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synced 2024-12-01 11:18:42 -06:00
`raw-evt` is enable by default forcing it off is required for kb input on android mouse input is not supported without it yet though
335 lines
12 KiB
335 lines
12 KiB
use bracket_noise::prelude::*;
use rand::prelude::*;
use glam::{IVec3, ivec3, Vec3Swizzles, IVec2};
use rand_xoshiro::Xoshiro256StarStar;
use crate::{
chunk::{BlockData, CHUNK_SIZE},
fn mountain_ramp(mut x: f32) -> f32 {
x *= 2.0;
if x < 0.4 {
0.5 * x
} else if x < 0.55 {
4. * (x - 0.4) + 0.2
} else {
0.4444 * (x - 0.55) + 0.8
fn local_height(height: i32, chunk_position: IVec3) -> usize {
let offset = chunk_position * CHUNK_SIZE as i32;
(height - offset.y).clamp(0, CHUNK_SIZE as i32) as usize
fn local_y_position(height: i32, chunk_position: IVec3) -> Option<usize> {
let offset = chunk_position * CHUNK_SIZE as i32;
let position = height - offset.y;
(0..CHUNK_SIZE as i32).contains(&position).then_some(position as usize)
pub fn generate_world(chunk_position: IVec3, seed: u64) -> (BlockData, Vec<QueuedBlock>) {
let offset = chunk_position * CHUNK_SIZE as i32;
let mut blocks = Box::new([[[Block::Air; CHUNK_SIZE]; CHUNK_SIZE]; CHUNK_SIZE]);
let mut queue = Vec::with_capacity(0);
let mut smart_place = |blocks: &mut BlockData, position: IVec3, block: Block| {
if position.to_array().iter().any(|&x| !(0..CHUNK_SIZE).contains(&(x as usize))) {
let event_pos = offset + position;
queue.retain(|block: &QueuedBlock| {
block.position != event_pos
queue.push(QueuedBlock {
position: event_pos,
block_type: block,
soft: true
} else {
blocks[position.x as usize][position.y as usize][position.z as usize] = block;
let mut height_noise = FastNoise::seeded(seed);
let mut elevation_noise = FastNoise::seeded(seed.rotate_left(1));
let mut cave_noise_a = FastNoise::seeded(seed.rotate_left(2));
let mut cave_noise_b = FastNoise::seeded(seed.rotate_left(3));
let mut cave_noise_holes = FastNoise::seeded(seed.rotate_left(4));
let mut ravine_nose_line = FastNoise::seeded(seed.rotate_left(5));
let mut ravine_noise_location = FastNoise::seeded(seed.rotate_left(6));
let mut river_noise = FastNoise::seeded(seed.rotate_left(7));
river_noise.set_frequency(0.5 * 0.005);
let mut rng = Xoshiro256StarStar::seed_from_u64(
^ (chunk_position.x as u32 as u64)
^ ((chunk_position.z as u32 as u64) << 32)
let rng_map_a: [[f32; CHUNK_SIZE]; CHUNK_SIZE] = rng.gen();
let rng_map_b: [[f32; CHUNK_SIZE]; CHUNK_SIZE] = rng.gen();
//Generate height map
let mut within_heightmap = false;
let mut deco_heightmap = [[None; CHUNK_SIZE]; CHUNK_SIZE];
for x in 0..CHUNK_SIZE {
for z in 0..CHUNK_SIZE {
let (noise_x, noise_y) = ((offset.x + x as i32) as f32, (offset.z + z as i32) as f32);
//sample noises (that are needed right now)
let raw_heightmap_value = height_noise.get_noise(noise_x, noise_y);
let raw_elevation_value = elevation_noise.get_noise(noise_x, noise_y);
let raw_ravine_location_value = ravine_noise_location.get_noise(noise_x, noise_y);
//compute height
let mut is_surface = true;
let mut river_fill_height = None;
let height = {
let local_elevation = raw_elevation_value.powi(4).sqrt();
let mut height = (mountain_ramp(raw_heightmap_value) * local_elevation * 100.) as i32;
//Flatten valleys
if height < 0 {
height /= 2;
//Generate rivers
let river_width = (height as f32 / -5.).clamp(0.5, 1.);
let river_value = river_noise.get_noise(noise_x, noise_y);
if ((-0.00625 * river_width)..(0.00625 * river_width)).contains(&(river_value.powi(2))) {
is_surface = false;
river_fill_height = Some(height - 1);
//river_fill_height = Some(-3);
height -= (river_width * 15. * ((0.00625 * river_width) - river_value.powi(2)) * (1. / (0.00625 * river_width))).round() as i32;
//Generate ravines
if height < 0 && raw_ravine_location_value > 0.4 {
let raw_ravine_value = ravine_nose_line.get_noise(noise_x, noise_y);
if (-0.0125..0.0125).contains(&(raw_ravine_value.powi(2))) {
is_surface = false;
height -= (100. * (0.0125 - raw_ravine_value.powi(2)) * (1. / 0.0125)).round() as i32;
//add to heightmap
if is_surface {
deco_heightmap[x][z] = Some(height);
//place dirt
for y in 0..local_height(height, chunk_position) {
blocks[x][y][z] = Block::Dirt;
within_heightmap = true;
//place stone
for y in 0..local_height(height - 5 - (raw_heightmap_value * 5.) as i32, chunk_position) {
blocks[x][y][z] = Block::Stone;
within_heightmap = true;
//place grass
if let Some(y) = local_y_position(height, chunk_position) {
blocks[x][y][z] = Block::Grass;
within_heightmap = true;
} else if let Some(river_fill_height) = river_fill_height {
//Place water
