Fork 0
forked from AbleOS/ableos

Circle rendering support (janky) ()

circle rendering
Reviewed-on: https://git.ablecorp.us/AbleOS/ableos/pulls/18
Co-authored-by: peony <peony@email.com>
Co-committed-by: peony <peony@email.com>
This commit is contained in:
peony 2024-11-10 09:03:14 -06:00 committed by koniifer
parent 8c7b95277d
commit 3409f5051a
5 changed files with 136 additions and 10 deletions

View file

@ -38,14 +38,20 @@ $light_cyan := Color.(255, 255, 0, 255)
put_pixel := mode.put_pixel
put_rect := mode.put_rect
put_filled_rect := mode.put_filled_rect
put_trirect := mode.put_trirect
put_circle := mode.put_circle
put_filled_circle := mode.put_filled_circle
put_textured_circle := mode.put_textured_circle
put_line := mode.put_line
put_vline := mode.put_vline
put_hline := mode.put_hline
clear := mode.clear
put_surface := mode.put_surface
put_text := mode.put_text
// thanks peony for these three!
put_trirect := mode.put_trirect
put_vline := mode.put_vline
put_hline := mode.put_hline
//put_trirect := mode.put_trirect
//put_vline := mode.put_vline
//put_hline := mode.put_hline
// Display
sync := mode.sync

View file

@ -251,6 +251,90 @@ put_hline := fn(surface: Surface, y: uint, x0: uint, x1: uint, color: Color): vo
put_circle := fn(surface: Surface, pos: Vec2(uint), radius: uint, color: Color): void {
x := 0
y := radius
error := @as(int, 3) - @as(int, @intcast(2 * radius));
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x + radius, pos.y) = color;
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x - radius, pos.y) = color;
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x, pos.y + radius) = color;
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x, pos.y - radius) = color
loop if y < x break else {
x += 1
if error > 0 {
y -= 1
error += 4 * (@as(int, @intcast(x)) - @as(int, @intcast(y))) + 10
} else {
error += 4 * @intcast(x) + 6
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x + x, pos.y + y) = color;
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x + y, pos.y + x) = color;
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x - x, pos.y + y) = color;
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x - y, pos.y + x) = color;
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x + x, pos.y - y) = color;
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x + y, pos.y - x) = color;
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x - x, pos.y - y) = color;
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x - y, pos.y - x) = color
put_filled_circle := fn(surface: Surface, pos: Vec2(uint), radius: uint, color: Color): void {
x := 0
y := radius
error := @as(int, 3) - @as(int, @intcast(2 * radius))
@inline(put_hline, surface, pos.y - x, pos.x - radius, pos.x + radius, color);
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x, pos.y + radius) = color;
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x, pos.y - radius) = color
loop if y < x break else {
x += 1
if error > 0 {
@inline(put_hline, surface, pos.y + y, pos.x - x, pos.x + x, color)
@inline(put_hline, surface, pos.y - y, pos.x - x, pos.x + x, color)
y -= 1
error += 4 * (@as(int, @intcast(x)) - @as(int, @intcast(y))) + 10
} else {
error += 4 * @intcast(x) + 6
@inline(put_hline, surface, pos.y + x, pos.x - y, pos.x + y, color)
@inline(put_hline, surface, pos.y - x, pos.x - y, pos.x + y, color)
put_textured_circle := fn(surface: Surface, source: Surface, source_pos: Vec2(uint), pos: Vec2(uint), radius: uint): void {
x := 0
y := radius
error := @as(int, 3) - @as(int, @intcast(2 * radius))
@inline(memory.copy, Color, @inline(indexptr, source, source_pos.x - y, source_pos.y), @inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x - y, pos.y), 2 * y);
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x, pos.y + y) = *@inline(indexptr, source, source_pos.x, source_pos.y + y);
*@inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x, pos.y - y) = *@inline(indexptr, source, source_pos.x, source_pos.y - y)
loop if y < x break else {
x += 1
if error > 0 {
@inline(memory.copy, Color, @inline(indexptr, source, source_pos.x - x, source_pos.y + y), @inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x - x, pos.y + y), 2 * x)
@inline(memory.copy, Color, @inline(indexptr, source, source_pos.x - x, source_pos.y - y), @inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x - x, pos.y - y), 2 * x)
y -= 1
error += 4 * (@as(int, @intcast(x)) - @as(int, @intcast(y))) + 10
} else {
error += 4 * @intcast(x) + 6
@inline(memory.copy, Color, @inline(indexptr, source, source_pos.x - y, source_pos.y + x), @inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x - y, pos.y + x), 2 * y)
@inline(memory.copy, Color, @inline(indexptr, source, source_pos.x - y, source_pos.y - x), @inline(indexptr, surface, pos.x - y, pos.y - x), 2 * y)
utf8_len_table := [u8].(0, 0, 2, 3)
put_text := fn(surface: Surface, font: Font, pos: Vec2(uint), color: Color, str: ^u8): void {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
.{Vec2, sin, cos, PI} := @use("../../../../libraries/stn/src/lib.hb").math
render := @use("../../../../libraries/render/src/lib.hb")
able_bmp := @embed("../../../../assets/able.bmp")
mini_bmp := @embed("../../../../assets/mini.bmp")
/* expected result:
two textured circles rotating
around one yellow filled circle
with a blue line showing their
'orbit' */
example := fn(): void {
able := render.image.from(@bitcast(&able_bmp))
mini := render.image.from(@bitcast(&mini_bmp))
if able == null | mini == null {
angle := 0.0
screen := render.init(true)
loop {
render.clear(screen, render.black)
render.put_filled_circle(screen, .(screen.width / 2, screen.height / 2), 128, render.light_yellow)
render.put_circle(screen, .(screen.width / 2, screen.height / 2), 256, render.light_blue)
// Precision issues?
render.put_textured_circle(screen, able, .(able.width / 2, able.height / 2), .(screen.width / 2 + @intcast(@fti(sin(angle) * 256)), screen.height / 2 + @intcast(@fti(cos(angle) * 256))), able.width / 2 - 1)
render.put_textured_circle(screen, mini, .(mini.width / 2, mini.height / 2), .(screen.width / 2 + @intcast(@fti(sin(angle + PI) * 256)), screen.height / 2 + @intcast(@fti(cos(angle + PI) * 256))), mini.width / 2 - 1)
angle += 0.01

View file

@ -1 +1 @@
.{example: main} := @use("./examples/text.hb")
.{example: main} := @use("./examples/orbit.hb")

View file

@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ resolution = "1024x768x24"
# [boot.limine.ableos.modules.render_example]
# path = "boot:///render_example.hbf"
path = "boot:///render_example.hbf"
path = "boot:///horizon.hbf"
# [boot.limine.ableos.modules.horizon]
# path = "boot:///horizon.hbf"
path = "boot:///ps2_mouse_driver.hbf"
# [boot.limine.ableos.modules.ps2_mouse_driver]
# path = "boot:///ps2_mouse_driver.hbf"
# [boot.limine.ableos.modules.ps2_keyboard_driver]
# path = "boot:///ps2_keyboard_driver.hbf"