
1016 B

So i want to install a OS on my machine, or update it

In good luck, there is a few notes and steps to help with it

Installing flake select configuration

  • Make sure the machine has a keyboard layout we can work with, such as ES layout: loadkeys es

  • Install Git(system-wide is fine): nix-env -iA git

  • Clone the flake repo: git clone

  • Rebuild and Switch: nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#bunta_desktop

After installed, follow roughly the steps you need in any order:

  • (Disk Setup)[./]

Keeping things updated

Firstly lets make sure that we have the channels added (for nixos and home-manager), and preferably lets use unstable, which are the latest:

  • nixos: nix-channel --add
  • home-manager: nix-channel --add home-manager

Secondly update the channels (should be nixos and home-manager): sudo nix-channel --update