mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 06:38:19 -06:00
load block textures
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,9 +5,7 @@ use kubi_shared::block::BlockTexture;
use crate::{filesystem::AssetManager, hui_integration::UiState, rendering::Renderer};
mod texture;
mod shaders;
//use texture::load_texture2darray_prefab;
use texture::load_texture2darray_prefab;
pub trait AssetPaths {
fn file_name(self) -> &'static str;
@ -39,19 +37,7 @@ impl AssetPaths for BlockTexture {
pub struct BlockTexturesPrefab(pub wgpu::Texture);
// #[derive(Unique)]
// #[repr(transparent)]
// pub struct ChunkShaderPrefab(pub Program);
// #[derive(Unique)]
// #[repr(transparent)]
// pub struct ColoredShaderPrefab(pub Program);
// #[derive(Unique)]
// #[repr(transparent)]
// pub struct Colored2ShaderPrefab(pub Program);
pub struct BlockDiffuseTexture(pub wgpu::Texture);
@ -63,15 +49,14 @@ pub fn load_prefabs(
mut ui: NonSendSync<UniqueViewMut<UiState>>,
assman: UniqueView<AssetManager>
) {
// log::info!("Loading textures...");
// storages.add_unique_non_send_sync(BlockTexturesPrefab(
// load_texture2darray_prefab::<BlockTexture, _>(
// &assman,
// "blocks".into(),
// &renderer.display,
// MipmapsOption::AutoGeneratedMipmaps
// )
// ));
log::info!("Loading textures...");
log::info!("Loading the UI stuff...");
@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
macro_rules! include_shader_prefab {
($name: literal, $vert: literal, $frag: literal, $facade: expr) => {
use ::glium::{Program, program::ProgramCreationInput};
log::info!("compiling shader {}", $name);
Program::new(&*$facade, ProgramCreationInput::SourceCode {
vertex_shader: include_str!($vert),
fragment_shader: include_str!($frag),
geometry_shader: None,
tessellation_control_shader: None,
tessellation_evaluation_shader: None,
transform_feedback_varyings: None,
outputs_srgb: false,
uses_point_size: false,
}).expect("Failed to compile gpu program")
pub(crate) use include_shader_prefab;
@ -1,45 +1,75 @@
// use strum::IntoEnumIterator;
// use rayon::prelude::*;
// use std::{path::PathBuf, io::BufReader};
// use crate::filesystem::AssetManager;
// use super::AssetPaths;
use glam::UVec2;
use strum::IntoEnumIterator;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use wgpu::util::{DeviceExt, TextureDataOrder};
use std::{io::BufReader, path::PathBuf};
use crate::{filesystem::AssetManager, rendering::Renderer};
use super::AssetPaths;
// pub fn load_texture2darray_prefab<
// T: AssetPaths + IntoEnumIterator,
// E: Facade
// >(
// assman: &AssetManager,
// directory: PathBuf,
// facade: &E,
// mipmaps: MipmapsOption,
// ) -> SrgbTexture2dArray {
// log::info!("started loading {}", directory.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap());
// //Load raw images
// let tex_files: Vec<&'static str> = T::iter().map(|x| x.file_name()).collect();
// let raw_images: Vec<RawImage2d<u8>> = tex_files.par_iter().map(|&file_name| {
// log::info!("loading texture {}", file_name);
// //Get path to the image and open the file
// let reader = {
// let path = directory.join(file_name);
// BufReader::new(assman.open_asset(&path).expect("Failed to open texture file"))
// };
// //Parse image data
// let (image_data, dimensions) = {
// let image = image::load(
// reader,
// image::ImageFormat::Png
// ).unwrap().to_rgba8();
// let dimensions = image.dimensions();
// (image.into_raw(), dimensions)
// };
// //Create a glium RawImage
// RawImage2d::from_raw_rgba_reversed(
// &image_data,
// dimensions
// )
// }).collect();
// log::info!("done loading texture files, uploading to the gpu");
// //Upload images to the GPU
// SrgbTexture2dArray::with_mipmaps(facade, raw_images, mipmaps)
// .expect("Failed to upload texture array to GPU")
// }
pub fn load_texture2darray_prefab<T: AssetPaths + IntoEnumIterator>(
renderer: &Renderer,
assman: &AssetManager,
directory: PathBuf,
) -> wgpu::Texture {
log::info!("started loading {}", directory.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap());
//Load raw images
let tex_files: Vec<&'static str> = T::iter().map(|x| x.file_name()).collect();
let raw_images: Vec<(Vec<u8>, UVec2)> = tex_files.par_iter().map(|&file_name| {
log::info!("loading texture {}", file_name);
//Get path to the image and open the file
let reader = {
let path = directory.join(file_name);
BufReader::new(assman.open_asset(&path).expect("Failed to open texture file"))
//Parse image data
let (image_data, dimensions) = {
let image = image::load(
let dimensions = image.dimensions();
(image.into_raw(), dimensions)
(image_data, UVec2::from(dimensions))
assert!(!raw_images.is_empty(), "no images loaded");
//TODO: check same size
log::info!("done loading texture files, uploading to the gpu");
let size = raw_images[0].1;
let layers = raw_images.len() as u32;
//Concat data into a single vec
let mut data = Vec::with_capacity((size.x * size.y * layers * 4) as usize);
for (layer_data, _) in raw_images {
//Upload images to the GPU
let desc = &wgpu::TextureDescriptor {
label: Some("block_diffuse_texture"),
size: wgpu::Extent3d {
width: size.x,
height: size.y,
depth_or_array_layers: layers,
dimension: wgpu::TextureDimension::D2,
format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb,
usage: wgpu::TextureUsages::TEXTURE_BINDING | wgpu::TextureUsages::COPY_DST,
mip_level_count: 1,
sample_count: 1,
view_formats: &[],
Reference in a new issue