2023-07-07 14:33:07 +02:00

7.4 KiB

HoleyBytes ISA Specification

Bytecode format

  • All numbers are encoded little-endian
  • There is 256 registers, they are represented by a byte
  • Immediate values are 64 bit

Instruction encoding

  • Instruction parameters are packed (no alignment)
  • [opcode, …parameters…]

Instruction parameter types

  • B = Byte
  • D = Doubleword (64 bits)
  • H = Halfword (16 bits)
Name Size
BBBB 32 bits
BBB 24 bits
BBDH 96 bits
BBD 80 bits
BB 16 bits
BD 72 bits
D 64 bits
N 0 bits


  • #n: register in parameter n
  • imm #n: for immediate in parameter n
  • P ← V: Set register P to value V
  • [x]: Address x


  • N type
Opcode Name Action
0 NOP Do nothing

Integer binary ops.

  • BBB type
  • #0 ← #1 <op> #2
Opcode Name Action
1 ADD Wrapping addition
2 SUB Wrapping subtraction
3 MUL Wrapping multiplication
4 AND Bitand
5 OR Bitor
6 XOR Bitxor
7 SL Unsigned left bitshift
8 SR Unsigned right bitshift
9 SRS Signed right bitshift


Opcode Name Action
10 CMP Signed comparsion
11 CMPU Unsigned comparsion

Comparsion table

#1 op #2 Result
< -1
= 0
> 1


  • Type BBBB
  • In case of #3 is zero, the resulting value is all-ones
  • #0 ← #2 ÷ #3
  • #1 ← #2 % #3
Opcode Name Action
12 DIR Divide and remainder combinated


  • Type BB
  • #0 ← #1 <op> #2
Opcode Name Action
13 NEG Bit negation
14 NOT Logical negation

Integer immediate binary ops.

  • Type BBD
  • #0 ← #1 <op> imm #2
Opcode Name Action
15 ADDI Wrapping addition
16 MULI Wrapping subtraction
17 ANDI Bitand
18 ORI Bitor
19 XORI Bitxor
20 SLI Unsigned left bitshift
21 SRI Unsigned right bitshift
22 SRSI Signed right bitshift


  • Comparsion is the same as when RRR type
Opcode Name Action
23 CMPI Signed comparsion
24 CMPUI Unsigned comparsion

Register value set / copy


  • Type BB
  • #0 ← #1
Opcode Name Action
25 CP Copy


  • Type BB
  • Swap #0 and #1
Opcode Name Action
26 SWA Swap

Load immediate

  • Type BD
  • #0 ← #1
Opcode Name Action
27 LI Load immediate

Memory operations

  • Type BBDH
  • If loaded/store value exceeds one register size, continue accessing following registers

Load / Store

Opcode Name Action
28 LD #0 ← [#1 + imm #3], copy imm #4 bytes
29 ST [#1 + imm #3] ← #0, copy imm #4 bytes

Block copy

  • Block copy source and target can overlap

Memory copy

  • Type BBD
Opcode Name Action
30 BMC [#0] ← [#1], copy imm #2 bytes

Register copy

  • Type BBB
  • Copy a block a register to another location (again, overflowing to following registers)
Opcode Name Action
31 BRC #0 ← #1, copy imm #2 registers

Control flow

Unconditional jump

  • Type BD
Opcode Name Action
32 JMP Jump at #0 + imm #1

Conditional jumps

  • Type BBD
  • Jump at imm #2 if #0 <op> #1
Opcode Name Comparsion
33 JEQ =
34 JNE
35 JLT < (signed)
36 JGT > (signed)
37 JLTU < (unsigned)
38 JGTU > (unsigned)

Environment call

  • Type N
Opcode Name Action
39 ECALL Cause an trap to the host environment

Floating point operations

  • Type BBB
  • #0 ← #1 <op> #2
Opcode Name Action
40 ADDF Addition
41 MULF Multiplication


  • Type BBBB
Opcode Name Action
42 DIRF Same flow applies as for integer DIR

Floating point immediate operations

  • Type BBD
  • #0 ← #1 <op> imm #2
Opcode Name Action
43 ADDFI Addition
44 MULFI Multiplication


  • There is 255 registers + one zero register (with index 0)
  • Reading from zero register yields zero
  • Writing to zero register is a no-op


  • Addresses are 64 bit
  • Memory implementation is arbitrary
  • In case of accessing invalid address:
    • Program shall trap (LoadAccessEx, StoreAccessEx) with parameter of accessed address
    • Value of register when trapped is undefined


  • Leave address 0x0 as invalid
  • If paging used:
    • Leave first page invalid
    • Pages should be at least 4 KiB

Program execution

  • The way of program execution is implementation defined
  • The order of instruction is arbitrary, as long all observable effects are applied in the program's order

Program validation

  • Invalid program should cause runtime error:
    • The form of error is arbitrary. Can be a trap or an interpreter-specified error
    • It shall not be handleable from within the program
  • Executing invalid opcode should trap
  • Program can be validaded either before execution or when executing


Program should at least implement these traps:

  • Environment call
  • Invalid instruction exception
  • Load address exception
  • Store address exception

and executing environment should be able to get information about them, like the opcode of invalid instruction or attempted address to load/store. Details about these are left as an implementation detail.


HoleyBytes assembly format is not defined, this is just a weak description of hbasm syntax.

  • Opcode names correspond to specified opcode names, lowercase (nop)
  • Parameters are separated by comma (addi r0, r0, 1)
  • Instructions are separated by either line feed or semicolon
  • Registers are represented by r followed by the number (r10)
  • Labels are defined by label name followed with colon (loop:)
  • Labels are references simply by their name (print)
  • Immediates are entered plainly. Negative numbers supported.