//! Logging (as in terms of console / serial output)

use {
    limine::{TerminalRequest, TerminalResponse},
    spin::{Lazy, Mutex},

static SERIAL_CONSOLE: Mutex<SerialPort> = Mutex::new(unsafe { SerialPort::new(0x3F8) });
// static TERMINAL_LOGGER: Lazy<Mutex<TermLogger>> = Lazy::new(|| Mutex::new(TermLogger::new()));

pub fn init() {
    // Lazy::force(&TERMINAL_LOGGER);

pub fn log(args: core::fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
    x86_64::instructions::interrupts::without_interrupts(|| {
        // TERMINAL_LOGGER.lock().write_fmt(args)?;

// struct TermLogger(&'static TerminalResponse);
// unsafe impl Send for TermLogger {}
// impl TermLogger {
//     pub fn new() -> Self {
//         static TERM_REQ: TerminalRequest = TerminalRequest::new(0);
//         Self(
//             TERM_REQ
//                 .get_response()
//                 .get()
//                 .expect("failed to get terminal response"),
//         )
//     }
// }

// impl Write for TermLogger {
//     fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> core::fmt::Result {
//         if let (Some(w), ts) = (self.0.write(), self.0.terminals()) {
//             for term in ts {
//                 w(term, s);
//             }
//         }
//         Ok(())
//     }
// }