2017-11-07 22:12:18 +08:00

117 lines
3 KiB

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QR code and Micro QR code encoder in Rust. [Documentation](https://docs.rs/qrcode).
qrcode = "0.5"
The default settings will depend on the `image` crate. If you don't need image generation capability, disable the `default-features`:
qrcode = { version = "0.5", default-features = false }
## Image generation
extern crate qrcode;
extern crate image;
use qrcode::QrCode;
use image::Luma;
fn main() {
// Encode some data into bits.
let code = QrCode::new(b"01234567").unwrap();
// Render the bits into an image.
let image = code.render::<Luma<u8>>().build();
// Save the image.
Generates this image:
## String generation
extern crate qrcode;
use qrcode::QrCode;
fn main() {
let code = QrCode::new(b"Hello").unwrap();
let string = code.render::<char>()
.module_dimensions(2, 1)
println!("{}", string);
Generates this output:
############## ######## ##############
## ## ## ## ##
## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ###### ##
## ###### ## ## ## ## ###### ##
## ###### ## #### ## ## ###### ##
## ## #### ## ## ##
############## ## ## ## ##############
## ##
## ########## ## ## ##########
## ## ######## #### ##
########## #### ## #### ######
## ## #### ########## ####
###### ########## ## ## ##
## ## ## ##
############## ## ## ## ## ####
## ## ## ## ##########
## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ###### ## #### ########## ##
## ###### ## #### ## #### ##
## ## ## ######## ######
############## #### ## ## ##
## SVG generation
extern crate qrcode;
use qrcode::{QrCode, Version, EcLevel};
use qrcode::render::svg;
fn main() {
let code = QrCode::with_version(b"01234567", Version::Micro(2), EcLevel::L).unwrap();
let image = code.render()
.min_dimensions(200, 200)
println!("{}", string);
Generates this SVG: