use crate::cpu_features; use { alloc::vec::Vec, core::{arch::asm, fmt, ops::Deref, slice, str}, }; #[repr(u32)] pub enum RequestType { BasicInformation = 0x0000_0000, VersionInformation = 0x0000_0001, ThermalPowerManagementInformation = 0x0000_0006, StructuredExtendedInformation = 0x0000_0007, ExtendedFunctionInformation = 0x8000_0000, ExtendedProcessorSignature = 0x8000_0001, BrandString1 = 0x8000_0002, BrandString2 = 0x8000_0003, BrandString3 = 0x8000_0004, // reserved = 0x80000005, CacheLine = 0x8000_0006, TimeStampCounter = 0x8000_0007, PhysicalAddressSize = 0x8000_0008, } #[allow(clippy::similar_names)] pub fn cpuid(code: RequestType) -> (u32, u32, u32, u32) { let eax; let ebx; let ecx; let edx; unsafe { asm!( "movq %rbx, {0:r}", "cpuid", "xchgq %rbx, {0:r}", lateout(reg) ebx, inlateout("eax") code as u32 => eax, inlateout("ecx") 0 => ecx, lateout("edx") edx, options(nostack, preserves_flags, att_syntax), ); } (eax, ebx, ecx, edx) } /// The main entrypoint to the CPU information #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86"))] pub fn master() -> Option<Master> { Some(Master::new()) } // This matches the Intel Architecture guide, with bits 31 -> 0. // The bit positions are inclusive. fn bits_of(val: u32, start_bit: u8, end_bit: u8) -> u32 { let mut silly = 0; for _ in start_bit..end_bit + 1 { silly <<= 1; silly |= 1; } (val >> start_bit) & silly } pub fn as_bytes(v: &u32) -> &[u8] { let start = v as *const u32 as *const u8; // TODO: use u32::BYTES unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(start, 4) } } macro_rules! bit { ($reg:ident, {$($idx:expr => $name:ident),+}) => { $(pub fn $name(self) -> bool { ((self.$reg >> $idx) & 1) != 0 })+ } } macro_rules! dump { ($me:expr, $f: expr, $sname:expr, {$($name:ident),+}) => { $f.debug_struct($sname) $(.field(stringify!($name), &$me.$name()))+ .finish() } } macro_rules! delegate_flag { ($item:ident, {$($name:ident),+}) => { $(pub fn $name(&self) -> bool { self.$|i| i.$name()).unwrap_or(false) })+ } } macro_rules! master_attr_reader { ($name:ident, $kind:ty) => { pub fn $name(&self) -> Option<&$kind> { self.$name.as_ref() } }; } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct VersionInformation { eax: u32, ebx: u32, ecx: u32, edx: u32, } impl VersionInformation { pub fn new() -> VersionInformation { let (a, b, c, d) = cpuid(RequestType::VersionInformation); VersionInformation { eax: a, ebx: b, ecx: c, edx: d, } } pub fn family_id(self) -> u32 { let family_id = bits_of(self.eax, 8, 11); let extended_family_id = bits_of(self.eax, 20, 27); if family_id != 0x0F { family_id } else { extended_family_id + family_id } } pub fn model_id(self) -> u32 { let family_id = self.family_id(); let model_id = bits_of(self.eax, 4, 7); let extended_model_id = bits_of(self.eax, 16, 19); if family_id == 0x06 || family_id == 0x0F { (extended_model_id << 4) + model_id } else { model_id } } pub fn stepping(self) -> u32 { bits_of(self.eax, 0, 3) } fn processor_signature(self) -> u32 { self.eax } // TODO: Change return type and move this to a file that has the list pub fn brand_string(self) -> Option<&'static str> { let brand_index = bits_of(self.ebx, 0, 7); let processor_signature = self.processor_signature(); match brand_index { 0x00 => None, 0x01 => Some("Intel(R) Celeron(R)"), 0x02 => Some("Intel(R) Pentium(R) III"), 0x03 => { if processor_signature == 0x06B1 { Some("Intel(R) Celeron(R)") } else { Some("Intel(R) Pentium(R) III Xeon(R)") } } 0x04 => Some("Intel(R) Pentium(R) III"), 