Hopefully made math recursively work and added `FasmCodegen` struct.

Goren Barak 2023-12-01 16:58:35 -05:00
parent 1a8d7498e5
commit dd1bc0b478
5 changed files with 239 additions and 330 deletions

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@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
name = "skylang"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
channel = "nightly"
proc-macro = true

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
pub mod lex;
pub mod codegen;
use crate::codegen::fasm::*;
use crate::lex::tok::*;
use crate::parse::ast::*;
use crate::parse::parse::*;
use logos::Logos;
pub mod parse;
macro_rules! arrow {
($spaces:expr) => {
println!("{}↓", $spaces);
fn main() {
// let fc = fasm_codegen!(
// vec![
// Expr::VarDefinition(VarDefinition {name: "goren", value: Value::Number(10)}),
// Expr::MathExpr(Math {
// left: &Value::Var(VarReference { name: "goren"}),
// right: &Value::Number(17),
// operator: MathOperator::OP_MULT
// }
// ),
// Expr::FunDefinition(FunDefinition {
// name: "adder", contents: vec![
// Expr::MathExpr(
// Math {
// left: &Value::Param(ParamReference {param_number: 0}),
// right: &Value::Param(ParamReference {param_number: 1}),
// operator: MathOperator::OP_ADD
// }
// )
// ]
// }),
// Expr::FunCall(
// FunCall {
// name: "adder",
// params: vec![Value::Var(VarReference {name: "goren"}), Value::Number(6)]
// }
// ),
// Expr::Breakpoint
// ]
// );
// println!("{}", fc);
let parsed = "30 * 60";
let mut lexer = Token::lexer(parsed);
println!("\"{}\"", parsed);
arrow!(" ");
println!("{:?}", lex_str(parsed));
arrow!(" ");
let parsed = parse_math(lexer);
println!("{:?}", parsed);
arrow!(" ");
println!("{}", fasm_codegen!(&vec![parsed.unwrap()]));

View File

@ -1,234 +1,249 @@
use crate::parse::ast::*;
use std::rc::Rc;
use skylang::temp;
macro_rules! fasm_codegen {
// Macro to make calling fasm_codegen function easier.
($exprs:expr) => {
fasm_codegen($exprs, true)
const REGISTERS: [&str; 9] = ["r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15", "rax", "rdi", "rsi"];
(fun: $exprs:expr) => {
fasm_codegen($exprs, false)
pub struct FasmCodegen {
register_counter: usize
pub fn fasm_codegen(exprs: &Vec<Expr>, not_a_function: bool) -> String {
// Define asm_func, used for functions.
let mut asm_func = String::new();
// Define asm_data, used for variables.
let mut asm_data = String::new();
// Define asm_start, used for the entry point.
let mut asm_start = String::new();
macro_rules! unwrap {
($item:expr) => {
asm_start.push_str(fasm_codegen!(fun: &vec![$item.as_ref().clone()]).as_str());
impl FasmCodegen {
pub fn new() -> Self {
FasmCodegen {
register_counter: 0,
pub fn fasm_codegen(&mut self, exprs: &Vec<Expr>, not_a_function: bool) -> String {
macro_rules! fasm_codegen {
// Macro to make calling fasm_codegen function easier.
($exprs:expr) => {{
self.fasm_codegen($exprs, true)
// If not_a_function, push necessary headers to the asm_start variable.
if not_a_function {
asm_start.push_str("format ELF64 executable 3\n");
asm_start.push_str("segment readable executable\n");
asm_start.push_str("entry _start\n");
asm_data.push_str("\nsegment readable writable\n");
// Iterate over expressions.
for expr in exprs.iter() {
// Use patern matching on `expr`.
match expr {
// If the expression is a math expression.
Expr::MathExpr(e) => {
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov r10, rax\n").as_str());
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov r11, rax\n").as_str());
match e.operator {
// If the operator is addition.
