This commit is contained in:
Graham Kelly 2024-08-14 18:14:20 -04:00
parent fbb61e4a94
commit 7f60265c87
2 changed files with 19 additions and 17 deletions

View file

@ -480,19 +480,22 @@ pub fn wrap(m: &mut Module) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
for i in is {
let f = waffle_funcs(m, &i,false);
let mut ss = BTreeMap::new();
for mut import in take(&mut m.imports) {
if import.module == format!("tpit/{}", i.rid_str()) {
match"~") {
Some(a) => {
if let ImportKind::Func(f) = &mut import.kind {
let p = m.signatures[m.funcs[*f].sig()].params.clone();
ss.insert(a.to_owned(), p.clone());
let p = new_sig(
SignatureData {
params: vec![Type::I32],
params: p,
returns: vec![Type::ExternRef],
let p = m.funcs.push(waffle::FuncDecl::Import(p, format!("_pit")));
if let ImportKind::Func(f) = &mut import.kind {
let s = m.funcs[*f].sig();
let o = replace(f, p);
let mut b = FunctionBody::new(&m, s);
@ -607,8 +610,8 @@ pub fn wrap(m: &mut Module) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let p = new_sig(
SignatureData {
params: vec![Type::I32]
returns: p.returns.into_iter().collect(),

View file

@ -88,11 +88,8 @@ pub fn emit<U: AsRef<Instance> + 'static, E: WasmEngine>(
&mut *ctx,
FuncType::new(once(ValueType::I32), once(ValueType::ExternRef)),
move |mut ctx, args, rets| {
let Value::I32(a) = &args[0] else {
anyhow::bail!("invalid type");
let i =;
let object = Wrapped::new(*a as u32, rid.clone(),t.to_owned(), i, ctx.as_context_mut());
let object = Wrapped::new(args.to_owned(), rid.clone(),t.to_owned(), i, ctx.as_context_mut());
rets[0] = Value::ExternRef(Some(ExternRef::new(ctx, object)));
@ -109,7 +106,7 @@ pub struct Wrapped<U: 'static, E: wasm_runtime_layer::backend::WasmEngine> {
impl<U: 'static, E: wasm_runtime_layer::backend::WasmEngine> Wrapped<U,E> {
pub fn new(
base: u32,
base: Vec<wasm_runtime_layer::Value>,
rid: Arc<Interface>,
rs: String,
instance: ::wasm_runtime_layer::Instance,
@ -123,13 +120,14 @@ impl<U: 'static, E: wasm_runtime_layer::backend::WasmEngine> Wrapped<U,E> {
let instance2 = instance.clone();
// let ctx2 = ctx.clone();
let rs2 = rs.clone();
let base2 = base.clone();
return Self {
rid: rid.clone(),
all: once(
Arc::new(move |mut ctx:StoreContextMut<'_,U,E>,vals: Vec<Value>| -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Value>> {
// let _ = &ctx2;
// let mut b = ctx2.base.lock().unwrap();
let vals: Vec<_> = vec![Value::I32(base as i32)]
let vals: Vec<_> = base.clone()
@ -150,10 +148,11 @@ impl<U: 'static, E: wasm_runtime_layer::backend::WasmEngine> Wrapped<U,E> {
let b = Arc::new(b.clone());
// let ctx = ctx.clone();
let rs = rs.clone();
let base = base2.clone();
(Arc::new(move |mut ctx:StoreContextMut<'_,U,E>,vals: Vec<Value>| -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Value>> {
// let _ = &ctx;
// let mut bi = ctx.base.lock().unwrap();
let vals: Vec<_> = vec![Value::I32(base as i32)]
let vals: Vec<_> = base.clone()