0x06 => Some("Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) III-M"), 0x07 => Some("Mobile Intel(R) Celeron(R)"), 0x08 => Some("Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4"), 0x09 => Some("Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4"), 0x0A => Some("Intel(R) Celeron(R)"), 0x0B => { if processor_signature == 0x0F13 { Some("Intel(R) Xeon(R) MP") } else { Some("Intel(R) Xeon(R)") } } 0x0C => Some("Intel(R) Xeon(R) MP"), 0x0E => { if processor_signature == 0x0F13 { Some("Intel(R) Xeon(R)") } else { Some("Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4-M") } } 0x0F => Some("Mobile Intel(R) Celeron(R)"), 0x11 => Some("Mobile Genuine Intel(R)"), 0x12 => Some("Intel(R) Celeron(R) M"), 0x13 => Some("Mobile Intel(R) Celeron(R)"), 0x14 => Some("Intel(R) Celeron(R)"), 0x15 => Some("Mobile Genuine Intel(R)"), 0x16 => Some("Intel(R) Pentium(R) M"), 0x17 => Some("Mobile Intel(R) Celeron(R)"), _ => None, } } bit!(ecx, { 0 => sse3, 1 => pclmulqdq, 2 => dtes64, 3 => monitor, 4 => ds_cpl, 5 => vmx, 6 => smx, 7 => eist, 8 => tm2, 9 => ssse3, 10 => cnxt_id, 11 => sdbg, 12 => fma, 13 => cmpxchg16b, 14 => xtpr_update_control, 15 => pdcm, // 16 - reserved 17 => pcid, 18 => dca, 19 => sse4_1, 20 => sse4_2, 21 => x2apic, 22 => movbe, 23 => popcnt, 24 => tsc_deadline, 25 => aesni, 26 => xsave, 27 => osxsave, 28 => avx, 29 => f16c, 30 => rdrand // 31 - unused }); bit!(edx, { 0 => fpu, 1 => vme, 2 => de, 3 => pse, 4 => tsc, 5 => msr, 6 => pae, 7 => mce, 8 => cx8, 9 => apic, // 10 - reserved 11 => sep, 12 => mtrr, 13 => pge, 14 => mca, 15 => cmov, 16 => pat, 17 => pse_36, 18 => psn, 19 => clfsh, // 20 - reserved 21 => ds, 22 => acpi, 23 => mmx, 24 => fxsr, 25 => sse, 26 => sse2, 27 => ss, 28 => htt, 29 => tm, // 30 -reserved 31 => pbe }); } impl fmt::Debug for VersionInformation { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { dump!(self, f, "VersionInformation", { family_id, model_id, stepping, brand_string, sse3, pclmulqdq, dtes64, monitor, ds_cpl, vmx, smx, eist, tm2, ssse3, cnxt_id, sdbg, fma, cmpxchg16b, xtpr_update_control, pdcm, pcid, dca, sse4_1, sse4_2, x2apic, movbe, popcnt, tsc_deadline, aesni, xsave, osxsave, avx, f16c, rdrand, fpu, vme, de, pse, tsc, msr, pae, mce, cx8, apic, sep, mtrr, pge, mca, cmov, pat, pse_36, psn, clfsh, ds, acpi, mmx, fxsr, sse, sse2, ss, htt, tm, pbe }) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct ExtendedProcessorSignature { ecx: u32, edx: u32, } impl ExtendedProcessorSignature { fn new() -> ExtendedProcessorSignature { let (_, _, c, d) = cpuid(RequestType::ExtendedProcessorSignature); ExtendedProcessorSignature { ecx: c, edx: d } } bit!(ecx, { 0 => lahf_sahf_in_64_bit, // 1-4 reserved 5 => lzcnt, // 6-7 reserved 8 => prefetchw // 9-31 reserved }); bit!(edx, { // 0-10 reserved 11 => syscall_sysret_in_64_bit, // 12-19 reserved 20 => execute_disable, // 21-25 reserved 26 => gigabyte_pages, 27 => rdtscp_and_ia32_tsc_aux, // 28 reserved 29 => intel_64_bit_architecture // 30-31 reserved }); } impl fmt::Debug for ExtendedProcessorSignature { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { dump!