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//! Binaryen bindings.
use crate::entity::EntityRef;
use crate::ir;
use crate::{Ieee32, Ieee64};
use anyhow::{bail, Result};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use libc::{c_char, c_void};
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
pub struct Module(BinaryenModule);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Function(BinaryenModule, BinaryenFunction);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct Expression(BinaryenModule, BinaryenExpression);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Export(BinaryenModule, BinaryenExport);
pub type BinaryenIndex = u32;
pub type BinaryenType = usize;
impl Module {
pub fn read(data: &[u8]) -> Result<Module> {
let ptr = unsafe { BinaryenModuleRead(data.as_ptr(), data.len()) };
if ptr.is_null() {
bail!("Failed to parse module");
pub fn write(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let result = unsafe { BinaryenModuleAllocateAndWrite(self.0, std::ptr::null()) };
if result.binary.is_null() {
bail!("Failed to serialize module");
let slice = unsafe {
result.binary as *const c_void as *const u8,
result.binary_bytes as usize,
pub fn num_funcs(&self) -> usize {
unsafe { BinaryenGetNumFunctions(self.0) as usize }
pub fn func(&self, index: usize) -> Function {
assert!(index < self.num_funcs());
let ptr = unsafe { BinaryenGetFunctionByIndex(self.0, index as u32) };
Function(self.0, ptr)
pub fn func_by_name(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Function> {
let c_str = CString::new(name).unwrap();
let ptr = unsafe { BinaryenGetFunction(self.0, c_str.as_ptr()) };
if !ptr.is_null() {
Some(Function(self.0, ptr))
} else {
pub fn num_exports(&self) -> usize {
unsafe { BinaryenGetNumExports(self.0) as usize }
pub fn export_by_name(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Export> {
let c_str = CString::new(name).unwrap();
let ptr = unsafe { BinaryenGetExport(self.0, c_str.as_ptr()) };
if !ptr.is_null() {
Some(Export(self.0, ptr))
} else {
pub fn export(&self, index: usize) -> Export {
assert!(index < self.num_exports());
let ptr = unsafe { BinaryenGetExportByIndex(self.0, index as u32) };
Export(self.0, ptr)
pub fn module(&self) -> BinaryenModule {
impl Drop for Module {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
impl Function {
pub fn body(&self) -> Option<Expression> {
let body = unsafe { BinaryenFunctionGetBody(self.1) };
if body.is_null() {
} else {
Some(Expression(self.0, body))
pub fn set_body(&mut self, body: Expression) {
unsafe {
BinaryenFunctionSetBody(self.0, body.1);
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
let s = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(BinaryenFunctionGetName(self.1)) };
pub fn create(
module: &mut Module,
params: impl Iterator<Item = ir::Type>,
results: impl Iterator<Item = ir::Type>,
locals: impl Iterator<Item = ir::Type>,
body: Expression,
) -> Function {
let params = tys_to_binaryen(params);
let results = tys_to_binaryen(results);
let locals: Vec<BinaryenType> = locals.map(|ty| Type::from(ty).to_binaryen()).collect();
let ptr = unsafe {
/* name = */ std::ptr::null(),
locals.len() as BinaryenIndex,
Function(module.0, ptr)
pub fn add_local(&mut self, ty: ir::Type) -> usize {