MathOperator::OP_ADD => {
asm_start.push_str("\tadd r10, r11\n");
asm_start.push_str("\tmov rax, r10\n");
// r10 ← r10 + r11; rax ← r10;
// The sum will now be stored in the %rax register.
// If the operator is multiplication.
MathOperator::OP_MULT => {
asm_start.push_str("\timul r10, r11\n");
asm_start.push_str("\tmov rax, r10\n");
// r10 ← r10 * r11; rax ← r10;
// The product will now be stored in the %rax register.
// If the operator is division.
MathOperator::OP_DIV => {
asm_start.push_str("\tmov rax, r10\n");
asm_start.push_str("\txor rdx, rdx\n");
asm_start.push_str("\tidiv r11\n");
// rax ← r10; rdx ← 0; rax ← concat(rax, rdx) / r11;
// The quotient will now be stored in the %rax register.
// If the operators is subtraction.
MathOperator::OP_SUB => {
asm_start.push_str("\tsub r10, r11\n");
asm_start.push_str("\tmov rax, r10\n");
// r10 ← r10 - r11; rax ← r10;
// The difference will now be stored in the %rax register.
// If the operator is modulo.
MathOperator::OP_MOD => {
asm_start.push_str("\tmov rax, r10\n");
asm_start.push_str("\txor rdx, rdx\n");
asm_start.push_str("\tidiv r11\n");
asm_start.push_str("\tmov rax, rdx\n");
// rax ← r10; rdx ← 0; rdx ← concat(rax, rdx) % r11; rax ← rdx;
// The remainder will now be stored in the %rax register.
(fun: $exprs:expr) => {{
self.fasm_codegen($exprs, false)
// If the expression is a function call.
Expr::FunCall(e) => {
for (i, p) in e.params.iter().enumerate() {
match i {
0 => {
// First parameter. Put in %rdi.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov rdi, rax\n").as_str());
// rdi ← e.params[0];
// Define asm_func, used for functions.
let mut asm_func = String::new();
// Define asm_data, used for variables.
let mut asm_data = String::new();
// Define asm_start, used for the entry point.
let mut asm_start = String::new();
macro_rules! unwrap {
($item:expr) => {
asm_start.push_str(fasm_codegen!(fun: &vec![$item.as_ref().clone()]).as_str());
// If not_a_function, push necessary headers to the asm_start variable.
if not_a_function {
asm_start.push_str("format ELF64 executable 3\n");
asm_start.push_str("segment readable executable\n");
asm_start.push_str("entry _start\n");
asm_data.push_str("\nsegment readable writable\n");
// Iterate over expressions.
for expr in exprs.iter() {
// Use patern matching on `expr`.
match expr {
// If the expression is a math expression.
Expr::MathExpr(e) => {
self.register_counter += 1;
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov {}, rax\n", REGISTERS[self.register_counter]).as_str());
self.register_counter += 1;
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov {}, rax\n", REGISTERS[self.register_counter]).as_str());
match e.operator {
// If the operator is addition.
MathOperator::OP_ADD => {
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tadd {}, {}\n", REGISTERS[self.register_counter - 1], REGISTERS[self.register_counter]).as_str());
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov rax, {}\n", REGISTERS[self.register_counter - 1]).as_str());
// r10 ← r10 + r11; rax ← r10;
// The sum will now be stored in the %rax register.
1 => {
// Second parameter. Put in %rsi.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov rsi, rax\n").as_str());
// rsi ← e.params[1];
// If the operator is multiplication.
MathOperator::OP_MULT => {
asm_start.push_str(format!("\timul {}, {}\n", REGISTERS[self.register_counter - 1], REGISTERS[self.register_counter]).as_str());
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov rax, {}\n", REGISTERS[self.register_counter - 1]).as_str());
// r10 ← r10 * r11; rax ← r10;
// The product will now be stored in the %rax register.
