ty::Kind::Ptr(ty) = ty.expand() else { unreachable!() };
let size = self.tys.size_of(self.tys.ptrs[ty as usize].base);
self.output.emit(muli64(offset, offset, size as _));
if let Some(op) = Self::math_op(op, signed, size) {
self.output.emit(op(lhs.get(), lhs.get(), rhs.get()));
break 'ops Some(Value::new(ty, lhs));
'cmp: {
let against = match op {
T::Le | T::Gt => 1,
T::Ne | T::Eq => 0,
T::Ge | T::Lt => (-1i64) as _,
_ => break 'cmp,
let op_fn = if signed { cmps } else { cmpu };
self.output.emit(op_fn(lhs.get(), lhs.get(), rhs.get()));
self.output.emit(cmpui(lhs.get(), lhs.get(), against));
if matches!(op, T::Eq | T::Lt | T::Gt) {
self.output.emit(not(lhs.get(), lhs.get()));
break 'ops Some(Value::new(ty::BOOL, lhs));
unimplemented!("{:#?}", op)
E::Comment { .. } => Some(Value::void()),
ref ast => self.report_unhandled_ast(ast, "expression"),
if let Some(ty) = ctx.ty {
_ = self.assert_ty(expr.pos(), value.ty, ty);
Some(match ctx.loc {
Some(dest) => {
let ty = ctx.ty.unwrap_or(value.ty);
self.store_typed(value.loc, dest, ty);
Value { ty, loc: Loc::ct(0) }
None => value,
fn compute_signature(&mut self, func: &mut ty::Func, pos: Pos, args: &[Expr]) -> Option<Sig> {
let fuc = self.tys.funcs[*func as usize];
let fast = self.files[fuc.file as usize].clone();
let Expr::BinOp { right: &Expr::Closure { args: cargs, ret, .. }, .. } =
else {
Some(if let Some(sig) = fuc.sig {
} else {
let arg_base = self.tys.args.len();
for (arg, carg) in args.iter().zip(cargs) {
let ty = self.ty(&carg.ty);
let sym = parser::find_symbol(&fast.symbols, carg.id);
let loc = if sym.flags & idfl::COMPTIME == 0 {
// FIXME: could fuck us
} else {
"TODO: we dont support anything except type generics"
let arg = self.expr_ctx(arg, Ctx::default().with_ty(ty))?;
self.ci.vars.push(Variable { id: carg.id, value: Value { ty, loc } });
let args = self.pack_args(pos, arg_base);
let ret = self.ty(ret);
let sym = SymKey { file: !args.repr(), ident: ty::Kind::Func(*func).compress().repr() };
let ct = || {
let func_id = self.tys.funcs.len();
self.tys.funcs.push(Func {
file: fuc.file,
offset: u32::MAX,
size: 0,
runtime: false,
sig: Some(Sig { args, ret }),
expr: fuc.expr,
ty::Kind::Func(func_id as _).compress()
*func = self.tys.syms.entry(sym).or_insert_with(ct).expand().inner();
Sig { args, ret }
fn has_ct(&self, expr: &Expr) -> bool {
fn eval_const(&mut self, expr: &Expr, ty: impl Into<ty::Id>) -> u64 {
self.eval_const_low(expr, Some(ty.into())).0
fn eval_const_low(&mut self, expr: &Expr, mut ty: Option<ty::Id>) -> (u64, ty::Id) {
let mut ci = ItemCtx {
file: self.ci.file,
id: ty::Kind::Builtin(u32::MAX),
ret: ty,
ci.vars.append(&mut self.ci.vars);
let loc = self.ct_eval(ci, |s, prev| {
if s.ci.ret.map_or(true, |r| s.tys.size_of(r) > 16) {
let reg = s.ci.regs.allocate();
s.output.emit(instrs::cp(reg.get(), 1));
s.ci.ret_reg = reg;
let ctx = Ctx { loc: None, ty: s.ci.ret };
if s.expr_ctx(&Expr::Return { pos: 0, val: Some(expr) }, ctx).is_some() {
s.report(expr.pos(), "we fucked up");
ty = s.ci.ret;
let stash = s.complete_call_graph();
prev.vars.append(&mut s.ci.vars);
s.ci.finalize(&mut s.output);
match loc {
Ok(i) | Err(i) => {
(self.ct.vm.read_reg(i).cast::<u64>(), ty.expect("you have died (in brahmaputra)"))
fn assign_ct_pattern(&mut self, pat: &Expr, ty: ty::Id, offset: *mut u8) -> bool {
let size = self.tys.size_of(ty);
match *pat {
Expr::Ident { id, .. }
if find_symbol(&self.cfile().symbols, id).flags & idfl::REFERENCED == 0
&& size <= 8 =>
let loc = Loc::ct(load_value(offset, size));
self.ci.vars.push(Variable { id, value: Value { ty, loc } });
Expr::Ident { id, .. } => {
let var = Variable { id, value: Value { ty, loc: Loc::ct_ptr(offset as _) } };
ref pat => self.report_unhandled_ast(pat, "comptime pattern"),
fn assign_pattern(&mut self, pat: &Expr, right: Value) -> Option<Value> {
match *pat {
Expr::Ident { id, .. } => {
let mut loc = self.make_loc_owned(right.loc, right.ty);
let sym = parser::find_symbol(&self.cfile().symbols, id);
if sym.flags & idfl::REFERENCED != 0 {
loc = self.spill(loc, self.tys.size_of(right.ty));
self.ci.vars.push(Variable { id, value: Value { ty: right.ty, loc } });
