use glam::vec4; use hui::{ size, rect_frame, color, element::{ container::Container, progress_bar::ProgressBar, text::Text, UiElementExt }, frame::RectFrame, layout::Alignment, rect::Corners, text::FontHandle }; #[path = "../"] #[macro_use] mod boilerplate; ui_main!( "hUI: Loading screen demo", init: |ui| { let font = ui.add_font(include_bytes!("../assets/blink/Blink-ynYZ.otf")); ui.push_font(font); (std::time::Instant::now(),) }, run: |ui, size, (instant,)| { // Background color (gradient) Container::default() .with_size(size!(100%)) .with_background(Corners { top_left: vec4(0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 1.), top_right: vec4(0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 1.), bottom_left: vec4(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 1.), bottom_right: vec4(0.5, 0.4, 0.4, 1.), }) .add_root(ui, size); // Loading text in the bottom right corner Container::default() .with_size(size!(100%)) .with_align(Alignment::End) .with_padding(20.) .with_children(|ui| { Container::default() .with_padding((10., 15.)) .with_background(rect_frame! { color: (0., 0., 0., 0.5), corner_radius: 8., }) .with_children(|ui| { let flash = 1. - 0.5 * (4. * instant.elapsed().as_secs_f32()).sin().powi(2); Text::default() .with_text("Loading...") .with_color((1., 1., 1., flash)) .with_text_size(24) .add_child(ui); }) .add_child(ui); }) .add_root(ui, size); // Did you know? box in the center Container::default() .with_size(size!(100%)) .with_align(Alignment::Center) .with_children(|ui| { Container::default() .with_align((Alignment::Center, Alignment::Begin)) .with_padding(15.) .with_gap(10.) .with_background(rect_frame! { color: (0., 0., 0., 0.5), corner_radius: 8., }) .with_children(|ui| { Text::default() .with_text("Did you know?") .with_text_size(18) .add_child(ui); Text::default() .with_text("You can die by jumping into the spike pit! :D\nCheck out the tutorial section for more tips.") .with_text_size(24) .with_font(FontHandle::default()) .add_child(ui); }) .add_child(ui); }) .add_root(ui, size); // Progress bar at the bottom Container::default() .with_size(size!(100%)) .with_align((Alignment::Center, Alignment::End)) .with_children(|ui| { ProgressBar::default() .with_value((instant.elapsed().as_secs_f32() * 0.1) % 1.) .with_size(size!(100%, 5)) .with_background((0., 0., 0., 0.5)) .with_foreground(color::DARK_GREEN) .add_child(ui); }) .add_root(ui, size); // Player XP and level (mock) in the top right corner Container::default() .with_size(size!(100%)) .with_align((Alignment::End, Alignment::Begin)) .with_padding(20.) .with_children(|ui| { Container::default() .with_padding(10.) .with_background(rect_frame!{ color: (0., 0., 0., 0.5), corner_radius: 8., }) .with_children(|ui| { Text::default() .with_text("Level 5") .with_text_size(24) .add_child(ui); Text::default() .with_text("XP: 1234 / 5000") .with_text_size(18) .with_font(FontHandle::default()) .add_child(ui); }) .add_child(ui); }) .add_root(ui, size); } );