use crate::{IfModified, text::{TextRenderer, FontHandle}}; use std::borrow::Cow; use fontdue::layout::{Layout, CoordinateSystem, TextStyle}; use glam::{Vec2, Vec4, vec2}; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum UiDrawCommand { ///Filled, colored rectangle Rectangle { ///Position in pixels position: Vec2, ///Size in pixels size: Vec2, ///Color (RGBA) color: Vec4, }, Text { ///Position in pixels position: Vec2, ///Font size size: u8, ///Color (RGBA) color: Vec4, ///Text to draw text: Cow<'static, str>, ///Font handle to use font: FontHandle, }, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct UiDrawCommands { pub commands: Vec, } impl UiDrawCommands { pub fn add(&mut self, command: UiDrawCommand) { self.commands.push(command); } } // impl UiDrawCommands { // pub fn compare(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { // // if self.commands.len() != other.commands.len() { return false } // // self.commands.iter().zip(other.commands.iter()).all(|(a, b)| a == b) // } // } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum BindTexture { FontTexture, //UserDefined(usize), } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct UiVertex { pub position: Vec2, pub color: Vec4, pub uv: Vec2, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct UiDrawCall { pub vertices: Vec, pub indices: Vec, pub bind_texture: Option, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct UiDrawPlan { pub calls: Vec } struct CallSwapper { calls: Vec, call: UiDrawCall, } impl CallSwapper { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { calls: vec![], call: UiDrawCall::default(), } } pub fn current(&self) -> &UiDrawCall { & } pub fn current_mut(&mut self) -> &mut UiDrawCall { &mut } pub fn swap(&mut self) { self.calls.push(std::mem::take(&mut; } pub fn finish(mut self) -> Vec { self.calls.push(; self.calls } } impl UiDrawPlan { pub fn build(draw_commands: &UiDrawCommands, tr: &mut TextRenderer) -> Self { let mut swapper = CallSwapper::new(); let mut prev_command = None; for command in &draw_commands.commands { let do_swap = if let Some(prev_command) = prev_command { std::mem::discriminant(prev_command) != std::mem::discriminant(command) } else { false }; if do_swap { swapper.swap(); } if do_swap || prev_command.is_none() { match command { UiDrawCommand::Rectangle { .. } => (), UiDrawCommand::Text { .. } => { swapper.current_mut().bind_texture = Some(BindTexture::FontTexture); } } } match command { UiDrawCommand::Rectangle { position, size, color } => { let vidx = swapper.current().vertices.len() as u32; swapper.current_mut().indices.extend([vidx, vidx + 1, vidx + 2, vidx, vidx + 2, vidx + 3]); swapper.current_mut().vertices.extend([ UiVertex { position: *position, color: *color, uv: vec2(0.0, 0.0), }, UiVertex { position: *position + vec2(size.x, 0.0), color: *color, uv: vec2(1.0, 0.0), }, UiVertex { position: *position + *size, color: *color, uv: vec2(1.0, 1.0), }, UiVertex { position: *position + vec2(0.0, size.y), color: *color, uv: vec2(0.0, 1.0), }, ]); }, UiDrawCommand::Text { position, size, color, text, font } => { //XXX: should we be doing this every time? let mut layout = Layout::new(CoordinateSystem::PositiveYDown); layout.append( &[tr.internal_font(*font)], &TextStyle::new(text, *size as f32, 0) ); let glyphs = layout.glyphs(); //let mut rpos_x = 0.; for layout_glyph in glyphs { if !layout_glyph.char_data.rasterize() { continue } let vidx = swapper.current().vertices.len() as u32; let glyph = tr.glyph(*font, layout_glyph.parent, layout_glyph.key.px as u8); //rpos_x += glyph.metrics.advance_width;//glyph.metrics.advance_width; swapper.current_mut().indices.extend([vidx, vidx + 1, vidx + 2, vidx, vidx + 2, vidx + 3]); let p0x = glyph.position.x as f32 / 1024.; let p1x = (glyph.position.x + glyph.size.x as i32) as f32 / 1024.; let p0y = glyph.position.y as f32 / 1024.; let p1y = (glyph.position.y + glyph.size.y as i32) as f32 / 1024.; swapper.current_mut().vertices.extend([ UiVertex { position: *position + vec2(layout_glyph.x, layout_glyph.y), color: *color, uv: vec2(p0x, p0y), }, UiVertex { position: *position + vec2(layout_glyph.x + glyph.metrics.width as f32, layout_glyph.y), color: *color, uv: vec2(p1x, p0y), }, UiVertex { position: *position + vec2(layout_glyph.x + glyph.metrics.width as f32, layout_glyph.y + glyph.metrics.height as f32), color: *color, uv: vec2(p1x, p1y), }, UiVertex { position: *position + vec2(layout_glyph.x, layout_glyph.y + glyph.metrics.height as f32), color: *color, uv: vec2(p0x, p1y), }, ]); } } } prev_command = Some(command); } Self { calls: swapper.finish() } } } impl IfModified for (bool, &UiDrawPlan) { fn if_modified(&self) -> Option<&UiDrawPlan> { match self.0 { true => Some(self.1), false => None, } } }