Expr::Ctor { pos, fields, .. } => {
let ty::Kind::Struct(idx) = right.ty.expand() else {
self.report(pos, "can't use struct destruct on non struct value (TODO: shold work with modules)");
for &CtorField { pos, name, ref value } in fields {
let Some((offset, ty)) = self.tys.offset_of(idx, name) else {
self.report(pos, format_args!("field not found: {name:?}"));
let loc = self.ci.dup_loc(&right.loc).offset(offset);
self.assign_pattern(value, Value::new(ty, loc));
ref pat => self.report_unhandled_ast(pat, "pattern"),
fn prepare_struct_ctor(
&mut self,
pos: Pos,
ctx: Ctx,
ty: Option<&Expr>,
field_len: usize,
) -> (ty::Id, Loc) {
let Some(mut ty) = ty.map(|ty| self.ty(ty)).or(ctx.ty) else {
self.report(pos, "expected type, (it cannot be inferred)");
match ty.expand() {
ty::Kind::Struct(stru) => {
let field_count = self.tys.structs[stru as usize].fields.len();
if field_count != field_len {
format_args!("expected {field_count} fields, got {field_len}"),
ty::Kind::Slice(arr) => {
let arr = &self.tys.arrays[arr as usize];
if arr.len == ArrayLen::MAX {
ty = self.tys.make_array(arr.ty, field_len as _);
} else if arr.len != field_len as u32 {
"literal has {} elements, but explicit array type has {} elements",
arr.len, field_len
_ => self.report(pos, "expected expression to evaluate to struct (or array maybe)"),
let size = self.tys.size_of(ty);
let loc = ctx.loc.unwrap_or_else(|| Loc::stack(self.ci.stack.allocate(size)));
(ty, loc)
fn struct_op(
&mut self,
op: TokenKind,
ty: ty::Id,
ctx: Ctx,
left: Loc,
mut right: Loc,
) -> Option<Value> {
if let ty::Kind::Struct(stuct) = ty.expand() {
let loc = ctx
.or_else(|| right.take_owned())
.unwrap_or_else(|| Loc::stack(self.ci.stack.allocate(self.tys.size_of(ty))));
let mut offset = 0;
for &Field { ty, .. } in self.tys.structs[stuct as usize].fields.clone().iter() {
offset = Types::align_up(offset, self.tys.align_of(ty));
let size = self.tys.size_of(ty);
let ctx = Ctx::from(Value { ty, loc: loc.as_ref().offset(offset) });
let left = left.as_ref().offset(offset);
let right = right.as_ref().offset(offset);
let value = self.struct_op(op, ty, ctx, left, right)?;
offset += size;
return Some(Value { ty, loc });
let size = self.tys.size_of(ty);
let signed = ty.is_signed();
let lhs = self.loc_to_reg(left, size);
if let Loc::Ct { value, derefed: false } = right
&& let Some(op) = Self::imm_math_op(op, signed, size)
self.output.emit(op(lhs.get(), lhs.get(), value.0));
return Some(if let Some(value) = ctx.into_value() {
self.store_typed(Loc::reg(lhs.as_ref()), value.loc, value.ty);
} else {
Value { ty, loc: Loc::reg(lhs) }
let rhs = self.loc_to_reg(right, size);
if let Some(op) = Self::math_op(op, signed, size) {
self.output.emit(op(lhs.get(), lhs.get(), rhs.get()));
return if let Some(value) = ctx.into_value() {
self.store_typed(Loc::reg(lhs), value.loc, value.ty);
} else {
Some(Value { ty, loc: Loc::reg(lhs) })
unimplemented!("{:#?}", op)
fn math_op(
op: TokenKind,
signed: bool,
size: u32,
) -> Option<fn(u8, u8, u8) -> (usize, [u8; instrs::MAX_SIZE])> {
use TokenKind as T;
macro_rules! div { ($($op:ident),*) => {[$(|a, b, c| $op(a, ZERO, b, c)),*]}; }
macro_rules! rem { ($($op:ident),*) => {[$(|a, b, c| $op(ZERO, a, b, c)),*]}; }
let ops = match op {
T::Add => [add8, add16, add32, add64],
T::Sub => [sub8, sub16, sub32, sub64],
T::Mul => [mul8, mul16, mul32, mul64],
T::Div if signed => div!(dirs8, dirs16, dirs32, dirs64),
T::Div => div!(diru8, diru16, diru32, diru64),
T::Mod if signed => rem!(dirs8, dirs16, dirs32, dirs64),
T::Mod => rem!(diru8, diru16, diru32, diru64),
T::Band => return Some(and),
T::Bor => return Some(or),
T::Xor => return Some(xor),
T::Shl => [slu8, slu16, slu32, slu64],
T::Shr if signed => [srs8, srs16, srs32, srs64],
T::Shr => [sru8, sru16, sru32, sru64],
_ => return None,
Some(ops[size.ilog2() as usize])
fn imm_math_op(
op: TokenKind,
signed: bool,
size: u32,
) -> Option<fn(u8, u8, u64) -> (usize, [u8; instrs::MAX_SIZE])> {
use TokenKind as T;
macro_rules! def_op {
($name:ident |$a:ident, $b:ident, $c:ident| $($tt:tt)*) => {
macro_rules! $name {
($$($$op:ident),*) => {
