mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 15:38:21 -06:00
clean up world renderer
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
use glam::{IVec3, Vec3};
use glam::Vec3;
use shipyard::{AllStoragesView, IntoIter, NonSendSync, Unique, UniqueView, UniqueViewMut, View};
use shipyard::{AllStoragesView, IntoIter, NonSendSync, Unique, UniqueView, View};
use kubi_shared::{chunk::CHUNK_SIZE, transform::Transform};
use kubi_shared::chunk::CHUNK_SIZE;
use crate::{
use crate::{
world::{ChunkMeshStorage, ChunkStorage},
world::{ChunkMeshStorage, ChunkStorage},
use super::{camera::{self, CameraUniformBuffer}, depth::DepthTexture, RenderCtx};
use super::{camera::CameraUniformBuffer, depth::DepthTexture, RenderCtx};
mod pipeline;
mod pipeline;
mod vertex;
mod vertex;
@ -16,19 +15,19 @@ pub use vertex::ChunkVertex;
pub struct WorldRenderState {
pub struct WorldRenderState {
pub pipeline: wgpu::RenderPipeline,
pub pipeline: wgpu::RenderPipeline,
pub trans_chunk_queue: Vec<IVec3>,
//pub trans_chunk_queue: Vec<IVec3>,
pub fn init_world_render_state(storages: AllStoragesView) {
pub fn init_world_render_state(storages: AllStoragesView) {
storages.add_unique(WorldRenderState {
storages.add_unique(WorldRenderState {
pipeline: storages.run(pipeline::init_world_pipeline),
pipeline: storages.run(pipeline::init_world_pipeline),
trans_chunk_queue: Vec::with_capacity(512),
//trans_chunk_queue: Vec::with_capacity(512),
pub fn draw_world(
pub fn draw_world(
ctx: &mut RenderCtx,
ctx: &mut RenderCtx,
mut state: UniqueViewMut<WorldRenderState>,
state: UniqueView<WorldRenderState>,
camera_ubo: UniqueView<CameraUniformBuffer>,
camera_ubo: UniqueView<CameraUniformBuffer>,
depth: UniqueView<DepthTexture>,
depth: UniqueView<DepthTexture>,
textures: UniqueView<TexturePrefabs>,
textures: UniqueView<TexturePrefabs>,
@ -95,210 +94,3 @@ pub fn draw_world(
// fn draw_params(settings: &GameSettings) -> DrawParameters {
// DrawParameters {
// depth: Depth {
// test: DepthTest::IfLess,
// write: true,
// ..Default::default()
// },
// multisampling: settings.msaa.is_some(),
// polygon_mode: PolygonMode::Fill, //Change to Line for wireframe
// backface_culling: BackfaceCullingMode::CullClockwise,
// ..Default::default()
// }
// }
// fn texture_sampler<'a, T>(texture: &'a T, settings: &GameSettings) -> Sampler<'a, T> {
// Sampler(texture, SamplerBehavior {
// minify_filter: MinifySamplerFilter::LinearMipmapLinear,
// magnify_filter: MagnifySamplerFilter::Nearest,
// max_anisotropy: settings.max_anisotropy.unwrap_or_default(),
// wrap_function: (SamplerWrapFunction::Clamp, SamplerWrapFunction::Clamp, SamplerWrapFunction::Clamp),
// depth_texture_comparison: None,
// })
// }
// pub fn draw_world(
// mut target: NonSendSync<UniqueViewMut<RenderTarget>>,
// chunks: UniqueView<ChunkStorage>,
// meshes: NonSendSync<UniqueView<ChunkMeshStorage>>,
// program: NonSendSync<UniqueView<ChunkShaderPrefab>>,
// texture: NonSendSync<UniqueView<BlockTexturesPrefab>>,
// transform: View<Transform>,
// camera: View<Camera>,
// settings: UniqueView<GameSettings>,
// mut trans_queue: UniqueViewMut<TransChunkQueue>,
// ) {
// // let (camera, transform) = (&camera, &transform).iter().next().expect("No cameras in the scene");
// // let camera_position = transform.0.to_scale_rotation_translation().2;
// let camera = camera.iter().next().expect("No cameras in the scene");
// let view = camera.view_matrix.to_cols_array_2d();
// let perspective = camera.perspective_matrix.to_cols_array_2d();
// let draw_parameters = draw_params(&settings);
// let texture_sampler = texture_sampler(&texture.0, &settings);
// for (&position, chunk) in &chunks.chunks {
// if let Some(key) = chunk.mesh_index {
// let mesh = meshes.get(key).expect("Mesh index pointing to nothing");
// let world_position = position.as_vec3() * CHUNK_SIZE as f32;
// //Skip mesh if its empty
// if mesh.index_buffer.len() == 0 && mesh.trans_index_buffer.len() == 0 {
// continue
// }
// //Frustum culling
// {
// let minp = world_position;
// let maxp = world_position + Vec3::splat(CHUNK_SIZE as f32);
// if !camera.frustum.is_box_visible(minp, maxp) {
// continue
// }
// }
// //Draw chunk mesh
