name: openquest displayName: OpenQuest description: Support for the Quest language, a DSL for mission scripting (Metin2) version: 0.0.1 repository: type: git url:" license: Apache2 publisher: OriDevTeam categories: - Programming Languages keywords: - quest - language engines: {vscode: ^1.78.0} main: ./client/out/extension contributes: languages: - id: quest aliases: - Quest - quest extensions: - .quest configuration: ./language-configuration.json grammars: - language: quest scopeName: path: ./syntaxes/quest.tmLanguage.json configuration: title: OpenQuest properties: openquest.handlingMode: scope: window type: string enum: - Local Path - WebSocket default: Local Path description: >- Where and how to connect to a language server, or spawn a new process of one openquest.serverAddress: scope: window type: string markdownDescription: Language Server address to connect to (**Example:** localhost:5050) openquest.serverArguments: scope: window type: string description: Arguments to pass when initializing language server openquest.serverBinaryPath: scope: window type: string markdownDescription: >- Path of the language server executable (if not given, it will look in $PATH and consequentially $HOME) scripts: vscode:prepublish: pnpm run compile compile: tsc -b postinstall: cd client && pnpm install && cd .. watch: tsc -b -w lint: eslint ./client/src ./server/src --ext .ts,.tsx test: sh ./scripts/ package-y2j: js-yaml package.yaml > package.json grammar-y2j: js-yaml syntaxes/quest.tmGrammar.yaml > syntaxes/quest.tmGrammar.json dependencies: generator-code: ^1.7.7 js-yaml: ^4.1.0 ws: ^8.13.0 devDependencies: '@types/mocha': ^9.1.1 '@types/node': ^16.18.34 '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin': ^5.59.9 '@typescript-eslint/parser': ^5.59.9 '@types/ws': ^8.5.5 eslint: ^8.42.0 mocha: ^9.2.2 typescript: ^5.1.3