|$a, $b, $c: u64| $$op($($tt)*),
def_op!(basic_op | a, b, c | a, b, c as _);
def_op!(sub_op | a, b, c | b, a, c.wrapping_neg() as _);
let ops = match op {
T::Add => basic_op!(addi8, addi16, addi32, addi64),
T::Sub => sub_op!(addi8, addi16, addi32, addi64),
T::Mul => basic_op!(muli8, muli16, muli32, muli64),
T::Band => return Some(andi),
T::Bor => return Some(ori),
T::Xor => return Some(xori),
T::Shr if signed => basic_op!(srui8, srui16, srui32, srui64),
T::Shr => basic_op!(srui8, srui16, srui32, srui64),
T::Shl => basic_op!(slui8, slui16, slui32, slui64),
_ => return None,
Some(ops[size.ilog2() as usize])
fn handle_global(&mut self, id: ty::Global) -> Option<Value> {
let ptr = self.ci.regs.allocate();
let rel = Reloc::new(self.local_offset(), 3, 4);
let global = &mut self.tys.globals[id as usize];
self.output.relocs.push(OutReloc { from: self.ci.id, to: ty::Kind::Global(id), rel });
self.output.emit(instrs::lra(ptr.get(), 0, 0));
global.runtime |= !self.ct.active();
Some(Value { ty: global.ty, loc: Loc::reg(ptr).into_derefed() })
fn spill(&mut self, loc: Loc, size: Size) -> Loc {
let stack = Loc::stack(self.ci.stack.allocate(size));
self.store_sized(loc, &stack, size);
fn make_loc_owned(&mut self, loc: Loc, ty: ty::Id) -> Loc {
let size = self.tys.size_of(ty);
match size {
0 => Loc::default(),
1..=8 => Loc::reg(self.loc_to_reg(loc, size)),
_ if loc.is_ref() => {
let new_loc = Loc::stack(self.ci.stack.allocate(size));
self.store_sized(loc, &new_loc, size);
_ => loc,
fn complete_call_graph(&mut self) -> Output {
let stash = self.pop_stash();
self.ci.snap = self.output.snap();
fn complete_call_graph_low(&mut self) {
let prev_strings = self.output.strings.len();
while self.ci.task_base < self.tasks.len()
&& let Some(task_slot) = self.tasks.pop()
let Some(task) = task_slot else { continue };
let base = self.output.code.len() as u32;
let prev_data_len = self.output.string_data.len();
self.output.code.append(&mut self.output.string_data);
// we drain these when linking
for srel in self.output.strings.iter_mut().skip(prev_strings) {
debug_assert!(srel.range.end <= prev_data_len as u32);
debug_assert!(srel.range.start <= srel.range.end);
srel.range.start += base;
srel.range.end += base;
fn handle_task(&mut self, FTask { file, id }: FTask) {
let func = self.tys.funcs[id as usize];
debug_assert!(func.file == file);
let sig = func.sig.unwrap();
let ast = self.files[file as usize].clone();
let expr = func.expr.get(&ast).unwrap();
let ct_stack_base = self.ct.vm.read_reg(reg::STACK_PTR).0;
let repl = ItemCtx {
id: ty::Kind::Func(id),
ret: Some(sig.ret),
let prev_ci = std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci, repl);
self.ci.snap = self.output.snap();
let Expr::BinOp {
left: Expr::Ident { .. },
op: TokenKind::Decl,
right: &Expr::Closure { body, args, .. },
} = expr
else {
let mut parama = self.tys.parama(sig.ret);
let mut sig_args = sig.args.range();
for arg in args.iter() {
let ty = self.tys.args[sig_args.next().unwrap()];
let sym = parser::find_symbol(&ast.symbols, arg.id);
let loc = match sym.flags & idfl::COMPTIME != 0 {
true => Loc::ty(self.tys.args[sig_args.next().unwrap()]),
false => self.load_arg(sym.flags, ty, &mut parama),
self.ci.vars.push(Variable { id: arg.id, value: Value { ty, loc } });
if self.tys.size_of(sig.ret) > 16 {
let reg = self.ci.regs.allocate();
self.output.emit(instrs::cp(reg.get(), 1));
self.ci.ret_reg = reg;
} else {
self.ci.ret_reg = reg::Id::RET;
if self.expr(body).is_some() {
self.report(body.pos(), "expected all paths in the fucntion to return");
for vars in self.ci.vars.drain(..).collect::<Vec<_>>() {
self.ci.finalize(&mut self.output);
self.output.emit(jala(ZERO, RET_ADDR, 0));
self.ci.regs.free(std::mem::take(&mut self.ci.ret_reg));
self.tys.funcs[id as usize].offset = self.ci.snap.code as Offset;
self.tys.funcs[id as usize].size = self.local_offset();
self.pool.cis.push(std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci, prev_ci));
self.ct.vm.write_reg(reg::STACK_PTR, ct_stack_base);
fn load_arg(&mut self, flags: parser::IdentFlags, ty: ty::Id, parama: &mut ParamAlloc) -> Loc {