2 => {
// Third parameter. Put in %rdx.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov rdx, rax\n").as_str());
// rdx ← e.params[2];
// If the operator is division.
MathOperator::OP_DIV => {
asm_start.push_str("\tmov rax, r10\n");
asm_start.push_str("\txor rdx, rdx\n");
asm_start.push_str("\tidiv r11\n");
// rax ← r10; rdx ← 0; rax ← concat(rax, rdx) / r11;
// The quotient will now be stored in the %rax register.
3 => {
// Fourth parameter. Put in %rcx.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov rcx, rax\n").as_str());
// rcx ← e.params[3];
// If the operators is subtraction.
MathOperator::OP_SUB => {
asm_start.push_str("\tsub r10, r11\n");
asm_start.push_str("\tmov rax, r10\n");
// r10 ← r10 - r11; rax ← r10;
// The difference will now be stored in the %rax register.
4 => {
// Fifth parameter. Put in %r8.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov r8, rax").as_str());
// r8 ← e.params[4];
5 => {
// Sixth parameter. Put in %r9.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov r9, rax\n").as_str());
// r9 ← e.params[5];
_ => {
// Parameters after the sixth parameter are pushed to the stack.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tpush rax\n").as_str());
// STACK_TOP ← e.params[(6+)];
// If the operator is modulo.
MathOperator::OP_MOD => {
asm_start.push_str("\tmov rax, r10\n");
asm_start.push_str("\txor rdx, rdx\n");
asm_start.push_str("\tidiv r11\n");
asm_start.push_str("\tmov rax, rdx\n");
// rax ← r10; rdx ← 0; rdx ← concat(rax, rdx) % r11; rax ← rdx;
// The remainder will now be stored in the %rax register.
// Call the function.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tcall {}\n", e.name).as_str());
// If the expression is a function call.
Expr::FunCall(e) => {
for (i, p) in e.params.iter().enumerate() {
match i {
0 => {
// First parameter. Put in %rdi.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov rdi, rax\n").as_str());
// rdi ← e.params[0];
// Define a global variable.
Expr::GlobalDefinition(e) => {
// Define a 64-bit global variable.
asm_data.push_str(format!("\t{} dq {}", e.name, e.value).as_str());
1 => {
// Second parameter. Put in %rsi.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov rsi, rax\n").as_str());
// rsi ← e.params[1];
// Breakpoint.
Expr::Breakpoint => {
// Write the interrupt for a debugger breakpoint.
2 => {
// Third parameter. Put in %rdx.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov rdx, rax\n").as_str());
// rdx ← e.params[2];
// Return something from a function.
Expr::Return(e) => {
// Do the operation that should later be returned.
asm_start.push_str(fasm_codegen!(fun: &e).as_str());
// Move the return value to rbp + 8.
// [rbp + 8] ← return_value
3 => {
// Fourth parameter. Put in %rcx.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov rcx, rax\n").as_str());
// rcx ← e.params[3];
// A function defenition.
Expr::FunDefinition(e) => {
// In x86-64 assembly, a function is defined as <function_name>:. Push this to the `asm_func`.
asm_func.push_str(format!("{}:\n", e.name).as_str());
// Call the function itself specifying that you are defining a function, and push the returned value to `asm_func`.
asm_func.push_str(fasm_codegen!(fun: &e.contents).as_str());
// Use the ret instruction to return from the procedure.
4 => {
// Fifth parameter. Put in %r8.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov r8, rax").as_str());
// r8 ← e.params[4];
Expr::If(e) => {
// Increment the temporary variable/function counter.
