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synced 2025-03-14 19:16:26 -05:00
356 lines
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356 lines
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use std::sync::Arc;
use atomic::{Atomic, Ordering};
use glam::{IVec3, ivec3};
use glium::{VertexBuffer, IndexBuffer, index::PrimitiveType};
use kubi_shared::{networking::{channels::Channel, messages::ClientToServerMessage}, worldgen::AbortState};
use shipyard::{View, UniqueView, UniqueViewMut, IntoIter, Workload, IntoWorkload, NonSendSync, track};
use uflow::SendMode;
use crate::{
use super::{
ChunkStorage, ChunkMeshStorage,
chunk::{Chunk, DesiredChunkState, CHUNK_SIZE, ChunkMesh, CurrentChunkState, ChunkData},
tasks::{ChunkTaskManager, ChunkTaskResponse, ChunkTask},
const MAX_CHUNK_OPS_INGAME: usize = 8;
const MAX_CHUNK_OPS: usize = 32;
pub fn update_loaded_world_around_player() -> Workload {
pub fn update_chunks_if_player_moved(
v_settings: UniqueView<GameSettings>,
v_local_player: View<MainPlayer>,
v_transform: View<Transform, track::All>,
mut vm_world: UniqueViewMut<ChunkStorage>,
) {
//Check if the player actually moved
//TODO fix this also triggers on rotation, only activate when the player crosses the chunk border
let Some((_, transform)) = (&v_local_player, v_transform.inserted_or_modified()).iter().next() else {
//Read game settings
let load_distance = (v_settings.render_distance + 1) as i32;
//If it did, get it's position and current chunk
let player_position = transform.0.to_scale_rotation_translation().2;
let player_position_ivec3 = player_position.as_ivec3();
let player_at_chunk = ivec3(
player_position_ivec3.x.div_euclid(CHUNK_SIZE as i32),
player_position_ivec3.y.div_euclid(CHUNK_SIZE as i32),
player_position_ivec3.z.div_euclid(CHUNK_SIZE as i32),
//Then, mark *ALL* chunks with ToUnload
for (_, chunk) in &mut vm_world.chunks {
chunk.desired_state = DesiredChunkState::Unloaded;
//Then mark chunks that are near to the player
for x in -load_distance..=load_distance {
for y in -load_distance..=load_distance {
for z in -load_distance..=load_distance {
let chunk_pos_offset = ivec3(x, y, z);
let chunk_pos = player_at_chunk + chunk_pos_offset;
let is_border = {
chunk_pos_offset.x.abs() == load_distance ||
chunk_pos_offset.y.abs() == load_distance ||
chunk_pos_offset.z.abs() == load_distance
//If chunk doesn't exist create it
let chunk = match vm_world.chunks.get_mut(&chunk_pos) {
Some(chunk) => chunk,
None => {
let chunk = Chunk::new(chunk_pos);
vm_world.chunks.insert_unique_unchecked(chunk_pos, chunk);
let desired = match is_border {
true => DesiredChunkState::Loaded,
false => DesiredChunkState::Rendered,
chunk.desired_state = desired;
fn process_state_changes(
task_manager: UniqueView<ChunkTaskManager>,
mut udp_client: Option<UniqueViewMut<UdpClient>>,
mut world: UniqueViewMut<ChunkStorage>,
mut vm_meshes: NonSendSync<UniqueViewMut<ChunkMeshStorage>>,
) {
if !world.is_modified() {
//HACK: cant iterate over chunks.keys() or chunk directly!