let size = self.tys.size_of(ty) as Size;
if size == 0 {
return Loc::default();
let (src, dst) = match size {
0 => (Loc::default(), Loc::default()),
..=8 if flags & idfl::REFERENCED == 0 => {
(Loc::reg(parama.next()), Loc::reg(self.ci.regs.allocate()))
1..=8 => (Loc::reg(parama.next()), Loc::stack(self.ci.stack.allocate(size))),
9..=16 => (Loc::reg(parama.next_wide()), Loc::stack(self.ci.stack.allocate(size))),
_ if flags & (idfl::MUTABLE | idfl::REFERENCED) == 0 => {
let ptr = parama.next();
let reg = self.ci.regs.allocate();
self.output.emit(instrs::cp(reg.get(), ptr));
return Loc::reg(reg).into_derefed();
_ => (Loc::reg(parama.next()).into_derefed(), Loc::stack(self.ci.stack.allocate(size))),
self.store_sized(src, &dst, size);
fn eca(&mut self, trap: trap::Trap, ret: impl Into<ty::Id>) -> Value {
Value { ty: ret.into(), loc: Loc::reg(1) }
fn alloc_ret(&mut self, ret: ty::Id, ctx: Ctx, custom_ret_reg: bool) -> Loc {
let size = self.tys.size_of(ret);
if size == 0 {
debug_assert!(ctx.loc.is_none(), "{}", self.ty_display(ret));
return Loc::default();
if ctx.loc.is_some() && size < 16 {
return ctx.loc.unwrap();
match size {
0 => Loc::default(),
1..=8 if custom_ret_reg => Loc::reg(self.ci.regs.allocate()),
1..=8 => Loc::reg(1),
9..=16 => Loc::stack(self.ci.stack.allocate(size)),
17.. => {
let loc = ctx.loc.unwrap_or_else(|| Loc::stack(self.ci.stack.allocate(size)));
let Loc::Rt { reg, stack, offset, .. } = &loc else {
todo!("old man with the beard looks at the sky scared");
self.stack_offset(1, reg.get(), stack.as_ref(), *offset);
fn loc_to_reg(&mut self, loc: impl Into<LocCow>, size: Size) -> reg::Id {
match loc.into() {
LocCow::Owned(Loc::Rt { derefed: false, mut reg, offset, stack }) => {
debug_assert!(stack.is_none(), "TODO");
assert_eq!(offset, 0, "TODO");
if reg.is_ref() {
let new_reg = self.ci.regs.allocate();
debug_assert_ne!(reg.get(), 0);
self.output.emit(cp(new_reg.get(), reg.get()));
reg = new_reg;
LocCow::Ref(&Loc::Rt { derefed: false, ref reg, offset, ref stack }) => {
debug_assert!(stack.is_none(), "TODO");
assert_eq!(offset, 0, "TODO");
loc => {
let reg = self.ci.regs.allocate();
self.store_sized(loc, Loc::reg(reg.as_ref()), size);
fn load_ret(&mut self, ty: ty::Id, loc: &Loc) {
let size = self.tys.size_of(ty);
if let 1..=16 = size {
self.store_sized(Loc::reg(1), loc, size);
fn pass_arg(&mut self, value: &Value, parama: &mut ParamAlloc) {
self.pass_arg_low(&value.loc, self.tys.size_of(value.ty), parama)
fn pass_arg_low(&mut self, loc: &Loc, size: Size, parama: &mut ParamAlloc) {
if size > 16 {
let Loc::Rt { reg, stack, offset, .. } = loc else { unreachable!() };
self.stack_offset(parama.next(), reg.get(), stack.as_ref(), *offset as _);
let dst = match size {
0 => return,
9..=16 => Loc::reg(parama.next_wide()),
_ => Loc::reg(parama.next()),
self.store_sized(loc, dst, size);
fn store_typed(&mut self, src: impl Into<LocCow>, dst: impl Into<LocCow>, ty: ty::Id) {
self.store_sized(src, dst, self.tys.size_of(ty) as _)
fn store_sized(&mut self, src: impl Into<LocCow>, dst: impl Into<LocCow>, size: Size) {
self.store_sized_low(src.into(), dst.into(), size);
fn store_sized_low(&mut self, src: LocCow, dst: LocCow, size: Size) {
macro_rules! lpat {
($der:literal, $reg:ident, $off:pat, $sta:pat) => {
&Loc::Rt { derefed: $der, reg: ref $reg, offset: $off, stack: $sta }
if size == 0 {
match (src.as_ref(), dst.as_ref()) {
(&Loc::Ct { value, derefed }, lpat!(true, reg, off, ref sta)) => {
let ct = self.ci.regs.allocate();
self.output.emit(li64(ct.get(), ensure_loaded(value, derefed, size)));
let off = self.opt_stack_reloc(sta.as_ref(), off, 3);
self.output.emit(st(ct.get(), reg.get(), off, size as _));
(&Loc::Ct { value, derefed }, lpat!(false, reg, 0, None)) => {
self.output.emit(li64(reg.get(), ensure_loaded(value, derefed, size)))
(&Loc::Ct { value, derefed }, lpat!(false, reg, 8, None))
if reg.get() == 1 && size == 8 =>
self.output.emit(li64(reg.get() + 1, ensure_loaded(value, derefed, size)));
(&Loc::Ct { value, derefed }, lpat!(false, reg, off, None)) if reg.get() == 1 => {
let freg = reg.get() + (off / 8) as u8;
