This commit is contained in:
griffi-gh 2024-05-07 01:14:36 +02:00
parent 7aa91b6414
commit 487cf31843
2 changed files with 8 additions and 58 deletions

View file

@ -1,59 +1,9 @@
// use glam::{Mat4, Vec3, Quat}; mod pipeline;
// use shipyard::{View, IntoIter, NonSendSync, UniqueViewMut, UniqueView};
// use glium::{
// Surface,
// DrawParameters,
// BackfaceCullingMode,
// Blend, Depth, DepthTest,
// uniform,
// };
// use crate::{
// world::raycast::LookingAtBlock,
// camera::Camera,
// prefabs::ColoredShaderPrefab
// };
// use super::{
// RenderTarget,
// primitives::cube::CubePrimitive,
// };
// const SMOL: f32 = 0.0025; pub fn draw_selection_box(
ctx: &mut RenderCtx,
// pub fn render_selection_box( lookat: View<LookingAtBlock>,
// lookat: View<LookingAtBlock>, camera: View<Camera>,
// camera: View<Camera>, ) {
// mut target: NonSendSync<UniqueViewMut<RenderTarget>>, //TODO
// program: NonSendSync<UniqueView<ColoredShaderPrefab>>, }
// buffers: NonSendSync<UniqueView<CubePrimitive>>,
// ) {
// let camera = camera.iter().next().unwrap();
// let Some(lookat) = lookat.iter().next() else { return };
// let Some(lookat) = lookat.0 else { return };
// //Darken block
// target.0.draw(
// &buffers.0,
// &buffers.1,
// &program.0,
// &uniform! {
// color: [0., 0., 0., 0.5_f32],
// model: Mat4::from_scale_rotation_translation(
// Vec3::splat(1. + SMOL * 2.),
// Quat::default(),
// lookat.block_position.as_vec3() - Vec3::splat(SMOL)
// ).to_cols_array_2d(),
// perspective: camera.perspective_matrix.to_cols_array_2d(),
// view: camera.view_matrix.to_cols_array_2d(),
// },
// &DrawParameters {
// backface_culling: BackfaceCullingMode::CullClockwise,
// blend: Blend::alpha_blending(),
// depth: Depth {
// //this may be unreliable... unless scale is applied! hacky...
// test: DepthTest::IfLessOrEqual,
// ..Default::default()
// },
// ..Default::default()
// }
// ).unwrap();
// }