// #![allow(unused)] mod dev; use { derive_more::Display, dev::Package, error_stack::{bail, report, Context, Report, Result, ResultExt}, fatfs::{FileSystem, FormatVolumeOptions, FsOptions, ReadWriteSeek}, std::{ // fmt::Display, fs::{self, File}, io::{self, Write}, path::Path, process::{exit, Command, Stdio}, }, toml::Value, }; fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { let mut args = std::env::args(); args.next(); log::set_logger(&hblang::Logger).unwrap(); log::set_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Error); match args.next().as_deref() { Some("build" | "b") => { let mut release = false; let mut debuginfo = false; let mut target = Target::X86_64; for arg in args { if arg == "-r" || arg == "--release" { release = true; } else if arg == "-d" || arg == "--debuginfo" { debuginfo = true; } else if arg == "rv64" || arg == "riscv64" || arg == "riscv64-virt" { target = Target::Riscv64Virt; } else if arg == "arm64" || arg == "aarch64" || arg == "aarch64-virt" { target = Target::Aarch64; } else if arg == "avx2" { target = Target::X86_64Avx2; } else { return Err(report!(Error::InvalidSubCom)); } } build(release, target, debuginfo).change_context(Error::Build) } Some("run" | "r") => { let mut release = false; let mut debuginfo = false; let mut target = Target::X86_64; let mut do_accel = true; for arg in args { if arg == "-r" || arg == "--release" { release = true; } else if arg == "-d" || arg == "--debuginfo" { debuginfo = true; } else if arg == "rv64" || arg == "riscv64" || arg == "riscv64-virt" { target = Target::Riscv64Virt; } else if arg == "arm64" || arg == "aarch64" || arg == "aarch64-virt" { target = Target::Aarch64; } else if arg == "--noaccel" { do_accel = false; } else if arg == "avx2" { target = Target::X86_64Avx2; } else { return Err(report!(Error::InvalidSubCom)); } } build(release, target, debuginfo)?; run(release, target, do_accel) } Some("help" | "h") => { println!(concat!( "AbleOS RepBuild\n", "Subcommands:\n", " build (b): Build a bootable disk image\n", " help (h): Print this message\n", " run (r): Build and run AbleOS in QEMU\n\n", "Options for build and run:\n", " -r / --release: build in release mode\n", " -d / --debuginfo: build with debug info\n", " --noaccel: run without acceleration (e.g, no kvm)\n", "[ rv64 / riscv64 / riscv64-virt / aarch64 / arm64 / aarch64-virt ]: sets target" ),); Ok(()) } _ => Err(report!(Error::InvalidSubCom)), } } fn get_path_without_boot_prefix(val: &Value) -> Option<&str> { val.as_str()?.split("boot:///").last() } fn get_fs() -> Result, io::Error> { let filename = "sysdata/system_config.toml"; let mut img = File::options() .read(true) .write(true) .create(true) .open(Path::new("target/disk.img"))?; img.set_len(1024 * 1024 * 64)?; fatfs::format_volume(&mut img, FormatVolumeOptions::new())?; let fs = FileSystem::new(img, FsOptions::new())?; // Read the contents of the file using a `match` block // to return the `data: Ok(c)` as a `String` // or handle any `errors: Err(_)`. let contents = match fs::read_to_string(filename) { // If successful return the files text as `contents`. // `c` is a local variable. Ok(c) => c, // Handle the `error` case. Err(_) => { // Write `msg` to `stderr`. eprintln!("Could not read file `{}`", filename); // Exit the program with exit code `1`. exit(1); } }; use toml::Value; let mut limine_str = String::new(); let mut data: Value = toml::from_str(&contents).unwrap(); let boot_table = data.get_mut("boot"); let limine_table = boot_table.unwrap().get_mut("limine").unwrap(); let default_entry = limine_table.get("default_entry").unwrap(); let timeout = limine_table.get("timeout").unwrap(); let interface_resolution = limine_table.get("interface_resolution").unwrap(); let verbose = limine_table.get("verbose").unwrap(); let term_wallpaper = limine_table.get("term_wallpaper").unwrap(); let vb_post = match verbose.as_bool().unwrap() { true => "yes", false => "no", }; let term_background = limine_table .get("term_backdrop") .unwrap_or(&Value::Integer(0)); let base = format!( "DEFAULT_ENTRY={} TIMEOUT={} VERBOSE={} INTERFACE_RESOLUTION={} # Terminal related settings TERM_WALLPAPER={} TERM_BACKDROP={} ", default_entry, timeout, vb_post, interface_resolution, term_wallpaper.as_str().unwrap(), term_background ); // Copy the term_wallpaper to the image let term_wallpaper_path = get_path_without_boot_prefix(term_wallpaper).unwrap(); copy_file_to_img(&format!