let mask = !(((1u64 << (8 * size)) - 1) << (8 * (off % 8)));
self.output.emit(andi(freg, freg, mask));
let value = ensure_loaded(value, derefed, size) << (8 * (off % 8));
self.output.emit(ori(freg, freg, value));
(lpat!(true, src, soff, ref ssta), lpat!(true, dst, doff, ref dsta)) => {
// TODO: some oportuinies to ellit more optimal code
let src_off = self.ci.regs.allocate();
let dst_off = self.ci.regs.allocate();
self.stack_offset(src_off.get(), src.get(), ssta.as_ref(), soff);
self.stack_offset(dst_off.get(), dst.get(), dsta.as_ref(), doff);
self.output.emit(bmc(src_off.get(), dst_off.get(), size as _));
(lpat!(false, src, 0, None), lpat!(false, dst, 0, None)) => {
if src != dst {
debug_assert_ne!(src.get(), 0);
self.output.emit(cp(dst.get(), src.get()));
(lpat!(true, src, soff, ref ssta), lpat!(false, dst, 0, None)) => {
if size < 8 {
self.output.emit(cp(dst.get(), 0));
let off = self.opt_stack_reloc(ssta.as_ref(), soff, 3);
self.output.emit(ld(dst.get(), src.get(), off, size as _));
(lpat!(false, src, 0, None), lpat!(true, dst, doff, ref dsta)) => {
let off = self.opt_stack_reloc(dsta.as_ref(), doff, 3);
self.output.emit(st(src.get(), dst.get(), off, size as _))
(a, b) => unreachable!("{a:?} {b:?}"),
fn stack_offset(&mut self, dst: u8, op: u8, stack: Option<&stack::Id>, off: Offset) {
let Some(stack) = stack else {
self.output.emit_addi(dst, op, off as _);
let off = self.stack_reloc(stack, off, 3);
self.output.emit(addi64(dst, op, off));
fn opt_stack_reloc(&mut self, stack: Option<&stack::Id>, off: Offset, sub_offset: u8) -> u64 {
stack.map(|s| self.stack_reloc(s, off, sub_offset)).unwrap_or(off as _)
fn stack_reloc(&mut self, stack: &stack::Id, off: Offset, sub_offset: u8) -> u64 {
let offset = self.local_offset();
self.ci.stack_relocs.push(Reloc::new(offset, sub_offset, 8));
Reloc::pack_srel(stack, off)
fn link(&mut self) {
let ct_hint = self.ct.active().then_some(self.ci.snap.code as u32);
for reloc in &self.output.relocs {
if !self.tys.is_runtime_item(reloc.from) && !self.ct.active() {
let Some(to_offset) = self.tys.offset_of_item(reloc.to, ct_hint) else {
let from_offset = self.tys.offset_of_item(reloc.from, ct_hint).unwrap();
reloc.rel.apply_jump(&mut self.output.code, to_offset, from_offset);
for reloc in self.output.strings.iter() {
let from_offset = self.tys.offset_of_item(reloc.from, ct_hint).unwrap();
reloc.reloc.apply_jump(&mut self.output.code, reloc.range.start, from_offset);
//fn compress_strings(&mut self) {
// // FIXME: we can go faster
// self.output
// .strings
// .sort_by(|a, b| self.string_data[b.range()].cmp(&self.string_data[a.range()]));
// let mut cursor = 0;
// let mut anchor = 0;
// for i in 1..self.output.strings.len() {
// let [a, b] = self.output.strings.get_many_mut([anchor, i]).unwrap();
// if self.string_data[a.range()].ends_with(&self.string_data[b.range()]) {
// b.range.end = a.range.end;
// b.range.start = a.range.end - (b.range.end - b.range.start);
// } else {
// self.string_data.copy_within(a.range(), cursor);
// cursor += a.range.len();
// anchor = i;
// }
// }
// if !self.output.strings.is_empty() {
// let a = &self.output.strings[anchor];
// self.string_data.copy_within(a.range(), cursor);
// cursor += a.range.len();
// }
// self.string_data.truncate(cursor)
// TODO: sometimes its better to do this in bulk
fn ty(&mut self, expr: &Expr) -> ty::Id {
ty::Id::from(self.eval_const(expr, ty::TYPE))
fn read_trap(addr: u64) -> Option<&'static trap::Trap> {
// TODO: make this debug only
if unsafe { *(addr as *const u8) } != 255 {
return None;
Some(unsafe { &*((addr + 1) as *const trap::Trap) })
fn handle_ecall(&mut self) {
let trap = Self::read_trap(self.ct.vm.pc.get()).unwrap();
self.ct.vm.pc = self.ct.vm.pc.wrapping_add(trap.size() + 1);
let mut extra_jump = 0;
let mut local_pc = (self.ct.vm.pc.get() as usize - self.output.code.as_ptr() as usize)
match *trap {
trap::Trap::MakeStruct(trap::MakeStruct { file, struct_expr }) => {
let cfile = self.files[file as usize].clone();
let &Expr::Struct { fields, captured, .. } = struct_expr.get(&cfile).unwrap()
else {
let prev_len = self.ci.vars.len();
