
102 lines
2.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

.{Color, Surface, new_surface} := @use("./lib.hb");
.{log, memory} := @use("../../stn/src/lib.hb")
BitmapFileHeader := packed struct {
img_type: u16,
size: u32,
reserved_1: u16,
reserved_2: u16,
offset: u32,
BitmapInfoHeader := packed struct {
size: u32,
width: i32,
height: i32,
planes: u16,
bits: u16,
compression: u32,
image_size: u32,
x_resolution: i32,
y_resolution: i32,
n_colours: u32,
important_colours: u32,
BitmapColorHeader := packed struct {
red_mask: u32,
green_mask: u32,
blue_mask: u32,
alpha_mask: u32,
color_space_type: u32,
unused: u32,
2024-10-14 19:24:29 -05:00
surface_from_bmp := fn(bmp: ^u8): Surface {
file_header := @as(^BitmapFileHeader, @bitcast(bmp))
if file_header.img_type != 0x4D42 {
log.error("failed to load bmp image: not a bmp image, idiot\0")
2024-10-26 03:23:28 -05:00
return idk
info_header := @as(^BitmapInfoHeader, @bitcast(bmp + @sizeof(BitmapFileHeader)))
bmp += file_header.offset
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px := info_header.width * info_header.height
ptr := @as(^Color, @bitcast(bmp))
tmp := @as(Color, idk)
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row := @as(i32, 0)
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loop if row == info_header.height / 2 break else {
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col := @as(i32, 0)
2024-10-14 19:24:29 -05:00
loop if col == info_header.width break else {
top_index := row * info_header.width + col
bottom_index := (info_header.height - 1 - row) * info_header.width + col
tmp = *(ptr + top_index);
*(ptr + top_index) = *(ptr + bottom_index);
*(ptr + bottom_index) = tmp
col += 1
row += 1
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return .(@bitcast(bmp), info_header.width, info_header.height)
new_surface_from_bmp := fn(bmp: ^u8): Surface {
file_header := @as(^BitmapFileHeader, @bitcast(bmp))
if file_header.img_type != 0x4D42 {
log.error("failed to load bmp image: not a bmp image, idiot\0")
2024-10-26 03:23:28 -05:00
return idk
info_header := @as(^BitmapInfoHeader, @bitcast(bmp + @sizeof(BitmapFileHeader)))
bmp += file_header.offset
2024-10-25 10:37:38 -05:00
width := @as(uint, @intcast(info_header.width))
height := @as(uint, @intcast(info_header.height))
surface := new_surface(width, height)
top_start_idx := surface.buf
bottom_start_idx := surface.buf + width * (height - 1)
rows_to_copy := height
top_cursor := @as(^Color, @bitcast(bmp))
bottom_cursor := top_cursor + width * (height - 1)
loop if rows_to_copy <= 1 break else {
@inline(memory.copy, Color, top_cursor, bottom_start_idx, @bitcast(width))
@inline(memory.copy, Color, bottom_cursor, top_start_idx, @bitcast(width))
top_start_idx += surface.width
bottom_start_idx -= surface.width
top_cursor += width
bottom_cursor -= width
rows_to_copy -= 2
if rows_to_copy == 1 {
@inline(memory.copy, Color, top_cursor, top_start_idx, @bitcast(width))
return surface