// if mesh.index_buffer.len() > 0 {
// target.0.draw(
// &mesh.vertex_buffer,
// &mesh.index_buffer,
// &program.0,
// &uniform! {
// position_offset: world_position.to_array(),
// view: view,
// perspective: perspective,
// tex: texture_sampler,
// discard_alpha: true,
// },
// &draw_parameters
// ).unwrap();
// }
// if mesh.trans_index_buffer.len() > 0 {
// trans_queue.0.push(position);
// }
// }
// }
// // const HALF_CHUNK_SIZE: IVec3 = IVec3::splat((CHUNK_SIZE >> 1) as i32);
// // trans_queue.0.sort_by_cached_key(|&pos| -(
// // (pos + HALF_CHUNK_SIZE).distance_squared(camera_position.as_ivec3())
// // ));
// }
// pub fn draw_world_trans(
// mut target: NonSendSync<UniqueViewMut<RenderTarget>>,
// chunks: UniqueView<ChunkStorage>,
// meshes: NonSendSync<UniqueView<ChunkMeshStorage>>,
// program: NonSendSync<UniqueView<ChunkShaderPrefab>>,
// texture: NonSendSync<UniqueView<BlockTexturesPrefab>>,
// camera: View<Camera>,
// settings: UniqueView<GameSettings>,
// mut trans_queue: UniqueViewMut<TransChunkQueue>,
// ) {
// let camera = camera.iter().next().expect("No cameras in the scene");
// let view = camera.view_matrix.to_cols_array_2d();
// let perspective = camera.perspective_matrix.to_cols_array_2d();
// let mut draw_parameters = draw_params(&settings);
// draw_parameters.blend = Blend::alpha_blending();
// draw_parameters.backface_culling = BackfaceCullingMode::CullingDisabled;
// draw_parameters.smooth = Some(Smooth::Fastest);
// let texture_sampler = texture_sampler(&texture.0, &settings);
// for position in trans_queue.0.drain(..).rev() {
// let world_position = position.as_vec3() * CHUNK_SIZE as f32;
// let mesh_idx = chunks.chunks[&position].mesh_index.expect("No mesh index");
// let mesh = meshes.get(mesh_idx).expect("Mesh index pointing to nothing");
// target.0.draw(
// &mesh.trans_vertex_buffer,
// &mesh.trans_index_buffer,
// &program.0,
// &uniform! {
// position_offset: world_position.to_array(),
// view: view,
// perspective: perspective,
// tex: texture_sampler,
// discard_alpha: false,
// },
// &draw_parameters
// ).unwrap();
// }
// }
// pub fn draw_current_chunk_border(
// mut target: NonSendSync<UniqueViewMut<RenderTarget>>,
// player: View<MainPlayer>,
// transforms: View<Transform, track::All>,
// buffers: NonSendSync<UniqueView<CubePrimitive>>,
// program: NonSendSync<UniqueView<ColoredShaderPrefab>>,
// camera: View<Camera>,
// settings: UniqueView<GameSettings>,
// ) {
// if cfg!(target_os = "android") {
// return
// }
// if !settings.debug_draw_current_chunk_border {
// return
// }
// let camera = camera.iter().next().expect("No cameras in the scene");
// let view = camera.view_matrix.to_cols_array_2d();
// let perspective = camera.perspective_matrix.to_cols_array_2d();
// let (_, &player_transform) = (&player, &transforms).iter().next().expect("No player");
// let (_, _, player_position) = player_transform.0.to_scale_rotation_translation();
// let player_in_chunk = ivec3(
// (player_position.x as i32).div_euclid(CHUNK_SIZE as i32),
// (player_position.y as i32).div_euclid(CHUNK_SIZE as i32),
// (player_position.z as i32).div_euclid(CHUNK_SIZE as i32),
// );
// let world_position = player_in_chunk.as_vec3() * CHUNK_SIZE as f32;
// target.0.draw(
// &buffers.0,
// &buffers.1,
// &program.0,
// &uniform! {
// model: Mat4::from_scale_rotation_translation(
// Vec3::splat(CHUNK_SIZE as f32),
// Quat::default(),
// world_position
// ).to_cols_array_2d(),
// color: [0.25f32; 4],
// view: view,
// perspective: perspective,
// },
// &DrawParameters {
// depth: Depth {
// test: DepthTest::IfLess,
// ..Default::default()
// },
// blend: Blend::alpha_blending(),
// ..Default::default()
// }
// ).unwrap();
// target.0.draw(
// &buffers.0,
// &buffers.1,
// &program.0,
// &uniform! {
// model: Mat4::from_scale_rotation_translation(
// Vec3::splat(CHUNK_SIZE as f32),
// Quat::default(),
// world_position
// ).to_cols_array_2d(),
// color: [0.0f32; 4],
// view: view,
// perspective: perspective,
// },
// &DrawParameters {
// polygon_mode: PolygonMode::Point,
// line_width: Some(2.),
// point_size: Some(5.),
// ..Default::default()
// }
// ).unwrap();
// }
Reference in a new issue