let mut values = self.ct.vm.read_reg(2).0 as *const u8;
for &id in captured {
let ty: ty::Id = unsafe { std::ptr::read_unaligned(values.cast()) };
unsafe { values = values.add(4) };
let size = self.tys.size_of(ty) as usize;
let mut imm = [0u8; 8];
assert!(size <= imm.len(), "TODO");
unsafe { std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(values, imm.as_mut_ptr(), size) };
self.ci.vars.push(Variable {
value: Value::new(ty, Loc::ct(u64::from_ne_bytes(imm))),
let stru = ty::Kind::Struct(self.build_struct(fields)).compress();
self.ct.vm.write_reg(1, stru.repr() as u64);
trap::Trap::MomizedCall(trap::MomizedCall { func }) => {
let sym = SymKey { file: u32::MAX, ident: ty::Kind::Func(func).compress().repr() };
if let Some(&ty) = self.tys.syms.get(&sym) {
self.ct.vm.write_reg(1, ty.repr());
extra_jump = jal(0, 0, 0).0 + tx().0;
} else {
local_pc = None;
self.tys.syms.insert(sym, self.ct.vm.read_reg(1).0.into());
if let Some(lpc) = local_pc {
let offset = lpc + self.ci.snap.code + self.output.code.as_ptr() as usize;
self.ct.vm.pc = hbvm::mem::Address::new(offset as _);
self.ct.vm.pc += extra_jump;
fn find_or_declare(
&mut self,
pos: Pos,
file: FileId,
name: Result<Ident, &str>,
lit_name: &str,
) -> ty::Kind {
log::dbg!("find_or_declare: {lit_name} {file}");
let f = self.files[file as usize].clone();
let Some((expr, ident)) = f.find_decl(name) else {
match name {
Ok(_) => self.report(pos, format_args!("undefined indentifier: {lit_name}")),
Err("main") => self.report(pos, format_args!("missing main function: {f}")),
Err(name) => self.report(pos, format_args!("undefined indentifier: {name}")),
if let Some(existing) = self.tys.syms.get(&SymKey { file, ident }) {
if let ty::Kind::Func(id) = existing.expand()
&& let func = &mut self.tys.funcs[id as usize]
&& func.offset != u32::MAX
&& let Err(idx) = task::unpack(func.offset)
func.offset = task::id(self.tasks.len());
let task = self.tasks[idx].take();
return existing.expand();
let prev_file = std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci.file, file);
let sym = match expr {
Expr::BinOp {
left: &Expr::Ident { .. },
op: TokenKind::Decl,
right: &Expr::Closure { pos, args, ret, .. },
} => {
let func = Func {
sig: 'b: {
let arg_base = self.tys.args.len();
for arg in args {
let sym = find_symbol(&self.files[file as usize].symbols, arg.id);
if sym.flags & idfl::COMPTIME != 0 {
break 'b None;
let ty = self.ty(&arg.ty);
let args = self.pack_args(pos, arg_base);
let ret = self.ty(ret);
Some(Sig { args, ret })
expr: {
let refr = ExprRef::new(expr);
runtime: false,
offset: u32::MAX,
size: 0,
let id = self.tys.funcs.len() as _;
Expr::BinOp {
left: &Expr::Ident { .. },
op: TokenKind::Decl,
right: Expr::Struct { fields, .. },
} => ty::Kind::Struct(self.build_struct(fields)),
Expr::BinOp { left, op: TokenKind::Decl, right } => {
let gid = self.tys.globals.len() as ty::Global;
self.tys.globals.push(Global {
offset: u32::MAX,
ty: Default::default(),
runtime: false,
_file: file,
_name: ident,
let ci = ItemCtx {
id: ty::Kind::Builtin(u32::MAX),
_ = left.find_pattern_path(ident, right, |expr| {
self.tys.globals[gid as usize] = self
.ct_eval(ci, |s, _| Ok::<_, !>(s.generate_global(expr, file, ident)))
e => unimplemented!("{e:#?}"),
self.ci.file = prev_file;
self.tys.syms.insert(SymKey { ident, file }, sym.compress());
fn make_func_reachable(&mut self, func: ty::Func) {
let fuc = &mut self.tys.funcs[func as usize];
fuc.runtime |= !self.ct.active();
if fuc.offset == u32::MAX {
fuc.offset = task::id(self.tasks.len() as _);
self.tasks.push(Some(FTask { file: fuc.file, id: func }));
fn generate_global(&mut self, expr: &Expr, file: FileId, name: Ident) -> Global {
let ret = self.ci.regs.allocate();
self.output.emit(instrs::cp(ret.get(), 1));
self.ci.task_base = self.tasks.len();
let ctx = Ctx::default().with_loc(Loc::reg(ret).into_derefed());
let Some(ret) = self.expr_ctx(expr, ctx) else {
self.report(expr.pos(), "expression is not reachable");
let stash = self.complete_call_graph();
let offset = self.ci.snap.code;
self.ci.snap.code += self.tys.size_of(ret.ty) as usize;
self.output.code.resize(self.ci.snap.code, 0);
