//! AbleScript's Abstract Syntax tree //! //! Statements are the type which is AST made of, as they //! express an effect. //! //! Expressions are just operations and they cannot be //! used as statements. Functions in AbleScript are in fact //! just plain subroutines and they do not return any value, //! so their calls are statements. use std::hash::Hash; use crate::variables::Value; type Span = std::ops::Range; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Ident { pub ident: String, pub span: Span, } impl Ident { pub fn new(ident: String, span: Span) -> Self { Self { ident, span } } } impl PartialEq for Ident { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.ident == other.ident } } impl Hash for Ident { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.ident.hash(state) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Hash)] pub struct Assignable { pub ident: Ident, pub kind: AssignableKind, } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Hash)] pub enum AssignableKind { Variable, Index { indices: Vec }, } impl Assignable { pub fn from_expr(expr: Expr) -> Result { match expr.kind { ExprKind::Variable(ident) => Ok(Assignable { ident: Ident::new(ident, expr.span), kind: AssignableKind::Variable, }), ExprKind::Index { expr, index } => Self::from_index(*expr, *index), _ => Err(()), } } fn from_index(mut buf: Expr, index: Expr) -> Result { let mut indices = vec![index]; let ident = loop { match buf.kind { ExprKind::Variable(ident) => break ident, ExprKind::Index { expr, index } => { indices.push(*index); buf = *expr; } _ => return Err(()), } }; indices.reverse(); Ok(Assignable { ident: Ident::new(ident, buf.span), kind: AssignableKind::Index { indices }, }) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Hash)] pub struct Block { pub block: Vec, } /// A syntactic unit expressing an effect. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Stmt { pub kind: StmtKind, pub span: Span, } impl PartialEq for Stmt { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.kind == other.kind } } impl Hash for Stmt { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.kind.hash(state) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Hash)] pub enum StmtKind { // Control flow If { cond: Expr, body: Block, }, Loop { body: Block, }, Break, HopBack, Var { ident: Ident, init: Option, }, Assign { assignable: Assignable, value: Expr, }, Functio { ident: Ident, params: Vec, body: Block, }, BfFunctio { ident: Ident, tape_len: Option, code: Vec, }, Call { expr: Expr, args: Vec, }, Print(Expr), Read(Assignable), Melo(Ident), Rlyeh, Rickroll, } impl Stmt { pub fn new(kind: StmtKind, span: Span) -> Self { Self { kind, span } } } /// Expression is parse unit which do not cause any effect, /// like math and logical operations or values. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Expr { pub kind: ExprKind, pub span: Span, } impl PartialEq for Expr { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.kind == other.kind } } impl Hash for Expr { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { self.kind.hash(state) } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Hash)] pub enum ExprKind { BinOp { lhs: Box, rhs: Box, kind: BinOpKind, }, Not(Box), Literal(Value), Cart(Vec<(Expr, Expr)>), Index { expr: Box, index: Box, }, Variable(String), } impl Expr { pub fn new(kind: ExprKind, span: Span) -> Self { Self { kind, span } } } #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Hash)] pub enum BinOpKind { Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Greater, Less, Equal, NotEqual, } impl BinOpKind { pub fn from_token(t: crate::lexer::Token) -> Result { use crate::lexer::Token; match t { Token::Plus => Ok(Self::Add), Token::Minus => Ok(Self::Subtract), Token::Star => Ok(Self::Multiply), Token::FwdSlash => Ok(Self::Divide), Token::GreaterThan => Ok(Self::Greater), Token::LessThan => Ok(Self::Less), Token::EqualEqual => Ok(Self::Equal), Token::NotEqual => Ok(Self::NotEqual), t => Err(crate::error::ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken(t)), } } }