let hashmap_keys: Vec<IVec3> = world.chunks.keys().copied().collect();
for position in hashmap_keys {
let chunk = world.chunks.get_mut(&position).unwrap();
//If the chunk is being unloaded, it's essentially dead at this point and we shouldn't bother it
if chunk.current_state == CurrentChunkState::Unloading {
// If the chunk is already in the desired state, skip it
// (except one annoying edge case where chunk is rendered but dirty, then we need to recalculate the mesh)
if chunk.desired_state.matches_current(chunk.current_state) &&
!(chunk.desired_state == DesiredChunkState::Rendered && chunk.mesh_dirty) {
match chunk.desired_state {
// DesiredChunkState::Unloaded | DesiredChunkState::Nothing:
// Loading -> Nothing
DesiredChunkState::Unloaded | DesiredChunkState::Nothing if chunk.current_state == CurrentChunkState::Loading => {
if let Some(abortion) = &chunk.abortion {
let _ = abortion.compare_exchange(
AbortState::Continue, AbortState::Abort,
Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Relaxed
chunk.abortion = None;
chunk.current_state = CurrentChunkState::Nothing;
// DesiredChunkState::Unloaded | DesiredChunkState::Nothing:
// (Loaded, CalculatingMesh) -> Nothing
DesiredChunkState::Unloaded | DesiredChunkState::Nothing if matches!(
CurrentChunkState::Loaded | CurrentChunkState::CalculatingMesh,
) => {
chunk.block_data = None;
chunk.current_state = CurrentChunkState::Nothing;
// DesiredChunkState::Unloaded | DesiredChunkState::Nothing:
// (Rendered | RecalculatingMesh) -> Nothing
DesiredChunkState::Unloaded | DesiredChunkState::Nothing if matches!(
CurrentChunkState::Rendered | CurrentChunkState::RecalculatingMesh,
) => {
if let Some(mesh_index) = chunk.mesh_index {
chunk.mesh_index = None;
chunk.current_state = CurrentChunkState::Nothing;
// DesiredChunkState::Loaded:
// CalculatingMesh -> Loaded
DesiredChunkState::Loaded if chunk.current_state == CurrentChunkState::CalculatingMesh => {
chunk.current_state = CurrentChunkState::Loaded;
// DesiredChunkState::Unloaded | DesiredChunkState::Nothing | DesiredChunkState::Loaded:
// (Rendered | RecalculatingMesh) -> Loaded
DesiredChunkState::Unloaded | DesiredChunkState::Nothing | DesiredChunkState::Loaded if matches!(
chunk.current_state, CurrentChunkState::Rendered | CurrentChunkState::RecalculatingMesh
) => {
if let Some(mesh_index) = chunk.mesh_index {
chunk.mesh_index = None;
chunk.current_state = CurrentChunkState::Loaded;
// DesiredChunkState::Loaded | DesiredChunkState::Rendered:
// Nothing -> Loading
DesiredChunkState::Loaded | DesiredChunkState::Rendered if chunk.current_state == CurrentChunkState::Nothing => {
let mut abortion = None;
//start load task
if let Some(client) = &mut udp_client {
postcard::to_allocvec(&ClientToServerMessage::ChunkSubRequest {
chunk: position,
Channel::SubReq as usize,
} else {
let atomic = Arc::new(Atomic::new(AbortState::Continue));
task_manager.spawn_task(ChunkTask::LoadChunk {
seed: 0xbeef_face_dead_cafe,
abortion: Some(Arc::clone(&atomic)),
abortion = Some(atomic);
//Update chunk state
let chunk = world.chunks.get_mut(&position).unwrap();
chunk.current_state = CurrentChunkState::Loading;
chunk.abortion = abortion;
// ===========
//log::trace!("Started loading chunk {position}");
// DesiredChunkState::Rendered:
// Loaded -> CalculatingMesh
// Rendered (dirty) -> RecalculatingMesh
DesiredChunkState::Rendered if (chunk.current_state == CurrentChunkState::Loaded || chunk.mesh_dirty) => {
//get needed data
let Some(neighbors) = world.neighbors_all(position) else {
let Some(data) = neighbors.mesh_data() else {
//spawn task
task_manager.spawn_task(ChunkTask::GenerateMesh { data, position });
//Update chunk state
let chunk = world.chunks.get_mut(&position).unwrap();
if chunk.mesh_dirty {
chunk.current_state = CurrentChunkState::RecalculatingMesh;
} else {
chunk.current_state = CurrentChunkState::CalculatingMesh;