("sysdata/{}", term_wallpaper_path), &fs); limine_str.push_str(&base); let boot_entries = limine_table.as_table_mut().unwrap(); let mut real_boot_entries = boot_entries.clone(); for (key, value) in boot_entries.into_iter() { if !value.is_table() { real_boot_entries.remove(key); } } for (name, mut value) in real_boot_entries { let comment = value.get("comment").unwrap(); let protocol = value.get("protocol").unwrap(); let resolution = value.get("resolution").unwrap(); let kernel_path = value.get("kernel_path").unwrap(); let kernel_cmdline = value.get("kernel_cmdline").unwrap(); let text_entry = format!( " :{} COMMENT={} PROTOCOL={} RESOLUTION={} KERNEL_PATH={} KERNEL_CMDLINE={} ", name, comment.as_str().unwrap(), protocol.as_str().unwrap(), resolution.as_str().unwrap(), kernel_path.as_str().unwrap(), kernel_cmdline, ); limine_str.push_str(&text_entry); let modules = value.get_mut("modules").unwrap().as_table_mut().unwrap(); // let mut real_modules = modules.clone(); modules.into_iter().for_each(|(_, value)| { if value.is_table() { let path = get_path_without_boot_prefix( value.get("path").expect("You must have `path` as a value"), ) .unwrap() .split(".") .next() .unwrap(); let p = Package::load_from_file( format!("sysdata/programs/{}/meta.toml", path).to_owned(), ); p.build(); } }); modules.into_iter().for_each(|(_key, value)| { if value.is_table() { let path = value.get("path").expect("You must have `path` as a value"); let default_value = Value::String("".into()); let cmd_line = value.get("cmd_line").unwrap_or(&default_value); let a = format!( " MODULE_PATH={} MODULE_CMDLINE={}\n\n", path.as_str().unwrap(), cmd_line ); limine_str.push_str(&a); } }); // Copy modules into the test_programs directory modules.into_iter().for_each(|(_key, value)| { if value.is_table() { let path = get_path_without_boot_prefix( value .get("path") .expect("You must have a `path` as a value"), ) .unwrap(); let fpath = format!("target/programs/{}", path); copy_file_to_img(&fpath, &fs); } }); } let bootdir = fs.root_dir().create_dir("efi")?.create_dir("boot")?; let mut f = fs.root_dir().create_file("limine.cfg")?; let _ = f.write(limine_str.as_bytes())?; drop(f); io::copy( &mut File::open("limine/BOOTX64.EFI") .map_err(Report::from) .attach_printable("Copying Limine (x86_64): have you pulled the submodule?")?, &mut bootdir.create_file("bootx64.efi")?, )?; io::copy( &mut File::open("limine/BOOTAA64.EFI") .map_err(Report::from) .attach_printable("Copying Limine (ARM): have you pulled the submodule?")?, &mut bootdir.create_file("bootaa64.efi")?, )?; drop(bootdir); Ok(fs) } fn copy_file_to_img(fpath: &str, fs: &FileSystem) { let path = Path::new(fpath); // println!("{path:?}"); io::copy( &mut File::open(path).expect(&format!("Could not open file {fpath}")), &mut fs .root_dir() .create_file(&path.file_name().unwrap().to_string_lossy()) .expect("Unable to create file"), ) .expect("Copy failed"); } fn build(release: bool, target: Target, debuginfo: bool) -> Result<(), Error> { let fs = get_fs().change_context(Error::Io)?; let mut com = Command::new("cargo"); com.current_dir("kernel"); com.args(["b"]); if release { com.arg("-r"); } if debuginfo { com.env("RUSTFLAGS", "-Cdebug-assertions=true"); } if target == Target::Riscv64Virt { com.args(["--target", "targets/riscv64-virt-ableos.json"]); } if target == Target::Aarch64 { com.args(["--target", "targets/aarch64-virt-ableos.json"]); } if target == Target::X86_64Avx2 { com.args(["--target", "targets/x86_64_v3-ableos.json"]); } match com.status() { Ok(s) if s.code() != Some(0) => bail!(Error::Build), Err(e) => bail!(report!