self.ci.finalize(&mut self.output);
let ret_loc = unsafe { self.output.code.as_mut_ptr().add(offset) };
self.ct.vm.write_reg(1, ret_loc as u64);
Global { ty: ret.ty, offset: offset as _, runtime: false, _file: file, _name: name }
fn pop_stash(&mut self) -> Output {
let mut stash = self.pool.outputs.pop().unwrap_or_default();
self.output.pop(&mut stash, &self.ci.snap);
fn push_stash(&mut self, mut stash: Output) {
self.output.append(&mut stash);
fn ct_eval<T, E>(
&mut self,
ci: ItemCtx,
compile: impl FnOnce(&mut Self, &mut ItemCtx) -> Result<T, E>,
) -> Result<T, E> {
let stash = self.pop_stash();
let mut prev_ci = std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci, ci);
self.ci.snap = self.output.snap();
debug_assert_eq!(self.ci.snap, prev_ci.snap);
self.ci.task_base = self.tasks.len();
let ret = compile(self, &mut prev_ci);
let mut rr = std::mem::take(&mut self.ci.ret_reg);
let is_on_stack = !rr.is_ref();
if !rr.is_ref() {
self.output.emit(instrs::cp(1, rr.get()));
let rref = rr.as_ref();
self.ci.regs.free(std::mem::replace(&mut rr, rref));
if ret.is_ok() {
if is_on_stack {
let size =
self.tys.size_of(self.ci.ret.expect("you have died (colaterall fuck up)"));
let slot = self.ct.vm.read_reg(reg::STACK_PTR).0;
self.ct.vm.write_reg(reg::STACK_PTR, slot.wrapping_add(size as _));
self.ct.vm.write_reg(1, slot);
self.output.trunc(&Snapshot { code: self.output.code.len(), ..self.ci.snap });
let entry = &mut self.output.code[self.ci.snap.code] as *mut _ as _;
let prev_pc = std::mem::replace(&mut self.ct.vm.pc, hbvm::mem::Address::new(entry));
self.disasm(&mut String::new());
self.ct.vm.pc = prev_pc;
self.pool.cis.push(std::mem::replace(&mut self.ci, prev_ci));
self.ci.snap = self.output.snap();
fn disasm(&mut self, output: &mut String) {
use crate::DisasmItem;
let mut sluce = self.output.code.as_slice();
let functions = self
self.ci.snap.code as u32,
(self.output.code.len() - self.ci.snap.code) as u32,
.filter(|&(i, f)| {
&& (f.runtime || self.ct.active())
&& self.is_fully_linked(i as ty::Func)
.map(|(_, f)| {
let file = &self.files[f.file as usize];
let Expr::BinOp { left: &Expr::Ident { name, .. }, .. } =
else {
(f.offset, (name, f.size, DisasmItem::Func))
.filter(|g| task::unpack(g.offset).is_ok() && (g.runtime || self.ct.active()))
.map(|g| {
let file = &self.files[g._file as usize];
(file.ident_str(g._name), self.tys.size_of(g.ty), DisasmItem::Global),
.map(|s| (s.range.start, ("string", s.range.len() as _, DisasmItem::Global))),
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
if crate::disasm(&mut sluce, &functions, output, |bin| {
if self.ct.active()
&& let Some(trap) = Self::read_trap(bin.as_ptr() as u64)
bin.take(..trap.size() + 1).unwrap();
panic!("{} {:?}", output, sluce);
fn is_fully_linked(&self, func: ty::Func) -> bool {
.filter(|r| r.from == ty::Kind::Func(func))
.all(|r| self.tys.offset_of_item(r.to, None).is_some())
fn run_vm(&mut self) {
loop {
match self.ct.vm.run().unwrap() {
hbvm::VmRunOk::End => break,
hbvm::VmRunOk::Timer => unreachable!(),
hbvm::VmRunOk::Ecall => self.handle_ecall(),
hbvm::VmRunOk::Breakpoint => unreachable!(),
fn ty_display(&self, ty: ty::Id) -> ty::Display {
ty::Display::new(&self.tys, &self.files, ty)
fn assert_ty(&self, pos: Pos, ty: ty::Id, expected: ty::Id) -> ty::Id {
if let Some(res) = ty.try_upcast(expected) {
} else {
let ty = self.ty_display(ty);
let expected = self.ty_display(expected);
self.report(pos, format_args!("expected {expected}, got {ty}"));
fn report_log(&self, pos: Pos, msg: impl std::fmt::Display) {
let (line, col) = lexer::line_col(self.cfile().file.as_bytes(), pos);
println!("{}:{}:{}: {}", self.cfile().path, line, col, msg);
fn report(&self, pos: Pos, msg: impl std::fmt::Display) -> ! {
self.report_log(pos, msg);
fn report_unhandled_ast(&self, ast: &Expr, hint: &str) -> ! {
"compiler does not (yet) know how to handle ({hint}):\n\
info for weak people:\n\
fn cfile(&self) -> &parser::Ast {
&self.files[self.ci.file as usize]
fn local_code(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
&mut self.output.code[self.ci.snap.code..]
