use anyhow::{Result, bail}; use std::{ net::{UdpSocket, SocketAddr}, time::{Instant, Duration}, marker::PhantomData, collections::{VecDeque, vec_deque::Drain as DrainDeque}, io::ErrorKind, }; use bincode::{Encode, Decode}; use crate::{ BINCODE_CONFIG, packet::{ClientPacket, IdClientPacket, IdServerPacket, ServerPacket}, common::ClientId }; #[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum DisconnectReason { #[default] NotConnected, ClientDisconnected, KickedByServer(Option), Timeout, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ClientStatus { Disconnected, Connecting, Connected, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct ClientConfig { pub timeout: Duration, pub heartbeat_interval: Duration, } impl Default for ClientConfig { fn default() -> Self { Self { timeout: Duration::from_secs(5), heartbeat_interval: Duration::from_secs(3), } } } pub enum ClientEvent where T: Encode + Decode { Connected(ClientId), Disconnected(DisconnectReason), MessageReceived(T) } pub struct Client where S: Encode + Decode, R: Encode + Decode { pub config: ClientConfig, addr: SocketAddr, socket: UdpSocket, status: ClientStatus, timeout: Instant, last_heartbeat: Instant, client_id: Option, disconnect_reason: DisconnectReason, event_queue: VecDeque>, _s: PhantomData, } impl Client where S: Encode + Decode, R: Encode + Decode { pub fn new(addr: SocketAddr, config: ClientConfig) -> Result { let bind_addr: SocketAddr = "".parse().unwrap(); let socket = UdpSocket::bind(bind_addr)?; socket.set_nonblocking(true)?; Ok(Self { addr, config, socket, status: ClientStatus::Disconnected, timeout: Instant::now(), last_heartbeat: Instant::now(), client_id: None, disconnect_reason: DisconnectReason::default(), event_queue: VecDeque::new(), _s: PhantomData, }) } fn send_raw_packet(&self, packet: ClientPacket) -> Result<()> { let id_packet = IdClientPacket(self.client_id, packet); let bytes = bincode::encode_to_vec(id_packet, BINCODE_CONFIG)?; self.socket.send(&bytes)?; Ok(()) } fn disconnect_inner(&mut self, reason: DisconnectReason, silent: bool) -> Result<()> { if !silent { self.send_raw_packet(ClientPacket::Disconnect)?; } self.client_id = None; self.status = ClientStatus::Disconnected; self.disconnect_reason = reason; self.event_queue.push_back(ClientEvent::Disconnected(self.disconnect_reason.clone())); Ok(()) } fn reset_timeout(&mut self) { self.timeout = Instant::now(); } pub fn connect(&mut self) -> Result<()> { log::info!("client connect called"); if self.status != ClientStatus::Disconnected { bail!("Not Disconnected"); } self.status = ClientStatus::Connecting; self.last_heartbeat = Instant::now(); self.reset_timeout(); self.socket.connect(self.addr)?; self.send_raw_packet(ClientPacket::Connect)?; Ok(()) } pub fn disconnect(&mut self) -> Result<()> { if self.status != ClientStatus::Connected { bail!("Not Connected"); } self.disconnect_inner(DisconnectReason::ClientDisconnected, false)?; Ok(()) } pub fn send_message(&self, message: S) -> Result<()> { if self.status != ClientStatus::Connected { bail!("Not Connected"); } self.send_raw_packet(ClientPacket::Data(message))?; Ok(()) } pub fn update(&mut self) -> Result<()> { // , callback: fn(ClientEvent) -> Result<()> if self.status == ClientStatus::Disconnected { return Ok(()) } if self.timeout.elapsed() > self.config.timeout { log::warn!("Client timed out"); //We don't care if this packet actually gets sent because the server is likely dead let _ = self.disconnect_inner(DisconnectReason::Timeout, false).map_err(|_| { log::warn!("Failed to send disconnect packet"); }); return Ok(()) } if self.last_heartbeat.elapsed() > self.config.heartbeat_interval { log::trace!("Sending heartbeat packet"); self.send_raw_packet(ClientPacket::Heartbeat)?; self.last_heartbeat = Instant::now(); } //receive let mut buf = [0; u16::MAX as usize]; match self.socket.recv(&mut buf) { Ok(length) => { //TODO check the first byte of the raw data instead of decoding? let (packet, _): (IdServerPacket, _) = bincode::decode_from_slice(&buf[..length], BINCODE_CONFIG)?; let IdServerPacket(user_id, packet) = packet; if|x| Some(x) != user_id).unwrap_or_default() { return Ok(()) } self.reset_timeout(); match packet { ServerPacket::Connected(client_id) => { log::info!("client connected with id {client_id}"); self.client_id = Some(client_id); self.status = ClientStatus::Connected; self.event_queue.push_back(ClientEvent::Connected(client_id)); return Ok(()) }, ServerPacket::Disconnected(reason) => { log::info!("client kicked: {reason}"); let reason = DisconnectReason::KickedByServer(Some(reason)); self.disconnect_inner(reason, true)?; //this should never fail but we're handling the error anyway return Ok(()) }, ServerPacket::Data(message) => { self.event_queue.push_back(ClientEvent::MessageReceived(message)); } } }, Err(error) if error.kind() != ErrorKind::WouldBlock => { return Err(error.into()); }, _ => (), } Ok(()) } pub fn get_event(&mut self) -> Option> { self.event_queue.pop_front() } pub fn process_events(&mut self) -> DrainDeque> { self.event_queue.drain(..) } }