(unsafe { BinaryenFunctionAddVar(self.1, Type::from(ty).to_binaryen()) }) as usize
impl Export {
pub fn name(&self) -> &str {
let s = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(BinaryenExportGetName(self.1)) };
pub fn value(&self) -> &str {
let s = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(BinaryenExportGetValue(self.1)) };
pub fn into_function(&self, module: &Module) -> Option<Function> {
let kind = unsafe { BinaryenExportGetKind(self.1) };
if kind == unsafe { BinaryenExternalFunction() } {
let name = self.value();
} else {
struct TypeIds {
none_t: BinaryenType,
i32_t: BinaryenType,
i64_t: BinaryenType,
f32_t: BinaryenType,
f64_t: BinaryenType,
v128_t: BinaryenType,
impl TypeIds {
fn get() -> Self {
TypeIds {
none_t: unsafe { BinaryenTypeNone() },
i32_t: unsafe { BinaryenTypeInt32() },
i64_t: unsafe { BinaryenTypeInt64() },
f32_t: unsafe { BinaryenTypeFloat32() },
f64_t: unsafe { BinaryenTypeFloat64() },
v128_t: unsafe { BinaryenTypeVec128() },
lazy_static! {
static ref TYPE_IDS: TypeIds = TypeIds::get();
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum Type {
impl Type {
fn from_binaryen(kind: BinaryenType) -> Option<Type> {
let tys = &*TYPE_IDS;
if kind == tys.none_t {
} else if kind == tys.i32_t {
} else if kind == tys.i64_t {
} else if kind == tys.f32_t {
} else if kind == tys.f64_t {
} else {
pub(crate) fn to_binaryen(&self) -> BinaryenType {
let tys = &*TYPE_IDS;
match self {
&Type::None => tys.none_t,
&Type::I32 => tys.i32_t,
&Type::I64 => tys.i64_t,
&Type::F32 => tys.f32_t,
&Type::F64 => tys.f64_t,
&Type::V128 => tys.v128_t,
impl From<ir::Type> for Type {
fn from(ty: ir::Type) -> Self {
match ty {
ir::Type::I32 => Type::I32,
ir::Type::I64 => Type::I64,
ir::Type::F32 => Type::F32,
ir::Type::F64 => Type::F64,
ir::Type::V128 => Type::V128,
_ => unimplemented!(),
pub fn tys_to_binaryen(tys: impl Iterator<Item = ir::Type>) -> BinaryenType {
let tys: Vec<BinaryenType> = tys.map(|ty| Type::from(ty).to_binaryen()).collect();
unsafe { BinaryenTypeCreate(tys.as_ptr(), tys.len() as BinaryenIndex) }
fn name_to_string(name: *const c_char) -> Option<String> {
if name.is_null() {
} else {
Some(unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(name).to_str().unwrap().to_string() })
impl Expression {
pub fn ty(&self) -> Type {
Type::from_binaryen(unsafe { BinaryenExpressionGetType(self.1) }).unwrap()
pub fn deep_clone(&self) -> Self {
Expression(self.0, unsafe { BinaryenExpressionCopy(self.0, self.1) })
pub fn module(&self) -> BinaryenModule {
pub fn block(module: &Module, exprs: &[Expression]) -> Expression {
let children = exprs.iter().map(|expr| expr.1).collect::<Vec<_>>();
Expression(module.0, unsafe {
/* name = */ std::ptr::null(),
children.len() as BinaryenIndex,
pub fn block_append_child(&mut self, child: Expression) {
unsafe {
BinaryenBlockAppendChild(self.1, child.1);
pub fn nop(module: &Module) -> Expression {
Expression(module.0, unsafe { BinaryenNop(module.0) })
pub fn unreachable(module: &Module) -> Expression {
Expression(module.0, unsafe { BinaryenUnreachable(module.0) })
pub fn call(
module: &Module,
func: ir::Func,
args: &[Expression],
tys: &[ir::Type],
) -> Expression {
// Look up the function's name.
let func_name = unsafe {
func.index() as BinaryenIndex,
// Create the appropriate type for return.
