mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 18:56:27 -05:00
add cube primitive
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ use glam::Vec3;
use crate::{events::WindowResizedEvent, state::is_ingame};
use crate::{events::WindowResizedEvent, state::is_ingame};
mod renderer;
mod renderer;
mod primitives;
pub use renderer::Renderer;
pub use renderer::Renderer;
pub mod background;
pub mod background;
@ -27,11 +28,14 @@ pub struct RenderCtx<'a> {
pub surface_view: &'a wgpu::TextureView,
pub surface_view: &'a wgpu::TextureView,
//TODO run init_world_render_state only once ingame?
pub fn init_rendering() -> Workload {
pub fn init_rendering() -> Workload {
world::init_world_render_state, //TODO run only once ingame
world::init_world_render_state, //requires depth and camera buffers
@ -82,30 +86,6 @@ pub fn resize_renderer(
//Deprecated WindowSize thingy
// pub fn if_resized (resize: View<WindowResizedEvent>,) -> bool {
// #[derive(Unique, Clone, Copy)]
// #[repr(transparent)]
// #[deprecated = "use Renderer.size instead"]
// #[allow(deprecated)]
// pub struct WindowSize(pub UVec2);
// pub fn init_window_size(storages: AllStoragesView) {
// let size = storages.borrow::<View<WindowResizedEvent>>().unwrap().iter().next().unwrap().0;
// storages.add_unique(WindowSize(size))
// }
// pub fn update_window_size(
// mut win_size: UniqueViewMut<WindowSize>,
// resize: View<WindowResizedEvent>,
// ) {
// if let Some(resize) = resize.iter().next() {
// win_size.0 = resize.0;
// }
// }
// pub fn if_resized (
// resize: View<WindowResizedEvent>,
// ) -> bool {
// resize.len() > 0
// resize.len() > 0
// }
// }
@ -1,30 +1,24 @@
// use shipyard::{Workload, IntoWorkload};
use bytemuck::{Pod, Zeroable};
// use glium::implement_vertex;
use shipyard::{IntoWorkload, Workload};
// pub mod cube;
mod cube;
// pub mod rect;
// pub mod stri;
// use cube::init_cube_primitive;
pub fn init_primitives() -> Workload {
// use rect::init_rect_primitive;
// use stri::init_stri_primitive;
// #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Default, Pod, Zeroable)]
// pub struct PositionOnlyVertex {
#[repr(C, packed)]
// pub position: [f32; 3],
pub struct PrimitiveVertex {
// }
pub position: [f32; 3],
// implement_vertex!(PositionOnlyVertex, position);
// #[derive(Clone, Copy, Default)]
impl PrimitiveVertex {
// pub struct PositionOnlyVertex2d {
pub const LAYOUT: wgpu::VertexBufferLayout<'static> = wgpu::VertexBufferLayout {
// pub position: [f32; 2],
array_stride: std::mem::size_of::<PrimitiveVertex>() as wgpu::BufferAddress,
// }
step_mode: wgpu::VertexStepMode::Vertex,
// implement_vertex!(PositionOnlyVertex2d, position);
attributes: &wgpu::vertex_attr_array![0 => Float32x3],
// pub fn init_primitives() -> Workload {
// (
// init_cube_primitive,
// init_rect_primitive,
// init_stri_primitive,
// ).into_workload()
// }
@ -1,85 +1,49 @@
// use shipyard::{AllStoragesView, NonSendSync, UniqueView, Unique};
use shipyard::{AllStoragesView, Unique, UniqueView};
// use glium::{VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, index::PrimitiveType};
use wgpu::util::DeviceExt;
// use crate::rendering::Renderer;
use crate::rendering::{BufferPair, Renderer};
// use super::PositionOnlyVertex;
use super::PrimitiveVertex;
// #[derive(Unique)]
// pub struct CubePrimitive(pub VertexBuffer<PositionOnlyVertex>, pub IndexBuffer<u16>);
pub struct CubePrimitive(pub BufferPair);
// #[derive(Unique)]
/// Vertices for a centered cube with a side length of 1
// pub struct CenteredCubePrimitive(pub VertexBuffer<PositionOnlyVertex>, pub IndexBuffer<u16>);
const CUBE_VERTICES: &[PrimitiveVertex] = &[
// front
PrimitiveVertex { position: [-0.5, -0.5, 0.5] },
PrimitiveVertex { position: [ 0.5, -0.5, 0.5] },
PrimitiveVertex { position: [ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] },
PrimitiveVertex { position: [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5] },
// back
PrimitiveVertex { position: [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5] },
PrimitiveVertex { position: [ 0.5, -0.5, -0.5] },
PrimitiveVertex { position: [ 0.5, 0.5, -0.5] },
PrimitiveVertex { position: [-0.5, 0.5, -0.5] },
// const CENTERED_CUBE_VERTICES: &[PositionOnlyVertex] = &[
/// Indices for a cube primitive
// // front
const CUBE_INDICES: &[u16] = &[
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [-0.5, -0.5, 0.5] },
0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, // front
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [ 0.5, -0.5, 0.5] },
1, 5, 6, 6, 2, 1, // right
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] },
7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 7, // back
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [-0.5, 0.5, 0.5] },
4, 0, 3, 3, 7, 4, // left