fn local_offset(&self) -> u32 {
(self.output.code.len() - self.ci.snap.code) as u32
fn local_snap(&self) -> Snapshot {
Snapshot {
code: self.output.code.len() - self.ci.snap.code,
string_data: self.output.string_data.len() - self.ci.snap.string_data,
relocs: self.output.relocs.len() - self.ci.snap.relocs,
strings: self.output.strings.len() - self.ci.snap.strings,
fn pop_local_snap(&mut self, snap: Snapshot) {
self.output.code.truncate(snap.code + self.ci.snap.code);
self.output.string_data.truncate(snap.string_data + self.ci.snap.string_data);
self.output.relocs.truncate(snap.relocs + self.ci.snap.relocs);
self.output.strings.truncate(snap.strings + self.ci.snap.strings);
fn pack_args(&mut self, pos: Pos, arg_base: usize) -> ty::Tuple {
let needle = &self.tys.args[arg_base..];
if needle.is_empty() {
return ty::Tuple::empty();
let len = needle.len();
// FIXME: maybe later when this becomes a bottleneck we use more
// efficient search (SIMD?, indexing?)
let sp = self.tys.args.windows(needle.len()).position(|val| val == needle).unwrap();
self.tys.args.truncate((sp + needle.len()).max(arg_base));
ty::Tuple::new(sp, len)
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.report(pos, "amount of arguments not supported"))
mod tests {
use {
crate::{codegen::LoggedMem, log, parser::FileId},
const README: &str = include_str!("../README.md");
fn generate(ident: &'static str, input: &'static str, output: &mut String) {
fn find_block(mut input: &'static str, test_name: &'static str) -> &'static str {
const CASE_PREFIX: &str = "#### ";
const CASE_SUFFIX: &str = "\n```hb";
loop {
let Some(pos) = input.find(CASE_PREFIX) else {
unreachable!("test {test_name} not found");
input = unsafe { input.get_unchecked(pos + CASE_PREFIX.len()..) };
if !input.starts_with(test_name) {
input = unsafe { input.get_unchecked(test_name.len()..) };
if !input.starts_with(CASE_SUFFIX) {
input = unsafe { input.get_unchecked(CASE_SUFFIX.len()..) };
let end = input.find("```").unwrap_or(input.len());
break unsafe { input.get_unchecked(..end) };
let input = find_block(input, ident);
let mut module_map = Vec::new();
let mut last_start = 0;
let mut last_module_name = "test";
for (i, m) in input.match_indices("// in module: ") {
parser::test::format(ident, input[last_start..i].trim());
module_map.push((last_module_name, &input[last_start..i]));
let (module_name, _) = input[i + m.len()..].split_once('\n').unwrap();
last_module_name = module_name;
last_start = i + m.len() + module_name.len() + 1;
parser::test::format(ident, input[last_start..].trim());
module_map.push((last_module_name, input[last_start..].trim()));
let loader = |path: &str, _: &str| {
.position(|&(name, _)| name == path)
.map(|i| i as FileId)
let mut codegen = super::Codegen {
files: module_map
.map(|&(path, content)| parser::Ast::new(path, content.to_owned(), &loader))
let mut out = Vec::new();
codegen.dump(&mut out).unwrap();
use std::fmt::Write;
let mut stack = [0_u64; 128];
let mut vm = unsafe {
hbvm::Vm::<_, 0>::new(
hbvm::mem::Address::new(out.as_ptr() as u64),
vm.write_reg(super::STACK_PTR, unsafe { stack.as_mut_ptr().add(stack.len()) } as u64);
let stat = loop {
match vm.run() {
Ok(hbvm::VmRunOk::End) => break Ok(()),
Ok(hbvm::VmRunOk::Ecall) => match vm.read_reg(2).0 {
1 => writeln!(output, "ev: Ecall").unwrap(), // compatibility with a test
69 => {
let [size, align] = [vm.read_reg(3).0 as usize, vm.read_reg(4).0 as usize];
let layout = std::alloc::Layout::from_size_align(size, align).unwrap();
let ptr = unsafe { std::alloc::alloc(layout) };
vm.write_reg(1, ptr as u64);
96 => {
let [ptr, size, align] = [
vm.read_reg(3).0 as usize,
vm.read_reg(4).0 as usize,
vm.read_reg(5).0 as usize,
let layout = std::alloc::Layout::from_size_align(size, align).unwrap();
unsafe { std::alloc::dealloc(ptr as *mut u8, layout) };
3 => vm.write_reg(1, 42),
unknown => unreachable!("unknown ecall: {unknown:?}"),
Ok(ev) => writeln!(output, "ev: {:?}", ev).unwrap(),
Err(e) => break Err(e),
writeln!(output, "code size: {}", out.len()).unwrap();
writeln!(output, "ret: {:?}", vm.read_reg(1).0).unwrap();
writeln!(output, "status: {:?}", stat).unwrap();
log::inf!("input lenght: {}", input.len());
crate::run_tests! { generate:
arithmetic => README;
variables => README;
functions => README;
comments => README;
if_statements => README;
loops => README;
fb_driver => README;
pointers => README;
structs => README;
different_types => README;
struct_operators => README;
directives => README;
global_variables => README;
generic_types => README;
generic_functions => README;
c_strings => README;
struct_patterns => README;
arrays => README;
struct_return_from_module_function => README;
//comptime_pointers => README;
sort_something_viredly => README;
hex_octal_binary_literals => README;
comptime_min_reg_leak => README;
// structs_in_registers => README;
comptime_function_from_another_file => README;
inline => README;
inline_test => README;