let ret_tuple_ty = tys_to_binaryen(tys.iter().copied());
let args = args.iter().map(|expr| expr.1).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let expr = unsafe {
args.len() as BinaryenIndex,
Expression(module.0, expr)
pub fn call_indirect(
module: &Module,
table: ir::Table,
sig: &ir::SignatureData,
target: Expression,
args: &[Expression],
) -> Expression {
let param_tuple_ty = tys_to_binaryen(sig.params.iter().copied());
let ret_tuple_ty = tys_to_binaryen(sig.returns.iter().copied());
let args = args.iter().map(|expr| expr.1).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let table_name = unsafe {
table.index() as BinaryenIndex,
let expr = unsafe {
args.len() as BinaryenIndex,
Expression(module.0, expr)
pub fn local_get(module: &Module, local: ir::Local, ty: ir::Type) -> Expression {
let local = local.index() as BinaryenIndex;
let ty = Type::from(ty).to_binaryen();
let expr = unsafe { BinaryenLocalGet(module.0, local, ty) };
Expression(module.0, expr)
pub fn local_set(module: &Module, local: ir::Local, value: Expression) -> Expression {
let local = local.index() as BinaryenIndex;
let expr = unsafe { BinaryenLocalSet(module.0, local, value.1) };
Expression(module.0, expr)
pub fn local_tee(
module: &Module,
local: ir::Local,
value: Expression,
ty: ir::Type,
) -> Expression {
let local = local.index() as BinaryenIndex;
let ty = Type::from(ty).to_binaryen();
let expr = unsafe { BinaryenLocalTee(module.0, local, value.1, ty) };
Expression(module.0, expr)
pub fn global_get(module: &Module, global: ir::Global, ty: ir::Type) -> Expression {
let global = global.index() as BinaryenIndex;
let ty = Type::from(ty).to_binaryen();
let expr = unsafe { BinaryenGlobalGet(module.0, global, ty) };
Expression(module.0, expr)
pub fn global_set(module: &Module, global: ir::Global, value: Expression) -> Expression {
let global = global.index() as BinaryenIndex;
let expr = unsafe { BinaryenGlobalSet(module.0, global, value.1) };
Expression(module.0, expr)
pub fn select(
module: &Module,
cond: Expression,
if_true: Expression,
if_false: Expression,
ty: ir::Type,
) -> Expression {
let ty = Type::from(ty).to_binaryen();
let expr = unsafe { BinaryenSelect(module.0, cond.1, if_true.1, if_false.1, ty) };
Expression(module.0, expr)
pub fn expr_drop(module: &Module, value: Expression) -> Expression {
Expression(module.0, unsafe { BinaryenDrop(module.0, value.1) })
pub fn ret(module: &Module, values: &[Expression]) -> Expression {
let expr = if values.len() == 0 {
unsafe { BinaryenReturn(module.0, std::ptr::null()) }
} else if values.len() == 1 {
unsafe { BinaryenReturn(module.0, values[0].1) }
} else {
let exprs = values.iter().map(|e| e.1).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let tuple = unsafe {
BinaryenTupleMake(module.0, exprs.as_ptr(), exprs.len() as BinaryenIndex)
unsafe { BinaryenReturn(module.0, tuple) }
Expression(module.0, expr)
pub fn load(
module: &Module,
bytes: u8,
signed: bool,
offset: u32,
align: u32,
ty: ir::Type,
ptr: Expression,
mem: ir::Memory,
) -> Expression {
assert_eq!(mem.index(), 0);
let ty = Type::from(ty).to_binaryen();
let expr =
unsafe { BinaryenLoad(module.0, bytes as u32, signed, offset, align, ty, ptr.1) };
Expression(module.0, expr)
pub fn store(
module: &Module,
bytes: u8,
offset: u32,
align: u32,
ty: ir::Type,
ptr: Expression,
value: Expression,
mem: ir::Memory,
) -> Expression {
assert_eq!(mem.index(), 0);
let ty = Type::from(ty).to_binaryen();
let expr =
unsafe { BinaryenStore(module.0, bytes as u32, offset, align, ptr.1, value.1, ty) };
Expression(module.0, expr)
pub fn const_i32(module: &Module, value: i32) -> Expression {
let expr = unsafe { BinaryenConst(module.0, BinaryenLiteralInt32(value)) };
Expression(module.0, expr)
pub fn const_i64(module: &Module, value: i64) -> Expression {
let expr = unsafe { BinaryenConst(module.0, BinaryenLiteralInt64(value)) };
Expression(module.0, expr)
pub fn const_f32(module: &Module, value: Ieee32) -> Expression {
let expr =
unsafe { BinaryenConst(module.0, BinaryenLiteralFloat32Bits(value.bits() as i32)) };
Expression(module.0, expr)
pub fn const_f64(module: &Module, value: Ieee64) -> Expression {
let expr =
unsafe { BinaryenConst(module.0, BinaryenLiteralFloat64Bits(value.bits() as i64)) };
Expression(module.0, expr)
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum UnaryOp {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum BinaryOp {
struct OpIds {
i32_add: u32,
i32_sub: u32,
i32_shl: u32,
i32_shr_u: u32,
i32_shr_s: u32,
impl OpIds {
fn get() -> Self {