(e).change_context(Error::Build)), _ => (), } let mut path: String = "kernel".to_string(); let kernel_dir = match target { Target::X86_64 => { path.push_str("_x86-64"); "target/x86_64-ableos" } Target::X86_64Avx2 => { path.push_str("_x86-64"); "target/x86_64_v3-ableos" } Target::Riscv64Virt => "target/riscv64-virt-ableos", Target::Aarch64 => { path.push_str("_aarch64"); "target/aarch64-virt-ableos" } }; (|| -> std::io::Result<_> { io::copy( &mut File::open( Path::new(kernel_dir) .join(if release { "release" } else { "debug" }) .join("kernel"), )?, &mut fs.root_dir().create_file(&path)?, ) .map(|_| ()) })() .map_err(Report::from) .change_context(Error::Io) } fn run(release: bool, target: Target, do_accel: bool) -> Result<(), Error> { let target_str = match target { Target::X86_64 | Target::X86_64Avx2 => "qemu-system-x86_64", Target::Riscv64Virt => "qemu-system-riscv64", Target::Aarch64 => "qemu-system-aarch64", }; let (mut com, mut com2) = (Command::new(target_str), Command::new(target_str)); let ovmf_path = fetch_ovmf(target); let accel = if do_accel { let supported = String::from_utf8( com2.args(["--accel", "help"]) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .unwrap() .wait_with_output() .unwrap() .stdout, ) .unwrap(); let cpuid = raw_cpuid::CpuId::new(); let vmx = cpuid.get_feature_info().unwrap().has_vmx(); let svm = cpuid.get_svm_info().is_some(); if supported.contains("kvm") && (vmx || svm) { "accel=kvm" } else if cpuid .get_processor_brand_string() .filter(|a| a.as_str() == "GenuineIntel") .is_some() && supported.contains("hax") && vmx { "accel=hax" } else if supported.contains("whpx") { "accel=whpx" } else { "accel=tcg" } } else { "accel=tcg" }; match target { Target::X86_64 | Target::X86_64Avx2 => { #[rustfmt::skip] com.args([ "-bios", &ovmf_path.change_context(Error::OvmfFetch)?, "-drive", "file=target/disk.img,format=raw", "-device", "vmware-svga", "-m", "2G", "-smp", "1", "-parallel", "none", "-monitor", "none", "-machine", accel, "-audiodev", "pa,id=speaker", "-machine", "pcspk-audiodev=speaker", "-cpu", "max", "-device", "isa-debug-exit,iobase=0xf4,iosize=0x04", ]); } Target::Riscv64Virt => { #[rustfmt::skip] com.args([ "-M", "virt", "-m", "128M", "-serial", "stdio", "-kernel", if release { "target/riscv64-virt-ableos/release/kernel" } else { "target/riscv64-virt-ableos/debug/kernel" } ]); } Target::Aarch64 => { #[rustfmt::skip] com.args([ "-M", "virt", "-cpu", "neoverse-n2", "-device", "ramfb", "-device", "qemu-xhci", "-device", "usb-kbd", "-m", "2G", "-bios", &ovmf_path.change_context(Error::OvmfFetch)?, "-drive", "file=target/disk.img,format=raw", ]); } } match com .status() .map_err(Report::from) .change_context(Error::ProcessSpawn)? { s if s.success() => Ok(()), s => Err(report!(Error::Qemu(s.code()))), } } fn fetch_ovmf(target: Target) -> Result { let (ovmf_url, ovmf_path) = match target { Target::X86_64 | Target::X86_64Avx2 => ( "https://retrage.github.io/edk2-nightly/bin/RELEASEX64_OVMF.fd", "target/RELEASEX64_OVMF.fd", ), Target::Riscv64Virt => return Err(OvmfFetchError::Empty.into()), Target::Aarch64 => ( "https://retrage.github.io/edk2-nightly/bin/RELEASEAARCH64_QEMU_EFI.fd", "target/RELEASEAARCH64_QEMU_EFI.fd", ), }; let mut file = match std::fs::metadata(ovmf_path) { Err(e) if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => std::fs::OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .write(true) .read(true) .open(ovmf_path) .map_err(Report::from) .change_context(OvmfFetchError::Io)?, Ok(_) => return Ok(ovmf_path.to_owned()), Err(e) => return Err(report!(e).change_context(OvmfFetchError::Io)), }; let mut bytes = reqwest::blocking::get(ovmf_url) .map_err(Report::from) .change_context(OvmfFetchError::Fetch)?; bytes .copy_to(&mut file) .map_err(Report::from) .change_context(OvmfFetchError::Io)?; Ok(ovmf_path.to_owned()) } #[derive(Debug, Display)] enum OvmfFetchError { #[display("Failed to fetch OVMF package")] Fetch, #[display("No OVMF package available")] Empty, #[display("IO Error")] Io, } impl Context for OvmfFetchError {} #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] enum Target { X86_64, X86_64Avx2, Riscv64Virt, Aarch64, } #[allow(unused)] #[derive(Debug, Display)] enum Error { #[display("Failed to build the kernel")] Build, #[display("Missing or invalid subcommand (available: build, run)")] InvalidSubCom, #[display("IO Error")] Io, #[display("Failed to spawn a process")] ProcessSpawn, #[display("Failed to fetch UEFI firmware")] OvmfFetch, #[display("Failed to assemble Holey Bytes code")] Assembler, #[display("QEMU Error: {}", "fmt_qemu_err(*_0)")] Qemu(Option), } impl Context for Error {} #[allow(dead_code)] fn fmt_qemu_err(e: Option) -> impl Display { struct W(Option); impl Display for W { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { if let Some(c) = self.0 { c.fmt(f) } else { f.write_str("Interrupted by signal") } } } W(e) }