for y in 0..local_height(river_fill_height, chunk_position) {
blocks[x][y][z] = Block::Water;
within_heightmap = true;
//Place stone
for y in 0..local_height(height, chunk_position) {
blocks[x][y][z] = Block::Stone;
within_heightmap = true;
//Place dirt
if let Some(y) = local_y_position(height, chunk_position) {
blocks[x][y][z] = Block::Dirt;
within_heightmap = true;
} else {
//Place stone
for y in 0..local_height(height, chunk_position) {
blocks[x][y][z] = Block::Stone;
within_heightmap = true;
//Carve out caves
if within_heightmap {
for z in 0..CHUNK_SIZE {
for y in 0..CHUNK_SIZE {
for x in 0..CHUNK_SIZE {
if blocks[x][y][z] != Block::Stone { continue }
let cave_size = ((offset.y + y as i32) as f32 / -100.).clamp(0., 1.);
let inv_cave_size = 1. - cave_size;
if cave_size < 0.1 { continue }
let position = ivec3(x as i32, y as i32, z as i32) + offset;
let is_cave = || {
let raw_cavemap_value_a = cave_noise_a.get_noise3d(position.x as f32, position.y as f32, position.z as f32);
let raw_cavemap_value_b = cave_noise_b.get_noise3d(position.x as f32, position.y as f32, position.z as f32);
((cave_size * -0.15)..=(cave_size * 0.15)).contains(&raw_cavemap_value_a) &&
((cave_size * -0.15)..=(cave_size * 0.15)).contains(&raw_cavemap_value_b)
let is_hole_cave = || {
let raw_cavemap_value_holes = cave_noise_holes.get_noise3d(position.x as f32, position.y as f32, position.z as f32);
((0.9 + (0.1 * inv_cave_size))..=1.0).contains(&raw_cavemap_value_holes.abs())
if is_cave() || is_hole_cave() {
blocks[x][y][z] = Block::Air;
if deco_heightmap[x][z] == Some(y as i32 + offset.y) {
deco_heightmap[x][z] = None
//Add decorations
for x in 0..CHUNK_SIZE {
for z in 0..CHUNK_SIZE {
//get height
let Some(height) = deco_heightmap[x][z] else { continue };
//check for air
// if blocks[x][local_y][z] == Block::Air {
// continue
// }
//place tall grass
if rng_map_a[x][z] < 0.03 {
if let Some(y) = local_y_position(height + 1, chunk_position) {
blocks[x][y][z] = Block::TallGrass;
//place trees!
if rng_map_a[x][z] < 0.001 {
//Replace grass with dirt under the tree
if let Some(y) = local_y_position(height, chunk_position) {
blocks[x][y][z] = Block::Dirt;
//Place wood (no smart_place needed here!)
let tree_height = 4 + (rng_map_b[x][z] * 3.).round() as i32;
for tree_y in 0..tree_height {
if let Some(y) = local_y_position(height + 1 + tree_y, chunk_position) {
blocks[x][y][z] = Block::Wood;
let tree_height = 4 + (rng_map_b[x][z] * 3.).round() as i32;
//Place leaf blocks
if let Some(y) = local_y_position(height + 1, chunk_position) {
let tree_pos = ivec3(x as i32, y as i32, z as i32);
// Place wood (smart_place)
// for tree_y in 0..tree_height {
// smart_place(&mut blocks, tree_pos + tree_y * IVec3::Y, Block::Wood);
// }
// Part that wraps around the tree
let tree_leaf_height = tree_height - 3;
let leaf_width = 2;
for tree_y in tree_leaf_height..tree_height {
for tree_x in (-leaf_width)..=leaf_width {
for tree_z in (-leaf_width)..=leaf_width {
let tree_offset = ivec3(tree_x, tree_y, tree_z);
if tree_offset.xz() == IVec2::ZERO { continue }
smart_place(&mut blocks, tree_pos + tree_offset, Block::Leaf);
//part above the tree
let leaf_above_height = 2;
let leaf_width = 1;
for tree_y in tree_height..(tree_height + leaf_above_height) {
for tree_x in (-leaf_width)..=leaf_width {
for tree_z in (-leaf_width)..=leaf_width {
let tree_offset = ivec3(tree_x, tree_y, tree_z);
smart_place(&mut blocks, tree_pos + tree_offset, Block::Leaf);
(blocks, queue)
// let mut cave_noise = FastNoise::seeded(seed);
// cave_noise.set_fractal_type(FractalType::FBM);
// cave_noise.set_frequency(0.1);
// let mut dirt_noise = FastNoise::seeded(seed.rotate_left(1));
// dirt_noise.set_fractal_type(FractalType::FBM);
// dirt_noise.set_frequency(0.1);
// if chunk_position.y >= 0 {
// if chunk_position.y == 0 {
// for x in 0..CHUNK_SIZE {
// for z in 0..CHUNK_SIZE {
// blocks[x][0][z] = Block::Dirt;
// blocks[x][1][z] = Block::Grass;
// }
// }
// }
// } else {
// for x in 0..CHUNK_SIZE {
// for y in 0..CHUNK_SIZE {
// for z in 0..CHUNK_SIZE {
// let position = ivec3(x as i32, y as i32, z as i32) + offset;
// let v_cave_noise = cave_noise.get_noise3d(position.x as f32, position.y as f32, position.z as f32) * (-position.y as f32 - 10.0).clamp(0., 1.);
// let v_dirt_noise = dirt_noise.get_noise3d(position.x as f32, position.y as f32, position.z as f32) * (-position.y as f32).clamp(0., 1.);
// if v_cave_noise > 0.5 {
// blocks[x][y][z] = Block::Stone;
// } else if v_dirt_noise > 0.5 {
// blocks[x][y][z] = Block::Dirt;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// blocks