OpIds {
i32_add: unsafe { BinaryenAddInt32() },
i32_sub: unsafe { BinaryenSubInt32() },
i32_shl: unsafe { BinaryenShlInt32() },
i32_shr_u: unsafe { BinaryenShrUInt32() },
i32_shr_s: unsafe { BinaryenShrSInt32() },
lazy_static! {
static ref OP_IDS: OpIds = OpIds::get();
impl UnaryOp {
fn from_binaryen(kind: u32) -> UnaryOp {
impl BinaryOp {
fn from_binaryen(kind: u32) -> BinaryOp {
let ids = &*OP_IDS;
if kind == ids.i32_add {
} else if kind == ids.i32_sub {
} else if kind == ids.i32_shl {
} else if kind == ids.i32_shr_s {
} else if kind == ids.i32_shr_u {
} else {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub enum Value {
pub type BinaryenModule = *const c_void;
type BinaryenFunction = *const c_void;
type BinaryenExpression = *const c_void;
type BinaryenExport = *const c_void;
type BinaryenRelooper = *const c_void;
type BinaryenRelooperBlock = *const c_void;
type BinaryenTable = *const c_void;
struct BinaryenModuleAllocateAndWriteResult {
binary: *mut c_void,
binary_bytes: libc::size_t,
source_map: *mut c_char,
impl Drop for BinaryenModuleAllocateAndWriteResult {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
libc::free(self.source_map as *mut c_void);
pub struct Relooper(BinaryenModule, BinaryenRelooper);
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct RelooperBlock(BinaryenRelooperBlock);
impl Relooper {
pub fn new(module: &Module) -> Relooper {
let ptr = unsafe { RelooperCreate(module.0) };
Relooper(module.0, ptr)
pub fn construct(self, entry: RelooperBlock, index_var: usize) -> Expression {
let module = self.0;
let expr = unsafe { RelooperRenderAndDispose(self.1, entry.0, index_var as BinaryenIndex) };
Expression(module, expr)
pub fn add_block(&mut self, expr: Expression) -> RelooperBlock {
RelooperBlock(unsafe { RelooperAddBlock(self.1, expr.1) })
pub fn add_block_with_switch(&mut self, expr: Expression, sel: Expression) -> RelooperBlock {
RelooperBlock(unsafe { RelooperAddBlockWithSwitch(self.1, expr.1, sel.1) })
impl RelooperBlock {
pub fn cond_branch(&self, to: RelooperBlock, cond: Expression, edge: Expression) {
unsafe {
RelooperAddBranch(self.0, to.0, cond.1, edge.1);
pub fn branch(&self, to: RelooperBlock, edge: Expression) {
unsafe {
RelooperAddBranch(self.0, to.0, std::ptr::null(), edge.1);
pub fn switch(&self, to: RelooperBlock, edge: Expression, indices: &[BinaryenIndex]) {
unsafe {
indices.len() as BinaryenIndex,
impl Drop for Relooper {
fn drop(&mut self) {
panic!("Relooper dropped without constructing/disposing");
#[link(name = "binaryen")]
extern "C" {
fn BinaryenModuleRead(data: *const u8, len: usize) -> BinaryenModule;
fn BinaryenModuleDispose(ptr: BinaryenModule);
fn BinaryenModuleAllocateAndWrite(
ptr: BinaryenModule,
sourceMapUrl: *const c_char,
) -> BinaryenModuleAllocateAndWriteResult;
fn BinaryenGetNumFunctions(ptr: BinaryenModule) -> u32;
fn BinaryenGetFunctionByIndex(ptr: BinaryenModule, index: u32) -> BinaryenFunction;
fn BinaryenGetFunction(ptr: BinaryenModule, name: *const c_char) -> BinaryenFunction;
fn BinaryenFunctionGetBody(ptr: BinaryenFunction) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenFunctionSetBody(ptr: BinaryenFunction, body: BinaryenExpression);
fn BinaryenFunctionGetName(ptr: BinaryenFunction) -> *const c_char;
fn BinaryenFunctionAddVar(ptr: BinaryenFunction, ty: BinaryenType) -> BinaryenIndex;
fn BinaryenGetExport(ptr: BinaryenModule, name: *const c_char) -> BinaryenExport;
fn BinaryenGetNumExports(ptr: BinaryenModule) -> u32;
fn BinaryenGetExportByIndex(ptr: BinaryenModule, index: u32) -> BinaryenExport;
fn BinaryenExportGetName(ptr: BinaryenFunction) -> *const c_char;
fn BinaryenExportGetValue(ptr: BinaryenFunction) -> *const c_char;
fn BinaryenExportGetKind(ptr: BinaryenFunction) -> u32;
fn BinaryenExternalFunction() -> u32;
fn BinaryenGetTableByIndex(ptr: BinaryenModule, index: BinaryenIndex) -> BinaryenTable;
fn BinaryenTableGetName(table: BinaryenTable) -> *const c_char;
fn BinaryenExpressionGetId(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> u32;
fn BinaryenExpressionGetType(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenType;
fn BinaryenExpressionCopy(
ptr: BinaryenExpression,
module: BinaryenModule,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenConstGetValueI32(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> i32;
fn BinaryenConstGetValueI64(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> i64;
fn BinaryenConstGetValueF32(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> f32;