// Compare the left and right value.
asm_start.push_str("mov rdi, rax");
asm_start.push_str("mov rsi, rax");
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tcmp rdi, rsi\n").as_str());
// Check what the condition is.
match e.cond {
COND_OP::EQ => {
// If the compared values are equal to each other jump to the temporary function.
asm_start.push_str(format!("je .{}", temp!()).as_str());
5 => {
// Sixth parameter. Put in %r9.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tmov r9, rax\n").as_str());
// r9 ← e.params[5];
COND_OP::NE => {
// If the compared values are not equal to eachother jump to the temporary function.
asm_start.push_str(format!("jne .{}", temp!()).as_str());
_ => {
// Parameters after the sixth parameter are pushed to the stack.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tpush rax\n").as_str());
// STACK_TOP ← e.params[(6+)];
// Create the temporary function.
asm_func.push_str(format!(".{}:\n", temp!()).as_str());
asm_func.push_str(fasm_codegen!(fun: &e.action).as_str());
// Call the function.
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tcall {}\n", e.name).as_str());
Expr::Number(n) => {
asm_func.push_str(format!("\tmov rax, {}\n", n).as_str())
no => unsafe {
// Write some data I randomly typed to your memory because don't going around playing with something that I haven't implemented yet.
println!("{:?} is not. implemented.", no);
let mut ptr = 0x00 as *mut f64;
::std::ptr::write(ptr, 124010240120401240.12410240124120401240);
// Define a global variable.
Expr::GlobalDefinition(e) => {
// Define a 64-bit global variable.
asm_data.push_str(format!("\t{} dq {}", e.name, e.value).as_str());
// Breakpoint.
Expr::Breakpoint => {
// Write the interrupt for a debugger breakpoint.
// Return something from a function.
Expr::Return(e) => {
// Do the operation that should later be returned.
asm_start.push_str(fasm_codegen!(fun: &e).as_str());
// Move the return value to rbp + 8.
// [rbp + 8] ← return_value
// A function defenition.
Expr::FunDefinition(e) => {
// In x86-64 assembly, a function is defined as <function_name>:. Push this to the `asm_func`.
asm_func.push_str(format!("{}:\n", e.name).as_str());
// Call the function itself specifying that you are defining a function, and push the returned value to `asm_func`.
asm_func.push_str(fasm_codegen!(fun: &e.contents).as_str());
// Use the ret instruction to return from the procedure.
Expr::If(e) => {
// Increment the temporary variable/function counter.
// Compare the left and right value.
asm_start.push_str("mov rdi, rax");
asm_start.push_str("mov rsi, rax");
asm_start.push_str(format!("\tcmp rdi, rsi\n").as_str());
// Check what the condition is.
match e.cond {
COND_OP::EQ => {
// If the compared values are equal to each other jump to the temporary function.
asm_start.push_str(format!("je .{}", temp!()).as_str());
COND_OP::NE => {
// If the compared values are not equal to eachother jump to the temporary function.
asm_start.push_str(format!("jne .{}", temp!()).as_str());
// Create the temporary function.
asm_func.push_str(format!(".{}:\n", temp!()).as_str());
asm_func.push_str(fasm_codegen!(fun: &e.action).as_str());
Expr::Number(n) => {
asm_func.push_str(format!("\tmov rax, {}\n", n).as_str())
no => unsafe {
// Write some data I randomly typed to your memory because don't going around playing with something that I haven't implemented yet.
println!("{:?} is not. implemented.", no);
let mut ptr = 0x00 as *mut f64;
::std::ptr::write(ptr, 124010240120401240.12410240124120401240);
if not_a_function {
// Use the exit syscall to leave the program. If you don't do this, you will get a segmentation fault.
asm_start.push_str("\tmov rax, 60 ; 60 is the system call number for exit.\n");
asm_start.push_str("\txor rdi, rdi ; 0 is the exit code we want.\n");
asm_start.push_str("\tsyscall ; this is the instruction to actually perform the system call.\n");
if not_a_function {
// Use the exit syscall to leave the program. If you don't do this, you will get a segmentation fault.
asm_start.push_str("\tmov rax, 60 ; 60 is the system call number for exit.\n");
asm_start.push_str("\txor rdi, rdi ; 0 is the exit code we want.\n");
asm_start.push_str("\tsyscall ; this is the instruction to actually perform the system call.\n");
// Get the final `asm` string derived from all of the other strings that we have manipulated (finally!).
let asm = format!("{}{}{}", asm_start, asm_func, asm_data);
// Return the final `asm` string.
