Adding mouse cursor assets to AOS to be reorganized later

This commit is contained in:
Able 2023-03-09 03:50:54 -06:00
parent 10e955cdfe
commit dc1331ba98
6 changed files with 25 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@
A set of cursor icons to be used on ableOS.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="100" height="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="Black" stroke-width="10" fill="White" />


(image error) Size: 121 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<svg height="100" width="100">
<path fill="rgba(0, 0, 0, 255)" transform="scale(10)"
d="M 2 0 L 5 3 L 8 0 L 10 2 L 7 5 L 10 8 L 8 10 L 5 7 L 2 10 L 0 8 L 3 5 L 0 2 L 2 0" />
<path stroke="red" d="M 15,85 85,15" stroke-width="15" />
<path stroke="red" d="M 85,85 15,15" stroke-width="15" />


(image error) Size: 301 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="100" height="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="White" stroke-width="10" fill="Black" />


(image error) Size: 121 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="100" height="100">
<rect x="32" y="10" width="32" height="80" stroke-width="10" stroke="Black" fill="white" />


(image error) Size: 133 B

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
<svg width="100" height="100">
<g id="surface1" transform="scale(7)">
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;"
d="M 8 8.5625 C 7.339844 8.5625 6.71875 8.820312 6.253906 9.285156 C 5.789062 9.746094 5.527344 10.375 5.53125 11.03125 L 5.53125 13.125 L 10.46875 13.125 L 10.46875 11.03125 C 10.46875 10.371094 10.210938 9.75 9.746094 9.285156 C 9.285156 8.820312 8.65625 8.558594 8 8.5625 Z M 5.53125 4.96875 C 5.53125 5.628906 5.789062 6.25 6.253906 6.714844 C 6.71875 7.179688 7.339844 7.4375 8 7.4375 C 8.660156 7.4375 9.28125 7.179688 9.746094 6.714844 C 10.210938 6.25 10.46875 5.628906 10.46875 4.96875 L 10.46875 2.875 L 5.53125 2.875 Z M 5.53125 4.96875 " />
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;"
d="M 11.59375 4.96875 L 11.59375 2.875 L 12.9375 2.875 C 13.007812 2.875 13.0625 2.820312 13.0625 2.75 L 13.0625 1.875 C 13.0625 1.804688 13.007812 1.75 12.9375 1.75 L 3.0625 1.75 C 2.992188 1.75 2.9375 1.804688 2.9375 1.875 L 2.9375 2.75 C 2.9375 2.820312 2.992188 2.875 3.0625 2.875 L 4.40625 2.875 L 4.40625 4.96875 C 4.40625 6.242188 5.070312 7.363281 6.070312 8 C 5.070312 8.636719 4.40625 9.757812 4.40625 11.03125 L 4.40625 13.125 L 3.0625 13.125 C 2.992188 13.125 2.9375 13.179688 2.9375 13.25 L 2.9375 14.125 C 2.9375 14.195312 2.992188 14.25 3.0625 14.25 L 12.9375 14.25 C 13.007812 14.25 13.0625 14.195312 13.0625 14.125 L 13.0625 13.25 C 13.0625 13.179688 13.007812 13.125 12.9375 13.125 L 11.59375 13.125 L 11.59375 11.03125 C 11.59375 9.757812 10.929688 8.636719 9.929688 8 C 10.929688 7.363281 11.59375 6.242188 11.59375 4.96875 Z M 10.46875 11.03125 L 10.46875 13.125 L 5.53125 13.125 L 5.53125 11.03125 C 5.53125 10.371094 5.789062 9.75 6.253906 9.285156 C 6.71875 8.820312 7.339844 8.5625 8 8.5625 C 8.660156 8.5625 9.28125 8.820312 9.746094 9.285156 C 10.210938 9.75 10.46875 10.371094 10.46875 11.03125 Z M 10.46875 4.96875 C 10.46875 5.628906 10.210938 6.25 9.746094 6.714844 C 9.28125 7.179688 8.660156 7.4375 8 7.4375 C 7.339844 7.4375 6.71875 7.179688 6.253906 6.714844 C 5.789062 6.253906 5.527344 5.625 5.53125 4.96875 L 5.53125 2.875 L 10.46875 2.875 Z M 10.46875 4.96875 " />


(image error) Size: 2.2 KiB