fn BinaryenConstGetValueF64(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> f64;
fn BinaryenBlockGetNumChildren(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> u32;
fn BinaryenBlockGetChildAt(ptr: BinaryenExpression, index: u32) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenBlockGetName(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> *const c_char;
fn BinaryenBlockAppendChild(
ptr: BinaryenExpression,
child: BinaryenExpression,
) -> BinaryenIndex;
fn BinaryenLoopGetBody(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenLoopGetName(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> *const c_char;
fn BinaryenIfGetCondition(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenIfGetIfTrue(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenIfGetIfFalse(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenBreakGetName(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> *const c_char;
fn BinaryenBreakGetValue(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenDropGetValue(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenSwitchGetNumNames(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> u32;
fn BinaryenSwitchGetNameAt(ptr: BinaryenExpression, index: u32) -> *const c_char;
fn BinaryenSwitchGetDefaultName(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> *const c_char;
fn BinaryenSwitchGetCondition(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenSwitchGetValue(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenCallGetTarget(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> *const c_char;
fn BinaryenCallGetNumOperands(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> u32;
fn BinaryenCallGetOperandAt(ptr: BinaryenExpression, index: u32) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenCallIndirectGetTarget(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenCallIndirectGetNumOperands(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> u32;
fn BinaryenCallIndirectGetOperandAt(ptr: BinaryenExpression, index: u32) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenLocalGetGetIndex(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> u32;
fn BinaryenLocalSetGetIndex(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> u32;
fn BinaryenLocalSetGetValue(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenGlobalGetGetName(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> *const c_char;
fn BinaryenGlobalSetGetName(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> *const c_char;
fn BinaryenGlobalSetGetValue(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenTableGetGetTable(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> *const c_char;
fn BinaryenTableGetGetIndex(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenTableSetGetTable(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> *const c_char;
fn BinaryenTableSetGetIndex(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenTableSetGetValue(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenLoadGetPtr(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenLoadGetOffset(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> u32;
fn BinaryenStoreGetPtr(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenStoreGetValue(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenStoreGetOffset(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> u32;
fn BinaryenUnaryGetOp(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> u32;
fn BinaryenUnaryGetValue(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenBinaryGetOp(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> u32;
fn BinaryenBinaryGetLeft(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenBinaryGetRight(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenSelectGetIfTrue(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenSelectGetIfFalse(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenSelectGetCondition(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenReturnGetValue(ptr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenGetNumMemorySegments(module: BinaryenModule) -> u32;
fn BinaryenGetMemorySegmentByteOffset(module: BinaryenModule, index: u32) -> u32;
fn BinaryenGetMemorySegmentByteLength(module: BinaryenModule, index: u32) -> usize;
fn BinaryenCopyMemorySegmentData(module: BinaryenModule, index: u32, buffer: *mut u8);
fn BinaryenTypeNone() -> BinaryenType;
fn BinaryenTypeInt32() -> BinaryenType;
fn BinaryenTypeInt64() -> BinaryenType;
fn BinaryenTypeFloat32() -> BinaryenType;
fn BinaryenTypeFloat64() -> BinaryenType;