// Get the final `asm` string derived from all of the other strings that we have manipulated (finally!).
let asm = format!("{}{}{}", asm_start, asm_func, asm_data);
// Return the final `asm` string.

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
pub mod lex;
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ fn main() {
// println!("{}", fc);
let parsed = "30 * 60";
let parsed = "3*10+5";
let mut lexer = Token::lexer(parsed);
@ -62,6 +63,6 @@ fn main() {
let parsed = parse_math(lexer);
println!("{:?}", parsed);
arrow!(" ");
println!("{}", fasm_codegen!(&vec![parsed.unwrap()]));
println!("{}", FasmCodegen::new().fasm_codegen(&vec![parsed.unwrap()], true));

View File

@ -10,27 +10,18 @@ macro_rules! unwrap {
macro_rules! parse_value {
($parse:expr) => {
parse_value(&($parse.next(), $parse.slice()))
pub fn parse_math(mut tokens: Lexer<Token>) -> Option<Expr> {
// Is it a Value? → Is it an operator? → Is it a value?
if let Some(left) = parse_value!(tokens) {
if let Some(operator) = match_operator(&mut tokens) {
if let Some(right) = parse_value!(tokens) {
let left = Rc::new(left);
let right = Rc::new(right);
return Some(Expr::MathExpr(Math {left: left, right: right, operator}))
if let Some(Ok(Number(left))) = tokens.next() {
if let Some(op) = match_operator(&mut tokens) {
if let Some(right) = parse_math(tokens) {
return Some(Expr::MathExpr(Math {left: Rc::new(Expr::Number(left)), right: Rc::new(right), operator: op}));
} else {
return Some(Expr::Number(left));
@ -52,50 +43,17 @@ pub fn parse_global_declaration(mut tokens: Lexer<Token>) -> Option<Expr> {
pub fn parse_value<'a>(token: &(Option<Result<Token, ()>>, &'a str)) -> Option<Expr<'a>> {
if let Some(Ok(tt)) = &token.0 {
let mut value = None;
if let Number(n) = tt {
value = Some(Expr::Number(*n));
} else if *tt == Identifier {
value = Some(Expr::Var(VarReference { name: token.1 }));
} else {
return None;
pub fn parse_fun_call(mut tokens: Lexer<Token>) -> Option<Expr> {
// Is it an Ident? → Is it a LeftParen? → Is it a value (I should really make a function to parse that) or is it a RightParen?
// ↓ ↓
// If it's a value, push that to `params`. Otherwise, params will just be a `Vec::new()`.
let mut tok = None;
if unwrap!(tokens) == Identifier {
let name = tokens.slice();
if unwrap!(tokens) == LeftParen {
let mut params = Vec::new();
while let Some(value) = parse_value!(tokens) {
tok = Some(Expr::FunCall(FunCall {name, params: params.clone()}));
pub fn match_operator(tokens: &mut Lexer<Token>) -> Option<MathOperator> {
match unwrap!(tokens) {
Plus => Some(MathOperator::OP_ADD),
Minus => Some(MathOperator::OP_SUB),
Slash => Some(MathOperator::OP_DIV),
Star => Some(MathOperator::OP_MULT),
Percent => Some(MathOperator::OP_MOD),
_ => None
if let Some(Ok(token)) = tokens.next() {
return match token {
Plus => Some(MathOperator::OP_ADD),
Minus => Some(MathOperator::OP_SUB),
Slash => Some(MathOperator::OP_DIV),
Star => Some(MathOperator::OP_MULT),
Percent => Some(MathOperator::OP_MOD),
_ => None