(self, f, "ThermalPowerManagementInformation", { lahf_sahf_in_64_bit, lzcnt, prefetchw, syscall_sysret_in_64_bit, execute_disable, gigabyte_pages, rdtscp_and_ia32_tsc_aux, intel_64_bit_architecture }) } } // 3 calls of 4 registers of 4 bytes const BRAND_STRING_LENGTH: usize = 3 * 4 * 4; pub struct BrandString { bytes: [u8; BRAND_STRING_LENGTH], } impl BrandString { fn new() -> BrandString { fn append_bytes(a: RequestType, bytes: &mut [u8]) { let (a, b, c, d) = cpuid(a); let result_bytes = as_bytes(&a) .iter() .chain(as_bytes(&b).iter()) .chain(as_bytes(&c).iter()) .chain(as_bytes(&d).iter()); for (output, input) in bytes.iter_mut().zip(result_bytes) { *output = *input } } let mut brand_string = BrandString { bytes: [0; BRAND_STRING_LENGTH], }; append_bytes(RequestType::BrandString1, &mut brand_string.bytes[0..]); append_bytes(RequestType::BrandString2, &mut brand_string.bytes[16..]); append_bytes(RequestType::BrandString3, &mut brand_string.bytes[32..]); brand_string } } impl Clone for BrandString { fn clone(&self) -> Self { let mut bytes = [0; BRAND_STRING_LENGTH]; for (d, s) in bytes.iter_mut().zip(self.bytes.iter()) { *d = *s; } BrandString { bytes } } } impl Deref for BrandString { type Target = str; fn deref(&self) -> &str { let nul_terminator = self.bytes.iter().position(|&b| b == 0).unwrap_or(0); let usable_bytes = &self.bytes[..nul_terminator]; unsafe { str::from_utf8_unchecked(usable_bytes) }.trim() } } impl fmt::Display for BrandString { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { (self as &str).fmt(f) } } impl fmt::Debug for BrandString { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { (self as &str).fmt(f) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct ThermalPowerManagementInformation { eax: u32, ebx: u32, ecx: u32, } impl ThermalPowerManagementInformation { fn new() -> ThermalPowerManagementInformation { let (a, b, c, _) = cpuid(RequestType::ThermalPowerManagementInformation); ThermalPowerManagementInformation { eax: a, ebx: b, ecx: c, } } bit!(eax, { 0 => digital_temperature_sensor, 1 => intel_turbo_boost, 2 => arat, // 3 - reserved 4 => pln, 5 => ecmd, 6 => ptm, 7 => hwp, 8 => hwp_notification, 9 => hwp_activity_window, 10 => hwp_energy_performance_preference, // 12 - reserved 13 => hdc }); pub fn number_of_interrupt_thresholds(self) -> u32 { bits_of(self.ebx, 0, 3) } bit!(ecx, { 0 => hardware_coordination_feedback, // 1-2 - reserved 3 => performance_energy_bias }); } impl fmt::Debug for ThermalPowerManagementInformation { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { dump!(self, f, "ThermalPowerManagementInformation", { digital_temperature_sensor, intel_turbo_boost, arat, pln, ecmd, ptm, hwp, hwp_notification, hwp_activity_window, hwp_energy_performance_preference, hdc, number_of_interrupt_thresholds, hardware_coordination_feedback, performance_energy_bias }) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct StructuredExtendedInformation { ebx: u32, ecx: u32, } impl StructuredExtendedInformation { fn new() -> StructuredExtendedInformation { let (_, b, c, _) = cpuid(RequestType::StructuredExtendedInformation); StructuredExtendedInformation { ebx: b, ecx: c } } bit!(ebx, { 0 => fsgsbase, 1 => ia32_tsc_adjust_msr, // 2 - reserved 3 => bmi1, 4 => hle, 5 => avx2, // 6 - reserved 7 => smep, 8 => bmi2, 9 => enhanced_rep_movsb_stosb, 10 => invpcid, 11 => rtm, 12 => pqm, 13 => deprecates_fpu_cs_ds, // 14 - reserved 15 => pqe, // 16-17 - reserved 18 => rdseed, 19 => adx, 20 => smap, // 21-24 - reserved 25 => intel_processor_trace // 26-31 - reserved }); bit!(ecx, { 0 => prefetchwt1 }); } impl fmt::Debug for StructuredExtendedInformation { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { dump!