fn BinaryenTypeVec128() -> BinaryenType;
fn BinaryenTypeCreate(tys: *const BinaryenType, n_tys: BinaryenIndex) -> BinaryenType;
fn BinaryenAddInt32() -> u32;
fn BinaryenSubInt32() -> u32;
fn BinaryenShlInt32() -> u32;
fn BinaryenShrUInt32() -> u32;
fn BinaryenShrSInt32() -> u32;
fn BinaryenConst(module: BinaryenModule, lit: BinaryenLiteral) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenUnreachable(module: BinaryenModule) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenNop(module: BinaryenModule) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenLocalGet(
module: BinaryenModule,
local: BinaryenIndex,
ty: BinaryenType,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenLocalSet(
module: BinaryenModule,
local: BinaryenIndex,
value: BinaryenExpression,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenLocalTee(
module: BinaryenModule,
local: BinaryenIndex,
value: BinaryenExpression,
ty: BinaryenType,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenGlobalGet(
module: BinaryenModule,
local: BinaryenIndex,
ty: BinaryenType,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenGlobalSet(
module: BinaryenModule,
local: BinaryenIndex,
value: BinaryenExpression,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenSelect(
module: BinaryenModule,
cond: BinaryenExpression,
if_true: BinaryenExpression,
if_false: BinaryenExpression,
ty: BinaryenType,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenBlock(
module: BinaryenModule,
name: *const c_char,
children: *const BinaryenExpression,
n_children: BinaryenIndex,
ty: BinaryenType,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenTupleMake(
module: BinaryenModule,
operands: *const BinaryenExpression,
n_operands: BinaryenIndex,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenReturn(module: BinaryenModule, expr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenDrop(module: BinaryenModule, expr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenUnary(
module: BinaryenModule,
op: BinaryenOp,
arg: BinaryenExpression,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenBinary(
module: BinaryenModule,
op: BinaryenOp,
left: BinaryenExpression,
right: BinaryenExpression,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenCall(
module: BinaryenModule,
target: *const c_char,
operands: *const BinaryenExpression,
n_operands: BinaryenIndex,
ret_type: BinaryenType,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenCallIndirect(
module: BinaryenModule,
table: *const c_char,
target: BinaryenExpression,
operands: *const BinaryenExpression,
n_operands: BinaryenIndex,
param_type: BinaryenType,
ret_type: BinaryenType,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenLoad(
module: BinaryenModule,
bytes: u32,
signed: bool,
offset: u32,
align: u32,
ty: BinaryenType,
ptr: BinaryenExpression,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenStore(
module: BinaryenModule,
bytes: u32,
offset: u32,
align: u32,
ptr: BinaryenExpression,
value: BinaryenExpression,
ty: BinaryenType,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenMemorySize(module: BinaryenModule) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenMemoryGrow(module: BinaryenModule, expr: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn BinaryenAddFunc(
module: BinaryenModule,
name: *const c_char,
params: BinaryenType,
results: BinaryenType,
vars: *const BinaryenType,
n_vars: BinaryenIndex,
body: BinaryenExpression,
) -> BinaryenFunction;
fn BinaryenUndefined() -> BinaryenType;
fn BinaryenLiteralInt32(x: i32) -> BinaryenLiteral;
fn BinaryenLiteralInt64(x: i64) -> BinaryenLiteral;
fn BinaryenLiteralFloat32Bits(x: i32) -> BinaryenLiteral;
fn BinaryenLiteralFloat64Bits(x: i64) -> BinaryenLiteral;
fn RelooperCreate(module: BinaryenModule) -> BinaryenRelooper;
fn RelooperRenderAndDispose(
r: BinaryenRelooper,
entry: BinaryenRelooperBlock,
labelVar: BinaryenIndex,
) -> BinaryenExpression;
fn RelooperAddBlock(r: BinaryenRelooper, code: BinaryenExpression) -> BinaryenRelooperBlock;
fn RelooperAddBranch(
from: BinaryenRelooperBlock,
to: BinaryenRelooperBlock,
cond: BinaryenExpression,
edge_code: BinaryenExpression,
fn RelooperAddBlockWithSwitch(
r: BinaryenRelooper,
code: BinaryenExpression,
selector: BinaryenExpression,
) -> BinaryenRelooperBlock;
fn RelooperAddBranchForSwitch(
from: BinaryenRelooperBlock,
to: BinaryenRelooperBlock,
indices: *const BinaryenIndex,
n_indices: BinaryenIndex,
edge_code: BinaryenExpression,
struct BinaryenLiteral {
_pad0: usize,
_pad1: [u8; 16],
type BinaryenOp = i32;