2024-05-12 10:21:36 -04:00

121 lines
4.4 KiB

use libfuzzer_sys::fuzz_target;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicU64, Ordering};
use waffle::{FrontendOptions, Module, OptOptions};
fuzz_target!(|module: waffle::fuzzing::ArbitraryModule| {
let module = module.0;
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
log::debug!("original module: {:?}", module);
let orig_bytes = module.to_bytes();
if waffle::fuzzing::reject(&orig_bytes[..]) {
log::debug!("Discarding fuzz run. Body:\n{:?}", module);
} else {
log::info!("body: {:?}", module);
let mut config = wasmtime::Config::default();
let engine = wasmtime::Engine::new(&config).unwrap();
let orig_module =
wasmtime::Module::new(&engine, &orig_bytes[..]).expect("failed to parse original wasm");
let mut orig_store = wasmtime::Store::new(&engine, ());
let orig_instance = wasmtime::Instance::new(&mut orig_store, &orig_module, &[]);
let orig_instance = match orig_instance {
Ok(orig_instance) => orig_instance,
Err(e) => {
log::info!("cannot run start on orig intsance ({:?}); discarding", e);
let mut parsed_module =
Module::from_wasm_bytes(&orig_bytes[..], &FrontendOptions::default()).unwrap();
parsed_module.per_func_body(|body| body.optimize(&OptOptions::default()));
let roundtrip_bytes = parsed_module.to_wasm_bytes().unwrap();
if let Ok(filename) = std::env::var("FUZZ_DUMP_WASM") {
std::fs::write(format!("{}_orig.wasm", filename), &orig_bytes[..]).unwrap();
std::fs::write(format!("{}_roundtrip.wasm", filename), &roundtrip_bytes[..]).unwrap();
let total = TOTAL.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let roundtrip_module = wasmtime::Module::new(&engine, &roundtrip_bytes[..])
.expect("failed to parse roundtripped wasm");
let mut roundtrip_store = wasmtime::Store::new(&engine, ());
// After roundtrip, fuel consumption rate may differ. That's fine;
// what matters is that it terminated above without a trap (hence
// halts in a reasonable time).
let roundtrip_instance = wasmtime::Instance::new(&mut roundtrip_store, &roundtrip_module, &[])
.expect("cannot instantiate roundtripped wasm");
// Ensure exports are equal.
let a_globals: Vec<_> = orig_instance
.exports(&mut orig_store)
.filter_map(|e| e.into_global())
let a_globals: Vec<wasmtime::Val> = a_globals
.map(|g| g.get(&mut orig_store))
let a_mems: Vec<wasmtime::Memory> = orig_instance
.exports(&mut orig_store)
.filter_map(|e| e.into_memory())
let b_globals: Vec<_> = roundtrip_instance
.exports(&mut roundtrip_store)
.filter_map(|e| e.into_global())
let b_globals: Vec<wasmtime::Val> = b_globals
.map(|g| g.get(&mut roundtrip_store))
let b_mems: Vec<wasmtime::Memory> = roundtrip_instance
.exports(&mut roundtrip_store)
.filter_map(|e| e.into_memory())
log::info!("a_globals = {:?}", a_globals);
log::info!("b_globals = {:?}", b_globals);
assert_eq!(a_globals.len(), b_globals.len());
for (a, b) in a_globals.into_iter().zip(b_globals.into_iter()) {
match (a, b) {
(wasmtime::Val::I32(a), wasmtime::Val::I32(b)) => assert_eq!(a, b),
(wasmtime::Val::I64(a), wasmtime::Val::I64(b)) => assert_eq!(a, b),
(wasmtime::Val::F32(a), wasmtime::Val::F32(b)) => assert_eq!(a, b),
(wasmtime::Val::F64(a), wasmtime::Val::F64(b)) => assert_eq!(a, b),
_ => panic!("mismatching types"),
assert_eq!(a_mems.len(), b_mems.len());
for (a, b) in a_mems.into_iter().zip(b_mems.into_iter()) {
let a_data = a.data(&orig_store);
let b_data = b.data(&roundtrip_store);
assert_eq!(a_data, b_data);
static TOTAL: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0);
static SUCCESS: AtomicU64 = AtomicU64::new(0);
fn success(total: u64) {
let value = SUCCESS.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
if value % 100 == 0 {
eprintln!("SUCCESS: {} / TOTAL: {}", value, total);