// // back
4, 5, 1, 1, 0, 4, // bottom
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5] },
3, 2, 6, 6, 7, 3, // top
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [ 0.5, -0.5, -0.5] },
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [ 0.5, 0.5, -0.5] },
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [-0.5, 0.5, -0.5] },
// ];
// const CUBE_VERTICES: &[PositionOnlyVertex] = &[
// // front
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0] },
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [1.0, 0.0, 1.0] },
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] },
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [0.0, 1.0, 1.0] },
// // back
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] },
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0] },
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [1.0, 1.0, 0.0] },
// PositionOnlyVertex { position: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] },
// ];
// const CUBE_INDICES: &[u16] = &[
// // front
// 0, 1, 2,
// 2, 3, 0,
// // right
// 1, 5, 6,
// 6, 2, 1,
// // back
// 7, 6, 5,
// 5, 4, 7,
// // left
// 4, 0, 3,
// 3, 7, 4,
// // bottom
// 4, 5, 1,
// 1, 0, 4,
// // top
// 3, 2, 6,
// 6, 7, 3
// ];
// pub(super) fn init_cube_primitive(
pub fn init_cube_primitive(storages: AllStoragesView) {
// storages: AllStoragesView,
let renderer = storages.borrow::<UniqueView<Renderer>>().unwrap();
// display: NonSendSync<UniqueView<Renderer>>
storages.add_unique(CubePrimitive(BufferPair {
// ) {
index: renderer.device().create_buffer_init(&wgpu::util::BufferInitDescriptor {
// {
label: Some("cube_index_buffer"),
// let vert = VertexBuffer::immutable(
contents: bytemuck::cast_slice(CUBE_INDICES),
// &display.display,
usage: wgpu::BufferUsages::COPY_DST | wgpu::BufferUsages::INDEX,
// ).unwrap();
index_len: CUBE_INDICES.len() as u32,
// let index = IndexBuffer::immutable(
vertex: renderer.device().create_buffer_init(&wgpu::util::BufferInitDescriptor {
// &display.display,
label: Some("cube_vertex_buffer"),
// PrimitiveType::TrianglesList,
contents: bytemuck::cast_slice(CUBE_VERTICES),
usage: wgpu::BufferUsages::COPY_DST | wgpu::BufferUsages::VERTEX,
// ).unwrap();
// storages.add_unique_non_send_sync(CubePrimitive(vert, index));
vertex_len: CUBE_VERTICES.len() as u32,
// }
// {
// let vert = VertexBuffer::immutable(
// &display.display,
// ).unwrap();
// let index = IndexBuffer::immutable(
// &display.display,
// PrimitiveType::TrianglesList,
// ).unwrap();
// storages.add_unique_non_send_sync(CenteredCubePrimitive(vert, index));
// }
// }
@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
// use shipyard::{Unique, AllStoragesView, NonSendSync, UniqueView};
// use glium::{VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, index::PrimitiveType};
// use crate::rendering::Renderer;
// use super::PositionOnlyVertex2d;
// #[derive(Unique)]
// pub struct RectPrimitive(pub VertexBuffer<PositionOnlyVertex2d>, pub IndexBuffer<u16>);
// const RECT_VERTEX: &[PositionOnlyVertex2d] = &[
// PositionOnlyVertex2d { position: [0., 0.] },
// PositionOnlyVertex2d { position: [1., 0.] },
// PositionOnlyVertex2d { position: [0., 1.] },
// PositionOnlyVertex2d { position: [1., 1.] },
// ];
// const RECT_INDEX: &[u16] = &[0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2];
// pub(super) fn init_rect_primitive(
// storages: AllStoragesView,
// display: NonSendSync<UniqueView<Renderer>>
// ) {
// let vert = VertexBuffer::immutable(
// &display.display,
// ).unwrap();
// let index = IndexBuffer::immutable(
// &display.display,
// PrimitiveType::TrianglesList,
// ).unwrap();
// storages.add_unique_non_send_sync(RectPrimitive(vert, index));
// }
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
// use shipyard::{Unique, AllStoragesView, NonSendSync, UniqueView};
// use glium::{VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, index::PrimitiveType};
// use crate::rendering::Renderer;
// use super::PositionOnlyVertex2d;
// #[derive(Unique)]
// pub struct STriPrimitive(pub VertexBuffer<PositionOnlyVertex2d>, pub IndexBuffer<u16>);
// const STRI_VERTEX: &[PositionOnlyVertex2d] = &[
// PositionOnlyVertex2d { position: [-1., -1.] },
// PositionOnlyVertex2d { position: [ 3., -1.] },
// PositionOnlyVertex2d { position: [-1., 3.] },
// ];
// const STRI_INDEX: &[u16] = &[0, 1, 2];
// pub(super) fn init_stri_primitive(
// storages: AllStoragesView,
// display: NonSendSync<UniqueView<Renderer>>
// ) {
// let vert = VertexBuffer::immutable(
// &display.display,
// ).unwrap();
// let index = IndexBuffer::immutable(
// &display.display,
// PrimitiveType::TrianglesList,
// ).unwrap();
// storages.add_unique_non_send_sync(STriPrimitive(vert, index));
// }
Reference in a new issue