(self, f, "StructuredExtendedInformation", { fsgsbase, ia32_tsc_adjust_msr, bmi1, hle, avx2, smep, bmi2, enhanced_rep_movsb_stosb, invpcid, rtm, pqm, deprecates_fpu_cs_ds, pqe, rdseed, adx, smap, intel_processor_trace, prefetchwt1 }) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum CacheLineAssociativity { Disabled, DirectMapped, TwoWay, FourWay, EightWay, SixteenWay, Full, } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct CacheLine(u32); impl CacheLine { fn new() -> CacheLine { let (_, _, c, _) = cpuid(RequestType::CacheLine); CacheLine(c) } pub fn cache_line_size(self) -> u32 { bits_of(self.0, 0, 7) } pub fn l2_associativity(self) -> Option<CacheLineAssociativity> { match bits_of(self.0, 12, 15) { 0x00 => Some(CacheLineAssociativity::Disabled), 0x01 => Some(CacheLineAssociativity::DirectMapped), 0x02 => Some(CacheLineAssociativity::TwoWay), 0x04 => Some(CacheLineAssociativity::FourWay), 0x06 => Some(CacheLineAssociativity::EightWay), 0x08 => Some(CacheLineAssociativity::SixteenWay), 0x0F => Some(CacheLineAssociativity::Full), _ => None, } } pub fn cache_size(self) -> u32 { bits_of(self.0, 16, 31) } } impl fmt::Debug for CacheLine { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { dump!(self, f, "CacheLine", { cache_line_size, l2_associativity, cache_size }) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct TimeStampCounter { edx: u32, } impl TimeStampCounter { fn new() -> TimeStampCounter { let (_, _, _, d) = cpuid(RequestType::TimeStampCounter); TimeStampCounter { edx: d } } bit!(edx, { // 0-7 - reserved 8 => invariant_tsc // 9-31 - reserved }); } impl fmt::Debug for TimeStampCounter { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { dump!(self, f, "TimeStampCounter", { invariant_tsc }) } } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct PhysicalAddressSize(u32); impl PhysicalAddressSize { fn new() -> PhysicalAddressSize { let (a, _, _, _) = cpuid(RequestType::PhysicalAddressSize); PhysicalAddressSize(a) } pub fn physical_address_bits(self) -> u32 { bits_of(self.0, 0, 7) } pub fn linear_address_bits(self) -> u32 { bits_of(self.0, 8, 15) } } impl fmt::Debug for PhysicalAddressSize { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { dump!(self, f, "PhysicalAddressSize", { physical_address_bits, linear_address_bits }) } } /// Information about the currently running processor /// /// Feature flags match the feature mnemonic listed in the Intel /// Instruction Set Reference. This struct provides a facade for flags /// so the consumer doesn't need to worry about which particular CPUID /// leaf provides the information. /// /// For data beyond simple feature flags, you will need to retrieve /// the nested struct and call the appropriate methods on it. #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Master { // TODO: Rename struct version_information: Option<VersionInformation>, thermal_power_management_information: Option<ThermalPowerManagementInformation>, structured_extended_information: Option<StructuredExtendedInformation>, extended_processor_signature: Option<ExtendedProcessorSignature>, brand_string: Option<BrandString>, cache_line: Option<CacheLine>, time_stamp_counter: Option<TimeStampCounter>, physical_address_size: Option<PhysicalAddressSize>, } impl Master { pub fn new() -> Master { fn when_supported<F, T>(max: u32, kind: RequestType, then: F) -> Option<T> where F: FnOnce() -> T, { if max >= kind as u32 { Some(then()) } else { None } } let (max_value, _, _, _) = cpuid(RequestType::BasicInformation); let vi = when_supported(max_value, RequestType::VersionInformation, || { VersionInformation::new() }); let tpm = when_supported( max_value, RequestType::ThermalPowerManagementInformation, || ThermalPowerManagementInformation::new(), ); let sei = when_supported( max_value, RequestType::StructuredExtendedInformation, || StructuredExtendedInformation::new(), ); // Extended information let (max_value, _, _, _) = cpuid(RequestType::ExtendedFunctionInformation); let eps = when_supported(max_value, RequestType::ExtendedProcessorSignature, || { ExtendedProcessorSignature::new() }); let brand_string = when_supported(max_value, RequestType::BrandString3, || BrandString::new()); let cache_line = when_supported(max_value, RequestType::CacheLine, || CacheLine::new()); let tsc = when_supported(max_value, RequestType::TimeStampCounter, || { TimeStampCounter::new() }); let pas = when_supported(max_value, RequestType::PhysicalAddressSize, || { PhysicalAddressSize::new() }); Master { version_information: vi, thermal_power_management_information: tpm, structured_extended_information: sei, extended_processor_signature: eps, brand_string, cache_line, time_stamp_counter: tsc, physical_address_size: pas, } } // TODO: Macroify this and also include all of the cpu features from self pub fn features(&self) -> Vec<(&str, bool)> { let mut fv = Vec::new(); cpu_features!(self, fv); return fv; } master_attr_reader!(version_information, VersionInformation); master_attr_reader!( thermal_power_management_information, ThermalPowerManagementInformation ); master_attr_reader!( structured_extended_information, StructuredExtendedInformation ); master_attr_reader!(extended_processor_signature, ExtendedProcessorSignature); master_attr_reader!(cache_line, CacheLine); master_attr_reader!(time_stamp_counter, TimeStampCounter); master_attr_reader!(physical_address_size, PhysicalAddressSize); pub fn brand_string(&self) -> Option<&str> { self.brand_string .as_ref() .map(|bs| bs as &str) .or(self.version_information.and_then(|vi| vi.brand_string())) } delegate_flag!(version_information, { sse3, pclmulqdq, dtes64, monitor, ds_cpl, vmx, smx, eist, tm2, ssse3, cnxt_id, sdbg, fma, cmpxchg16b, xtpr_update_control, pdcm, pcid, dca, sse4_1, sse4_2, x2apic, movbe, popcnt, tsc_deadline, aesni, xsave, osxsave, avx, f16c, rdrand, fpu, vme, de, pse, tsc, msr, pae, mce, cx8, apic, sep, mtrr, pge, mca, cmov, pat, pse_36, psn, clfsh, ds, acpi, mmx, fxsr, sse, sse2, ss, htt, tm, pbe }); delegate_flag!(thermal_power_management_information, { digital_temperature_sensor, intel_turbo_boost, arat, pln, ecmd, ptm, hwp, hwp_notification, hwp_activity_window, hwp_energy_performance_preference, hdc, hardware_coordination_feedback, performance_energy_bias }); delegate_flag!(structured_extended_information, { fsgsbase, ia32_tsc_adjust_msr, bmi1, hle, avx2, smep, bmi2, enhanced_rep_movsb_stosb, invpcid, rtm, pqm, deprecates_fpu_cs_ds, pqe, rdseed, adx, smap, intel_processor_trace, prefetchwt1 }); delegate_flag!(extended_processor_signature, { lahf_sahf_in_64_bit, lzcnt, prefetchw, syscall_sysret_in_64_bit, execute_disable, gigabyte_pages, rdtscp_and_ia32_tsc_aux, intel_64_bit_architecture }); delegate_flag!(time_stamp_counter, { invariant_tsc }); } /* cfg_if! { if #[cfg(any(target_arch = "x86_64", target_arch = "x86"))] { #[test] fn basic_genuine_intel() { let (_, b, c, d) = cpuid(RequestType::BasicInformation); assert_eq!(b"Genu", as_bytes(&b)); assert_eq!(b"ntel", as_bytes(&c)); assert_eq!(b"ineI", as_bytes(&d)); } #[test] fn brand_string_contains_intel() { assert!(master().unwrap().brand_string().unwrap().contains("Intel(R)")) } } else {} } */