chunk.mesh_dirty = false;
chunk.abortion = None; //Can never abort at this point
// ===========
//log::trace!("Started generating mesh for chunk {position}");
_ => {}, //panic!("Illegal state transition: {:?} -> {:?}", chunk.current_state, chunk.desired_state),
//Now, separately process state change the state from Nothing to Unloading or Unloaded
world.chunks.retain(|&position, chunk: &mut Chunk| {
if chunk.desired_state == DesiredChunkState::Unloaded {
assert!(chunk.current_state == CurrentChunkState::Nothing, "looks like chunk did not get properly downgraded to Nothing before unloading, this is a bug");
chunk.current_state = CurrentChunkState::Unloading;
//If in multiplayer, send a message to the server to unsubscribe from the chunk
if let Some(client) = &mut udp_client {
&ClientToServerMessage::ChunkUnsubscribe { chunk: position }
Channel::SubReq as usize,
// and i think that's it, just kill the chunk right away, the server will take care of the rest
// because uflow's reliable packets are ordered, there should be no need to wait for the server to confirm the unsubscription
// because client won't be able to subscribe to it again until the server finishes processing the unsubscription
// :ferrisClueless:
return false
//HACK, since save files are not implemented, just unload immediately
return false
fn process_completed_tasks(
task_manager: UniqueView<ChunkTaskManager>,
mut world: UniqueViewMut<ChunkStorage>,
mut meshes: NonSendSync<UniqueViewMut<ChunkMeshStorage>>,
renderer: NonSendSync<UniqueView<Renderer>>,
state: UniqueView<GameState>,
mut queue: UniqueViewMut<BlockUpdateQueue>,
) {
let mut ops: usize = 0;
while let Some(res) = task_manager.receive() {
match res {
ChunkTaskResponse::LoadedChunk { position, chunk_data, mut queued } => {
//If unwanted chunk is already loaded
//It would be ~~...unethical~~ impossible to abort the operation at this point
//Instead, we'll just throw it away
//check if chunk exists
let Some(chunk) = world.chunks.get_mut(&position) else {
//to compensate, actually push the ops counter back by one
log::warn!("blocks data discarded: chunk doesn't exist");
chunk.abortion = None;
//check if chunk still wants it
if !matches!(chunk.desired_state, DesiredChunkState::Loaded | DesiredChunkState::Rendered) {
log::warn!("block data discarded: state undesirable: {:?}", chunk.desired_state);
//set the block data
chunk.block_data = Some(ChunkData {
blocks: chunk_data
//update chunk state
chunk.current_state = CurrentChunkState::Loaded;
//push queued blocks
queue.0.append(&mut queued);
drop(queued); //`queued` is empty after `append`
//increase ops counter
ops += 1;
ChunkTaskResponse::GeneratedMesh {
vertices, indices,
trans_vertices, trans_indices,
} => {
//check if chunk exists
let Some(chunk) = world.chunks.get_mut(&position) else {
log::warn!("mesh discarded: chunk doesn't exist");
//check if chunk still wants it
if chunk.desired_state != DesiredChunkState::Rendered {
log::warn!("mesh discarded: state undesirable: {:?}", chunk.desired_state);
//apply the mesh
//TODO: Skip if mesh is empty? (i.e. set to None)
let mesh = ChunkMesh {
vertex_buffer: VertexBuffer::immutable(&renderer.display, &vertices).unwrap(),
index_buffer: IndexBuffer::immutable(&renderer.display, PrimitiveType::TrianglesList, &indices).unwrap(),
trans_vertex_buffer: VertexBuffer::immutable(&renderer.display, &trans_vertices).unwrap(),
trans_index_buffer: IndexBuffer::immutable(&renderer.display, PrimitiveType::TrianglesList, &trans_indices).unwrap(),
if let Some(index) = chunk.mesh_index {
meshes.update(index, mesh).expect("Mesh update failed");
} else {
let mesh_index = meshes.insert(mesh);
chunk.mesh_index = Some(mesh_index);
//update chunk state
chunk.current_state = CurrentChunkState::Rendered;
//increase ops counter
ops += 1;
if ops >= match *state {
GameState::InGame => MAX_CHUNK_OPS_INGAME,
} { break }