//! Localification: a simple form of register allocation that picks //! locations for SSA values in Wasm locals. use crate::backend::treeify::Trees; use crate::cfg::CFGInfo; use crate::entity::{EntityVec, PerEntity}; use crate::ir::{Block, FunctionBody, Local, Type, Value, ValueDef}; use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec}; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; #[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)] pub struct Localifier { pub values: PerEntity<Value, SmallVec<[Local; 2]>>, pub locals: EntityVec<Local, Type>, } impl Localifier { pub fn compute(body: &FunctionBody, cfg: &CFGInfo, trees: &Trees) -> Self { Context::new(body, cfg, trees).compute() } } struct Context<'a> { body: &'a FunctionBody, cfg: &'a CFGInfo, trees: &'a Trees, results: Localifier, // Affinities (blockparam value to input arg value). affinities: HashMap<Value, SmallVec<[Value; 4]>>, // Livein to each block from dominators. livein_values: PerEntity<Block, HashSet<Value>>, livein_locals: PerEntity<Block, HashSet<Local>>, } impl<'a> Context<'a> { fn new(body: &'a FunctionBody, cfg: &'a CFGInfo, trees: &'a Trees) -> Self { let mut results = Localifier::default(); // Create locals for function args. for &(ty, value) in &body.blocks[body.entry].params { let param_local = results.locals.push(ty); results.values[value] = smallvec![param_local]; } // Compute affinities. let mut affinities = HashMap::default(); for block in body.blocks.values() { block.terminator.visit_targets(|target| { for (&arg, ¶m) in target .args .iter() .zip(body.blocks[target.block].params.iter().map(|(_, val)| val)) { affinities .entry(arg) .or_insert_with(|| smallvec![]) .push(param); } }); } Self { body, cfg, trees, results, affinities, livein_values: PerEntity::default(), livein_locals: PerEntity::default(), } } fn compute(mut self) -> Localifier { // Create domtree preorder for traversal (we iterate in // reverse preorder below). let mut order = vec![]; order.push(self.body.entry); let mut i = 0; while i < order.len() { for child in self.cfg.dom_children(order[i]) { order.push(child); } i += 1; } for &block in order.iter().rev() { self.process(block); } debug_assert!(self.livein_values[self.body.entry].is_empty()); debug_assert!(self.livein_locals[self.body.entry].is_empty()); self.results } fn process(&mut self, block: Block) { let mut live_values = HashSet::new(); let mut live_locals = HashSet::new(); // Collect liveins of all dominated blocks; this is our initial live-set. for child in self.cfg.dom_children(block) { for &livein_value in &self.livein_values[child] { log::trace!( "localify: block {} gets livein value {} from block {}", block, livein_value, child ); live_values.insert(livein_value); } for &livein_local in &self.livein_locals[child] { live_locals.insert(livein_local); } } log::trace!( "localify: process block {}: liveout values {:?} locals {:?}", block, live_values, live_locals ); // For each use/def in reverse order, update live-set; on last // use (first observed), allocate a local. fn handle_use( body: &FunctionBody, cfg: &CFGInfo, block: Block, u: Value, live_values: &mut HashSet<Value>, live_locals: &mut HashSet<Local>, results: &mut Localifier, affinities: &HashMap<Value, SmallVec<[Value; 4]>>, ) { let u = body.resolve_alias(u); if live_values.insert(u) { // If there is already an allocation (e.g. for a // function parameter), return. if !results.values[u].is_empty() { return; } // Need to create an allocation. let def = &body.values[u]; match def { &ValueDef::Alias(_value) => { unreachable!(); } &ValueDef::PickOutput(value, idx, _) => { handle_use( body, cfg, block, value, live_values, live_locals, results, affinities, ); results.values[u] = smallvec![results.values[value][idx]]; } &ValueDef::BlockParam(..) | &ValueDef::Operator(..) => { // Uses from dominating blocks may be live // over a loop backedge, so for simplicity, // let's not reuse any locals for uses of // non-local defs. let can_reuse = cfg.def_block[u] == block; let locals = def .tys() .iter() .map(|&ty| { let reused = if can_reuse { // Try to find a local of the right type that is not live. let affinities = affinities.get(&u).map(|v| &v[..]).unwrap_or(&[]); let mut try_list = affinities .iter() .filter_map(|&aff_val| { let local = *results.values[aff_val].get(0)?; Some((local, results.locals[local])) }) .chain( results .locals .entries() .map(|(local, &ty)| (local, ty)), ); try_list .find(|&(local, local_ty)| { local_ty == ty && live_locals.insert(local) }) .map(|(local, _)| local) } else { None }; reused.unwrap_or_else(|| { let local = results.locals.push(ty); live_locals.insert(local); local }) }) .collect::<SmallVec<_>>(); results.values[u] = locals; } &ValueDef::Placeholder(_) | &ValueDef::None => unreachable!(), } } } fn handle_def( body: &FunctionBody, d: Value, live_values: &mut HashSet<Value>, live_locals: &mut HashSet<Local>, results: &Localifier, ) { if let ValueDef::Alias(..) = &body.values[d] { return; } if live_values.remove(&d) { for &local in &results.values[d] { live_locals.remove(&local); } } } self.body.blocks[block].terminator.visit_uses(|u| { handle_use( self.body, self.cfg, block, u, &mut live_values, &mut live_locals, &mut self.results, &self.affinities, ) }); for &inst in self.body.blocks[block].insts.iter().rev() { handle_def( self.body, inst, &mut live_values, &mut live_locals, &self.results, ); self.body.values[inst].visit_uses(|u| { // If treeified, then don't process use. if !self.trees.owner.contains_key(&u) { handle_use( self.body, self.cfg, block, u, &mut live_values, &mut live_locals, &mut self.results, &self.affinities, ) } }); } for &(_, param) in &self.body.blocks[block].params { handle_def( self.body, param, &mut live_values, &mut live_locals, &self.results, ); } log::trace!( "localify: process block {}: livein values {:?} locals {:?}", block, live_values, live_locals ); self.livein_locals[block] = live_locals; self.livein_values[block] = live_values; } }