use core::arch::x86_64::{_rdrand64_step, _rdseed64_step}; use {crate::bootmodules::BootModule, core::arch::asm, log::warn}; pub mod memory; mod cpuid; mod device_info_collector; mod gdt; pub mod graphics; pub(crate) mod interrupts; pub mod logging; pub mod pci; // pub mod virtio; pub use {logging::log, memory::PAGE_SIZE}; use { crate::allocator, limine::{HhdmRequest, KernelFileRequest, MemmapRequest, ModuleRequest}, x86_64::VirtAddr, }; extern "C" { fn _initial_kernel_heap_start(); fn _initial_kernel_heap_size(); } const INITIAL_KERNEL_HEAP_START: *mut u8 = _initial_kernel_heap_start as _; const INITIAL_KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE: *const () = _initial_kernel_heap_size as _; #[no_mangle] #[naked] #[cfg(not(target_feature = "avx2"))] unsafe extern "C" fn _kernel_start() -> ! { // Initialise SSE, then jump to kernel entrypoint core::arch::asm!( // Initialise SSE "mov rax, cr0", "and ax, 0xfffb", "or ax, 0x2", "mov cr0, rax", "mov rax, cr4", "or ax, 3 << 9", "mov cr4, rax", // Jump to the kernel entry point "jmp {}", sym start, options(noreturn), ) } #[no_mangle] #[naked] #[cfg(target_feature = "avx2")] unsafe extern "C" fn _kernel_start() -> ! { core::arch::asm!( // Enable protected mode and configure control registers "mov rax, cr0", "and ax, 0xFFFB", // Clear CR0.EM (bit 2) for coprocessor emulation "or ax, 0x2", // Set CR0.MP (bit 1) for coprocessor monitoring "mov cr0, rax", "mov rax, cr4", "or ax, (1 << 9) | (1 << 10)", // Set CR4.OSFXSR (bit 9) and CR4.OSXMMEXCPT (bit 10) "mov cr4, rax", // Enable OSXSAVE (required for AVX, AVX2, and XSAVE) "mov rax, cr4", "or eax, 1 << 18", // Set CR4.OSXSAVE (bit 18) "mov cr4, rax", // Enable AVX and AVX2 state saving "xor rcx, rcx", "xgetbv", "or eax, 7", // Enable SSE, AVX, and AVX2 state saving "xsetbv", // Check for AVX and XSAVE support "mov eax, 1", "cpuid", "and ecx, 0x18000000", "cmp ecx, 0x18000000", "jne {1}", // Jump if AVX/OSXSAVE is not supported // Check for BMI2 and AVX2 support "mov eax, 7", "xor ecx, ecx", "cpuid", "and ebx, (1 << 8) | (1 << 5)", // Check BMI2 (bit 8) and AVX2 (bit 5) "cmp ebx, (1 << 8) | (1 << 5)", // Compare to ensure both are supported // Check for LZCNT and POPCNT support "mov eax, 1", "cpuid", "and ecx, (1 << 5) | (1 << 23)", // Check LZCNT (bit 5) and POPCNT (bit 23) "cmp ecx, (1 << 5) | (1 << 23)", // Compare to ensure both are supported // Jump to the kernel entry point "jmp {0}", sym start, sym oops, options(noreturn), ) } unsafe extern "C" fn oops() -> ! { panic!("your cpu is ancient >:(") } unsafe extern "C" fn start() -> ! { logging::init(); crate::logger::init().expect("failed to set logger"); log::info!("Initialising AKern {}", crate::VERSION); static HDHM_REQ: HhdmRequest = HhdmRequest::new(0); memory::init_pt(VirtAddr::new( HDHM_REQ .get_response() .get() .expect("tried to get physical memory mapping offset from Limine") .offset, )); allocator::init(INITIAL_KERNEL_HEAP_START, INITIAL_KERNEL_HEAP_SIZE as _); static MMAP_REQ: MemmapRequest = MemmapRequest::new(0); memory::initialize( MMAP_REQ .get_response() .get() .expect("tried to get memory map from Limine") .memmap(), ); gdt::init(); interrupts::init(); static KFILE_REQ: KernelFileRequest = KernelFileRequest::new(0); static MOD_REQ: ModuleRequest = ModuleRequest::new(0); device_info_collector::collect_device_info(); // Graphics test // { // graphics::init(); // let mut dis = DISPLAY.lock(); // use embedded_graphics::prelude::RgbColor; // let _ = dis.set_color(Rgb888::YELLOW); // let thick = 6; // let p1 = (400, 30); // let p2 = (200, 150); // let p3 = (600, 150); // let p4 = (200, 350); // let p5 = (600, 350); // let p6 = (400, 470); // { // //HEXAGON // let _ = dis.line(p1.0, p1.1, p2.0, p2.1, thick); // let _ = dis.line(p1.0, p1.1, p3.0, p3.1, thick); // let _ = dis.line(p2.0, p2.1, p4.0, p4.1, thick); // let _ = dis.line(p3.0, p3.1, p5.0, p5.1, thick); // let _ = dis.line(p6.0, p6.1, p4.0, p4.1, thick); // let _ = dis.line(p6.0, p6.1, p5.0, p5.1, thick); // } // { // let _ = dis.line(600, 150, 200, 350, thick); // let _ = dis.line(600, 350, 400, 250, thick); // } // { // let _ = dis.set_color(Rgb888::WHITE); // let hp1 = (350, 150); // let hp2 = (350, 350); // let hp3 = (450, 250); // let hp4 = (350, 250); // let hp5 = (450, 150); // let hp6 = (450, 350); // let _ = dis.line(hp1.0, hp1.1, hp2.0, hp2.1, thick); // let _ = dis.line(hp3.0, hp3.1, hp4.0, hp4.1, thick); // let _ = dis.line(hp5.0, hp5.1, hp6.0, hp6.1, thick); // } // dis.swap_buffers(); // }; // TODO: Add in rdseed and rdrand as sources for randomness let _rand = xml::XMLElement::new("Random"); log::trace!("Getting boot modules"); let bm = MOD_REQ.get_response().get(); let mut bootmodules = alloc::vec::Vec::new(); if bm.is_some() { let bm = bm.unwrap(); for x in { let file = bm.modules().get(x as usize); if file.is_some() { let file = file.unwrap(); let raw_bytes = core::slice::from_raw_parts( file.base.as_ptr().expect("invalid initrd"), file.length as usize, ); let file_path = file.path.to_str().unwrap().to_str(); if file_path.is_err() { panic!("invalid file path: {:?}", file_path); } let file_cmd = file.cmdline.to_str().unwrap().to_str(); if file_cmd.is_err() { panic!("invalid module cmd: {:?}", file_cmd); } log::trace!("module path: {:?}", file_path); log::trace!("module cmd: {:?}", file_cmd); bootmodules.push(BootModule::new( file_path.unwrap(), raw_bytes, file_cmd.unwrap(), )); } else { log::error!("You should not be here"); break; } } log::info!("Boot module count: {:?}", bootmodules.len()); assert_eq!(bm.module_count, bootmodules.len() as u64); } crate::kmain::kmain( KFILE_REQ .get_response() .get() .and_then(|r| r.kernel_file.get()) .expect("failed to get kernel file from Limine") .cmdline .to_str() .map(core::ffi::CStr::to_str) .transpose() .expect("expected valid cmdline string") .unwrap_or_default(), bootmodules, ) } /// Spin loop pub fn spin_loop() -> ! { loop { core::hint::spin_loop(); x86_64::instructions::hlt() } } pub fn hardware_random_u64() -> u64 { let mut out: u64 = 0; match unsafe { _rdrand64_step(&mut out) } { 1 => out, _ => { warn!("RDRand not supported."); // Try rdseed match unsafe { _rdseed64_step(&mut out) } { 1 => out, _ => panic!("Neither RDRand or RDSeed are supported"), } } } } pub fn get_edid() {} #[allow(unused)] pub fn register_dump() { let rax: u64; let rbx: u64 = 0; let rcx: u64; let rdx: u64; let si: u64; let di: u64; let r8: u64; // TODO: r8-r15 let r9: u64; let r10: u64; let r11: u64; let r12: u64; let r13: u64; let r14: u64; let r15: u64; unsafe { asm!("", out("rax") rax, out("rcx") rcx, out("rdx") rdx, out("si") si, out("di") di, out("r8") r8, out("r9") r9, out("r10") r10, out("r11") r11, out("r12") r12, out("r13") r13, out("r14") r14, out("r15") r15, ) }; log::error!( "Kernel Panic!\r Register Dump\r rax: {:#x}\r rbx: {:#x}\r rcx: {:#x}\r rdx: {:#x}\r si : {:#x}\r di : {:#x}\r r8 : {:#x}\r r9 : {:#x}\r r11: {:#x}\r r12: {:#x}\r r13: {:#x}\r r14: {:#x}\r r15: {:#x}\r ", rax, rbx, rcx, rdx, si, di, r8, r9, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15, ); }